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  • Blotter updated: 01/01/09

  • I'm going to publish that news post I wrote back in December soon.
    EDIT: Note my liberal definition of "soon."

    File :1234968927.jpg-(14 KB, 360x375, custom-multicolor-angle-lar.jpg)
    14 KB Anonymous 02/18/09(Wed)09:55 No.2837517  

    If you haven't taken the plunge into the murky world of high definition television, here are 10 good reasons to keep an old-fashioned tube TV around. Perhaps it won't be your primary set, but there are solid reasons to keep a CRT as backup.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/09(Wed)10:00 No.2837527
    CRTs cause lethal doses of X-rays.The reason why they're so heavy is because the glass is heavily leaded to contain the deadly X-rays. LCD and Plasma TV's don't cause X-rays or any other lethal radaition at all.

    true story, bra.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/09(Wed)10:05 No.2837537

    And that's why we're all dead now.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/09(Wed)10:06 No.2837543
    did you miss the heavily shielded and thats why they are so heavy part?
    >> Anonymous 02/18/09(Wed)10:10 No.2837549

    Did you miss the who the fuck cares since we're still alive part?
    >> Anonymous 02/18/09(Wed)10:11 No.2837551
    Reading retention and comprehension is obviously not a prerequisite to post on /tv/. Sorry, bra
    >> Anonymous 02/18/09(Wed)10:13 No.2837555
    9. That shiny 1080p set you're lusting after will cost 30% less next year. Flat panel technology hasn't matured yet. LCD Picture quality has improved considerably in the last couple of years, while prices have dropped through the floor. You can bet the trend will continue - next years models will be better, larger and cheaper. Wait it out and make manufacturers work hard to get your money.
    Only legitimate reason provided.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/09(Wed)10:14 No.2837557

    New tech always gets cheaper. You're paying for not having to wait.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/09(Wed)10:17 No.2837560
    No its not. The same 'stupid logic' about prices dropping can be used about any electronics/computers.

    Dont buy that shiny new computer b/c in 6 months prices would have dropped. Dont buy that Ipod b/c in 1 year you can get a better one with a bigger screen/memory. If you keep 'waiting' for something better and cheaper, then you mind as wait forever then.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/09(Wed)10:19 No.2837563
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    1. crack the glass tube
    2. turn it on
    3. ???
    4. profit
    >> Anonymous 02/18/09(Wed)10:22 No.2837571
    Fuck HD TV's, I'm perfectly happy with my old 40" Zenith TV from the 90's.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/09(Wed)10:24 No.2837580
    Yes, new tech always gets cheaper & better quality, but not at the same rate that HDTVs have been. It's a subjective issue as far as where to draw the line.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/09(Wed)10:26 No.2837589
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    oh you
    >> Anonymous 02/18/09(Wed)10:29 No.2837599
    >Fuck HD TV's, I'm perfectly happy with my old 40" Zenith TV from the 90's.

    No such thing as a 40" Tube TV unless you paid like $10,000 for one of those 'specialty-produced' one. And if you have one, it must weigh like 500 lbs.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/09(Wed)10:30 No.2837603

    >And if you have one, it must weigh like 500 lbs.

    >> Anonymous 02/18/09(Wed)10:32 No.2837610
    and old projection TV's had the shittiest picture quality.


    lol. Maybe a bit off-topic, but I remember when HDTV's first came out, walking into a Best Buy and seeing a 48" plasma for $10k and a 36" flatscreen computer monitor for $5.8k. I shat myself hard over the prices.

    Now, you can get a good brand 32" LCD for around $600, which is what a good 32" tube TV costed before the HDTVs came out. It's cheap enough now.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/09(Wed)10:33 No.2837613

    And it'll all be made in china so expect it to require servicing once every 2 weeks.

    Fucking chinks.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/09(Wed)10:34 No.2837614
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    So ?
    hmmm wait.

    >> Anonymous 02/18/09(Wed)10:34 No.2837616
    >> Anonymous 02/18/09(Wed)10:36 No.2837621
    I lost my job a couple of years ago, but I worked in the business of designing some of the technology behind flat-panel TVs.

    I own a 32-inch sony wega CRT, and I wouldn't trade it for what's available because it's not significanly better. I will buy an LED-based flat-panel TV when I can get one for under $500.

    There's nothing wrong with waiting unless all you ever want is the latest and greatest, but then you'll never be happy. I can buy old nintendo cartridges for next to nothing at garage sales and craigslist. My N64 works fine, and someone gave me a gamecube too.

    I'll play guitar hero in a few years, and it will probably cost me $20 at a garage sale.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/09(Wed)10:37 No.2837625
    >I lost my job a couple of years ago

    Fired or just laid off?
    >> Anonymous 02/18/09(Wed)10:38 No.2837627
    11. eurofag
    >> Anonymous 02/18/09(Wed)10:40 No.2837632
    They forgot the horrible lag that most HDTVs give off. Say your playing DDR, street fighter, or something that requires timing. That lag will really fuck you up.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/09(Wed)10:41 No.2837635
    Gigantic cheapfag detected.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/09(Wed)10:43 No.2837647
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    >It's cheap enough now.

    Prices are so cheap for HDTVs, unless you have no money, I dont know people dont buy one.

    There are sales every week for 32" HDTVs for $350 - pic related. Here is a Phillips 42" 1080p LCD for under $700 :

    >> Anonymous 02/18/09(Wed)10:44 No.2837650
    CRTS have the truest, deepest blacks.

    Just ask NPH.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/09(Wed)10:46 No.2837656
    frugalfag... not a cheapfag
    >> Anonymous 02/18/09(Wed)10:46 No.2837660
    Better than a Pioneer Kuro set? PROVE IT, because I don't believe it.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/09(Wed)10:52 No.2837676
         File :1234972369.jpg-(6 KB, 250x250, 210740054.jpg)
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    Westinghouse refurbished 47" 1080p LCD HDTV for $770 shipped

    >> Anonymous 02/18/09(Wed)10:53 No.2837679
    fired. The company was purchased and there was a purge of 'overlapping responsibility' or some such crap.

    I knew it was coming, so I spent the weeks leading up to it stealing anything I could get my hands on. You start early because when the morons realize their going to get fired they steal stupidly and hidden cameras start popping up everywhere.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/09(Wed)10:54 No.2837682
    first-gen HDTV's had problems with shit like ghosting, but that's fixed with newer ones doing progressive scan.

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