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I know it was just a teaser but I think it would have been better if they had Patchface do it with him saying, " Fool's blood, king's blood, blood on the maiden's thigh, but chains for the guests and chains for the bridegroom, aye aye aye"
patchface isn't in the show
In /tv/ everyones pleb, and tripfags shitpost freely
I know
I know
oh oh oh
Patchface hasn't been cast. Truth be told, I suspect they'll save him for next season, if they include him at all.

This season, the Dragonstone storyarc will probably be used to A) set up Stannis going to the Wall next season and B) explore Melisandre and her faith a bit more. Queen Selyse, who gives the voiceover in that tease, would be a great character to serve that purpose. They can use the Dragonstone characters to talk a bit more in depth about R'hllor, Azor Azhai, and we might even get a glimpse of Lightbringer actually glowing this season.
The teaser was the Red queen whats her name talking to Ser Davos in his cell. He was planning on killing her when he got back, but she found out.
She knows he's honest, and can be trusted (..basically) so she's trying to win him over.

She lets him know that she doesn't give a shit who's on the iron throne, because it doesn't matter. Its all about light trying to battle the darkness that is coming.

That was definitely not Melisandre's voice.
I really want to see Lightbringer but its still a shame that there are no giants.
...but that was her line.

..maby they've re-cast her like they did the Mountain?
That was not Mel, it was possible Stannis' wife.

Also why did they get someone hot to play her?

They didn't recast Carice van Houten, faggot, she's a real actor. The Mountain was not. The voice was Tara Fitzgerald, who's playing Selyse Baratheon.

Adaptations often shift lines around a little bit. The LotR movies did it a ton. Over at winteriscoming.net the consensus seems to be the person speaking that like is the actress hired to play Stannis' wife, Queen Selyse. apparently the voices are quite similar if you listen to some of her interviews. It works for her character as well, since she's such a fanatic for the Red God, and is liable to repeat anything Melisandre tells her.
Who was talking in this teaser?

That line*. Excuse me.


Selyse Baratheon, wife of Stannis. Last season they had the teaser spoken by Stannis, so presumably each time they plan to use the teaser to give you a taste of a new character who's going to be introduced that season.
Shit teaser that says nothing about the season and is anticlimactic in general.

This one was much better


Who cares about fucking Selyse?
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>mfw i'll never get a 'taste' of Rickon
>Tara Fitzgerald

She is too attractive to be Selyse
Who says we won't see any giants?
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Most adorable family in westeros

Don't give a fuck, if she's a good actress.

I dunno, people in /tv/ keep saying that, and I went looking for a source, but couldn't find jack.

They're only now filming North of the Wall shit. We've no clue what it'll include.



Huh. I wonder who they'll introduce with it next season, then. Do they introduce any notable new characters in the second half of ASoS?
I had no idea the year had 31 months

I think its just pessimism so we don't get all excited and 'too' let down.

I'm guessing Dany will keep her dragons in her boat for most of the season, there will be no giants or mammoths, no strong Balwas, and there will only be like 20 Unsullied

Prepare to be disappointed: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vsmUpYIA99o
I bet S4 will also include a lot of stuff from Book 4 and 5

Season 4 will likely have a bunch of Feast for Crows. And it'll get into the Martells.
not this shit again

Except without a major battle this season, and a bigger budget, they're free to spread the wealth around.

Then I'm guessing it'll be the Red Viper's voice.

You know what's a really minor thing but i hate the most about this show? The lack of crowds. It all feels like it takes place in one small village, instead of a kingdom.

When Stannis was talking with Renly on that cliff, they said stuff like "I will destroy you, I have houndreds of thousands of men, etc", and yet we saw no one.
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It's a teaser, dude. The full trailer is out this coming weekend, before the finale to Boardwalk Empire.

They'll have the initial skirmish on the Wall, along with the Red Wedding. Ygritte will die.

> Dothraki horde
> 20 guys

And that was before Kelly C lost "most" of them.
I'm sure there will be a few seconds of terrible CGI giants
it'll probably have MAH DARGUUNS, ros and shae
What a shitty boring trailer, she should do asmr videos be perfect for sending people to sleep..
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This guy should play the Red Viper.

