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I'm currently hosting the second 4chan Q&A/PMQ session here for the next few hours.

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This was a very positive experience.
Although I was nervous being surrounded by so many young girls and women, I blocked it out and focused on the show and I managed to have a good time.

It was a dream come true to see him in his "natural habitat" so to speak, free to move as he wants and not inhibited by an interviewer. It was everything I thought it would be, and also it wasn't.
I feel chagrined and pathetic for not seizing this opportunity sooner, even as simple as buying the ticket earlier so I had a floor seat and not a balcony one. I could still see him perfectly, but my camera could not. I hope some truly great photos surface so I can relive it through them.
The only good piece of footage I was able to get was a recording of the ending where he sang. I was shaking so I had to stabilize my wrist with my other hand, pleased at how still I was able to stay: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z8S7WjwQ9cs

If you want to see how full the small, shitty auditorium was you can see it here: http://www.hitrecord.org/records/1046588

I laughed a few times, pretty sure despite my nervousness I was smiling the whole time. I will be doing this again for sure. It only confirmed more of what I've suspected for almost ten years now: JGL is an American treasure.
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Oh boy, here we go.
Did the girls give you funny looks?
Awesome, glad it went well
Is he in a legit band, or is he just fucking around?
postan in a Davey thread
What news did he tell regarding his TV series or new movie projects?
inb4 something happens and this ends up in a screenshot
Davey did you end up going backstage and meeting JGL?
Did you talk to anyone there, especially girls?
Did they sell any souvenirs/did you buy any?
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>>27350113 (OP)
>It only confirmed more of what I've suspected for almost ten years now: JGL is an American treasure.
Neat, I'm glad you had a good time. Did you go with anyone else?
I am surprised that he is not tied up in your basement right now.
God that's a shame that the auditorium was so shitty. Your video you can hardly see anything. I mean you see the big screen but what's the point of seeing him on the screen if you're in the same room has him, ya feel? You going to try to see him again?
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No, there were other guys there, similar to me as far as I could tell. I think as far as the division of people there for the celebrity and people there for the company and what it stands for, the dudes were there more for the latter. But they could have been there for both, sort of.

It's not a band, it's a multi-media show. There was short films playing, and then some live voiceovers, skits, dancing, and singing.
Also, your thread is not doing so well, equal amounts of upvote and downvotes:
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Glad to hear you had fun.

Were there many other males?
Why no photos with him or an autograph?
Was this atleast good practice for the next time you see him live?
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so many feels....
>Davey actually delivering the goods

Face it, he atleast came this close to his waifu.

If only the rest of you obsessed fucks could say the same.

>my sides
Did you feel awkward knowing that most of the other people there probably thought you were gay?

bugmenot has enough accounts to bypass that. I always use that if I want to force a thread to be archived permanently.
I'm happy for you, Davey :3

>you will never be in the same room as your waifu
Moar pics and little stories about the event, plz
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No if only i could do the same.

>even as simple as buying the ticket earlier so I had a floor seat and not a balcony one.

You talk the talk but don't walk the walk. You should be ashamed of yourself.
You are the single worst waifuist in the history of 4chan.
We're all proud of you Davey. In a sick twisted sort of way.
imagine him skulking away after it was over

and then he got to his car and rubbed one out frantically like the dad in happiness
Did you shower?
>>27350113 (OP)
>being surrounded by young girls and women
>blocked it out

You little tripshit.

And yeah, I wrote that on purpose because "I'm a quirky tripfag that's nervous around girls kawaii-ugu I like traps" but seriously, why?
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He couldn't say a lot since it's not official yet, but it's going to be a thirty-minute variety show type deal with celebrity guests sometimes, usually centering around a theme each time. He said it's very rough still, but it's going to happen before 2013 is over. He sounded psyched for it.

He had to leave right away and didn't stick around since they're in Philadelphia tonight and they were driving by bus. I saw him duck out the back door, and I'd seen the tour bus parked out there. I don't blame him.
I didn't talk to anyone except for a girl who asked me to repeat something he said.
They sold regular HitRECord merch, but I have a lot of it already from the site so I just walked to my car, got a cup of coffee, and drove home.
I guess he's the only one who ever came this close to his crush, right?

Other waifuists, are you even trying?
>It's not a band, it's a multi-media show. There was short films playing, and then some live voiceovers, skits, dancing, and singing.

that sounds █████
i have though. and im actually quite happy for him .
>>27350113 (OP)
I'm glad to hear it wasn't a disaster.

And I caught your message in the archive :3
It was a pleasure.

