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>Helga has Arnold's underwear enshrined

What a crazy bitch.
>>27387935 (OP)
I have one of my crushes piss on a toilet seat enshrined when I had him come over once.

I also spiked his drink when he slept over and played with his dick.
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What the fuck, bro?
Do go on.
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Yeah, looking back the show had a lot of dark themes I didn't notice as a kid.
Thread derailed
Every Christmas when the family comes round and my sisters bring their boyfriends I always hide and wait for them to go to the bathroom or I hide somewhere in the bathroom and I walk in on them just so I can see their dick.

I'm still waiting for one of them to let me suck them or be their cum dumpster ;_;
>tfw you wrestled with your friends and you lost on purpose and said stuff like "ahh! don't sit on my face, don't fart on it! don't drool on me" and then they did it.

Good times ;3

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>tfw you will never have a girl in love with you and in the future will be your wife for the rest of your life
>>27387935 (OP)
Well look at her now. Shes got one of the most popular albums of the year.

Oh do please continue.
How did you do it? I don't understand.
Was it just splash-back on the seat and you removed the entire thing and enshrined it?
Or did you extract it somehow?
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>tfw you suck off your sisters husband during their wedding to pay her back for getting married first
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Holy lol
removed the entire thing.
Anyone got any more stories like this? There must be some...
Why do I think she's cute?
Because you think she's underage.
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Probably because she is.
Pretty clever, I have to say.
There have been threads about building or making devices that could somehow be invisible to the user of the latrine, but would discretely capture the piss into a containment unit for the installer of the device to retrieve later.
It would have to be easy and quick to install so you could add it in right before the person whose piss you want was about to enter and use it.
I watched the one about the haunted train the other night. It was awesome.
/tv/ - how to build invisible devices to capture piss from strangers
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I have a collection of used underwear and other miscellaneous items of his.
>know this girl for a while
>not really into her since she doesn't talk much, just hangs around the same group I do
>she asks me to come over and watch some movies
>go over, she has some wine, even made dinner
>eating some steamed veggies, and then black
>wake up, tied to the chair I was just in, something on mouth can't open it
>look down, all cloths off
>in my mind I'm about to be duck taped to a wheel chair and set on fire, after listening to a crazy person ramble on
>the girl steps out into view
>she just looks at me and smiles for a good 5 or so minutes
>begins giving me a handjob
>body betrays me, cum
>she drags me to her room, breaks most of the chair down so I'm just taped to the seat and back
>puts me on her bed, she spoons me, sit there for what seems like forever, fall asleep
>wake up, she made me breakfast, am untied, keeps saying she's sorry and to not tell anyone
Been together for a while now
bitch B cray
I've always wanted to do this to a guy. Bury my face into his ass for hours too.
bitch U B cray

> his ass

Only girls' asses can smell good.
Please dear god I hope you're a woman.
Ew no, they'll have their shitty vagoo drip all over you, you'd have to wear goggles.

If only girls asses smell good then why are they always sniffing mens asses in porn and stuff.
Nope ;)
If only it were that easy for waifus as well. ( ._.)
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>then why are they always sniffing mens asses in porn and stuff.
I don't think I've ever seen that in porn.
If you wanna sniff men's ass, cool, just try not to justify it.
Do you want JGL's piss, Davey?
This is a legitimate question.
Couldn't you make contacts with people who work under your Waifu like hairdressers or something so they could grab used stuff of theirs they wouldn't notice?

>Joe Flacco
You're all going to die alone, and none of you are going anywhere in life

Remember that next time you're sniffing someone's piss and jacking off into shit-stained underwear.
itt: neckbeard basement dwellers point of no return
Davey! How was your saturday event? I havent been on in a few how, I was interested to leanr how it all went.
>get a job as a costume assistant in the movies
>lie and tell waifu that the director wants them to completely change their outfit, from socks to panties.
>walk away with freshly soiled panties and socks
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Yes he does
He had a great time. Didn't meet JGL as JGL left early on. He went alone and didn't take pics of himself.

The only girl he talked to was one asking him to repeat what JGL said.

oh god what am I doing with my life
I don't masturbate, whenever I get an erection I put it between my legs and wait for it to go away, I kind of like the pleasure of it being forced in my legs, i'm not a fan of genitalia and I would squeal if someone cummed on me or near me.
you sad pathetic little shit, you have my pity
:( I was hoping some dreams would come true.

Davey is my favorite trip. I am not ashamed.
dub trips for truth.
Yeah, but like this thread started it's a religious gratification and not sexual.
The most accurate metaphor for it is the act of drinking "the blood of Christ," except here it's urine of your waifu.

Dreams did come true, holy fuck man. I was mere yards away from him. He's more incredible than I imagined.
I don't have a piss fetish but this turned me on...

I've once had a dream I was in a bathtub with Hal from MITM. I was just relaxing in the tub and suddenly he got in and he sat right on my dick and didn't even notice I was there, it was if I was a ghost and he was just taking a bath by himself. I came loads.
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Quints confirm dub trips
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That's amazing.

are you girl/
Why do you call him a waifu and not a husbando? Isn't that demeaning or something?
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I hate her fucking unibrow.

