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    File :1242913616.jpg-(20 KB, 299x440, troy_achilles_brad_pitt.jpg)
    20 KB Why I don't go to theaters anymore Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)09:46 No.3635252  
    1. Loud kids...even in rated R movies. Get a fucking babysitter you god damn welfare whore trash. I don't need your 5 completely out of control kids running around the theater yelling because they have ADD.
    2. Crying babies. If your baby is crying for more than 30 seconds and you can't get them to quiet down GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE THEATER, go into the hall, quiet them down and come back. If they continue to cry upon re-entry then get out the theater, get a refund and fuck off.
    3. Sandals. Why are you wearing sandals and propping your stinky feet up on my chair? If I wanted to smell your god awful athletes feet then I would have inquired about them upon your entering the theater. Wear some fucking shoes hippies.
    4. Explainers. Do you need to explain everything to the person next to you? Guess what, they don't want hear it and neither do I. Fuck off.
    5. Niggers(not to be confused with black people). They arrive 10 minutes late hollering at each other, STOMPING up and down the stairs and generally being obnoxious. Get your fucking weave out of here, some people want to see the screen nigger.
    6. Cellphone Bitches. Turn your fucking cell phone off. You (or your boyfriend) just paid 8 dollars to see this movie and nothing is important enough to be answering a phone for. I rage harder when they answer then stay on the phone talking LOUDER THAN AN EXPENSIVE THOUSAND DOLLAR SOUND SYSTEM for 5 minutes. Why not just leave the theater? Oh thats right, you are a vapid whore who needs to be gassed to death.

    That about covers it. Feel free to add more.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)09:48 No.3635261
    >get off my lawn!
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)09:48 No.3635264
    This shit rarely happens. Do you go to movies in bizarro world?

    Also, lol'd at Grinman in bottom right of OP's pic.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)09:49 No.3635266
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    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)09:49 No.3635268
    You know what I do when I go to the cinema? Wait a couple of weeks. Then it's empty as fuck and you can pick any seat you like, preferably right in the middle.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)09:49 No.3635269
    This is why I only go to the movies in the middle of the day on weekdays so I get the theater all to myself.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)09:52 No.3635279
    >This shit rarely happens

    Crying babies have ruined three movies for me. Sandals have ruined about 10 movies(I don't know why sandals are so god damn popular here). Niggers have only ruined one movie, as have explainers. Cell phones have ruined no movie for me but i've heard of it happening when I worked at a theater someone complained.

    So in total that is 15 x 8 = $120

    I'd rather stay at home.
    >> ­ 05/21/09(Thu)09:53 No.3635283
    I once went to a theater at noon on a Sunday. It was almost completely empty. I should do that more often.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)09:53 No.3635285



    That is all.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)09:53 No.3635287
    I live in a civilized country, I can't relate to OP's problems.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)09:55 No.3635294
    Get a job where you have a weekday off.

    Go to a film at an early time. I love doing things when everyone's at work
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)09:55 No.3635299
    I went to see Star Trek on opening night. Worst cinematic experience in my life.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)09:58 No.3635320
    I'm never going to the movies if I go to America.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)09:59 No.3635325
    question for amerifags

    whats special about cinemas in NYC? i hear people talking about them, that you got to experiance them when you are there?
    >> ­ 05/21/09(Thu)10:00 No.3635326

    I went to the late showing of Star Trek. It was quite pleasant.

    I live in Germany.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)10:00 No.3635333
    I live in Italy which couldn't be defined civilized and I have yet to see all that.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)10:01 No.3635334
    Sunday in the day time if you live in a religious part of town is a good time to go. Weekdays any time before noon is a good time to go.

