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  • Blotter updated: 01/01/09

  • File :1231438174.jpg-(58 KB, 200x171, slumdogposter.jpg)
    58 KB Anonymous 01/08/09(Thu)13:09 No.2512402  
    Why do you love this movie, until the part where everybody danced it was a mediocre film.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/09(Thu)13:12 No.2512436
    Anwar from Skins lol
    >> Anonymous 01/08/09(Thu)13:16 No.2512473
         File :1231438600.jpg-(56 KB, 704x396, 1215661998306.jpg)
    56 KB
    Work on your troll thread technique and get back to us in a few days.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/09(Thu)13:29 No.2512574
    People who say they didn't like the dancing, or didn't understand why its there, don't themselves understand Bollywood.

    In India, it's ILLEGAL for them to show anything sexual at all in a movie. Violence fine up to a point. Sexuality, never. Not even kissing. (a Big example is that Richard Gere fiasco with the Bollywood startlet, don't have a link, it was allover the news for a while, look it up.) There was even talk of banning the Bollywood actress from films who Richard Gere kissed in front of TV cameras, even though she supposedly had no idea Richard Gere was going to kiss her.

    So because Bollywood doesn't allow anything sexual, and the people of India can't watch anything but "safe" American or European movies (so pretty much like pixar stuff) they've developed they musicals to the point where practically every movie they put out is a musical, full of singing and dancing.

    So the kiss at the end of Slumdog Millionaire? Gigantic no-no. Probably got the movie banned, and probably got the actors banned from Bollywood as well. Which was also why it was so epic.

    Thus this is why there was the singing and dancing at the end. Kind of a fuck you to Bollywood. Guess what? We're gonna kiss, then we're going to have a singing and dancing scene, just because we can.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/09(Thu)13:34 No.2512599
    Because they heard they should like it.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/09(Thu)13:34 No.2512604
    Are you implying that, in Bollywood, any singing and dancing scene is a symbolized sexual scene, therefore all Bollywood movies are a sequences of symbolized orgies? That's pretty cool.

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