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    71 KB Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)16:45 No.2974445  
    So, how did the people in your theater react to Watchmen?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)16:46 No.2974457
    Heard some skaters mention how 'awesome Rorschach is, dude'
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)16:46 No.2974458
    Everyone was dead quiet. Seriously.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)16:47 No.2974459
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    liek dis
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)16:47 No.2974460
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    >people in your theater
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)16:48 No.2974470
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)16:48 No.2974473
    My theater there was ALOT of inappropriate laughter. Also about half of the theater started fucking clapping when Rorschach said his "I'm not locked in here with you, you're locked in her with me line" or whatever. Which fucking annoyed me.

    Anyone who fucking claps at a movie in the theater needs to get shot. You go to a concert or a play your clapping as a way of showing the performers that you enjoy their work. Who the fuck are you clapping for in the movie theater you fucks! You're just being annoying.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)16:49 No.2974475
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)16:53 No.2974511
    >Also about half of the theater started fucking clapping when Rorschach said his "I'm not locked in here with you, you're locked in her with me line" or whatever. Which fucking annoyed me.

    What's wrong with rooting for the badass motherfucker underdog?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)16:54 No.2974521
    >What's wrong with making a lot of noise in a theater during a movie?
    >> The Cephalopod !IMQeIp3M62 03/06/09(Fri)16:55 No.2974524
    At the end someone said, "Fuck you Snyder!" Well I think that is what they said. I think they wanted to shout it but they were shy so they just said it loudly but still with an indoor voice.

    People were for the most part silent. A couple giggles but no clapping. There was a general "what the fuck" feeling during the sex scene.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)16:57 No.2974541

    >My theater there was ALOT of inappropriate laughter. Also about half of the theater started fucking clapping when Rorschach said his "I'm not locked in here with you, you're locked in her with me line" or whatever. Which fucking annoyed me.

    Were we in the same theater?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)16:58 No.2974554
    Ok, I keep hearing about the sex scene.

    What was so bad about the sex scene? I haven't seen it yet, I will tonight, but what was up with it?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)16:59 No.2974557
    you're retarded if you go to a highly-anticipated movie with visceral appeal on opening night and expect everyone to be quiet and respectful.

    People are excited. They get emotions or feelings and wish to express them in some way. The mentality of an opening night group is usually unified and if people can get reassurance and affirmation on their opinions, they love to receive them.

    The accolades aren't specifically going out to the people who made the movie. It's going out as a non-verbal communique to others in the audience.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)16:59 No.2974562
    Yeah the sex scene was definitely awkward.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)16:59 No.2974566

    sounds like we were in the same exact theater. i don't mind people reacting to stuff during the movie, as long as they don't fucking clap after it's over. goddamn stupid.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:00 No.2974571

    ITT: Old men and bitchy ladies.

    Get laid, faggot.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:02 No.2974579
    It wasn't that bad. It felt like cheesy softcore porn, but it felt like it was MEANT to be that way. It's hard to explain, but I liked it.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:03 No.2974596

    Don't listen to him:

    The sex scene was awkward because it was about 5 minutes of the missionary position.
    It was like watching a porno with a couple friends, it's just downright awkward. There's no other word for it.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:04 No.2974599
    I was a part of a big, loud, Los Angeles audience.

    Everyone was your run of the mill dumbfuck who "OHHHHHH'ed" at every fight scene.

    Entire theatre cheered at Rorschach oil burning scene. Everyone clapped at Daniel's sexual resurgence.

    The only thing I contributed was a "BOYS?!?" when Dan cracks Veidt's computer, and there's a "Boys" folder in it.

    Very good film, a not so good audience.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:05 No.2974601
    There was a lot more ass thrusting than you're used to seeing in a movie too.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:05 No.2974607
    I didn't find it awkward. I was staring at Malin Akerman's tits.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:05 No.2974608
    The Dr.Manhattan sex scene was hot... mmmm electric 3some

    Dan's virgin ass sex scene sucked
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:05 No.2974609
    Well, I suppose it'd be kind of awkward if you're watching it and thinking about whoever you're with thinks of it, but the scene itself wasn't bad.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:06 No.2974615
    was there boobs?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:06 No.2974619
    So hold the fuck up, there's a five minute sex scene?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:06 No.2974620
    Boobs of both genders. It was glorious.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:07 No.2974623
    No, it's only maybe 2 minutes at the most.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:10 No.2974639