It's kind of sad you couldn't get close to him, but you've managed to do a lot more than many of us ever will and that is admirable.

Do you plan to go to anything else of his in the future?
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With so many sad girls supercharged by the experience only a fool wouldnt exploit the situation.

But then again, its fa/tv/irgins after all.
>>27350113 (OP)
>I hope some truly great photos surface so I can relive it through them.

Oh boy.
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I want to go again, yes. Maybe next time I can travel a longer distance so I can take a plane, it would be more exciting.
It was a shame for the video and pictures, yeah, but I could see him fine.
He was beautiful. Very small and springy, almost compact, like if you threw him at a wall he would bounce back.
He was wearing mismatching socks again, one blue and one tan, I believe.
Glad you had a good time then.
>Mismatching socks
Jesus christ, why.jpg
>He was wearing mismatching socks again, one blue and one tan, I believe.

That's a terrorist signal.
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his brother used to do it and then he died of cancer so JGL carried on the tradition

feel bad yet?
>Maybe next time I can travel a longer distance so I can take a plane
M-maybe we could go together!
/tv/ meetup. Everybody goes.

There will be spaghetti.
>like if you threw him at a wall he would bounce back
Do you think a lot about this, Davey?
I was cracking jokes on /tv/ the night JGL's brother died. Come at me, bro!
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Here's another video: http://www.hitrecord.org/records/1046663
At 2:36 makes one of the dudes on stage rap something and it was so bad it was funny
>/tv/ meet up
>that feel when
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Watching now, without having read any synopses or reviews.

Did not expect the dystopian future plot/setting. I'm kinda liking it.
I'll bring dozens of pics of each of mai waifus and hand them out to random people while I yell out "NO U!"
>boards.4chan.org-tv is probably written by a female somewhere between 18-25 years old. The writing style is personal and upset most of the time.
>upset most of the time
Why didn't you go to AAA's comedy workshop?
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>The writing style is personal and upset most of the time
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I am so happy for you right now (and a bit jealous too :3)
Seeing you're waifu in person must be such an indescribably beautiful gift... I can only imagine that your words do not even begin to describe what you have felt last night but thank you for sharing that experience with us
Thank you for the inspiration
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Don't you? I thought since Inception everyone did
this is so sad
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It didn't sperg out as much as I thought I would, so I highly recommend it if you cant do it to go ahead and do it.
This is the only picture I took on my shitty phone camera that I liked.
>feminine and upset

/tv/ confirmed for women on their periods.
That's a surprising amount of women. Did you shave Davey?
Though I know you're gay for JGL, so it's fine
How did it feel when he first walked out?
lol fag
>/tv/ buys all the tickets
>Auditorium is filled by /tv/
>Did you shave Davey?
I would actually like to know the answer to this too.
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>DAVEYNK and 33 others liked: All the kissing scenes of Joseph gordon-levitt 1991 - 2012
Why don't DAVEY's waifu threads get deleted, but others do?
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Nope, and like I said, the guys that were there looked similar to me in build and facial hair, so maybe I'm not alone after all.

It was fucking incredible. I think this is what sets 2D and 3D waifuism apart.
All my life he's been 2D to me, on a flat screen or on a theater screen or on a computer in a video. But he walked out there and he was fucking real man. He was there. He's mortal, he was sweating since the house lights were too bright and shitty. But he wasn't any less great because it was reality, it was just overpowering feeling his charisma and presence before me. Like I said, I was on the balcony but he felt so much closer.
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>Davey's Happiest Day Ever
Pick one, Debbie Downer!
How did you sleep?
Do you feel changed?
Have the first withdrawal symptoms kicked in yet?
Because this is a husbando thread.
Did you take any pictures of yourself that night? Did you not want to commemorate a day where you'd go to see JGL live?
he's a janitor
Actually Davey categorizes JGL as his waifu and he's friends with the mods/janitors.
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I slept great. I was also exhausted from the drive home, but I had a smile on my face.
I enjoy him and his work more than ever.
Withdrawal hasn't kicked in yet. ( ._.) I surmise as more HD footage and pictures roll in, it will start to set in.
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>daveys watch list
my fucking side actually hurt
How can I be friends with the mods?
install gentoo
Is he wearing a cape?
Well, Davey can categorize JGL as a waifu all he wants but that doesn't change the fact that JGL is his HUSBANDO!
suck their dicks

Booty call.
the show looks so boring and amateurish, i don't see the appeal unless you are a huge fan of J G L
-post 50 breaking bad threads per day
-shitpost and troll
-tell mod what a great job he's doing
-spout shitty memes
Wouldn't you wear a cape if you were JGL?