Blackwater, King's Landing riot, Wight invasion.
Exactly what I'm talking about. It feels like a bunch of kids arguing instead of a war

Yeah, and neither of those will be the budget blackhole that Blackwater was.
Sooooo we aren't gonna see the fat one armed blacksmith of the Watch kill that giant king?
prolly in S4

Season 4

Season 3's going to be half the book, probably ending with the Red Wedding
Nah, it will end with Uncat, they got to have a cliffhanger and something "fantasy" for the finale

If they fucking cast him after leaving him out in season 1 FUCKING DROPPED
the aftermath of RW. the wedding itself is episode 9

I'm ready for a huge disappointment
How bad could it be? Its all indoors, with nothing to stretch the budget. It's just acting and music


And we already know the song's going to be amazing

The red wedding

>10 guys standing around drinking
>8 of them kill Robb and take Edmure captive or probably just kill him
>Roose Bolton just stands their staring at Rob.

Going to be, awsome!
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I hope they don't fuck up the Brienne+Jaime scenes. I love their relationship in the books and Brienne is one of my favorite characters.
Jon's story is most likely going to end with him returning to the Wall. We probably won't see the initial skirmish until next season.

I said that about the whispering wood, just a few men riding horses the sounds of battle, we got Cat sitting on a horse instead.
>How bad could it be?
>none of the northeners are cast
>talisa is already confirmed to be in RW
>lannister soldiers are confirmed to be present

you tell me
Has Gwendoline Christie agreed to go nude? Inquiring minds want to know.
I bet Robb will decapitate 20 people in slowmo before dieing

We know exactly how and where it was filmed. It's massive.
and dies in the arms of Talisa

also Cat won't die

That already fucked up her first kill
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Will the S3/S4 Unsullied look like the strongest warriors on the planet instead of nerds in cosplay?
asmr videos are so sexual, it's strange

they get me much harder and more excited than porn
>none of the northeners are cast

So what? If they were, it's not like they would have any development or something, they can just as good be extras

Fucked up? All the showfags I've watched the show with fucking love Brienne, and cheer when she kills people.
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I don't know the particulars of her contract but I would imagine that she wouldn't object to nudity seeing how she has done it before.
Those are the Unsullied? More like Unfaggied

You'r talking like not having any of the Nothern Lords in the series is good.
>smalljon and dacey

fuck you. also greatjon isn't even in the show anymore so there's that
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> youtube search asmr
> mfw

This is the creepiest shit I've seen/heard in my life
>also greatjon isn't even in the show anymore so there's that

Why not?

Actor's not returning
What would you have them do to establish those precious Northern Lords?
the actor left at S1

He was in season 2.

just give it a try, this video gets me hard in seconds
I can't explain it
It's related to the lizard section of the brain or something if I'm not mistaken. There's quite a lot of interesting research done on the subject. Boring for some, arousing for some, and relaxing for others. I find them pretty relaxing honestly and listen to from time to time.
no he wasn't

What would you have changed? Without the luxury of inner monologue and a more direct approach of POV there's not much else they could have done besides having her looked more worried and concerned about killing for the first time. They can build her character next season and revisit those things, but for now she's established herself and brutal and willing to get her hands dirty. Works for me.

Cast them for a start, maybe give them some lines, perhaps a few scenes from the books. I don't know just an idea.

Well it makes me terrified. I think my lizard brain's a mammal.

Why did this make me laugh so much. Then cry.
But will the full trailer be as good as this one?

Really? That's interesting, but I guess you're not the only one. It might also depend on which vid you're listening to.

13 characters are included as Stark bannermen for the show, that includes people like Hodor and Old Nan.

Noticed 3 other people included in 1 or 2 episodes who are northmen. No wonder the show feels so empty.
I'm really hoping the fact that a major character DIDN'T die last season has lured showfags into thinking that the whole "anyone can die" shit is just marketing. The RW will hit them like a gutpunch.
I doubt there are that many people who watch the show and don't know that robb dies
Renly died
None of my showfag friends know about it
>implying Renly was a major character

The vast majority of showfags aren't autists who hang out here or on message boards. My parents think he'll be the one to take King's Landing, and my brother's family thinks he'll ally with Daenerys. There's no foreshadowing in the show.