    It definitely felt longer though.
    I was just kind of sitting there going "aaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwright this is strange, but it will probably be over in 5 seconds like Dr. Manhattan's sex scene."
    But then it kept going, and I was looking around the theater and saw half the people hiding their face (looking around like I was, talking to someone, texting, or just looking down) and the other half watching the scene, but with a "raised-eyebrow" look on their face.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:11 No.2974648
    Why? People don't like sex?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:12 No.2974657
    Of course they do, but not in a crowded movie theater.
    I'm sure every single person that watches it by themselves in the comfort and security of their own home would be paying full attention to it.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:12 No.2974660
    Jesus, this sex scene sounds fucking weird. So, I've heard the Dan one, how was Dr. Manhattan's?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:13 No.2974665
    I think the sex scene will be something that seems miles less awkward when you're watching it at home on the dvd, rather than in a room full of people and nerds.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:13 No.2974666
    too much slow mo in the sex scene?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:13 No.2974672
    Makes real life people uncomfortable.

    Not me though I don't exist
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:14 No.2974677

    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:14 No.2974678
    Much shorter, though a bit weird too. It mostly just shows him rubbing around her face and arms and her sucking on his glowy electric fingers and then more arms gradually pop up, it was really short though.
    >> MCHuffinStuff !beT46ajwso 03/06/09(Fri)17:15 No.2974680
    Dr. Manhattans was lulzy because there were two of him.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:15 No.2974682
    >room full of people and nerds
    >people and nerds
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:15 No.2974683
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:16 No.2974689
    Generally decent audience. There was a lot of awkward giggling pattered around the place. Different people found different things funny, I guess.

    The theater exploded with laughter at the "he threw him down an elevator shaft" bit, and clapped/cheered at "I'm not locked in with you/You're locked here with me" bit.

    End of the movie got some spatterings of applause. I think most people enjoyed it.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:16 No.2974692
    What was so awkward about the sex scene? It was just a standard softcore porn scene. People were laughing and I was confused.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:17 No.2974699

    This is what Americans actually believe.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:18 No.2974705
    Someone laughed like a moron at the wilheim scream.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:20 No.2974717
    That was seriously the best movie experience I've ever had, even if it wasn't the best movie I've ever seen. My heart was beating so fucking fast when the yellow and black logos came up. The audience was great too, they were dead quiet for everything but the funny parts.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:21 No.2974728

    What theatre did you go to?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:22 No.2974738
    I once went to a movie theater in states while visiting and it was fucking retarded. Go to a theater in europe and be awed. No screaming, shouting, clapping, or any other unnecessary stuff.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:22 No.2974740
    All in all i think i came away from the movie rather satisfied. 2h45m didnt leave me with that annoying feeling of it being incomplete like the run of the mill 90m shit that hollywood produces.

    The sex sceene, both casual and after the rescue, was well scripted.

    Dr. Manhattan schlong pulled my eyes away from some sceenes.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:22 No.2974741
    some girl went awww during the confrontation at the end between Laurie and her mom telling she knows who her father was, and everyone broke out laughing at her
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:24 No.2974756
    Patrick Wilson has a nice ass.
    >> Sin Epnepsi !ZZt93Ga1mw 03/06/09(Fri)17:26 No.2974777
    I was in a theater that was packed full of....fucking fratboys, most of whom I'm assuming hadn't read the graphic novel.

    Cries of "Let's see your tits" or "OMFG get naked already" could be heard on a constant fucking basis. Towards the end, when malin akerman said "I have to get something off my chest" literally 10 different people said "Yeah, your shirt! hehehehe" at once.

    Despite this, I had a great time. And yes, I did have sex afterwards. In fact, we did it to "Hallelujah"
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:26 No.2974781
    What is it with you guys clapping and cheering movies?
    Whenever I'm in the States I like to catch a movie coz it won't be out in England for months, but your audiences are like a downs syndrome charities day trip.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:27 No.2974786
    Dat ass indeed.

    Holy God he was hot.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:28 No.2974792
    You mean it's not like that in Europe?

