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  • File :1244105711.jpg-(315 KB, 1511x2048, wtc8.jpg)
    315 KB Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)04:55 No.3773817  
    If a movie or tv show is produced now (or in the future) and it is set before 2001 and shows New York City in at least one scene should the scene include the World Trade Center towers?

    Should the WTC towers be shown due to "historical accuracy" or should it be edited out because showing the towers would be "sensitive" for some people?
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)04:55 No.3773818
    >> rancor !!zDuD26PCA56 06/04/09(Thu)04:56 No.3773822
    let me direct you to 'Life on Mars'
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)04:57 No.3773826

    I did not watch the show, were the towers shown in the tv series?
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)04:59 No.3773833
    It would be stupid not to. Historical accuracy should trump people's feelings. That's like making a movie set in 1930's Germany and not showing any Nazi stuff anywhere.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)05:00 No.3773839
    of course not, let me guess OP you just watched 9/11 on tv didn't you? you did not lose any family or lost anything of value to you on that day did you? fuck you
    >> rancor !!zDuD26PCA56 06/04/09(Thu)05:00 No.3773840
    in the American version anyway

    American version was better btw
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)05:01 No.3773844
    haha oh wow
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)05:02 No.3773846
    sensitive people can just fuck off to a bunker
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)05:03 No.3773848
    Protip: Most WW2 movies don't even show the icing on the cake of the atrocities committed.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)05:05 No.3773861
    why not go for historical accuracy. if it was my film i would insist on keeping a shot of the towers in. fuck all these sensitive pussies, so all our pre 9/11 movies should be edited so the towers are gone??? where does it end?
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)05:07 No.3773865
    What I find more amusing is a movie made before 9/11 that takes place in the future, and still has the towers.
    I think they've censored or avoided airing several movies/shows because of the tower footage, it's why you practically never see that New York episode of the Simpsons, or if you do they edited out the trade tower bit.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)05:12 No.3773873

    The tower scene of the episode is the best part!!!!

    Wasn't Spiderman edited to remove the towers?

    I know that for some tv shows, such as Friends, the towers are kept in (even though for Friends it is only for a second)
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)05:14 No.3773885
    "Due to the prominence of the World Trade Center in the plot, the episode was removed from syndication after the September 11, 2001 attacks.[5] It has since come back into syndication in some areas; however, parts of the episode are often edited out.[6] One previously such edited item is a scene of two men arguing across Tower 1 and Tower 2, where a man from Tower 2 claims, "They stick all the jerks in Tower One!" Co-executive producer Bill Oakley commented in retrospect that the line was "regrettable"."
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)05:27 No.3773945


    That is stupid, why would they edit it out?

    The FCC is stupid for censoring media in the first place.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)05:39 No.3774005
    The FCC didn't censor shit, you dumb nigger. The syndicators did.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)05:42 No.3774018

    But the FCC issues fines for anything considered "vulgar or not suitable for television". Shit is pointless, doesn't it conflict with the first amendment?
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)05:43 No.3774022
    My farts smell like wet pumpkin seeds, Is this normal /tv/?
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)05:46 No.3774035
    The WTC were recently shown in an alternate universe on Fringe. It was used in a smart way though, to emphasize that we weren't seeing the same world.

    Fringe <3
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)05:47 No.3774036
    Sensitive people can go fuck themselves.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)05:47 No.3774040

    To all the idiots that constantly bitch about losing family, friends, or favorite pets in the towers: MOVE ON, IDIOTS. You shuld be glad you're still alive and yet you keep moaning "oh shit cut it out cuz it's sensitive", "dont show the towers cuz im gonna cry", go on with the rest of your fucked up life and let others alone. it's like friggin jews wating to ban all nazi symbols from tv, jesus christ, no wonder the worlds full of retards. the perfect solution would be to gather you all in a tower like these and nuke you into oblivion.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)05:53 No.3774062
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    Besides, most faggots in the tower were hopelessly fucked in the head. No sane person would ever think of skydiving without a chute. they shuld come back as zombies or ghosts or wtf to rid us of their imbecile relatives too.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)05:56 No.3774071
    I've heard of movies made before 2001 that show the twin towers in the background having them edited out for their post-9/11 DVD release. And by heard of I mean read it on /tv/ a year ago.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)05:56 No.3774077
    Excuse my moral faggotry, but if you're going to say stupid things like that, can you go /b/ack?
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)05:58 No.3774087
    fine, dude. prove the world you care. jump off a window and die in oblivion.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)06:00 No.3774092
    Rooms on fire... jump for quick instant death, stay for slow, painful death.
    Hmmm, tough choice bro.
    Fucking retards, back to /b/ the lot of you.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)06:01 No.3774100
    I loved Oblivion.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)06:03 No.3774109

