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  • File :1238707537.jpg-(10 KB, 232x221, ER.jpg)
    10 KB Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)17:25 No.3211683  
    Good night sweet prince
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)17:26 No.3211689
    Didn't people stop caring about this show in the 90s?
    >> !RaAAAAaGEs 04/02/09(Thu)17:28 No.3211692
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)20:06 No.3212630
    when clooney left it turned to shit but the first seasons are pretty cash and I usually hate hospital shows.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)20:07 No.3212650
    Fuck that.

    Still like it.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)20:08 No.3212656
    old Law and Order trumps old ER when I'm hungover
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)20:11 No.3212678

    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)20:33 No.3212791

    Some would say after Carter left...
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)20:35 No.3212798
    early-ninties hospital dramas
    any excuse to show a little t&a
    and how i appreciated it
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)21:00 No.3212957
    On, Bitches.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)21:03 No.3212981
    After Carter left it went downhill, but Kovac kept it alive. After he left it was hit and miss. This last season has been pretty damn good, though.

    The retrospective made me cry. Ugh. :(
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)21:05 No.3213000
    lol this show got so over the top after the early years.

    I liked the first few seasons tho. Watched the retrospective, watching the finale. Hopefully we'll see some people I give a shit about though.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)21:06 No.3213020

    ...Good, I'm glad I'm not the only one fucked up in the head
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)21:08 No.3213037
    I watched this show when it first aired, and haven't missed a show since. (Well, obviously some I had to tape - but you know what I mean.)

    I have no idea what I'll do with my Thursdays at 10 pm now.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)21:30 No.3213187

    Burn Notice isn't that bad.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)21:35 No.3213228
    the fucking clip show made me bawwww. What is wrong with me?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)21:44 No.3213269
    holy shit, that was a lot of blood
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)21:45 No.3213279

    And Womb!
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)21:48 No.3213290
    I'm with you. This has been one of the longest relationships of my life.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)22:06 No.3213369
    The only episode I remember is one where Clooney was trying to save some kid in the water or something.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)22:07 No.3213376
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)22:24 No.3213494
    This show. I always cry. Damn it I love it though. BAWWW!!!
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)22:27 No.3213516
    When did gilmore girl join the cast?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)22:28 No.3213520
    Crap. This thing with the old guy and his wife is almost exactly what happened with my great grandpa and his wife. Fuck you ER, stop touching my life.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)22:28 No.3213524
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)22:29 No.3213527
    The clip show made me cry. This is making me cry. That old guy is making me cry. Old guys being sad makes me cry. God damn it I hate this show. :(
    >> ZKX !!sECjlcMZU+B 04/02/09(Thu)22:31 No.3213538
         File :1238725906.gif-(306 KB, 160x120, tgx.gif)
    306 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)22:34 No.3213554

    I forgot how deep this shit goes..
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)22:36 No.3213564
    It's like I'm breaking up with someone after 15 years.

    I know it's time for ER to end (it's been getting stale, best to kill it now) but... what will I do now? What will I do now...
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)22:43 No.3213611
    you can tell a lot about a man by his hands *wink*
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)22:44 No.3213616

    West coast fag here, THAT is a lot of blood

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