It's just a defense mechanism Davey has conjured up to help bury his homosexuality.
Pretty funny really, and a little bit sad.
guys, i'm crying right now.
no, the part where you are jealous and inspired is the sad par
But I already do all of those things.
I might wear a nicer cape.
I sometimes wonder what it must be like to live vicariously through a celebrity. I quickly snap out of it though. Being that pathetic and worthless truly is horrid.
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Yes, it was one of the skits they did that night.
There's no footage of the one from last night up yet, but this is the one from Duke University: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UwFki0IHa_o
Then he invited people on stage to try their hand with the cape and the dialogue.

It's like he's really Robin
I live vicariously through tripfags like DAVEY.

/b/ is even more feminine.


>that age group
Why didn't you go up there Davey?
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What songs did he play?

>boards.4chan.org-pol is probably written by a male somewhere between 66-100 years old.
If I could arrange a meeting, one to one between Davey and JGL I would.
Just for the sheer satisifaction of giving somebody the thing they want the most in their life.
Man I'm nice
>>27350113 (OP)
I love you :')
Why not give Davey what he really wants and have JGL fuck him in the ass?
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Just the one at the end, no cover songs like last year. I was bummed too. Another thing that's my fault, being a beta and not going to a show sooner. ;_;

Here's a much better video of the song than mine: http://www.hitrecord.org/records/1046706
Davey, did you take any pics of yourself? I bet you had the biggest smile on your face.
Does he sometimes do real little music gigs? Without skits etc? Just pure music performances like in little clubs or similar locations?
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I dont follow anon, what is sad about being inspired by the dedication of a friend (and mentor) who had the courage to fulfill his lifelong dream? Have you noticed how happy he is? How can you not be inspired?
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I will conclude my documentary film with the attempted anal rape. It will be more shocking because the main character of Davey will profess throughout the movie that any sexual thoughts or feelings towards his love never enter his mind, but we see that deception creeps into every aspect of this situation. Celebrities have been threatened before, but I don't remember one that ended with attempted anal rape.

Kind of a dark note to end on, but I thought, "Why not have a climax with a real climax?"
I wish /r9k/ had tripfags as good as this.
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Sounds intense.
I really wish the quotes were changed to fit the film on this
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>That font
Use this instead

JGL plays Davey, Christian Bale plays JGL, directed by Nolan
What would you have them say?
somehow it still works
repeat, he is not sad

YOU ARE, also pathetic

did i mention the pathetic part?
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This thread is pretty fuckin' homosexual.
No, not really. ;_;
Last year and the year before on the real college tours where he went to nothing but universities, he sang two songs at the end of each show, an original HitRECord song and a cover song. He didn't do that this time, maybe because of lack of time to prepare.

I have to go out for a bit now, if this thread is still here when I return I'll post some more stuff, otherwise hope you enjoyed the stories.
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This was the dancing bit, probably the funniest of the evening:

The chick @0:50 sucks and she had gone into the shot of the volunteer before her, so she cuts her off short
And then @2:12 it starts to get weird
Funny shit
Wow, some of those ladies are for sure annoyinf attention whores. Looks a bit childish and lelrandom this concept but I am sure if you witness that live its a whole different feel.
This is the saddest thread I've ever seen.

You delusional waifufags (or husbandofag in Davey's case) are beyond redemption.
its not nearly as sad as that shit trading card thread, like not even close
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Like I said, you could tell who was there to look and gawk, versus who was there to look and listen.
Best part is how non-beta he is to tell them discretely when they're being cunts to get the fuck out. His sarcasm when he says "good job, highfive" is subtle and only a few people chuckled and caught it.
Did the show in general felt more like planned in detail or did you have the feeling that it had more spontaneous parts?
>This is the saddest thread I've ever seen
enjoying your first day here?
What was so funny? Was there something keyed into the greenscreen that I can't see on the video?

Otherwise it's just people dancing for 20-30 seconds.
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It felt planned, and I'm pretty sure it was planned because I've watched all the other shows before this one, and they did the same sketches and the same song. It was the same schedule for showing things. The only spontaneous aspect of the show was JGL, but he's never really not spontaneous.
absolutely nothing

davey could watch a video of jgl watching a video of someone else watching paint dry and he would find it entertaining
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I just found it funny how he doesn't tolerate attention whores and people ruining his set-up, so he ejected the chick at 0 minutes, 29 seconds from the stage.
Maybe it's just me.
i'll give him props for the levi's

those are like what sub $50 pants? some of that shit designer denim is several hundred dollars per pair. another pyrrhic victory
if these pants went up for auction, would you bid on them? what if the minimum bid was $5000 ?
would waifu 2:12 girl
No, I get that part. But the entire auditorium is cracking up. What was on the greenscreen?
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He's worn the exact same pants for years and years, but Levi's now sponsors HitRECord and helped to fund this tour. So I guess he made it a priority to wear only jeans and a t-shirt and not some of his other stuff.