    hmm, go on fucking roof and w8 to be saved or jump off the window to a certain death. yeah, really tough choice. dont tell me, the guy was a relative of yours ? you sure think like him.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)06:05 No.3774115
    >hmm, go on fucking roof and w8 to be saved
    Helicopters can't land a building that's on fucking fire idiot. If you were older than 13 you would know that.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)06:08 No.3774126
    9/11 was a massive gene pool cleansing. there's nothing to feel bad about.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)06:09 No.3774127
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    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)06:09 No.3774130

    sure they can in emerjuncy situashuns.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)06:10 No.3774135
    You're obviously underage b& or some kind of retarded.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)06:11 No.3774141
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    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)06:18 No.3774156
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    No mention of fringe's finale? Really guys?

    Anyway historical acuracy should always trump emotion. It's better than pretending the towers never existed at all.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)06:21 No.3774163



    but yes, it is ridiculous to pretend they never existed. doing so seems way more offensive to me than including a shot of them to tell people "HAY GUISE THIS IS SET SOME TIME BEFORE 2001".
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)06:23 No.3774170
    They should use that site to build the first space elevator.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)06:26 No.3774186
    Fringe is a sucky tv seris.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)06:26 No.3774187
    A space elevator will have to be near the equator to function.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)06:29 No.3774199
    Most people who watch movies aren't americunts so there's no real need to deal with sensitivities.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)06:32 No.3774208
    haha oh wow.

    This is what amerifags actually believe happened on 7/7
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)06:34 No.3774213

    Many countries have been bombed to fuck at some point over the last 60 years. It's hard for non-yanks to get worked up over what is really a very, very minor event.
    >> Sartorially Satirical !!5BfJOzRDFRQ 06/04/09(Thu)06:36 No.3774217
    What? I thought you faggots over there would be more upset if they pretended the towers didn't exist.

    I'm all for the towers being there for accuracy. But I don't want every movie set in the past to have some scene where they pan the towers and play sad music, or shit like that.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)06:39 No.3774231

    butthurt sauerkraut detected.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)06:39 No.3774233


    IT IS ALL FOR AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)06:45 No.3774251
    I don't care. Unless they're vital to the plot, it really doesn't make any difference.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)06:52 No.3774263

    oh, but i lost my parrot in 9/11. im gonna sue everyone wholl remind me of it.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)06:55 No.3774271
    You're way off. And no, not butthurt at all, it's just a sad reality that millions have lost their lives in pointless wars and most of us outside your stupid insular nation don't care about a couple of hundred bankers and two office buildings. Get over it.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)07:00 No.3774287
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    Good times.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)07:01 No.3774289

    War is different.

    In war the fighting is expected and the civilians in the battlefield know what to expect and know the consequences if they stay in the middle of the fight.

    Who would expect a plane hitting your office while you are drinking your coffee in the morning?

    There is a difference...
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)07:02 No.3774294
    you guys are so edgy xD
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)07:04 No.3774299
    >couple of hundred

    It's been so long since a real war was fought on American soil that we get our feelings hurt much more easily than countries that were nearly leveled in WWII.

    But couple hundred? Bankers? C'mon, bro. Don't be a fag. Lots of good people died and lots of first responders (like Dennis Leary's cousin) died trying to save them.

    He came back as a ghost, though.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)07:05 No.3774306
    LOL Data XD
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)07:15 No.3774324
    if a movie is set before 1943 in pearl harbor should it have boats and shit or should they be taken out because of sensitivity

    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)07:17 No.3774330
    ITT: Butthurt 3rd Worlders troll some dumb Americans.

    bbl, trollin' the terminator thread.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)07:19 No.3774333
    A trailer for Spider-man, not the actual movie. I think he trapped a helicopter in a web between the towers. And there was something about Metal Gear Solid 2, it was either delayed or had its ending edited because of Arsenal Gear crashing into New York at the end.

    The FCC still had nothing to do with that. If the broadcasters wanted to show those bits of those episodes then they could and they would not face fines. The broadcasters, however, decide on their own that showing some of that footage would be in poor taste so they cut bits out.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)07:29 No.3774352
    Post like this typify why everyone hates Americans. Let's hope the mental muslims take out of few more of you.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)07:29 No.3774353

    I was not talking about the trailer for Spierman, I was talking about a scene with Spiderman and the WTC towers were in the background. From what I have read it was removed and everyone spased about it.

