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What makes good cinematography?
It is a visually pleasing image
Would that mean every shot of tits is good cinematography?
reflecting on the theme of the scene in an interesting way
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It's pretty hard to not get a good shot of tits.
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Did you seriously post a screenshot from Blade Runner?

Mah nigga.

For me, it's just whatever comes off as beautiful. Obviously Blade Runner has many of these shots
Did you learn that shit in film school?


So many 90s celebrities have horrible, horrible tits
When it aids the story.
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Also this shot.

Ridley Scott turns rain, light, and steam/smoke into something beautiful.
Don't forget to acknowledge the work of Jordan Cronenweth. That's some superb lighting right there.
how geometry intersects, the color palette, architecture, lighting, depth, spatial balance, etc.
Or art school, or design school; hell, even music school. Maybe you should've gone to school like your parents wanted.
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What exactly does a cinematographer do? I mean, does he have more input that the director?
No, director trumps cinematography, dop, lights, and all.
Not sure if understands joke or not...
depends on the director and the cinematographer
That's up to the director's discretion. Some dictate everything a cinematographer should do, while some trust the cinematographer to compose the shots by him/herself.

Basically, Cinematographer takes care of lighting, colour, shadows, contrast, etc. Director takes care of camera positioning and movement. They typically colaborate so the resulting image is in fact the brainchild of both.
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Brutalism should be brought back I tell you huat.
Who's that guy who does all the cinematography for the Coen bros? That guy is fucking brilliant.
they decide what goes into the shot, how it is lit, maybe what lens and camera to use if they get to choose, but like anon said if the director wants something different they have to accommodate
The director tells the cinematographer/director of photography what he wants in the image and the cinematographer produces it. The cinematographer can input suggestions but ultimately it's the directors choice. Cinematography is fucking hard work, it may not be their vision but they know exactly how to do what needs to be done.
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Thank you.
Should have seen that question coming. Incoming debate as to what a cinematographers job is.

Sorta. Director says what he wants to do with a scene, and the DP works with his peeps to figure out the best way to shoot it. It's a collaborative process. Hell there's a decent amount of directors today who started out as cinematographers.
No. Brutalism should remain in the dustpan.

just wiki'ed brutalism and I agree. It seems quite cold and minimalistic. This sort of aesthetic would help convey specific moods quite well.

Luckily im an aspiring cinematographer/director who also does compositing and 3d architecture (cs1.6 background), so ill see what i can do ;)
composition + storytelling + mood
When I see a shot that looks like something I would take if I were a photographer or one that conveys a mood, that is what I consider to be cinematography.
He directs the visual elements of the movie, like the lighting, composition, etc.
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cinematography thread?
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Excited as fuck for The Master
those are mournful tits.
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Le Malick time
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>close-up in wide screen.jpg
OP, you need to watch Baraka, it's the quintessential of cinematography; Ron Fricke is the director/cinematographer.
I get such a weird feeling when I see these screencaps from Bladerunner. Are there any other movies like it?
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You're a bro.

I've always really liked that greenish, yellowish tinge Gattaca had. Made it feel old and new at the same time.
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Cinematography thread.
Scenes that can evoke the emotions the director wants to evoke

Like loneliness or dualism etc etc, then it becomes preferential, some like it to be textbook, some want it to be subtle.
Why do I see in the credits "director of photography"? Is it the same with cinematography?
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heres one without the text
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In my opinion, no.
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Anyone like se7en's feel to it?

That griminess...
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I love it. Sets the tone nicely.
I love how that movie has not aged a day. 17 years old and it looks like it could have been released last friday.
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Watch it in 1080p

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>my face when the use of mirrors in that movie
Blew my fuckin' mind.

>dat killer's apartment
>dem props
>dat set
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Depends on the context.
I mean we can all agree that cinematography boils down to setting the feel for the scenes

sad, griminess, etc etc. Great ones are the ones that really evoke strong emotions

whether you should be able to notice that or make it subtle, I can't really judge
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Anyone have a higher res?
pls respond >>23311097
The fall, Jesse James....the list could go on
Hi there anon :3

DP = Cinematographer
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tits and violence
They're pretty much the same and it was implied in >>23310547. Also, it's right at the beginning.

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I agree on that, without many definitions that's about it.
DP = Cinematographer
DP=Double Penetration
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>le feel when those are my initials
or Deep Penetration.
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i know that feel bro
hey at least your initials arent DVDA
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Sorry about the text. They were the only high res shots I can find.
I did some work on Scott Pilgrim, it was cool to see Bill Pope in action.
Duly noted.
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Is it the text or do you just hate the movie?
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This whole scene was great.

This movie had the most unimaginative and dull monsters.
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Cinematography is the total specter of elements in the picture you see.

This scene from Supernatural has some of the best cinematorgraphy i've ever seen. The colors, the street etc. It's simply the best i've seen on
a TV series.

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film names?
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>Jessica Chastain will never be your mommy

Ultimate bad feel
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how did transformers not win an oscar for this cinematography?

michael bay got robbed
First one is Control. Second is Punch-Drunk Love.
making something visually expressive

example: in munich, the dude's blood turns into an image of stars. shows the effect that murder has on the cosmos
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What is this movie?
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People are so used to technique meaning nothing.
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This movie gave some really great Z-movie cinematography tips.


movie looks like a tv show

I find nothing beautiful or nice about that shot.

whats that from again?
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Joy Division/New Order sing great songs about /tv/.
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Do you have any other songs similar to that New Order one you posted today?
In context I find the shot to excellent.
Appears to be an Atonement-tracking-shot.

according to this criteria i would choose the french movie La Heine to be the most successful. really great, evocative photography. one of my all time favorites.
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I absolutely love the camerawork in Fincher's films. The process they all use is bleach bypass, which leaves a black and white image under the color image and increases the contrast (darks are darker/brights are brighter). Great example of the visuals fitting the content.
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