    I need a plane ticket.
    >> Sin Epnepsi !ZZt93Ga1mw 03/06/09(Fri)17:29 No.2974801
    Ya see son, over here in 'Merica, we genuinely enjoy our lives. Gb2 your "tortured-artist" ridden piece of shit country you worthless eurofag.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:29 No.2974804

    Not in any theater I've been to. But beware, Germany for example is totally retarded with their dubs. So is France.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:30 No.2974812
    sigh, I feel so sorry for you.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:32 No.2974831
    I go to the movies to enjoy a movie. I don't want to listen to cunts that think they're funny or twats clapping.
    The only noises that should be heard in a movie theatre are laughing and/or crying.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:32 No.2974833
    Even with the weight he had put on (which didn't seem like enough but it was still a good effort).

    As a polite person, it was very hard not to burst into laughter during 99 Luftballoons.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:34 No.2974854
    I loled pretty hard too. I also laughed when he's like, "Whoa" or whatever when Laurie is mackin all up on him.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:39 No.2974883

    Well Terry Gilliam (an American who renounced his citizenship to become English) tried to direct this movie twice but couldn't get it of the ground.
    Just imagine if he got to do it?
    You guys missed out bro...
    >> The Cephalopod !IMQeIp3M62 03/06/09(Fri)17:42 No.2974909
    I thought he said that it couldn't be done.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:44 No.2974935
    and he was right
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:47 No.2974958
    The five other people I was in the theater with were silent for the whole thing, except for the guy sitting in front of me smirking at the same moments I did (mostly the ones feeling the most comic-like, for example the movie showing the good ole' newstand with the comic nerd absorbed by reading). Shit was cash.
    >> Sin Epnepsi !ZZt93Ga1mw 03/06/09(Fri)17:48 No.2974965
    > Terry Gilliam (an American who renounced his citizenship to become English)

    You felt like you had to clarify who he was on an imageboard with film-obsessed faggots? Mmk then.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:48 No.2974966
    I need a download for this. No one I know wants to go see it.
    >> The Cephalopod !IMQeIp3M62 03/06/09(Fri)17:49 No.2974978
    Well I mean more in the case of that it was impossible for him to figure it out and that is why he didn't do it and not because of budget.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:49 No.2974981
    Visuals are the one thing it did really well, do yourself a favor and go see it in the theater. Watching a cam release isn't worth it at all.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:50 No.2974995
    My theater broke into applause immediately after Rorschach's "I'm not stuck in here with you, you're stuck in here with me" line, after the fight scene.

    People were hooting and whistling and cheering, and it was fantastic.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:51 No.2975004
    Go by yourself then. Why wouldn't it be socially acceptable for a nerd to go to a comic book film alone?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:52 No.2975019
    Some dude said "Extra crispy.." when Rorschach burned the prisoner.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:53 No.2975025
    A group of people did the wolf-whistle when Rorschach held Dan's hand. I lol'd pretty hard.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:54 No.2975035
    >> Mr. Konata Izumi (=ω=) !hKVgwdyGeM 03/06/09(Fri)17:54 No.2975036
    Why is /tv/ bitching about audience reactions? I love that shit - some movies become instantly better with a good audience. Grindhouse was like that for me - entire theatre yelling and shit. Transformers was actually a great movie because the theatre was fun - HERE COME THE AUTOBOTS and cries like that.

    For Watchmen, theatre could've been a bit better, but there was OOHHH'ing and yelling at the right places, and applause at the oil scene. And "awwwww" at the impotence.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:54 No.2975037
    I'm going to see it in an hour.
    Can't wait to complain about how much better the book was.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:55 No.2975044
    >>People were hooting and whistling and cheering, and it was fantastic.
    >>it was fantastic

    In what way?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:57 No.2975058
    Because I'm watching a fucking movie, I don't need to be taken out of it by a bunch of jackass hooting like they're at a football game.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:58 No.2975069
    The entire theater would crack up for about 75% of the songs.

    I actually think a majority of the people there had read the comic book though. There were more people dressed up than at an anime con and many had a copy of the book on hand.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)17:59 No.2975072

    It was an intense group moment; the entire theater, packed in at 2 in the morning and totally exhausted, was cheering for the same character at the same moment for the same reason.