Why the jesus fucking christ has nobody told this fucking child to leave?
they'll learn about it when the season starts, don't worry

Do they care about the show, or just watch it whilst they eat dinner? I find it hard to believe anyone with half a brain would watch the show enjoy it and not want to read the books.
he would of been a major character if he didnt die
They might not, they don't really read about it online and those who read the books don't want to spoil it to them

What, why? It's a very good, unique show in current TV, but don't want to read the books. That's not weird.
how can people get excited over this show after that piece of shit of season 2
Two of them started reading the books after watching the show, a couple don't like reading fantasy but still like the show, and the rest just doesn't read at all.

A lot of people don't read you know, my parents don't have time for a 5000 pages book that isn't even finished, but they enjoyed the show.
We can all hope.

Because the viewership is driven by showfags, who were completely blown away by how awesome season 2 was.

>It's a very good
>unique show

lel, comedy gold. Even if they dont know Robb dies, would they even know who he is once he does?

Robb Stark? oh yeah that boy who helps a nurse in some war?
this thread made me re-read the Red Wedding

there is going to be such a shitstorm that week on /tv/ no matter what happens

I can't wait
why? you'll get disappointed. They'll ruin Red wedding, they'll ruin Jon and king beyond the wall, they'll ruin slaver's bay, they'll ruin Kings Landing.

just see the pics or watch the vids of production of S3 if you don't believe me.
It wasn't that bad, you just can't accept change, this is a fact. Face it, television and literature are two different mediums and some things just won't work on screen. Plus, it's not tarted EXCLUSIVELY for fans of the book, the majority of viewers don't give a fuck about them

>Robb Stark? oh yeah that boy who helps a nurse in some war?

Roose Bolton, oh that old guy who is the young kings secretary?

They've been watching the show for two seasons, and at the moment he's the most unambiguously heroic major character with the greatest chance of success. His death will be devastating.

I had the comment about showfags, and I meant it as a good thing. As a distillation of the books for a TV audience, it's fucking incredible. I have so much fun watching it with my family.
I have no problem with change. In fact I loved S1 and the changes they made there. But in S2 they got too cocky and started to make big changes because people liked the minor ones in S1. they thought they could change stories and make the series better.

But no they fucked it up bad, they fucked it up so fucking bad. And the worst part is they think they did a good job, which is why there shouldn't be any hope for S3
So, I'm curious. What do you guys think the breakdown for each story arc will be this season? Obviously, we know where Cat and Robb's story ends, and a reasonable idea of where Jon's will end. But what about the others? We still have:

>The Stannis/Davos and the other Dragonstone characters
>The Sansa/Cersei and the other King's Landing characters
>Arya and the Brotherhood
>Bran and the other Winterfell refugees
>Jaime and Brienne

So where will each one end this season?
I seriously hope they dropp UnCat completely, I didn't like her and the moment she appeared was also the last good chapter in the series

I think you just had expectations that were way too high, and not grounded in any kind of reality. Are there a few changes that bugged me? Sure, but they're vastly outweighed by a lot of very good moments. For the most part I think season 2 was a pretty solid piece of work, and my impression is that's the general consensus among showfags and bookfags alike.

>not loving Victarion
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Especially showfags, the primary audience. By that metrics, it's an enormous success.
Sorry but the series is really dead to me, I hated feast and dance with passion and all those new characters too

I don't even remember what happened in season 2, Stannis played in the sand and had a fight with a few people, Robb led a nature reserve in some woods, Arya met her grandfather? what else happend....a lot of green text at one point. meh.
What bothers me is that when they could have stayed loyal to the books, they decide to went for an opposite direction. I don't mind changes they made for Dany since she basically does nothing in book 2, or in a certain aspect, theon's. But the whole Talisa, Jon and Arya stuff was too much for me to handle

what possible explanation is there to give Ros her own storyline?
The show would really benefit if they cut some shit entirely, the number of characters and plotlines just just too big for tv, that's why S2 was such a mess.

They could cut Renly and have more screentime for others, just a quick idea
>Jon changes

Like what?

If it makes sense in the sandbox of the TV show they've created, then it's completely justified. Bringing impressions from the book is the wrong way to go about it.

Ros is an established character, with a valuable perspective on the world around her. To showfags, she's as seamlessly integrated as anything taken from the books.
This guy gets it
the whole Benny Hill type of chase he had with Ygritte, completely butchering Halfhand's character. Most people probably think Jon is a turncloak for real

>The Stannis/Davos and the other Dragonstone characters

Not sure about this one. The most logical place is with Davos reading the letter from the wall, but that leaves relatively little for the fourth season. Of course, that might work. End with Davos reading the letter, and then have Stannis sit season 4 out for the most part, to make his sudden appearance at the Wall all the more dramatic.

