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  • File :1236203764.jpg-(28 KB, 660x418, fgf.jpg)
    28 KB Anonymous 03/04/09(Wed)16:56 No.2957093  

    How does it make you fell?
    >> Anonymous 03/04/09(Wed)17:00 No.2957127
    Link to his site? :P
    >> Anonymous 03/04/09(Wed)17:02 No.2957147
    I thought he'd come out with a V mask
    >> Anonymous 03/04/09(Wed)17:07 No.2957179
    he was arrested
    >> Anonymous 03/04/09(Wed)17:08 No.2957185
    bumping steve thread in the midst of a sea of BSG/LOST/TTSTCCCSTSC shittiness
    >> future video game expert (played 846 games since 01/2007, last: Uniracers - 8.2/10) 03/04/09(Wed)17:09 No.2957191

    >> future movie expert (seen 937 movies since 01/2007, last: The Poughkeepsie Tapes (2007) - 6.4/10) 03/04/09(Wed)17:12 No.2957207
    STEVE WILKOS, question to those who know more about him:

    is his show a daily talkshow? If yes, WHY THE FUCK AREN THERE ANY TVRIPS OUT THERE FOR ME TO DOWNLOAD.

    seriously, he is like the father I never had. discipline, morals, work ethics, healthy rage. I would seriously watch his show every day. so if anyone knows more, please help. (streaming sites or whatever)
    >> Anonymous 03/04/09(Wed)17:18 No.2957245
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    >> Anonymous 03/04/09(Wed)17:19 No.2957252
    I kinda feel sorry for him
    >> Anonymous 03/04/09(Wed)17:19 No.2957255
    someone post the white guy with a black child followed by steve throwing a chair
    >> Anonymous 03/04/09(Wed)17:20 No.2957259
    I wish Steve Wilkos really was your father and that he had beat you with a chair every day of your pathetic life
    >> Anonymous 03/04/09(Wed)17:21 No.2957266
    ok nevermind
    ignore my request
    >> future movie expert (seen 937 movies since 01/2007, last: The Poughkeepsie Tapes (2007) - 6.4/10) 03/04/09(Wed)17:26 No.2957289
    no, he wouldn't. he is a man of morals. but he'd certainly take away my laptop and tell get off my fucking ass.

    also, even a bad father can serve as a role model. i didn't have a father at all. just a shitty step-dad 20 year old step-dad for 2 years (I was 11 then, so my step-dad was only 9 years older than me..lol).

    seriously, appreciate the fact that you have a dad, you can learn so much from him, even if you don't talk or aren't close.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/09(Wed)17:26 No.2957297
    Me think he doth protest too much.
    Steve Wilkos is a pedophile.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/09(Wed)17:27 No.2957304
    thanks for making me laugh
    >> Anonymous 03/04/09(Wed)17:27 No.2957307
    ITT: FME trolls /tv/
    >> Anonymous 03/04/09(Wed)17:39 No.2957409
    Bah this guy is pretty fucking boring.
    Basically all the show is him screaming and repeating things over and over.

    I like jerry because let the guest do all the crazy shit and makes some occasional crack.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/09(Wed)17:43 No.2957433
    watch this. This is the fucking best episode
    fucking owned

    >> Anonymous 03/04/09(Wed)17:43 No.2957435

    Oh, so you mean it's pretty much like almost every other thread he posts in?