    Regarding MGS2 originally Arsenal Gear was suppose to crash through the WTC towers (along with the rest of Manhattan) but the entire scene was taken out due to 9/11. I do not know if the game was delayed because of this...
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)07:31 No.3774363

    Posts like this prove I can out troll you in your own troll thread.

    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)07:43 No.3774399

    He is not OP....

    I AM
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)07:45 No.3774407
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)07:47 No.3774417
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    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)07:55 No.3774444
    Nine eleven? More like Nine elevawww mirite?
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)07:55 No.3774448

    So in your opinion any country that's not us is automatically in the 3rd world?
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)07:56 No.3774456
    same as >>3774448 I meant US as in country not pronoun.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)07:58 No.3774463
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    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)07:58 No.3774465
    god damn it, thread should have ended here
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)08:00 No.3774472
    They usually hold third world mentalities, so yes.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)08:00 No.3774473
    lol Americans are such faggots. But go ahead keep wallowing on self-pity, because no one else feels sorry about those phallic office buildings going down.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)08:01 No.3774475
    "Life on Mars", the US version, had the WTC towers. Kinda needed them since the whole point was time travel.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)08:04 No.3774494
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    That is like the 3rd or 4th time you said that in this thread. Troll harder, bro.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)08:06 No.3774503
    No it's not.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)08:10 No.3774523
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    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)08:10 No.3774526
    I'm one of those posters, not all of them. And it's not trolling. WE HATE YOU.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)08:11 No.3774532
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    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)08:13 No.3774541
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    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)08:13 No.3774544
    I recall seeing The City of New York vs. Homer Simpson on TV a while ago...

    ...in the UK.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)08:17 No.3774558
    Wow, when I posted this topic I did not think it would turn into a usa vs. the world battle...
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)08:19 No.3774568
    you need to work on that U. it looks like you're saying, HEY FUCK BUDDY !
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)08:32 No.3774614

    it's always usa vs the world.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)08:36 No.3774628
    Fuck Americans.

    History > People's Retarded Feelings.

    Eat shit and die Amerifags.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)08:38 No.3774638

    When your country, Haiti starts making film, then you can decide what ends up on the cutting room floor.

    Now go watch something good other than American programming or cinema... oh wait.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)08:40 No.3774647
    Worst kind of death would be to jump off a building because the first thing to go are your legs from the crushing gravity/g-force/down-force. It ends up bending and twisting them too.

    After that realization that you've officially crushed the lower half of your body, you become suffocated from lack of ability to catch a breath from the rapid speeds of the sharp, painful air coursing through your lungs. Finally the last thing you see the sudden grounding of the cement/concrete before you feel a sudden crack of the skull/body.

    Finally, you don't die until at least 10 mins later because the the brain and heart haven't shut down completely. Good luck with the choice of either dying peacefully with sulfur and debris filling the lungs and eventually suffocated the brain and airways, making you pass out, or dying with what I just said before.

    Honestly, once the brain is cut off supply of oxygen and suffocates you end up feeling only a minimal amount of sensation of anything, so I think I would choose to die in a building of smoke and fie than to jump off a skyscraper because of fear or something retarded as that image you planted there.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)08:41 No.3774649
    Kike my asshole, douchebag.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)08:41 No.3774650
    I believe that they should show the towers.

    I'm pretty sure that the British didn't bring up a huge fuss when any Revolutionary War movie or show has been on.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)08:42 No.3774652
    You're assuming they don't swan dive... If I were to commit suicide by jumping off a building, I go head first.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)08:43 No.3774653

    I watched the first ep of Life On Mars US (Our one in the UK is superior). The bit when he wakes up in the 70's and looks up at the towers was so... Bad... It was one of things that drove me away from the show.

    That Simpsons episode was great. They had clips from it in some of the flashback eps, drove me mad since i didn't see the original episode till a few years back.

