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    File :1242695943.jpg-(16 KB, 270x400, startrek_gallerylogo1.jpg)
    16 KB Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)21:19 No.3608224  
    So I just got back from seeing this and have instantly become what I have feared my entire life. A trekkie. So now where should I begin on the show? Should I start from the originals or is there another series that would be easier to get into first? I'm 23 and grew up on Starwars, I like some anime if that helps.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)21:21 No.3608254
    Maybe some of the other movies?

    I dunno
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)21:22 No.3608265
    Start with TOS or watch 2-4 and 6 of the original movies
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)21:25 No.3608299
    Start with Voyager or Tng, keep in mind TNG is weak the first couple seasons, but still enjoyable.

    DS9 is a wildcard, you either love it or hate it, I think its the best Trek.

    And Enterprise is actually very good so don't count it out.

    TOS is fucking stupid, but is pretty enjoyable, the good actors on it redeem it (DeForest Kelley)
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)21:27 No.3608316
    From the way the trekkers are bitching about it, I get the impression that the show isn't even half as good or exciting as the new movie was. So I'd stay away from it to keep from tarnishing the experience of the film.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)21:27 No.3608321
    Watch the remastered TOS. The comforting CGI will keep your young eyes from going into a SHITSUX rage for at least a couple episodes.

    I say this as a fan of the original TOS and seeing the need for CGI to make anything "worth watching" to anyone under 25 these days.

    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)21:28 No.3608334
    watch tng and ds9

    nothing else
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)21:29 No.3608351
    TOS is really dated, if you liked the new movie and want those characters I suggest you watch the movies, definitely watch Wrath of Khan it is one of the best. I was never a fan of 4 but I liked 5 and 6. The Next Generation is pretty decent, as someone said earlier the early episodes are a little weak but the show has some strong stories and doesn't look as dated as TOS. DS9 is interesting, I liked it a lot. I never got into Voyager and I have only seen early Enterprise but I liked that series a lot. All of the TNG Movies are pretty good, Generations and First Contact I particularly enjoyed, Generations has a strong story whereas First Contact had good action.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)21:30 No.3608363
    I have a friend who's a total trekkie. He reads all the books. Do that, I guess.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)21:31 No.3608371
    >Enjoyed the new movie
    >Star Wars fan

    Stay the fuck away from my Trek.
    If that is impossible for you, start with TNG seasons 3-7.
    Also check out First Contact.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)21:33 No.3608395
    Just so you know the New movie is nothing like the majority of Star Trek. Most of the episodes are more story driven, TOS had a lot of social commentary and given the lack of special effects back then the majority of the show was plot-driven. TNG and DS9 are a good mix of both.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)21:37 No.3608424
    DS9 is boring as fuck, the "Founders" shit was boring as fuck, and the nigger talks worse than Shatner.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)21:38 No.3608433
    TOS: Utterly bonkers, very light on the sci-fi and heavy on more goofy, earthbound adventures that just happen to take place on another planet or in the Enterprise (greek gods, nazis etc). Lots of slow pacing, hammy acting, and Kirk and Spock prowling around and double-fist-punching a bunch of guys in costumes

    TNG: More spacey, more sci fi, brings time travel and holodeck. Just as cozy and inviting as TOS though

    DS9: Srs bsns Star Trek, dark storylines, rules are broken, more storyarcs and background mythology, kinda boring crew

    Voyager: Only for hardcore trekkies, some stupid arcs in there, kinda characterless and sterile

    Enterprise: Dumb useless dorky flop, avoid.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)21:38 No.3608440
    OP Here...

    I'm now a phil minor so one thing that excited me about the movie was the little bits of random philosophy centered around Spok (I guess). I never really caught on to that as a kid. I am definitely going to give some of the shows a try. I think, from your recommendations 2-4 and TNG for starters. Any objections?
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)21:40 No.3608459
    You should watch the cartoon! First time I watched I decided to do so high... Shit got so damn complicated and talkie. The animation is really wonderful too.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)21:42 No.3608480
    you dont become a trekkie just by liking one movie, hell not just by liking all the movies and the shows, you become a trekkie by devoting your life to this shit, aka BECOME A STAR TREK FANBOY. i like almost all of the shows, but i never would ever dress up like anything from the show, nor would i get into a heated debate with anyone about the shit on any shows/movies.

    there is a line one must cross from fan to trekkie, watch where you stand
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)21:45 No.3608510
    you'd like enterprise.

    hard for me to imagine someone who liked the new movie and wouldn't like enterprise. Just remember that the first episode is one of the worst, and it gets better and better exponentially basically.

    the last couple make you wonder Why the fuck they didn't get a fifth season.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)21:48 No.3608546

    Sorry for my semantic snafu, didn't mean to infringe upon such a holy issue.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)21:48 No.3608548
    yea enty got hated on way too much, good stories, good actors, and great cgi

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