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  • File :1232404740.gif-(8 KB, 500x81, masthead_main.gif)
    8 KB General American Digital Television Transition Thread Anonymous of College Park,MD 01/19/09(Mon)17:39 No.2597466  
    Just 29 Days until the Digital Transition.

    Something to think about: What about people in rural areas who can't get any digital television reception, and cable AND satellite television services are unavailable in their area?

    Otherwise, open thread.
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 01/19/09(Mon)17:47 No.2597530
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)17:51 No.2597566
    well, its their fault, fucking government was giving them away for like 5 fucking bucks for a long period of time. I got two just for the hell of it.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)17:52 No.2597574
    Last year my digital cable service tried to tell us that they were "doing the switch early" and immediately proceeded to take away all my channels one by one.
    The whole thing reeks of money-grubbing bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)17:52 No.2597579
    I live in huricane zone where everyone has a battery powered tv for emergencies

    the cheapest digital battery powered tv costs $300+

    lack of foresight in emergencies

    I predict alot of failure. Im dumping cable very soon since I can watch everything I need on the internets for free.
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 01/19/09(Mon)18:26 No.2597781
    If cable channels are forcing everyone to get a set top box, the cable channels should at least broadcast in a 16x9 format.

    But no, despite cable channels like TNT and TBS having programs from the broadcast networks that was broadcast in High Definition, they can easily downconvert the stream into a SD widescreen format.

    But no, instead they want people who have HDTVs that simply want their programs in widescreen to pay more by getting the HD versions of their channels that is mostly unconverted strechovision shit.

    It would not be that hard, have one digital SD widescreen channel for those who do not want the HD version of the channel, and another HD version with the channel.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)18:39 No.2597883
    wow that's a whole lot of retarded.

    I'd tell you to wear condoms, but I doubt the opportunity will ever come.
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 01/19/09(Mon)19:12 No.2598156

    Cable channels can broadcast in widescreen but don't want to because they want to milk as much money out of their faux HD channels as possible.

    If you can't understand that, go back to /b/.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)19:13 No.2598162
    Who cares about HD channels.
    You should have Speed Racer playing constantly.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)19:13 No.2598164
    Widescreen is shit.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)19:15 No.2598172
    I don't like how weak the signal is. At least with analog, even if the signal is weak and fuzzy, you still can see something. With digital, if the signal is weak, you don't get a damn thing. Also, you can't get all your channels at the same time. You have to move it in certain directions to get certain channels. Sucks, bro.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)19:17 No.2598185
    I'm in Canada, and we get all your commercials for switching to digital and whatnot. Thankfully up here, they will continue to give us the option to use digital or analog, with no loss in programming. sux for all the backwards yokels down there.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)19:21 No.2598199
    you need a min of 98% signal strength for dtv
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 01/19/09(Mon)19:23 No.2598206
    >You should have Speed Racer playing constantly.

    And why is that?
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)19:23 No.2598208

    So you're the one they're still making DVD's in pan and scan for.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)19:25 No.2598219
    I'm in detroit. God is CBC channel 9 full of fail. it was good when the kids in the hall were on.
    I do listen to CKLW, but only for American programs: Coast to Coast, duke and the dr.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)19:30 No.2598238
         File :1232411446.jpg-(45 KB, 600x426, benny_hinn-india.jpg)
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    >What about people in rural areas
    I guess they don't get their Benny-fucking-Hinn
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)19:34 No.2598257
    fuck CBC. I'm a Canadian, and most Canadians think CBC is shit. As far as other networks go, we can watch most if not all without a box. I happen to have a box, but just cuz it's dirt cheap to rent.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)19:35 No.2598263
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)19:36 No.2598268
    but I need to be healed, DAMMIT!!!
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)19:42 No.2598309
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    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)19:43 No.2598312
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    You're FUCKED, my friend.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)20:25 No.2598584
    I don't get Fox or CW. I don't know if that's a good thing or not.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)20:27 No.2598606
    the only good show on Fox is COPS.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)20:28 No.2598619

    Fox at least has a COUPLE of good shows. CW is pure crap.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)20:31 No.2598639
    BUT WHAT ABOUT HOUSE? I can still get the analog signals though. lol, technology.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)20:34 No.2598664
         File :1232415293.jpg-(23 KB, 440x307, two_and_a_half_men.jpg)
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    i don't watch house. i watch on Mondays:
    8 pm: Antiques Roadshow
    9 pm: Two and half men (squab!)
    11 pm: Two and half men (syndicated) or Keepin Up Appearances
    11.30: Are you being served (PBS, google it, hilarious)
    Sometimes Nightline. Letterman was good, until he started gagging on Obama's nuts

    My bro watches House. It's like ER right (j/k, never seen it)
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)20:36 No.2598680

    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)20:37 No.2598687

    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)20:38 No.2598696
    >>2598664 Two and half men