>Intense-personal aspect of celebrity worship reflects intensive and compulsive feelings about the celebrity, akin to the obsessional tendencies of fans often referred to in the literature; for example “I share with my favorite celebrity a special bond that cannot be described in words” and “When something bad happens to my favorite celebrity I feel like it happened to me”.

>Evidence indicates that poor mental health is correlated with celebrity worship. Researchers have examined the relationship between celebrity worship and mental health in United Kingdom adult samples. Maltby et al. (2001) found evidence to suggest that the intense-personal celebrity worship dimension was related to higher levels of depression and anxiety. Similarly, Maltby et al., in 2004, found that the intense-personal celebrity worship dimension was not only related to higher levels of depression and anxiety, but also higher levels of stress, negative affect, and reports of illness.
No, i'm a guy and i'm 23 but I was never taught to do anything when I was younger so I was clueless to anything sexual until my late teens when I didn't even know you had to pull your foreskin back to clean it. I think i'm asexual.
pick one
she's still ugly as sin.

I did not want to imagine this.
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So if the blood of Christ is JGL's urine, what is the bread/body?

And do you have a shrine of him in your homo?
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Think of it this way, if you are a man taking a "spouse", you take a wife, ergo waifu
If you are a woman taking a "spouse", you take a husband, ergo husbando

Aside from that, I just call him my waifu because I am protective of him like a husband would be towards a wife. Or an older brother would be towards a younger brother. I've got four inches and who knows how many pounds on him...so he's my waifu.
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>most delusional trip
Hey Arnold was such a good show.

Say that to Old Betsy, fucker, not online, and see what happens.
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>poor mental health is correlated with celebrity worship.

>mfw most of /tv/ legitimately sick in the head
so you want to be the man in the relationship while JGL is the bitch?
At the end of the day would you just like to snuggle up beside your waifu next to a fireplace and watch some of your favourite films and then have them fall asleep on you ;_;? That's all I want in a relationship, I don't really care for sex.
great, now I have to marathon the show
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Woman = wife in a marrige

Man = husband in a marrige

Simple as that. Don't change around meanings to justify your retarded obsession.
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What the fuck /tv/?
Which tripfag do you think fits this?

>This dimension is typified by uncontrollable behaviors and fantasies regarding scenarios involving their celebrities, such as “I have frequent thoughts about my favorite celebrity, even when I don’t want to” and “My favorite celebrity would immediately come to my rescue if I needed any type of help”.
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That Dakota trip. Not !p nor Dakota watch, the crazy one that stalks Dakota and founded #waifu
Exactly. ( ._.)
At that show he was joking about he wished he could smoke up since there was this interesting, trippy light show going on and I lol'd and just smiled imagining what it would be like watching "mindfuck" movies with him high. I'd thought of that before but after seeing him and hearing him it hurts so much knowing I'll never be his bro and hang out like that.
Does it hurt for you too? I remember Mr Momsen telling me about the "crash" I was going to have after seeing him and I think it's starting. I was so close to him, and yet I really wasn't.
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Will you ever do a John Hinckley?
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You just seem like a delusional virgin trying to convince himself he doesn't want sex.


Just keep reliving the experience through videos of it for a few weeks and gradually come down from it. It worked for me.
u r just jelly of le epics quints
maybe you should just kill yourself? end the pain and improve the quality of this board in one go.
Yeah that's what I've been trying to do. We'll see how it goes.
Would you if you ever did get to be with him, would you adopt or have a surrogate and have a child that is yours and that is theirs? I'd rather have my own child then some adopted child. I just hate that I need a woman to have my own kid even though I want to be with a man.
>I just hate that I need a woman to have my own kid even though I want to be with a man.

try not being a fag then.
That wouldn't fix a thing.
it would fix your damaged brain. and maybe your parents wouldn't be ashamed of you, filthy fag fuck.
I'm not gay, I don't want to do the whole "picking out curtains" shebang. I just want to be his friend, and one that would truly appreciate him.
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You should rape a woman or pretend to love them and get them pregnant, and then once the baby is born, kill the woman somehow and then you can live out your perfect life with a child and a man instead.
My parents don't give a shit considering I have 5 sisters and 2 brothers, they also have several grandchildren so they aren't really bothered.
That's right, Davey actually hates gays
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I don't hate gays.
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>inb4 you try claiming this is a shoop
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stfu about this faggot davey.

And here I thought he was supposed to be a nice guy.
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>There have been threads about building or making devices that could somehow be invisible to the user of the latrine, but would discretely capture the piss into a containment unit for the installer of the device to retrieve later.
I can't believe this is how davey feels about gay people ;_;.
See thread
>Helga has Arnold's underwear enshrined What a crazy bitch.

Open thread
>davey thread

Should have figured

what a douchebag. maybe he hates them because he's in denial or something.
actually started on 4chan. We only shunned it because it became adopted my memecancer sites.
He's usually quite amiable but he's known to have violent mood swings, a further sign of mental instability.
it actually started on reddit

Why does everyone think this suddenly?
Even in your twisted scenario, the one with the greater mental fortitude would do the bulk of the protecting in the relationship.
I discovered /b/ around 2008 when 4 panel rage comics were the big craze. fffffuuuuu was one of the originals, but some redditor made fun of French people by having one with "le ffffuuuuu".

It doesn't matter where it started since 4chan has spurned nearly every rageface on account of them becoming too mainstream.

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