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>mfw americans shoot after movies
do they clap BEFORE they shoot, or AFTER?
The people in the neighboring theaters thought the gunfire was the sound of clapping.
It was the lack of clapping that set him off.
So does no one in Europe clap to show support for things they like? Do they just sit there dead silent or get really drunk and murderer people at dive grass games with knives?
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hows our semen tasting lately yuro? haha fuck yeah
The Brits quietly say "Good show" and if it's something really impressive they say "Jolly good show".
Do Americans really think the director attends every screening of the movie? Or are they clapping for the projectionist?
Don't Americans often fire their pistols into the air as a celebratory gesture? Could this whole "shooting" just be a big misunderstanding?
Do Yuros really think the clapping thing upsets Ameribros? I'm American and I post the clapping thing all the time. It's funny. I can't imagine any scenario where an American would be upset by this.

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