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It's come to our attention that Apple has removed most if not all unofficial 4chan browsing apps from the iOS App Store. Unfortunately due to their policies, it's unlikely that they will be re-added, or that an official app will come to the App Store.

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ITT: we post pictures of homosexual celebrities.

I'll start.
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He's only one of those things.
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Stupid sexy moot...
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better dayz
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Ooh I love the TrollMan xD
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>LMAO,NO PLATEZ!11!!!11!
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What did you want, he weights like 20 lbs

/cel/ is a stupid fucking idea. What good will it do? Instead of one kind of shitty board, we will have two really shitty boards.
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suave motherfuckers
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>implying moot is gay
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fuck this guy
Reminds me of the brony meet up photos
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Fucking my sides

That motherfucking fedora
i just figured he's some venture capatalist's fuck toy when he needs money.
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/cel/ is worthless without moderation, I agree. If it gets enforced at least some of the waifu shit will move. As for the hardcore autists, there is no cure against them anyway.
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rip in peace 4chan
>cargo shorts everywhere

Jesus Christ. I wish these kinds of people would never leave the country and then maybe the term "ugly american" wouldn't need to exist.
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Nope. /cel/ discussion has been dragged out heaps, we have a good idea of what moderation and rules would be like. It is the cure.
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It needs to fall even lower.
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>moot dropping some serious spaghetti
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Moot isn't gay.

He's bi.

I don't get why the "waifu shit" has to be moved though. Some of the waifu threads actually turn into decent discussion. The last couple of Rooney threads I've seen had arguably better discussion than every shitty meta thread or "post your top five" thread or whatever in the last few days.

People are going to either post on /cel/ or /tv/, which means that /cel/ (because EVERY board on 4chan except the porn boards go off-topic) waifu threads will turn into discussion about film and tv. And the /tv/ meta threads will go overtime and the quality of discussion will probably diminish. It will also get less humorous.

I've seen this many times, and still makes me laugh.
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Cure to what? Waifu threads aren't lowering the standard on /tv/. You think it will "cure the cancer," but it really won't. It will still be a pile of shit, but you won't have waifus to blame for it.

What are you going to blame once the waifu threads are gone? I'll be interested to see. We could just keep making new boards to get rid of the "problems".
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Everybody was glad about /vp/ and everybody is glad the ponies are now in /mlp/.
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The waifu threads are driving away all of the film buffs and preventing serious film discussion.
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Yeah i wouldn't want to touch any one of those faggots either
Waifu threads are lowering the standard. They're fun, I enjoy them, but they distract from film and television discussion. The board traffic will probably slow post-/cel/ but the quality will go up.
This. New boards are often the solution. And it's not like moot is shy about making them, what the fuck was /diy/ for? That board is stagnant not one year on.
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if only m♥♥t wasn't jewish

Pokemon and ponies were just popular topics. There's a specific place to discuss them now. And work safe gifs were necessary because /gif/ is all porn.

How is posting pictures of celebrities not /tv/-related? This is an imageboard. The whole point is to post pictures. And the quality of discussion here is mostly shit anyway, so what are we going to talk about once posting pictures of celebrities is gone? And where do you even draw the line? Can a /tv/ thread turn into a /cel/ thread if someone posts too many pictures of a movie's starring actor? And then what? The thread gets4 404'd? It's a dumb idea.

The only decent discussion comes out of the image dumps and waifu threads.
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>film and television discussion

Haha, that's a good one. Seriously, though, are you joking?
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What ever happened to that little twerp with god complex WT Snacks?
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I want Moot to make an appereance in this thread
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>no film and television discussion
Oh wow, coming to the close of your first month on /tv/ already?
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>implying he didn't start this thread

Silly anon, you're new to this aren't you?
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The only good threads on /tv/ are pedo and waifu threads. They're friendly and fun. Every other thread on /tv/ is just a bunch of kids calling each other hipster and faggot for liking or not liking something.
Haven't seen that pic since I was on ED. I thought I got the joke before, but wow.
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i wish i could strangle you with cuss words, you fucking idiot piece of fucking cunt shit
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You're all just jealous of his sexy as fuck hair.
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Time for some ultra rare pictures.
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I've been here a long time and that's why I think that. I think it lovingly though.

/tv/ is capable of good discussion, but if I wanted seriously film discussion, I would go to a pretentious douche hangout like MUBI.

Contrary to popular belief, we do discuss films older than 2005. The problem is that there's really nothing to discuss about these films that we haven't already pointed out a thousand times. So the threads consist of "how great is this director/film/etc?" followed by "yeah" and some people posting some other films related to or sharing a director. And then they end with about 10 replies. Unless something else happens to make it more interesting.

You are really deluding yourself if you believe that /tv/'s quality will go up once the waifu threads are gone.

You're not even answering the most pressing question: what is a celebrity thread? Is there a limit to the amount of pictures you are allowed in a thread before it ceases to be /tv/-related?

If we had a "serious discussion" of Resnais that consisted of 15 pictures of him on movie sets, wouldn't that be a /cel/ thread?

And what if we have a /cel/ thread that goes off-topic and becomes a discussion of film? Which happens all the time, by the way.

It's nothing like /mlp/ or /vp/ because they have clearly defined boundaries. They actually make sense.
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It ceases to be /tv/ related when the OP makes no allusion to their career in their opening post. A comment on Bella Thorne's dress or an inflammatory picture of a celebrity looking unattractive with no accompanying text betrays the intention of the thread as completely irrelevant to film and television. /cel/ would be the place to house such threads (as there is clearly demand for them) and it would improve the quality of /tv/.
In any case, maybe you're right. Maybe /tv/ is incapable of dicussing film and television properly (though I've seen it happen a lot). You should probably explain it to the mod who deletes celebrity threads as off-topic.
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moot will be a hard looking motherfucker when he's around 35
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>Maybe /tv/ is incapable of dicussing film and television properly

It's not entirely incapable, but I've seen plenty of proper film and television discussion come out of waifu threads. And I have a feeling that discussion will not improve on /tv/ if you just remove celebrity threads.

/tv/ needs motivation for good discussion to take place. There needs to be something that pushes them or the subject needs to be heated. "Let's discuss so and so" almost never leads to a long thread.
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I love that 4chan is run by a group of homosexual liberals. It's like if America, a white nation, were run by a black man.
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he really does look gayer than moustache wax.
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moot hates /tv/ and never comes here (except once).
Why does he hate it (I mean there are so many possible reasons, it's hard for me to decide)
And when did he came here and what did he do?
lost it
4chan on Jeopardy a few years back and then he popped up in a thread about it.

And he hates it, because /tv/ is a fucking shithole, full of waifu autists, pedos and shitposting trolls. Recently when the new boards were implemented he visited nearly every major board except /tv/.
> what the fuck was /diy/ for? That board is stagnant not one year on.
God you're an idiot.
no, he did come here at that time. he was completely clueless about anything and everything that goes on here. he made a few jokes, insulted aidz and motoko, and bailed again for a few years.
Really? Must have missed it. But he didn't make a sticky, did he?
>insulted aidz
Bravo, moot. One more reason to like him.
>Rickroll is a mean or internet kind of trend
>Rickroll is a mean or internet kind of trend
>Rickroll is a mean or internet kind of trend
>Rickroll is a mean or internet kind of trend

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