Overrated as fuck. And to think people called Drive autistic.
Fuck your dumb couch. Le Samourai is legendary.
I like the music in this film and i agree that there some really retarded parts
>>22531927Fuck you try hard pleb. Le Samourai is dumb as fuck.
He did a lot of dumb mistakes for a professional killer and the end is ridiculousWatch Leon if you want a good assassin movie
This is what Drive would be if it wasnt shit
>>22532228But Drive shits all over this stupid movie
>>22532276nah you are a pleb
>>22532131>Watch Leon if you are a plebeian. \fixed that for you
babby can't enjoy a film made before 1990 ;_;>you will never know the bliss of being full pleb again
>>22532308>Watch Leon if you are a pedophile. Fixed that for you
>>22531894>Overrated as fuck. agree 100% op
Le Samourai had good atmosphere and some great performances, but the plot is just ridiculously silly. It's like someone who never wrote a crime movie decided to do one and it went unchecked
More like Le Retard am i right
>>22532309>Momma look I watched old movie >I have good taste now, right?Yes, I will truly never know what its like to be such pleb
>>22531894>lefuck off back to 9fag
>>22532373exactly. all form no substance.
> Le SamouraÏ> LeWas there any doubt this movie is shit?
Le Samourai is like a Drive in one thing - first 10 minutes (him doing assassination and setting up the alibi) are genius and the rest is pure shit.
>>22532399>momma looked I watched a recent film>i have great taste, like the other 14 year olds, right?full pleb bruh
>retards can't into existentialist themesDo you guys even understand why he let himself get killed in the end?
>>22532433Nah leaving the witness alive was bullshit the movie is shit form the start
My opinion is better and more valid then yours /thread Overrated? Well among critics yes. A shit movie? No.
>>22532497Obviously a higher bodycount is the best way to remain conspicuous.
>>22532528Wrong.2/10 apply yourself
It was re released by Criterion = instantly hipster status
>>22532472Oh boy explain us plebs grand canyon deep message that this movie bore.>inb4 no response>inb4 you google 'Le Samourai analysis' and copypaste some pretentious deconstruction
>>22532551Baby didnt understand the movie
>>22532131>leon>good assassin movieI like it and all, but come on.
>plebs can't understand entry-level art househttp://www.cinemapsychologia.com/2010/02/le-samourai-melville-1967-doomed-tale.html3deep5u
>comparing an objectively great movie like Le Samourai to an objectively bad movie like Drive.
>>22532605Nobody can hate that last scene. But yeah spaghetti westerns are all shit.
>>22532579>>22532611Oh wow how unexpected
>>22532611>>22532631Lol look at these plebs copy pasting shit and using words they recently learn on 4chan