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Just got my permaban appeal approved. Thank the lawd.

Anyway, what'd you guys think?

Suffered from some pacing issues, for sure. It was too long to keep up with the "intense" writing. Visually stunning, but the CGI was transparent at times (dat komodo, dat obvious train model shot). I really, REALLY liked the underlying themes of MI6 becoming "irrelevant" to the outside world. Definitely a ground-breaking feat for a Bond film, and it was done true to the series in my opinion.
>>26997206 (OP)
why were you banned
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8 KB
that's all you're getting libshits, stay mad.


They didn't believe I was actually in Taiwan.
>tfw you will never have this Nubian queen shave your neck beard.
One thing is that she's black, and has a distinctly monkey-looking scull, another is that she couldn't act for shit, it completely destroyed my immersion.
You made this exact same fucking thread yesterday.

They just didn't have chemistry. She wasn't developed.

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