    I used to work in a theater and that is when the theater was most dead. DO NOT go in the afternoon, DO NOT go on weekends at night.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)10:01 No.3635336
    That's because you're german and you are just a mindless drone.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)10:01 No.3635338
    i worked at a cinema a few weeks back, did you know these open about 10 in the morning and are fucking empty except a few old people. the golden hours.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)10:02 No.3635343
    If I can't find someone to go with me I always try and get to those morning/early afternoon sessions. Love 'em
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)10:03 No.3635347
    I wear sandles but I actually keep my body clean and dont put my feet up
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)10:04 No.3635348

    yeah i didnt realise till i worked there, always thought they opened around 3 or somthing.
    >> ­ 05/21/09(Thu)10:06 No.3635360

    What's that got to do with anything?
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)10:06 No.3635362
    1. go when there are no kids. Daytime (when schools are still in) or vey late at night
    2. see #1
    3. See #1. Those times reduce the # of people in general
    4. call worker to have asshole kicked out
    5. see #4
    6. see #4.

    Don't be afraid to have some fucking balls. I once had a pair of seniors kicked out for talking too much. If you pay good money, then you have a right to expect the movie to not be ruined by bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)10:06 No.3635368
    4. Explainers: I came home for a weekend & saw star trek w/ my dad brother & little sister & my dads a trekkie & he started explaining the WHOLE tv series to my little sister & then explained how it was similar & different from Star Wars for a good 15 minutes DURING the movie
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)10:09 No.3635381
    1. I rarely encounter loud kids for some reason and if I do they are shut up pretty quick.

    2. Only had this once and they left immediatly

    3. I hate these people so much, but it's never a huge issue.

    4. My best friend needs everything explained to him ffffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuck

    5. The only niggers I've ever encountered were about 5 or so guys when I saw Crank 2, but they were only loud during the previews.
    6. I've only had this once too. It was some guy in his 30s sitting right next to me and he talked on his phone for about 4 minutes before me and the guy behind him told him to shut the phone off or leave. He was all pissy for the rest of the movie.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)10:09 No.3635383

    Here here, seems to be an American thing to clap at humours or epic scenes.

    For fuck sake, save it for the end of the credits if you must... but really... who the fuck are you applauding, the 15 year old changing the film reels?
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)10:13 No.3635403
    7. Sleepers. I've been to a couple movies in the last year where people fall asleep(usually some fatass guy in his mid40s) and snores so fucking loud it's unbearable. I can't remember the exact film I was seeing but the guy and his wife were sitting 2 rows back and a bit to the left of me in a relatively empty theatre and the guy sounds like a fucking motorboat. After like 15 minutes of everyone in the theatre looking at her she finally woke him up
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)10:20 No.3635425
    Whenever I read these threads I feel so lucky I don't live in america.
    I remember another one about how people behave in grocery stores, it was like horror stories.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)10:24 No.3635441
    >I remember another one about how people behave in grocery stores, it was like horror stories.

    Now I need to hear this.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)10:27 No.3635455

    Fuck you.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)10:48 No.3635581
    I want to know this too
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)10:54 No.3635609
    I saw Star Trek yesterday (Wednesday) at 1.15, we had niggers in the backrow shouting at each other and eating half a shops worth of food. At one point, they pulled out a big tin of something. A fucking tin.

    "WHAT DID HE SAY?!?!?!!?"

    Fuck you cinema.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)10:56 No.3635617
    Just go by yourself in the middle of the day, it's awesome. And cheaper, sometimes.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)11:02 No.3635640
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    chloroform solves most if not all of these problems.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)11:06 No.3635667
    Sauce please?
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)11:07 No.3635677
    luke guldan
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)11:09 No.3635690
    You are my favourite anon ever. Meet me behind /fit/ in 10 minutes and I'll suck you off.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)11:11 No.3635701
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    If you're quick you might catch the thread there dedicated to him.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)11:11 No.3635702
    oh hi there penis
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)11:15 No.3635727
    By "dedicated" you mean there are 3 pics. But thanks.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)11:16 No.3635731
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    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)11:16 No.3635732
    I once went out with a girl who didn't shut up during the entire Indiana Jones movie (The new one obviously). 'Haha in a fridge thats soooo dumb, aliens now? oh my gooddd thats sooo stupid haha'

    I laughed along because this chick was pretty hot and we pissed off most of the people around us but she just did not give a fuck and to be honest I was having a pretty good time wrecking an albiet shitty movie for others. I know this sounds like a troll but sometimes BEING the douche is great.

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