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What have I done? Sweet Jesus, what have I done?
Obiwan Kenobi looks like shit.

I don't get it.
all he sees is knots
Russel Crowe is a shitty Javert. His voice isn't nearly deep enough. Javert has to have THE VOICE OF JUSTICE
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What would you rate the movie out of 10?

Is Russel Crowe the only weak link?

Please tell us. How is the new song? Anything interesting!
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Who is that?
>tfw playing preview on repeat and crying every time

I'm not going to be able to make it through this movie
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Javert from the 25th Anniversary Concert


But...he's black

Doesn't this take place in 19th century Furance?

How does this make sense? Why would they create plot holes where they're weren't any before?
my god if i got teary eye from a 2 and a half minute trailer im going to be a mess when i finally see it in theaters
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I felt my balls drop, no lie
After watching nothing but the 10th anniversary for weeks I am about to watch the 25th tonight for the first time

I really hope that Jonas doesn't ruin everything
superior javert. he has the mutton chops of justice
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>>27388765 (OP)
Though I did not pull the trigger, I built the gun

And none of the actors are actually from France either! What's up with that?

Seriously though, it kinda bothered me the first time I saw it, but he's so damn good that he transcended the role. Besides it was a concert, not an straight stage production.

Good luck.

Movie's gonna be spectacular, not even Russell can ruin it.
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>Les Mis not winning all the awards
you do know France and Africa are only separated by about 400 miles of water, right?

He's not unbearable to the point of ruining the entire show, but he's severely outclassed by EVERYONE, which makes me him look that much worse.

It's still a great show, and everyone does a stellar job. I know you'll enjoy it! Be sure to let us know what your thoughts are.
First act > second act
romance plot shits everything up and it has worse songs
I will definitely have to watch both the 10th and 25th before I go see this in the cinema. My hype is reaching critical levels.
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>mfw Colm Wilkinson is playing the priest in the movie

Everything about it is so right.
Colm is going to upstage everyone in a bit part at eighty.

Definitely, but Les Mis threads aren't as common as they were a few weeks ago for some reason. I expect they'll grow in December culminating with an epic Christmas Eve One Day More sing-a-long.
It's much less of a bit part in the film, read through the leaked screenplay a few days ago.

He has more singing and more spoken dialog
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>/tv/ singing

You just know we're gonna have tons of Hobbit vs Les Mis threads, just like we had tons of Avengers vs TDKR threads.

Is Garoche in the movie? Didn't see him in an of the trailers.
>/tv/ excited about some cheesy broadway musical
What the fuck is going on? These movies are fucking unbearable, did you negros love "Chicago" as well?


I definitely haven't been singing along to the screenplay by the way.
Gavrosh? Yeah he is
>comparing this with chicago
>never watched a musical in your life

GTFO pls

the one who sings On My Own is mine. I claim her.
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>One Day More sing-a-long.

My body is ready. I trust you'll be participating as well.


>leaked screenplay

Oh boy. Based on that how does the movie look?


We're going to be swamped in Hobbit threads for sure, but you also can't forget about Django Unchained, which is directly competing with Les Mis since it's also being released on the 25.
Hey now, I like Chicago.
Fuck the 'trailer' that their putting before every film. Having your actors speaking directly to the audience about how awesome their movie is both condescending and conceited.
>tfw this is becoming my most hyped December movie

Guys what's happening
Well, I do too, but I don't think it's right to compare the two.
>never watched a musical in your life
Yes I have watched some, the "music" there is always soulless and cheesy as fuck, sounds like robots completely devoid of any emotion singing while 1000 violins ruin everything
the AMC first look thing? those are always stupid

I have noticed a lot of differences in the song placement and slight lyric changes between the screenplay and 10th anniversary when I'm drunkenly yelling out songs in my apartment
I've been getting it in theaters with the other trailers.
Maybe you should watch this one then, as everything is sung live on set. Out of interest, which ones have you seen?
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Dees niggas think there's a better Javert then me.



Well, Chicago did win best picture (not that it deserved it). And Les Mis is going to fucking decimate the Academy Awards and is a very strong contender for best picture. But as far as substance goes Chicago and Les Mis then yes they are very different.


Me too.
I can't stand musicals, that's it. They take the worst part of music and combine with the worst part of movies
Then hide the thread and proceed.
I know friend. It can't beat out my hype for the Hobbit because of my infinite love of Tolkien, but it's been so long since we've had a good musical and it's fucking Les Mis. My body can't hold all of the greatness that will be next month.
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My favorite musical is Urinetown.
It's pretty obscure, you probably haven't heard of it.
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No, this is the only Javert there can ever be.

