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>Enchantments and protection of all the school's teachers
>First years get by them
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>take two first-year students out into the dangerous magical forest during the night
>split up with them
>>27388633 (OP)

>Trying to keep people out
>Make person choose potions to drink, some of which are poisonous
>Give them hints
>Watch kiddy crap
>Expect it to make sense

>magical dudes everywhere dying in fights
>nobody uses badass golems like LEGO Pokeymans
>no spells to make girls super horny
Fuck magic, you fucking fucks
Why didn't Harry just say "Accio Philosopher's Stone!" or "Accio Voldemort's Horcruxes!"?

Would have saved him a lot of time..
>Have Eagles
>Don't fly ring to Mordor
Doesn't work on enchanted shit and the horcruxes didn't want to be found.
>Hermoine is given a time machine
>So she can take more classes
>All of them are destroyed when death eaters invade the wizard department
>Not used to kill Voldemort

>Harry is a hocrux
>Bitten by Basilisk
>Isn't killed/destroyed (Basilisk venom kills hocruxes, as the sword of griffindor was "poisoned" with Basilisk blood)


If Hagrid is really so large, why doesn't he post on tumblr?
>Bias old fuck giving the house cup to Gryffindor every year because he's gay for Harry
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why didnt the eagles just drop voldemort into mount doom?
No, he put the best kids on Gryffindor so they would win the most points and get the cup. The conspiracy goes back decades
The basilisk didn't exactly bite harry's soul
So why is it that Slytherin had been winning the cups for years before Harry came?
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>no spells to make girls super horny
You don't use a spell for that kind of thing, you idiot.
You use a potion.
but Sauron's ring was a horcrux and it wanted to be found
And voldemort's horcruxes didn't want to be found.
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>children's literature
Time turner only goes back a short amount of time
Oh shit dat snape

Please tell me that him and the guys who did Quirrel/Voldemort have been in more things. I know the Harry Potter got on Glee for probably sucking dick.
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>ninja masters who trained all their lives and killed entire villages, including high skilled ninjas
>teenager ninjas defeat them in a jiffy
What was the point if the whole competition between the houses anyways? Been so long since I read the books and I've forgotten if there even was one to begin with.
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>insanely strong guy who has militar training, lifted all his life and is doing juice

>guy who barely ate anything for months, had an hernia discal, didn't recieve proper medical attention, has no ligaments in one of his knees, and just recovered doing push ups, sit-ups and pull-ups can defeat him in a fist fight
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probably just a way for Rowling to enforce the whole legitimate british school environment

>all british public schools and most likely alot of private schools have houses to build up a sense of comradeship and a sense of duty within the students

This is a reach to the younger audience and readers, which would explain why the houses become less and less prevalent as the book progress towards more edgy and adult themes

>I juggle titties down at the town square, I am the mighty tit clown and will herald the coming darkness
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>futuristic almost invincible killing machine sent from the future

>first year drop out and soccer mom defeat it

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