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So I called my local theater and all showings for The Dark Knight Rises have been cancelled indefinently. Called a couple other local places - same story or final showings are at 2 pm and 2:10 pm with no later showings.

Anyone else having these issues?
Yeah, had a reserved IMAX ticket and got a call saying show is pulled for the week. Shitsux.
The gunman was an Avengers fanboy.
Las Vegas fag here, all theaters are either not open yet or if they are have cancelled evening showings.

Nolan is finished.
That's just fucking stupid.

Next - let's blacklist the Catcher in the Rye and Marlin Manson!
Francefag - called a few local theatres after I heard the premier was cancelled, all have stopped showings for the next 3 days and gave me a cell to call for refunds on reserved seats.
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Shit, glad I went to see it yesterday, in case they pull this shit here as well.

In other news, TDKR can kiss that opening weekend box office cash goodbye.
You don't think this is going to make the movie insanely popular after people have calmed down a bit?
this is obviously trolling there's no way they'd pull this movie. Give me some sources fags.

Theaters all over the world are adding security (confirmed for NY theaters), cancelling evening viewings or stopping viewings altogether.
Marvel will go to any lengths, wont they.
>>24452693 Marlin Manson!


Also CCN was JUST talking about it as well.

I knew they were cancelling the big Paris premiere but come on what about other normal theatres? No links on that.
lol murica my entire country has less shooting deaths for the entire year than this one incident
My theaters aren't open yet and give the generic automated message.

It says them in both of these. Increased security and reduced show times.
All publicity is good publicity.
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Frisco, Texas
Only mid day showings, no full cancels, get mad
Our country is also about the size of your entire continent.
Cali boy here, all showings still going as planned.

Sucks to be you brah
Shitty reviews and now this.
Wait, really? This can't be serious.
The gunman already saw the movie and wanted to save others from seeing it
He is the hero we need, not the one we deserve
He is the Dark Knight.
Same, either nothing or only afternoon shows.
seriously? they're cancelling shows because of one fucking incident? LEL AMERICANS
America just can't cope with fucking anything.

Maybe if a fuck up attacked a water treatment plant they'd turn off all your water and you'd fucking die the death you deserve.

French and other European theaters are doing it too you fucking retarded.
Supposedly Paris isn't even showing the movie tonight because of the incident. LEL PARISIANS
It's not just in America.
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so edgy XD
I'm sad about a premiere being cancelled, I always like watching those streams.
i always defend my americlap brothers - but this kind of overwhelming faggotry makes me want to move to a less retarded country.

This is the same shit Colorado pulled after columbine massacre.
>Welp nobody can see Marilyn Manson concert because the same thing could happen again
pure bullshit.
Got a call from my IMAX theater - just rescheduled for Wednesday and they're offering refunds.
sheesh talk about knee jerk reactions.

Australia didnt even know or give a shit.
What is it with Colorado and shootings?
Hmmm i live in Aurora and supposed to see this in a couple hours and as far as I know they're still playing it at the theater I'm going to. Weird they're cancelling showings at other places.
It seems very schizo - some places are pulling it completely, some aren't doing shit, some are pulling half of the runs, some are just increasing security. Make sure to call your theater before going.
Aurora probably knows they've already been through the worst and that there'll be a massive influx of police monitoring. Other places...have to put on the illusion of security.
Will this mean anything for lesser crowds in the theater? I wasn't planning on seeing it today, but now I might.
What cracks me up is all the extra police attention on the theatres for a completely random event is going to take police attention away from other areas, and more people are going to get killed, hurt, and become victims of crime because of the overreaction.
This is the most funny part.
Even funnier - it's not just the US.
america land of the free

you're free to be terrified of your shadow and everyone around you
>several posts in this thread showing how ALL OF EUROPE is doing it as well
>France cancelled the premier

Guess Yuropoors can't read either.
there is a difference between cancelling the premier and the cinema not showing it

fuck off back to your 3rd world country
Many theaters in Europe, specifically France are pulling all showings.
>confirmed cancellations all over Europe
>confirmed evening showings pulled all over Europe
>increased security all over Europe

lol Murikans amirite ladies? im a girl, btw

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