    About putting them in movies/shows, im all for it. I know i didn't loose anyone, but i think 8 years is too long for people to still be complaining about being sensitive. I mean, my grandad died on new years eve years ago, doesn't stop me going out and celebrating the new year.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)08:43 No.3774654
    How about the latest bombings in these last 3-4 years? Of course I'm talking about England/London, but still.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)08:43 No.3774655
    Learn to aim, idiot. Just hit head first and you're fine.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)08:44 No.3774662
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    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)08:44 No.3774668
    Landing on the heart would be better actually, because if you stop the heart you're instantly dead. Either way you've still caused a lot of trauma to the skull and body but not enough to the heart to actually kill you. You would still need to wait about 7 minutes before death.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)08:46 No.3774672
    because- but*
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)08:47 No.3774674
    And all of this applies when you jump of a 50 stories+ building
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)08:47 No.3774677
    yes. If they did a show that was based in time on a day of one of the bombings to show time travel or something, you include it. Unless you want to make the show in some alternate reality.

    If anything, it will draw more people to watch it. People will bitch, but it will draw ratings.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)08:48 No.3774679
    >thread about WTC

    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)08:49 No.3774680
    Yes, because a caved in skull and mushed brain would take 7 minutes to die, clearly. Not to mention it'd break your neck so even if you didn't die right off you probably wouldn't feel shit.

    Wait, what? Stop talking out of your ass and/or stop jumping out of the second story window.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)08:49 No.3774681
    You sound like a very mature individual.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)08:53 No.3774690
    Dude, 7 minutes sounds legit.

    We all know people that are sniped still live for 7 minutes. I think I may just go make a zombie movie using this brilliant fact. No one would survive. :)
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)08:54 No.3774697
    You realize unless you disconnect the vertebra from the skull you're still technically alive right? Meshed up brain or not, brain dead or not if you still that that spinal cord still attached there is still a possible chance of you surviving. The brain and heart of the body are still ticking within the body. Ever heard of a vegetable after a major car accident where the damn crash left half the brain all to mesh and the other have destroyed yet the body is still working because of those few things still ticking and functioning?

    Not saying this applies to a 50+ story building but stating that if the brain goes you go is just fucking retarded as shit, man.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)08:57 No.3774709
    Even if that happens, they don't feel anything. It's also clear that one in such a position will never wake up, it would then be logical to pull the plug.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)08:58 No.3774717
    Shit, Kennedy was shot in the damn head and lived for 30 minutes after the second shot which broke through the skull and left him for dead.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)08:58 No.3774719
    Which some families won't do because of 'bawww we love them too much to let go'.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)09:00 No.3774726

    Hey fuckwit, you are pulverized into fucking liquid mush when you hit the concrete from 100 floors up.

    STFU, you are annoying.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)09:00 No.3774730
    They do feel it, and it's goddamn painful to go through.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)09:02 No.3774737
    So write it down before jumping and take it with you.

    Also I'm guessing you really wouldn't care if you were a vegetable instead of dead, not like you'd be able to objectively judge shit after the fact. Or anything at all for that matter.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)09:02 No.3774738

    Just STFU already.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)09:03 No.3774742
    Has it happened to you are anyone you know that then woke up and told you it hurt?
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)09:05 No.3774750
    Doesn't work that way in lolAmerica, you need to have a lawyer write down that those three words 'Do Not Resuscitate' on a slip which the doctors will review with the family and then have to make the call right then and there whether to 'bring you back to life' as they call it.

    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)09:06 No.3774751
    Yes I have, several. Tragedies happen a lot in my family.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)09:07 No.3774759
    DNR's don't work if you try to commit suicide...
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)09:08 No.3774761
    Of course not speaking of jumping off a building, but other ones which result in head-trauma that would make t where a person 'wouldn't feel it', but they end up saying hurt a lot more than they would imagine it to be.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)09:08 No.3774762
    So we went from sensitivity to life support?

    /tv/ works in mysterious ways...
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)09:09 No.3774764
    Nope, they just bring you back to life and throw you in the loony bin without a written order of consent.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)09:17 No.3774789
    You seriously think they'd do that in the specific case of the WTC? That is fucked up.

    I was honestly thinking more along the lines of your family understanding and respecting your wishes and doing what you wished for instead of having it overrule them because they're that kind of shitbags going "hurr durr, let's keep that fucker alive for 10 years even though he didn't want it, that'll show him!".
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)09:21 No.3774818
    You would be surprised of the reasons why people keep others around. Honestly it doesn't matter why they do it, but why they're being that cruel to another person's life.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)09:35 No.3774863
    4 insurance money. you can milk a fortune off a comatose relative.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)09:48 No.3774925
    this thread only proves americans are whiney bitches
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)09:48 No.3774930
    But the Eurofags are the ones who have been doing all the whining in this thread.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)09:50 No.3774941
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    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)09:50 No.3774944

    and you know that... how?
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)09:51 No.3774949
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    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)09:52 No.3774953
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    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)09:52 No.3774956
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    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)09:53 No.3774958
    great, another self-appointed thread cleaner starts spamming.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)09:53 No.3774962
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    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)09:54 No.3774964

