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Top 10 reasons the Drive-in is superior.

1. I can bring my own snacks
2. this includes beer
3. I can smoke too
4. I don't have to listen to your talking or your crying babies
5. The light from your rude ass texting wont bug me
6. I can talk and text all I want without bothering you.
7. The snacks are waaaaaaaaaaaay more affordable, my drive-in even has tacos and french fries!
8. It's southern California and I have a convertible, evenings are often a perfect 70 degrees, it's fucking beautiful
9. Two movies for $7. Thats like half the price of one movie in a regular theater, also kids are a dollar... one. fucking. dollar.

This is why I never go to the regular theater anymore unless I REALLY want to see something in 3D, which is like maybe 3 times a year. And no, I'm not buying any of your over-priced concessions, I don't give a shit if thats how you make your money, I'm not paying $5 for a fucking water, fuck you, assholes.

So why don't you guys go to the drive in?
>slow clap starts
i don't have one near me because i live in the year 2012
I don't want to look out the window of my car to watch a movie.
Is there even a drive-in in the UK that plays current films?
Drive-Ins are awesome, I wish there was a decent one nearby.

OP, if you live in Cali, if you live in one of the big cities alot of them have Summer Movies In The Park deals where they set up a big screen and show classic movies, you can go chill and lay on the grass and watch. Check into it, it's a excellent time.
Take lawn chains and sit in front/back of the car.
well Lots of people sit int he backs of their trucks or wagons, or bring their comfy folding chairs or lawn seats. Since I have a Convertible I park angled down with my top down so I'm looking over the windshield.
You should probably clean it if it's so dirty though.
I would imagine it rains so much there that its' not economically smart? I fucking love California.
Yeah, the Hollywood cemetery has those every year in the summer. Thats the only one I know of that plays old movies regularly. Some cities have movies in the park, but last year all I saw was them playing kids movies for the kids.
Lots of free concerts in the park though every summer/
The only drive in near me is right next to the train tracks.

Yeah, I fucking said it. They managed to build a fucking outdoor theater next to fucking train tracks.

Even still, I love to go to it for all the reasons you mentioned, OP. It's a festive setting. Some people bring grills and make their own burgers watching the film. The food is awesome at mine as well, and they usually manage to pair like films with like films. Last time I went to it, though it was The Incredible Hulk, followed by You Don't Mess with the Zohan. Needless to say I skipped out a bit early.
Oddly enough, Both of the drive-ins near me are right by train tracks!! Who knows why they do it. But if you're in your car most of the time the sound isn't a big bother. I've never seen anyone bring BBQs to mine, though!
The one that's right by my house it seems like they purposely mis-match the movies and are really strict about if you try and switch. The one that's closer into LA they don't give a flying fuck if you change theaters in between, but it's a lot more ghetto.
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How does the sound work, isn't a little speaker hanging off your window a poor alternative to a theatre setup?

Dublin had a drive-in once many years ago, but the screen was destroyed in a storm and it never reopened. It'd be nice to experience.
Yeah? The Drive In near me is also near train tracks....
>not sitting on the hood with your arm around imaginarygf
no they transmit the sound on a radio signal so you use your car stereo.
another plus if you have a decent system
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Saw The Last Crusade at a drive-in outside of Chicago. Only drive-in experience.
I feel lucky to live within 20 minutes of one, went there last weekend to see The Avengers with a few cars' worth of people, made me remember just how plain fun it is. I hope to go a lot more this summer.

Unfortunately grills are banned at ours, so we instead bring Chinese takeout which makes other moviegoers jealous
>eating while watching a movie
>drinking alcohol while watching a movie
>smoking while watching a movie
>complain about people talking yet (see #6) you have no problem talking through a movie
>texting through a movie
>eating while watching a movie
>being distracted by your material items instead of watching a movie
>being distracted by your surrounds while watching a movie
>not fully engrossing all of your senses into a movie
>not showing off your knowledge of movie trivia to the people around you

sounds to me like you have the autism
> 2. this includes beer

I hope you don't drink and drive home OP

Really? you're calling someone else autistic. You don't eat, drink, smoke, talk during a film. You sit stark still during a movie, and can't comprehend people who do otherwise.

I think you need to look up the definition of autism, son.
>this includes beer
I hope you're not the driver.

Also, enjoy your stereo sound.
>radio antenna in the drive-in
>people tune their car radios to a certain wavelenght to hear sound from the film
>mfw Americans honk their horns during the movie.
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>His area doesn't have a Drive-In

I agree OP, Drive-Ins are fucking awesome.
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Top 2 reasons why watching movie at home is superior:
1. It's free.
2. I can do whatever I want (pause it, smoke, drink beer, fap, anything).
The only disadvantage is that I have to wait for a 720p rip.
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>you will never live in america and go to drive in movies in perfect weather

>you will always be stuck in rainy britain and have your movies ruined by annoying chavs
I wish I had one here in alberta, but canadians are somewhat pleby

You want to fuck about while being entertained? Do it at home. Watch some shitty film on your tiny TV while you cook or iron.