If they were recently worn, more-so than the 50/50 outfit, then I might. But I'd have to think about that more.

Nothing's on the green screen, but I guess the people are just laughing at the converted white-background dancing figure on the bigger screen that the people dancing can't really see.
>sponsored by levis

statement redacted
>statement redacted
>he doesn't tolerate attention whores and people ruining his set-up

HE is a attention whore
this is the saddest thread on the internet
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It's his company, he's the director, and he runs it. But the focus is on user-contribution and getting other people involved because he prefers the company of "regular" people in general rather than other celebrities.
How does that make him an attention whore?
If anything it makes him the opposite. He'd been an attention whore if he did this among celebrity peers and got onto TMZ and the like.

This is a side passion he shares with other people, in addition to acting, and to suggest anything else is pretty stupid.

I think you've confused "good-looking and charismatic" for "attention whore". I can see where one would make that error, but now you can correct it and be for the better as a result.
>if he did this among celebrity peers
Speaking of, do any celebs ever do guest roles in his shows?
WUT? If a band , a singer, a talkmaster, a TV host or anyone like this delivers a show he/she is attention whoring in your definition? How long have you been trapped in your basement? Seriously, sometimes I think either the trolling gets here worse every day or the people have really a fucked up view on reality.
Not the guy you responded to, and I agree with you completely. He does seem to be very charismatic. I love how he's not afraid to jump in with the people dancing and have fun whilst also being encouraging. He seems like a genuinely great guy. Can't wait to hear about the next show you attend.
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Carla Gugino - http://www.hitrecord.org/records/168451
Gary Oldman - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_bROeGMKCk
Anne Hathaway (twice) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1480zB9NSA
Neil Patrick Harris - http://www.hitrecord.org/records/542529
Anna Kendrick - http://www.hitrecord.org/records/501699
Wally Pfister - http://www.hitrecord.org/records/428570

Can't think if I am forgetting someone

Yeah it's crazy how much this has evolved in just two years, it was a back alley set-up in 2010 and now it's snowballing into something more serious.
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I'm really happy for you.
Hey there you are. I was trying to explain to you what was going on in the thread yesterday, but it seems you figured it out. Going to watch some Krzysztof Kieślowski movies tomorrow btw.
Just a Heads Up, mods are here.
Good finally

delete this shit
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Seriously, he seems like a genuinely great guy. I've become a huge fan over the years just because of how cool he is to people.
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Joseph Gordon-Levitt eating pizza is the third highest rated picture on wikieat:

I prefer this one though.
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Is Davey a guy or a girl?

Because if it's the former, this is incredibly gay.
Can't really be highly rated if you don't upload it.
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he's a girl

wait, that one isn't uploaded?
Damn, I just uploaded a dozen or so Lexi pics I didn't know weren't upped yet.
no u
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It's just rare to see an actor and/or celebrity fill all the tick boxes. There's some people who are competent at acting but gigantic douchebags. And then there's some people who are kind and friendly but not that great or serious with roles.
>quadruple threat

Oh god that .GIF sucks, how did I think that looked okay?
That's my sister!
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I thought you were Davey.
Is this even allowed?
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No, Davey and I are two completely different people.
I wasn't sure about that pic either. I was thinking of making a post on /sug/ asking Friday. pls don't ban me
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This is the one that's uploaded, because it's the good version. I haven't redone this entire .GIFset to reflect my current methods, the one you posted is first gen work.
what a piece of shit this levitt is. he puts on a shitty show so he can suck money out of his fans and then as if its not enough he sells his garbage chochkies at the end, and does no meet and greet. tool.
Does anyone have a picture of Davey himself? Im curious
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What's his virginity level?
>If you want to see how full the small, shitty auditorium was you can see it here

That venue still is worth more than you can afford to own, or build.
why do you like him so much. he's not even good looking.
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Not bad at all considering some of the godawful neckbeards I've seen post their pictures on 4chan. If he lost more weight he'd be /fa/.
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Just wanted to drop in and say that I think it's cool that you even had the balls to leave your house and see your waifu in person, something which a lot of folks here wouldn't be able to do. I'm not a NEET, nor do I have a waifu, but I am going to the Lady G(my only celebrity crush) show in Philly, and I'm pretty excited about it.