    I'm almost going to miss that lovable little troll if he ends up leaving /tv/.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/09(Wed)17:46 No.2957454
    Steve comes off as a fucking cunt in this interview. All he does is misrepresent what McClellan actually does, spout a few platitudes, and feed off of the emotion of the crowd. This demagoguery is absurd, and anyone with half a brain can see it for what it is.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/09(Wed)17:48 No.2957472
    I like how the guy is only 80 pounds. Steve would never go after someone could actually fight back.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/09(Wed)17:49 No.2957477
    someone defends pedofiles?
    that's not good
    >> Anonymous 03/04/09(Wed)17:50 No.2957487
    Phrasing thing in whatever negative way you like. You sound like Steve already!
    >> Anonymous 03/04/09(Wed)17:52 No.2957500
    Being a pedophile is not wrong, that steve guy is so retarded. aCTING ON THOSE URGEs is wrong, which they guy hasn't done. He has proved that he hasn't broken the law, sure it isn't exactly morally sound but the steve guy basically is like UR A PEDOPHILE, LETS GET EM
    >> Anonymous 03/04/09(Wed)17:54 No.2957514
    only a pedophile would defend a pedophile, rot in prison and get raped faggot
    >> Anonymous 03/04/09(Wed)17:55 No.2957521
    >> Anonymous 03/04/09(Wed)17:56 No.2957523
    are you retarded? he had a wbsite which helps other pedophiles by listing locations where the kids hang out and where there is no cops
    >> Anonymous 03/04/09(Wed)17:56 No.2957526
    This is basically all Steves says for the entire interview. Both you and he need to learn what a pedophile is before deciding to discuss the subject.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/09(Wed)17:56 No.2957527
    Anyone dumb enough to appear on this show gets exactly what they deserve.
    >> future video game expert (played 846 games since 01/2007, last: Uniracers - 8.2/10) 03/04/09(Wed)17:56 No.2957529
    Fuck yo appeal to emotions nigga
    >> Negrodamus the 9000th !3GqYIJ3Obs 03/04/09(Wed)17:57 No.2957530
    >> Anonymous 03/04/09(Wed)17:57 No.2957531
    If you think that automatically implies sex then YOU are the fucking deviant. You fucking pervert.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/09(Wed)17:58 No.2957534
    how can a 3 year old make consent?
    >> Anonymous 03/04/09(Wed)17:59 No.2957541
    It doesn't matter because he doesn't have sex with them.
    >> future movie expert (seen 937 movies since 01/2007, last: The Poughkeepsie Tapes (2007) - 6.4/10) 03/04/09(Wed)17:59 No.2957546
    I think many of them actually *want* to be yelled at, deep inside. Because they know they did something wrong. Also, some of them probably go for the challenge of standing up to Steve.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/09(Wed)17:59 No.2957548
    I've never actually watched an entire episode, nor am I going to watch this clip, but I've seen in passing how he invites people on his show and then yells at them and tells them how they don't deserve to be on his show. YOU invited them, asshole!
    >> Anonymous 03/04/09(Wed)18:00 No.2957550
    but he gets a sexual thrill out of it, thats what makes it sick.
    >> Negrodamus the 9000th !3GqYIJ3Obs 03/04/09(Wed)18:00 No.2957551
    well, you have to factor in the variable that you can't predict what goes through a random pedophile's mind. they may certainly have a sexual agenda, you don't know. but i wouldn't take my chances.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/09(Wed)18:01 No.2957554
    what's there to reason with pedo's?
    >> Anonymous 03/04/09(Wed)18:02 No.2957557
    maybe next time steve has a pedophile/child abuser on his show he can bake them a cake and give them a nice comfy chair , and some coffee
    >> Anonymous 03/04/09(Wed)18:02 No.2957560
    Pedophiles are no more or less prone to unpredictable behavior than anyone else. Stop assuming they do.
    >> Negrodamus the 9000th !3GqYIJ3Obs 03/04/09(Wed)18:04 No.2957565
    well, listen don't put word into my mouth. what im saying is that Steve Wilkos is an ass and he fails terribly at providing an insightful interview without his abrasiveness and the demagoguery. Hell, i would've preferred Oprah to this faggot.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/09(Wed)18:07 No.2957575

    >> Anonymous 03/04/09(Wed)18:07 No.2957578
    hes an ass because hes the only talk show host with the guts to tell these sick fucks off?
    >> Anonymous 03/04/09(Wed)18:07 No.2957581
    This is what happens when 12chan goes down for too long
    >> future video game expert (played 846 games since 01/2007, last: Uniracers - 8.2/10) 03/04/09(Wed)18:08 No.2957583
    Like that changes anything.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/09(Wed)18:09 No.2957592
    Well, I wasn't suggesting that, but it does seem duplicitous to invite anyone (pedophile or no) on your show and then, not only publicly humiliate them, but act as if he's outraged at their being on his stage, when he himself invited them on the show. Of course, they know what they're getting into, and I'm sure they get handsomely paid for being the show (or else why would they agree to appear on the show?), but then again, doesn't that make the host come off even worse? He invites them on his show, and rather than understand while still being critical, he yells and disingenuously plays the role of the outraged citizen, pissed as all hell that someone douche bag gave these sickos TV time -- oh, wait!
    >> Anonymous 03/04/09(Wed)18:15 No.2957625
    I'm not a pedo. I don't support pedos. I hate pedos. But this host cockhead pisses me off for some reason.
    >> Negrodamus the 9000th !3GqYIJ3Obs 03/04/09(Wed)18:15 No.2957626
    honestly if the purpose of his is to have a civil forum then he fails. its as simple as that.
    anyone that volunteers to go on his show period is as dumb as a doorknob.
    It's even more hilarious, when he attempts to take the role of "psychologist" ala Dr. Phil... it's a joke.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/09(Wed)18:15 No.2957627
    I wonder how much CP money they gave the pedo so they could yell at him?
    >> dreamofrevenge !A5iVKu2rcU 03/04/09(Wed)18:17 No.2957635
    Terrible acting.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/09(Wed)18:22 No.2957653
    Typical authority craving germanfag.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/09(Wed)18:26 No.2957682
    Watched the pedo one and the wife beater one. He sure says "it's wrong" a lot, without giving any sort of reasoning.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/09(Wed)18:30 No.2957714
    The pedo brings up some very good points I'll admit, but he's still a dumbfuck for running the website.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/09(Wed)18:32 No.2957720