Cinemas are there so you can enjoy the film how it was meant to be enjoyed. Show some respect to the filmmakers, your fellow cinema goers, and most of all, have some self cocking respect when you watch films in public.
fucking lold
nah we take turns.
The only times I've heard people honk during the movie is when some asshole has his headlights on.
It's nice to go out though, nice to be outside on a perfect night watching movie. I wish everyone had a convertible and a perfect Southern California evening.

The only downsides I see are when movies have really dark scenes sometimes they're hard to see and it's a long walk to the bathroom.
>using Socal as a positive
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>be 19
>love cars
>Never been to a drive in
I saw the avengers and cabin in the woods at a drive in last night.

Was pretty awesome except paying $8 for nachos.

Agreed. I saw The Dark Knight at a drive in, most the movie I couldn't tell what was going on
So I guess you're not a fan of warm sunny days, mild cool nights, oceans, redwood forests, mountains or deserts... that's cool. Where you from? Oklahoma?
Yikes, thats Why I take my own snacks.
I have only few gripes about movie theaters. Here are the quick fixes.

1. Let adult drink alcohol. This is no brainer, I will pay 2 dollar beer any time.

2. Cellphone jamming when the movie starts. I dont give a shit you have to twitter 24/7 or post pics of you watching a movie, but inside the theater.

3. Dont let the kids in unless it's kids movie. For rated R film, no kids less than 13 should be admitted into the theater. Also babies should be banned.
drive ins are shit tier

>shitty screen a mile away
>only works at night
>airplanes fly over
>shit tier sound
>noise and distractions everywhere
>mosquitos and shit

fuck that pleb shit. I'd rather enjoy it at home on my $8000 couch with my $3000 65" 240hz 3D TV and my $3000 surround sound.
They already do this.

>go to drive-in theatre.
>seeing Avengers
>mfw commericals
>mfw people clap after prometheus trailer
>mfw people applaud after tdkr trailer
>people are quiet during actual movie
>mfw people clap when captain A talks about god.
>mfw people get up out of their cars, and applaud at the end of the film
>mfw the applause becomes contagious, and suddenly half of LA is applauding while they walk to clubs, bars, home, work, restaurants, etc etc.

Plebs everywhere.
>shitty screen a mile away
you know you can park as close as you want right?
>only works at night
>airplanes fly over
>shit tier sound
ONly if you have a shitty stereo in your car
>noise and distractions everywhere
not really, you can't hear any of that shit in your car. There's a whole hell of a lot less disturbances than in an actual theater.
>mosquitos and shit
in your car? Also Even when I have my top down you're in a GIANT parking lot, there's no bugs.

I enjoy a move at home on my big screen with my surround sound, but it's nice to get out... well some people like to leave the house now and then I guess, some people like the outdoors. I never appreciated lovely weather until I moved to someplace with shitty weather and then moved back.

Yea everyone already does this...I mean, if you really wanted to, you could park outside the place, tune into the radio station, and use binoculars to watch the movie.
We go to the drive ins to get high and drunk and MST3000 the movies - its kinda fun. Also, girls

my friend and I nicknamed the robot from i, robot "Toby"
and almost got beat up by a horde of black dudes because of it lol

good times man
shut up nerd
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>drive ins in the year 2012
you forgot the best reason: hooking up with chicks

I mean you're at the movies, and already in your car

>8. It's southern California

9001. Shitty sound quality, you have to listen to that shit through your radio.
I went to a drive-in many, many years ago -- used to be near me; now it serves as a swap meet -- and, while it wasn't the greatest theater experience, it was pretty fun sitting out at night with a giant screen.
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>tfw you had a drive-in near you that was recently discontinued and you never went to one
They look like fun, but I have a hard time believing the image quality is very good compared to an indoor theater.
Movie tavern.... alcohol, great food.
I miss the drive-in.

We used to go in my dad's pick-up truck, and we'd lay on the roof of the truck's bed's cap in sleeping bags.

I remember there was a playground down behind the screen, too. The light from the movie would go through the screen and then all through the playground. Shit was magical.
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>that feel when making out in your car with your girlfriend if she gets bored of the movie
they're only good for shitty/"fun" movies

cinema is better

The one we used to go to had a little thing that broadcast the movie's audio to a station on your car radio.
> tfw Double Features are no longer a thing

I remember seeing....fucking.....Sphere and something else at a drive-through on the same night, when I was like ten. Can't remember what the other movie was. Might have been 12 Monkeys...?

They were both cool though.
I go to Bengies in MD. It's like 3 movies in a row for $9.

HOWEVER, the food has gotten worse, the sound is pretty shitty compared to Home Theatre/Movie Theater, and the line/traffic backup for the place is usually a mile or two deep. Also it's like a half-hour from my place while the nearest three movie theaters are like 5-6 minutes away.

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>go to outdoor showing of Labyrinth
>letterboxed 2.35:1 image squished onto a 4:3 screen
Never again.

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