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  • Blotter updated: 01/01/09

  • File :1243865743.jpg-(35 KB, 338x475, folder.jpg)
    35 KB Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)10:15 No.3749355  
    Hey /tv/, I need some manly films to toughen up my faggot son.

    Pic related (it's his favourite film)
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)10:16 No.3749362
    The Little Mermaid.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)10:17 No.3749371
    Too Wong Foo, thanks for everything, Julie Newmar.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)10:17 No.3749372
    Brokeback Mountain
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)10:18 No.3749373
    Hard Boiled
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)10:18 No.3749376
    Brokeback Mountain.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)10:18 No.3749378
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)10:19 No.3749383
    Brokeback Mountain
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)10:19 No.3749387
    Your son is awesome.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)10:19 No.3749390
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)10:22 No.3749406
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)10:22 No.3749407
    >>3749355 toughen up my faggot son.

    bend him over and give him what he wants.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)10:24 No.3749416
    Dad, accept me for I am. You need to accept that me and Ronald are a couple, as well.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)10:26 No.3749433
    All about Lily Chou Chou is pretty fucked up (awesome though), I'd be more concerned about you waking up one day to find him about to slit your throat.
    >> Ronald 06/01/09(Mon)10:26 No.3749437
         File :1243866406.jpg-(28 KB, 400x267, ronald macdonald.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)11:14 No.3749771

    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)14:09 No.3751106

    And A History of Violence. That's a good one.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)14:13 No.3751139

    History of Violence sucked.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)14:13 No.3751140
    Boku No Pico
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)14:14 No.3751157
    accept him for what he is
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)14:17 No.3751179
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)14:18 No.3751190
    Billy Elliot.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)14:23 No.3751222
         File :1243880611.jpg-(47 KB, 333x500, glengarry glen ross.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)14:25 No.3751240
    was just thinking about this the other day
    fucking epic
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)14:25 No.3751245
         File :1243880727.jpg-(48 KB, 380x540, tropa_de_elite.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)14:25 No.3751249
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    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)14:26 No.3751256
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    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)14:27 No.3751258
    Pulp Fiction, duh.

    Reservoir Dogs
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)14:28 No.3751267

    That's the shit you use to toughen up any man.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)14:30 No.3751281
    to live and die in la
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)14:34 No.3751308
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    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)14:34 No.3751311
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    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)14:37 No.3751346
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    since hes into Japanese crap, get him to watch Nikkatsu cinema. its like Japanese grindhouse gangster films from the 60's
    like: Black Tight Killers ,Branded to Kill, Lone Wolf and Cub 4, A Colt is My Passport, The Warped Ones
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)14:39 No.3751353
    Its disturbing to me that parnets lurk 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)14:41 No.3751370
         File :1243881709.jpg-(265 KB, 1440x1080, bronson_xlg.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)14:44 No.3751387
    The good the bad and the ugly
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)14:44 No.3751388

    Not all parents are 40 year olds.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)14:45 No.3751397

    It is disturbing to me that juveniles visit 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)14:45 No.3751399
    shouldn't you be wiping your kid's ass instead of being on 4chan? or are you one of those perpetual adolescents who fucked some whale one drunken night and now kills time between shifts at the burger shack posting glau?
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)14:47 No.3751407
    needs more Tyler Durden

    everyone knows boys\teens love that shit and somehow can't see that it's gay as fuck.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)14:48 No.3751423
    You are a fucking lonely faggot... No way that you are an adult... Also, very likely that your imaginary wife suck another dick
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)14:49 No.3751427
    You suck as a parent OP. How does it feel?

    inb4 you know what.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)14:50 No.3751444

    I'm not OP, if that's what had you so bothered.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)15:10 No.3751618
         File :1243883411.jpg-(311 KB, 580x865, crank-poster-big.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)15:12 No.3751633
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    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)15:14 No.3751649

    Men in loincloths killing other men and sleeping together like manly men is straight as fuck.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)15:20 No.3751686
         File :1243884006.jpg-(56 KB, 600x480, MadMen.jpg)
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    Not a film, but highly relevant.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)15:24 No.3751715
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)17:02 No.3752502
         File :1243890150.jpg-(306 KB, 800x1188, mongol-2.jpg)
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    >> Rob 06/01/09(Mon)17:10 No.3752568
    Fuck I want to see Crank 2 so badly
    >> Sarge !yCZ3ejfyJ2 06/01/09(Mon)17:16 No.3752623
    Max Payne. Sex, drugs, rock 'n' roll, dead babies and gunfights.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)19:17 No.3753662
    Die Hard
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)19:18 No.3753679
    Problem Child 2
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)19:24 No.3753737
    But Mom, I'm A Cheerleader!
    The Birdcage

    >>Not all parents are 40 year olds.

    We call parents within the 18-25 range "fucking losers" for being too stupid to use protection. Nobody in the right mind has a planned pregnancy within that age range.

    What's sad is that as the dumb immature parents continue to live like teenagers, the kids suffer because they need a real Mom and Dad, not a cool older brother and sister who are totally out of control and getting hammered every night.

    I feel sorry for your son, having a dipshit retarded manchild of a father who is obsessed with enforcing manliness on him. Maybe you'll die from a drug overdose and he'll get real mature, adult parents who love him more than your stupid ass ever could.

    Go back to playing Halo, it's what you do when you can't deal with being a father. Which is most of the time. I bet you drink and throw bottles at him too. Slicing your arms open with a razor might be a good first step in providing a better life for your children.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)19:24 No.3753739
    Those are emo
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)19:27 No.3753756
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    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)19:28 No.3753765
    I love how every teenager on 4chan thinks that in 10+ years they won't be interested in this kind of thing anymore, and they will be upstanding citizens raising their kids and doing the kind of manly activities they see on tv everyday.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)19:32 No.3753791
    I'm embarrassed that anybody is giving sincere answers to OP. Humorless douches, all of you.

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