    Sage for terrible taste in TV.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)20:39 No.2598698
         File :1232415548.jpg-(8 KB, 212x117, 223smallig9.jpg)
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    My two funnies moments:

    1. Lydia sells homes by the be-ach!

    2. Charlie: Jake. What do men have that women dont?
    Jake: Beards?
    Charlie: no. Lower
    Jake: (in a lower voice tone) Beards?
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)20:41 No.2598712
    sage for having never sat the fuck down and watched the damn show.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)20:41 No.2598717
    On Tuesdays:
    8 pm
    9 pm Fringe
    10 pm Nip/tuck
    11 pm Real Housewives of Orange County
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)20:44 No.2598739
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)20:45 No.2598746
    American Idol at 8 PM.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)20:47 No.2598768
    I think I would be a little more excited about this if it in any way affected me.

    I'm not, like, gonna get a better picture, am I?
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)20:49 No.2598782
    if you get your tv through the antenna (broadcast) you will definitely get a better picture, plus extra channels
    example: I get extra weather channels, the retro channel, and 2 extra PBS channels. it's pretty cool actually. they should have done this years ago
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)20:49 No.2598784
    you only need 70% signal for full picture quality

    You can continue watching it to as low as 30% with reducted quality and artifacting.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)20:50 No.2598791
    i only watch the early shows , when the retards try and get on. i kinda feel sorry for them.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)20:52 No.2598812

    i don't know ANYBODY who still has rabbit ears in this day and age.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)20:57 No.2598844
         File :1232416635.jpg-(137 KB, 800x600, digital-tv-converter-box.jpg)
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    most old people. why do you think they resurrected all the old time brands for the converter boxes: Zenith, Western Electric, fucking Philco
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)21:01 No.2598876
    I do. Once in awhile at my parents' I'll flip thru all the bullshit that's on cable and congratulate myself for cancelling mine shortly after I discovered bittorrent.

    It's a minor inconvenience sometimes, but I'll still not resubscribe until they have alacarte pricing. Maybe not even then.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)21:01 No.2598878

    What a crap standard. Why didn't we just copy the Japanese?
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)21:02 No.2598892
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    what do they use?
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)21:25 No.2599051
    For cell phones and smaller devices, Japan uses 1-seg, or 1-segment digital. I thought 1-seg was going to rock my pants when I bought a USB antenna to tune in during classes but I cant use it at home as there is no reception.
    Japan will not go digital until 2011 and even now, there are only a few stations on some digital standard.
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 01/19/09(Mon)21:49 No.2599222
    They do have ATSC Mobile, which is currently in candidate status right now.

    You can get the weather anytime via the web why would they broadcast a weather channel.

    A retro channel, DVD's of classic shows are available these days, why would RTN still exist? Also about those two PBS channels, I don't know.

    This is one reason why I think how America's why of doing the switchover is not going smooth, broadcasters are not providing us a real reason why to switch to digital tv. The British are given a reason (multiple channels of real programing), but for Americans they have not, unless you like watching Doo-wop and how-to shows.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)21:58 No.2599293
    >>2599222 The British are given a reason (multiple channels of real programing)

    What real programming are you talking about since most of their stuff is imported from the US? Also, lol, TV license.
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 01/19/09(Mon)22:31 No.2599481
    What about BBC3 and BBC4? or ITV3 and ITV 4?
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)22:35 No.2599511
    In America, it's called PBS.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)22:40 No.2599548
    fuckface, for people who don't have cable, or old people who don't use computers, or someone in their living room and don't want to walk over to the computer and would rather watch a local weather station.
    >> zombienietzsche !!dzT+AelSNk8 01/19/09(Mon)22:44 No.2599582
    >What about people in rural areas who can't get any digital television reception, and cable AND satellite television services are unavailable in their area?

    PROTIP: only high-power stations are changing all others are staying as their range is inconsequential.
    wide screen is superior formating the academy standard is outdated.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)22:46 No.2599593
    actually i think i'm in the minority when it comes to cable tv. I think its a waste of 30-60 dollars a month. I just go with the good old antennae. Anything else that I really want to watch, I just stream from the broadcaster's website or bittorrent it (if i have to, pain in the ass for me). Otherwise there really is nothing to watch on cable. Give me a good reason why I should pay 30-60 dollars for just a handful of shows I would actually watch? I remember most of the channels I'd have were in Spanish, so called "music channels" where it is just a blue screen with the information of the song shown, or religious programs.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)23:09 No.2599777
    I had a bundle pack when I first moved out into my own apartment, but I quickly realized what a waste of money cable is. I work full time and go to school, so there's really no time to watch TV. It's much easier to watch shows on my comp via bittorrent, save myself about 20 min of ads and credits than watching stuff live. That being said, I applied for one of those converter box coupons and have yet to receive mine. Even though the TV isn't even plugged in, I like knowing I can turn it on and something will be playing.

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