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  • Blotter updated: 01/01/09

  • File :1243134928.png-(45 KB, 673x535, 673px-MTV-Logo.svg.png)
    45 KB Anonymous 05/23/09(Sat)23:15 No.3660628  
    i was flipping through the channels and noticed they were showing a star wars movie on mtv
    >> Anonymous 05/23/09(Sat)23:24 No.3660708
    >> Anonymous 05/23/09(Sat)23:28 No.3660743

    it was music television back in the 90's. now it's VH1 and it's shit reality shows.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/09(Sat)23:36 No.3660800
         File :1243136214.jpg-(24 KB, 399x336, capt.880e3996e2c94deaac965e071(...).jpg)
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    i recently lost mtv and bet. i ended up with nick and bravo? i think its called. well it sucks but so did the original selections. dont know why it happened, just turned it on one day and hmmmm
    >> Anonymous 05/23/09(Sat)23:39 No.3660817
    There is music in star wars, therefore, it is music related content. Carry on.

    On second thought, that's rather more music related than anything else they've been playing in the past 15 years.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/09(Sat)23:39 No.3660819
    They're showing all 6 movies in a row or something
    >> Anonymous 05/23/09(Sat)23:44 No.3660855
    OP don't bother made a thread about this earlier this afternoon. Cable sucks and is sucking harder and harder with each passing year.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/09(Sun)01:07 No.3661371
    Viacom owns SpikeTV who was the one who USUALLY does this and MTV and for some fucked up reason they forgot to put it all on SpikeTV.....
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 05/24/09(Sun)01:11 No.3661398
    ITT: How cable and satellite is a waste of money and how many american cable television channels have degenerated into niche programing into general entertainment.
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 05/24/09(Sun)01:24 No.3661472
    I meant from niche programing into general entertainment.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/09(Sun)01:28 No.3661501
    MTV is no longer music television. It's more like a young adult program station.

    Why do you think they only call it 'M'tv not 'music television'? Because it's no longer a niche channel. Just like Cartoon Network will only be called 'CN' now because it's showing live action shows.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/09(Sun)01:46 No.3661589


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