You mean the worst musical to ever make it on Broadway besides Thoroughly Modern Millie?
Eat shit and die!
what's so bad about it?
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>implying Sutton Foster didn't make TMM good

Playing Officer Lockstock in high school was the best role ever.
Bland music (other than Run Freedom Run which is admittedly fun) awful premise, thinks it's more clever than it is, horrid "comedy". All the Hallmarks of an awful show.
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lol, no. This time there is no mistake, I am the best Javert.

I'm glad 25th Eponine, Samantha Barks, is in the film.
2 hours of "ironic humor" and pee jokes.
I think that you're wrong also, Urinetown is hilarious and meta-fictive as bawls.
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Aren't we all.
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Samantha Barks should just play every character she is certainly cute and talented enough to do so.

I thought this was the same singer for a long while, turned out it wasn't:

I hope there aren't any niggers in this.
He's supposed to be black. It's central to his character, actually.
I was in Les Mis once. It was nice. Why in the world are they releasing this right at Christmas? Do they want zero box office?
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>implying France was completely white during the 19th century

He was born in a prison, I always assumed he was black in the book.

If this film doesn't make a billion dolllars worldwide I would be pretty surprised.
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>dat high res

Ha Ha! Time to go picture hunting.


What kind of men are you looking at?
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Christmas makes bank dude. Most people don't want to be cooped up in their house with their families for a whole day plus the days after people usually take off and they have nothing to do so they go to the movies. Return of the King came out around Christmas I think and it made all the dosh.
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I like it!
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Best Javert

pic related - best Eponine
>But...he's black
>Doesn't this take place in 19th century Furance?
>How does this make sense? Why would they create plot holes where they're weren't any before?

Focuses in on the black character, which is a hell of a lot more believable than the asian one.
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>dat feel when nothing on wikifeet
The book describes him as dark-skinned and the fact that he's a dark-skinned policeman with a dark past in white-dominated France is one of the central conflicts of his character (think about what happens when his hair goes white).

Can you think of any other days during hte year when you can guarantee that the majority of the country is going to be sitting around on their asses with nothing to do?
>implying it isn't shit
What role did you play? Enjolras here.
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>implying Russell Crowe as Judge Javert won't be the best thing ever put to film
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But Judge Crowe was certainly the weakest singer in the trailer. I hope he is better in the finished film, but I'm not optimistic.
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Maybe she'll wear some open toe footwear at some of the upcoming red carpet premieres and related events.
What a stupid picture.
Maybe in a MST3K kind of way.
I know, it should say 'Get a load of this Pingus cam'.
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Nah. I just heard him in the trailer and he is dreadful. They're probably putting their best foot forward for him too. The Confrontation is the best song too. At least Crowe always looks awesome riding a horse.
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Dapper as fuck.

His sternness could knock out a class of kindergartners on a sugar high.
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>mfw I'm downloading the 25th Annversary Phantom of the Opera just for him
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Ramin is the best Enjolras.


Ramin singing against Michael Ball:
Let others rise
To take our place
Until the earth is FREEEEE!
The one at Royal Albert Hall? (The streaming one on Netflix.)
Its it any good? I've never seen/heard Phantom before.
What a handsome motherfucker
I only watched this clip before I decided to get it in full, not my favorite musical perhaps but the cast seems really good:


Think it's at Royal Albert Hall, not sure.
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You can tell how how happy he is when he first comes forward too because Colm Wilkinson was his initial inspiration to go into theatre.
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The enemy may be regrouping, back to your positions.
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>All dem Enjolrases up in here

You guys love you some Ramin.
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Problem wit dat m8?
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>want to discuss this with friends
>can only pronounce names clearly said
>remain silent
> perpetually refer to show as 'Lay Miz'
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How does everyone feel the costumes and general appearances of the Thenadiers?
If this movie fails, I'm never getting my hopes up for a movie again.

You have to INTENTIONALLY fuck up something as fantastic as Les Miserables.
Film Enjolras isn't rugged and manly enough
I guess they're alright, though I don't care much for Sacha Baron Cohen or Helena Bonham.
They hit the 'trying to look uppity, but failing because they're poor' park decent enough.
Though, almost look a little too Tim Burton-ey
I think Helena always has the Burton look, it's not possible to change it.
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feel about*


He was great in Next to Normal though.
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Tru dat
I have grown pretty attached to the blue coat and torn apron, but whatever. Only thing I don't like is the Madame's crazy hair, she looks too much like a Burton character.

Naw, maybe there were just a whole buncha high school Enjolrases here.
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>tfw there will never be another JC Superstar film or live production as good as the original cast

it's a terrible, awful feel you guiz
Really? I never liked that one.
Tried many a time, but nothing.

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