>The Sansa/Cersei and the other King's Landing characters

Harder to say. We know Tyrion/Sansa get married in episode eight. My guess is episode 10 will mostly be about reactions to the news of the Red Wedding, so that's probably where it will end for her, with it appearing that all hope is lost. Although perhaps Ser Dontos will then appear to propose an escape as her cliffhanger. Tyrion, though, I have no idea.

>Arya and the Brotherhood

Easy, ends with Arya and the Hound on the road after fleeing the RW.


Probably with Barristan revealing the truth about himself and Jorah, and Dany deciding to stay and rule.

>Bran and the other Winterfell refugees

Ends with them reaching the Wall, most likely, after just missing Jon.

>Jaime and Brienne

Ends with them reaching King's Landing.

Not the people I was watching it with. It's clear he's infiltrating Mance's army, but it's ambiguous whether he really felt insulted by Qhorin's calling him a bastard traitor.

A) They didn't have the budget for all of Jon's storyline, with so much going the Blackwater, Dany's dragons, the new Dire Wolf effects, and more.

B) Jon's storyline, in general, does have that much happening overall for the second book. It took a backseat to the larger events in the South, as it should have. the result is that he got some less screentime, so they didn't have as much time to build of The Halfhand's character. An unpleasant sacrifice, yes, but I think a logical one.

C) If the showfags aren't sure where Jon's loyalties lie, that's probably a GOOD thing, as it will make his conflict much more dramatic for season 3.

I get that you had high hopes, but those high hopes were based on books that don't have budget or time restraints. There were always going to be tradeoffs.

I see some problems there. the logical place for season 4 to end with Arya is her getting on the boat to Braavos. If season 3 ends with her and the Hound on the road, well, that plot ends pretty shortly after the RW. What will she do for the rest of season 4? Similar problem for Bran and Company, as well as Jamie and Brienne.
>biggest problem of S2
>not Robb marrying under the seven

fucked dropped at that very moment
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Being Pod is suffering.
They were in the south, and his Mother follows the Seven as well as the Old Gods. And Robb takes more after Cat.
>blame pod

What's that about?

Well, presumably they could incorporate a bit of stuff from the next two books to stretch it out a bit. But yeah, Season Four is gonna be a bit tricky.
I started reading the books a month ago, I'm already most of the way through A Storm of Swords. Just finished the Jon chapter where the Wildlings get their shit ruined at Castle Black. I can't wait to see the chemistry between Maisie Williams and Rory McCann. They had kind of a Wolf and Cub thing going on, only with open contempt and attempted murder.

Yeah. That's why I'm not too worried about season 4. The best original stuff in the show is usually simple character banter, and they could easily fill half a season with Arya and The Hound.
>implying RW means Shit when everyone who dies or is supposed to be dead in the series comes back to life or is alive.

I also feel bad for brans actor. I once he goes through puberty he can't keep the role so he'll be replaced. Maize is tiny so she'll keep the role until the show is cancelled
>tfw no strong belwas

Eh, give it time. Maybe they'll introduce him alter as a gladiator.
But we won't have that Barristan and Belwas banter.

No reason they couldn't fit some in for the fourth season. Have season three be about taking Astapor, then season three be about taking Mereen. Barristan is sent by Illyrio in season three, Belwas in season 4.
Who would you cast as Based Belwas?
Why no day month year?
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Impressed to see some people capable of appreciating the strengths of season 2 and the vision and logic behind certain decisions the show creators made. I can't stand the constant, mindless 'THEY BUTCHERED THE CHARACTERS' comments.

Yeah, but the second book was way way better than season 2.

They take advantage of their seperate mediums, and are completely successful. Ask any showfag how awesome the 2nd season was.

It's too bad they fucked up the scene at the Inn by killing off the tickler in season 2. That scene was out of control awesome.

They could still do it. Arya will run into all sorts of people this season, she could kill any one of them in the same way in season 4.

Yeah, but how she repeats all of the ticklers' interrogation lines back to him while she stabs the shit out of him is lost now. that's what made it so good.
All of my showfag friends like Season 2, but agree Season 1 was far superior.

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