    I felt like I was in a room full of actual fans.
    >> Mr. Konata Izumi (=ω=) !hKVgwdyGeM 03/06/09(Fri)17:59 No.2975074

    He was filming a script that put the story in the present.

    Gilliam's Watchmen would have sucked balls. And I love Gilliam's movies.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)18:00 No.2975081
    There was a lot of immature giggling the first time we were presented with Glowing Blue Penis. Which we saw an awful fucking lot, by the way.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)18:00 No.2975083
    people started laughing when lorie hit the flame thrower button during sex
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)18:00 No.2975088
    I saw it with a packed audience and the best responses were to anything to do with Rorshach.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)18:01 No.2975094
    I was giggling uncontrollably during the sex scene. The music was just too damned hilarious.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)18:01 No.2975095
    It really wasn't as DISTRAAACTING as people have been making out.
    Unless the male penis exerts some kind of strange hold over you...
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)18:02 No.2975097
    But... Kevin Costner and Gary Busey! FUCK YEAR!
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)18:02 No.2975100

    I just sang along, then cried because it wasn't the Jeff Buckley version
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)18:06 No.2975124

    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)18:07 No.2975133

    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)18:10 No.2975145
    Go to Britain, unless it's a kids film I can guarantee their will be no noise above quiet conversation levels at the end.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)18:34 No.2975360

    There may be polite laughter at jokes.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)18:36 No.2975374
    There was quite a bit of laughter in our theater, and a bit of clapping here and there.

    Everyone either groaned in embarrassment or laughed during the sex scene.

    I thought the movie was pretty good.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)18:38 No.2975384
    Some guy yelled "LOOK AT THAT BLUE COCK", and I yelled "MINE'S BIGGER"
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)18:42 No.2975412

    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)18:43 No.2975421
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)18:48 No.2975462
    Anyone know where i can torrent this d(^.^d)
    17 year old britfag who cant see it at cinema since its 18 and i have no fake id :(
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)18:50 No.2975483
    >>2974648 Because no one wanted to see Dan's ass for that long
    >>2975374 That scene was a little drawn out but the music choice for that scene was even worse.
    >>2975384 My friend kept yelling Blue penis throughout the whole movie.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)18:53 No.2975505

    underage b& (yes even on /tv/)

    We also can verify you're fucking retarded because you can't get into an 18 at the age of 17. My fucking brother got into 18s when he was 14 years of age.

    Seriously just get the fuck out!
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)18:53 No.2975509
    ITT: kids who get excited over nudity and sex in an R-rated movie
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)18:58 No.2975534
    Well, it's not like they're used to it.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)19:02 No.2975565
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)19:06 No.2975586
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    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)19:09 No.2975600
    >Glowing Blue Penis. Which we saw an awful fucking lot, by the way.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)19:09 No.2975604
    For a year and a half i have raved about this movie to my dad who got me into comics when i was little (he was a casual reader, i became a full blown /co/mrade, neckbeard and all) and i am going to have to sit through this with him tomorrow. Dear god, the horror.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)20:10 No.2976114
    This is a good movie.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)22:46 No.2977461
    i couldnt say i fell asleep
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)22:49 No.2977499
    same fucking thing with me.....if ft. walton beach means anything to you....
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)22:50 No.2977518

    Synder thinks this:


    makes for good sex music.

    Christ, at least use a cover or something.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)22:58 No.2977605
    I just wished when Manhattan was in Vietnam and super big that they showed his junk then
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)22:59 No.2977620

    Maybe he could have squashed the Vietnamese with gigantic blue cock.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)23:00 No.2977627
    The prison seen I laughed at and so did a few others for instance when he said he had to use the bathroom and the midget stuff
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)23:00 No.2977637
    The best part was this small group of guys that started laughing when Comedian raped Jupiter. Every time he hit her they'd start laughing harder.

    So of course, so did I.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)23:03 No.2977656
    I like how they show the fat dudes arms getting sliced. I felt like I was back watching Saw V.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)23:03 No.2977661
    Britfag reporting in!

    lol you amerifags cant shit the fuck up for just a few hours just to watch a damn film?

    Laughter is the only noise you are allowed to make.

    Also, the sex scene was fucking hilarious, get over it, it was meant to be.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/09(Fri)23:03 No.2977665
    Sweet Christ.

    Why didn't Snyder just keep "You're my Thrill"?

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