    Do you have a program that spams the pictures in the same order all the time? Just seems they're never in random order.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)09:55 No.3774969
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    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)09:56 No.3774971
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    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)09:56 No.3774975
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    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)09:57 No.3774977
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    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)09:58 No.3774981
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    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)09:58 No.3774982
    >because if you stop the heart you're instantly dead.

    uh have you ever heard of CPR
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)09:59 No.3774986
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    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)10:00 No.3774992
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    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)10:01 No.3774995
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    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)10:02 No.3774998
         File :1244124157.jpg-(102 KB, 1000x1578, ll243.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)10:03 No.3775000
         File :1244124190.jpg-(38 KB, 1000x804, ll340.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)10:03 No.3775002

    hey when it's lindsay lohan's tits, I'm not complaining.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)10:04 No.3775005
         File :1244124242.jpg-(230 KB, 1000x1686, ll436.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)10:04 No.3775008
         File :1244124279.jpg-(105 KB, 1000x1500, ll533.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)10:05 No.3775015
         File :1244124341.jpg-(442 KB, 1500x2100, 0011hn.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)10:06 No.3775021
         File :1244124397.jpg-(421 KB, 1500x2100, 0023mk.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)10:07 No.3775028
         File :1244124456.jpg-(400 KB, 1500x2100, 0049wa.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)10:08 No.3775033
         File :1244124514.jpg-(300 KB, 1448x1554, SL (1).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)10:09 No.3775034
         File :1244124549.jpg-(45 KB, 450x515, 4pezhpt.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)10:10 No.3775039
         File :1244124610.jpg-(366 KB, 2196x2854, lindsay.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)10:11 No.3775041
         File :1244124673.jpg-(385 KB, 1372x1447, SL (17).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)10:11 No.3775044
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    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)10:12 No.3775047
    >Lol I know what it's like to die jumping out a building
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)10:12 No.3775050
    What? Even if your heart stops right now, you're going to live for 2-3 minutes after that.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)10:12 No.3775052
         File :1244124759.jpg-(786 KB, 1962x2149, SL (21).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)10:15 No.3775062
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    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)10:15 No.3775067
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    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)10:16 No.3775073
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    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)10:18 No.3775079
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    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)10:18 No.3775084
         File :1244125127.jpg-(34 KB, 404x750, lindsay_2.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)10:19 No.3775087
         File :1244125176.jpg-(290 KB, 1572x2150, lilo1qy6_1.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)10:21 No.3775092
         File :1244125268.jpg-(569 KB, 1993x3000, lindsay1-4.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)10:22 No.3775096
         File :1244125334.jpg-(306 KB, 1200x1848, llmmbs (1).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)10:23 No.3775097
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    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)10:24 No.3775104
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    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)10:25 No.3775108
    This. People covering up and removing the towers and trying to forget it ever happened seems way more offensive to me than showing them in the first place.

    Also hurr durr Lohan dump.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)10:25 No.3775112
         File :1244125526.jpg-(229 KB, 1000x1526, lindsaybewb.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)10:26 No.3775115
         File :1244125588.jpg-(231 KB, 1200x1775, llmmbs (10).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)10:27 No.3775119
         File :1244125649.jpg-(4 KB, 188x212, 376324155534126.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)10:27 No.3775120
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    >> HKK !Li1UpTuBEs 06/04/09(Thu)10:28 No.3775124
    We Own The Night included them in the background of a scene.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)10:28 No.3775126
         File :1244125699.jpg-(124 KB, 600x939, spl66465_005.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)10:28 No.3775127
         File :1244125714.jpg-(4 KB, 212x188, 9836720884272946.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)10:28 No.3775129
         File :1244125738.jpg-(148 KB, 600x1130, spl66465_014.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)10:29 No.3775131
         File :1244125778.jpg-(4 KB, 188x212, 21663733566568315.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)10:30 No.3775135
         File :1244125807.jpg-(652 KB, 2048x3072, 103717003gox2.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)10:30 No.3775140
         File :1244125841.jpg-(4 KB, 212x188, 35368240768989432.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)10:30 No.3775142
         File :1244125855.jpg-(225 KB, 787x1181, 103717005gbj0.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)10:31 No.3775147
         File :1244125904.jpg-(4 KB, 188x212, 54317156114737179.jpg)
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