Sucks you didn't get to meet Joe, I've got a few tricks that get me backstage at shows quite often, I'm hoping to meet the Lady herself.
Yes he is, Davey is quite a fetching young man.
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You can call it what you want, Michelle is your waifu, embrace it.
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The tickets were cheap, and that money goes back into the company itself and along with the sponsors probably helped to fund the tour.
What they were selling is the books and music they'd shown and played at the show itself. I'd hardly consider a book or a CD a tchotchke. All they were selling is already order-able on the website, and the same price as it is on the website, so it's not like they sold anything special to entice people to buy.

There was no meet-and-greet promised. It advertised exactly what is was.
The people who went there to meet a celebrity were not there for the right reason.

Of course, I didn't mean it like that. I meant in comparison to the previous venues from last year, or even this year.
That was a harsh judgement now that I think about it, a lower key venue is actually more accessible to the general public as opposed to one in a huge, major city.
What the fuck is this even about?

JGL had a concert and a homolusting /tv/ faggot went to see him?

Big fucking surprise, I cant express how grateful I am that you're livejournaling to us about how it went.
You don't come here often, do you?
I feel for you, davey. I feel for you.

I too love JGL
>implying he doesn't come here every day just to complain
Well it is kind of interesting. Not every big Hollywood actor does public shows like this. It is something special even though I am not a JGL fan.
it doesnt matter how often one comes here, this person is right

this isnt some narcissistic trip-fags personal blog

stop being an enabler
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>not Stefanie
Do you even monster?

>not enjoying or even tolerating a little meta
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>mfw this thread
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That's what I said, Ándrea.
Really? Then why is this thread still here?
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Sounds like a really awesome time!
Have you seen yourself in pictures people have posted of the event on the Internet?
i dont know? but now i must ask, is this your first day here?
Time to look for Davey!!
First one to find him wins.
I've been on /tv/ since 2005, assface.
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It's not even meta anymore. It's /tv/-related now, who gives a shit about me. JGL is awesome and he should be discussed.

that feel when you will never be with JGL ?
ok.... then you must know the janitor arbitrarily deletes threads at will. the fact remains, many trip-fags treat this place like their personal blog and you are their follower

you should call me a name, thats a solid argument
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Close, missing one word.
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>>27350113 (OP)
Good deal, Davidson. I'm glad you had a good night. :3

B is for bros
You can't be this obsessed with someone without being gay.
I'm not their follower. I'm their friend.
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well then dont let me stop you from doing what virtual friends do, white-knight

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Fuck yeah it's for bros
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Bitch, please.
You sound like you could use a friend.
7000km is a long distance... but I'll be moving to LA when I finish my studies (in May)
Imagine if he put this much effort into making real friends or a gf.
>implying he has no friends or gf
I myself are a Orthodox Waifuist by night, and a very capable friend and lover by day. (not actual days and nights, but you understand)
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I don't think you know who you are talking about.
Although I'm not "Orthodox"
>tfw you gf dresses up and tries to act as your waifu
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Bravo Davey
>I would love to give him intense, wet anal turbo fucking.

That's all I got from that.
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I had close friends in high school and I can honestly say living alone and following waifuism is more fun.
Lonely, sure, but I enjoy it.
When you're putting effort into something or someone you love, it doesn't feel like effort.

tripfag circlejerking and samefagging
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>Davey's white knight calling others homo
no motherfucker. what you're doing is wrong. it's wrong.
yeah, im sure someone who calls strangers ass-face has surrounded by friends

i need someone like you in my life
whoa cool i was there last night
I didn't call you ass-face. I called you assface.
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Why would I lie about that?

Did you see Davey?
>find someone's picture off their tumblr account
>pretend to be them
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Ho shit! You were RIGHT behind and to his right!

Fuck, you MUST have seen him; what did he smell like?
I don't know what he looks like.
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What was your favorite part of the show?
>Jiggle-chan! My hips are moving on their own!
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mai 2:12fu
I really like the Strawberry Bootlaces and the Mademoiselle Noir videos, and the video of the korean kid talking about The Scientist playing in his head while peeing.
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I hadn't seen the second version of Bootlaces, the "Stoner Remix" one and I lol'd hard during that one.
Everything else I had already seen, but it was cool to see the Good Nights video and Electric Loss on a screen that big.

How close were you? From your picture it looks like you were sitting in front of me.
I was in the balcony
So was I, but closer to the railing or further away?
I could see from my far-back seat, but just the top half of his torso. Had to crane my neck and/or stand to see even slightly well.

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