    whats cp money and are you saying the altercations are contrived for the show?
    >> future movie expert (seen 937 movies since 01/2007, last: The Poughkeepsie Tapes (2007) - 6.4/10) 03/04/09(Wed)18:32 No.2957725
    Have you even read my post? I grew up without a father, but with an abusive and mentally deranged step-dad and mother. You don't know shit about education, I however have read a lot about education, about the after-effects of kids growing up without a father figure, about the after-effects of the sexual abuse on children. so fuck off.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/09(Wed)18:33 No.2957734
    That is exactly what am talking about, his shows are him intimidating at punks weaker than him, without saying something remotely intelligent or witty.
    Makes him appear as a complete dumbass like the guests instead of the voice of reason(The all point of the show actually having a host).

    Thats what makes wilkos unwatchable.

    If you are gonna make trashy TV you need complete madness with hair being ripped off, boobs coming out and chairs flying, while jerry makes jokes about it.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/09(Wed)18:34 No.2957741
    Typical arrogant and hypersensitive germanfag.
    >> English Muffin !A4oRvQHaNo!!5EMM6+hRLxG 03/04/09(Wed)18:40 No.2957782
    McClellan is a fucking hero
    >> Anonymous 03/04/09(Wed)18:40 No.2957784
    >I grew up without a father, but with an abusive and mentally deranged step-dad and mother.

    Saved for future trolling.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/09(Wed)18:42 No.2957790
    I wouldn't call him a hero, but he's definitely very honest.
    >> English Muffin !A4oRvQHaNo!!5EMM6+hRLxG 03/04/09(Wed)18:43 No.2957798
    No, he's an honest-to-god hero.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/09(Wed)18:44 No.2957810
    For going on the show and talking about whatnot or for running that website? Combination of both?
    >> Anonymous 03/04/09(Wed)18:44 No.2957811
    If he actively came out to spread the word then I'd agree, but the only reason he's on the show was because he was exposed.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/09(Wed)18:45 No.2957820

    why wont anyone answer this? looks like some anons dont want me to know the truth...
    >> English Muffin !A4oRvQHaNo!!5EMM6+hRLxG 03/04/09(Wed)18:46 No.2957825
    For sticking to his guns, NOBODY is behind him, he's facing the world.

    I wish I had his balls.

    He was never "exposed", he actively speaks out.
    Very few do.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/09(Wed)18:47 No.2957836
    Why cant wilkos articulate anything and he just keep repeating "IS WRONG" like an idiot?.

    Is very strange that the pedo guy is actually the most rational person there.

    What would jerry have said to him?.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/09(Wed)18:49 No.2957848
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    You pedo-bashers are a buncha queers.

    Big Mike
    >> Anonymous 03/04/09(Wed)18:49 No.2957852
    He was exposed for running his website.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/09(Wed)18:51 No.2957862
    Mara ♥♥♥
    >> Anonymous 03/04/09(Wed)18:52 No.2957868
    >>/tv/ is full of queers.

    >> Anonymous 03/04/09(Wed)18:52 No.2957874
    If no attention was brought to his websites, he wouldn't be up there. He certainly didn't CHOOSE to be up there.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/09(Wed)18:54 No.2957887
    link to websites plox
    >> Anonymous 03/04/09(Wed)18:56 No.2957901
    >He certainly didn't CHOOSE to be up there.
    lol wut do they force you to go on that show?.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/09(Wed)18:57 No.2957907
    Pedo dude looks like Richard Linklater.
    >> English Muffin !A4oRvQHaNo!!5EMM6+hRLxG 03/04/09(Wed)18:57 No.2957916
    You're fucking retarded

    you think a court ordered him to be on a daytime show?

    He's an activist

    He actually came out voluntarily on GC and started promoting himself on television and radio as a face for the pro-pedophile movement.

    He was never "exposed" by anyone. He never broke the law.

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