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    File: 1330117871.jpg-(211 KB, 620x662, 300.jpg)
    211 KB Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)16:11 No.21278919  
    Choose a movie for me to see. I am distressed because acceptance letters started going for the graduate programs I applied to and so far I have heard nothing, now I'm tired of sitting in front of my computer drinking and want to get out out of the house for a few hours. I don't give a shit if the movie is good or not, I just want something entertaining that will hold my attention. I have a hard time telling if a movie has these qualities from professional reviews because they spend more time stroking their own dicks and talking about the "shaky-cam tint-o-rama method of directing" or how Nic Cage is a candle in the wind.

    The theater near me has Gone, Act of Valor, Wanderlust, Star Wars, Safe House, Ghost Rider, Chronicle, and the Secret World of Arriety.

    I'll also post a few of these just to shake things up.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)16:12 No.21278954
         File: 1330117967.jpg-(236 KB, 611x792, Aliens.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)16:16 No.21279026
    Either Chronicle or Arriety. If I was distressed I'd pick Ghost Rider because Nic Cage always makes me happy.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)16:17 No.21279045
    I'd go with Wanderlust or Arrietty.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)16:18 No.21279057
    Post more of those, OP.
    What are they called?
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)16:19 No.21279067
         File: 1330118355.jpg-(55 KB, 558x571, batmanbegins.jpg)
    55 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)16:19 No.21279072
    Can't go wrong with Paul Rudd.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)16:20 No.21279086
    I'd go for Wanderlust.

    It's written by David Wain and Ken Marino, who've done stuff that I think is pretty funny (Party Down, Role Models) - and it has done pretty decent in reviews.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)16:20 No.21279092
         File: 1330118433.jpg-(364 KB, 800x2000, District 9.jpg)
    364 KB
    i dunno lol
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)16:22 No.21279119
         File: 1330118547.jpg-(198 KB, 608x648, Fight Club.jpg)
    198 KB
    I was thinking either Chronicle, Wanderlust, or Ghost Rider. I really dig comics so the superhero things are cool. I also thought Role Models was really funny. Half of Ghibli's movies have made me extremely depressed and want to kill myself, so I don't knmow if I'm up for Arriety.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)16:23 No.21279135
         File: 1330118611.jpg-(189 KB, 1051x1396, First Blood.jpg)
    189 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)16:24 No.21279144
         File: 1330118652.jpg-(174 KB, 640x657, FotR.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)16:25 No.21279161
    someone do one for Robocop when they wait for backup to show up
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)16:25 No.21279163
    >sitting in front of the computer drinking while waiting for an acceptance letter
    Gee, why didn't you get in?
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)16:25 No.21279165
         File: 1330118752.jpg-(101 KB, 480x658, Jaws.jpg)
    101 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)16:26 No.21279178
         File: 1330118792.jpg-(40 KB, 698x974, Kingdom.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)16:27 No.21279189
         File: 1330118832.jpg-(205 KB, 640x686, Pulp Fiction.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)16:28 No.21279213
    >ghibli films
    >inducing depression
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)16:29 No.21279219
         File: 1330118972.png-(247 KB, 347x474, Reservoir Dogs.png)
    247 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)16:31 No.21279244
         File: 1330119062.jpg-(46 KB, 657x856, rockyiv.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)16:31 No.21279256
    >grave of the fireflies

    Course that is just one. I guess it is kinda depressing that the antagonists never get their comeuppance and do things for no real reason. Like the town leader chick in Mononoke, or the fat witch in Howl.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)16:33 No.21279274
    it was only supposed to be an Exhibition match
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)16:33 No.21279281
    not op, but i always find ghibli films depressing because they're about fucking children learning responsibility and integrating into society and getting jobs and here i am unemployed watching japanese cartoons in my underwear
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)16:33 No.21279282
         File: 1330119218.jpg-(265 KB, 704x936, Sixth Sense.jpg)
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    You should check out thegradcafe's forums. Those guys have been like this for months. At least I waited until the day acceptances went out to get upset.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)16:34 No.21279306
         File: 1330119297.jpg-(46 KB, 500x800, snatch.jpg)
    46 KB
    >> Moopy !qKpQf/lscw 02/24/12(Fri)16:35 No.21279321
    Good joke, terrible grammar.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)16:36 No.21279326
         File: 1330119383.jpg-(292 KB, 628x658, Terminator Reese.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)16:37 No.21279337
         File: 1330119464.jpg-(183 KB, 608x806, Terminator Sarah.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)16:38 No.21279349
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)16:38 No.21279356
         File: 1330119523.jpg-(196 KB, 608x648, Titanic.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)16:40 No.21279384
         File: 1330119603.jpg-(66 KB, 862x1010, True Romance.jpg)
    66 KB
    This is the last one I have.

    Think I'm going to see Wanderlust because it comes on at 5, the rest aren't until 6 or so.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)16:40 No.21279390
    What are these 'movie alternatives' pics called?
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)16:41 No.21279413
    They barely made it onto the ship, they wouldn't have had time to sell them,
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)16:42 No.21279433
    I would call them: Brilliant Ideas. Because the author of those images put together those ideas if there was no suspension of disbelief.

    Really it show what would be a even smarter idea to deal with the confilict or ultimate goal of the movie.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)16:42 No.21279435
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)16:43 No.21279444
    The folder I created for them is named Easy Endings, so I motion that we call them that from now on. I made like a third of them and I've seen others that I haven't saved, so get to work.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)16:44 No.21279468
    Or better yet let's call these macros "Fucking Brilliant Ideas" or "THAT'S A FUCKING BRILLIANT IDEA!"
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)16:46 No.21279489
         File: 1330119998.png-(17 KB, 241x230, drinking guy.png)
    17 KB
    trips says we call the "Easy Endings"
    i too would like to see other you haven't saved.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)16:48 No.21279519
    That's even a better idea, lets stick with that.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)16:51 No.21279574
         File: 1330120267.gif-(71 KB, 398x429, 30.gif)
    71 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)16:53 No.21279605
    To answer your question: Star Wars, Ghost Rider, Chronicle, and the Secret World of Arriety are the good ones out of the list you gave me.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)17:04 No.21279768
         File: 1330121082.jpg-(159 KB, 800x774, Sensible_Neimoidians.jpg)
    159 KB
    Just made this one.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)17:06 No.21279799
         File: 1330121188.jpg-(76 KB, 460x719, swguiness.jpg)
    76 KB
    something about putting a piece of ply wood over the ventilation shaft on the death star....
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)17:09 No.21279849
    I expect to see these on Reddit within the week
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)17:13 No.21279915
    >going on reddit
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)17:14 No.21279940

    >Having website Allegiances
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)17:16 No.21279963
         File: 1330121781.png-(141 KB, 500x366, hereforever.png)
    141 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)17:16 No.21279967
    For Star Wars either have leia giving away the plans or them fixing the hole
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)17:17 No.21279985
         File: 1330121851.jpg-(249 KB, 1600x1200, luke.jpg)
    249 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)17:18 No.21279996



    Having the Nemodians tell Sidious to fuck off.

    Entire saga aborted.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)17:20 No.21280036
         File: 1330122031.jpg-(318 KB, 1582x1413, Heat.jpg)
    318 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)17:21 No.21280046
         File: 1330122062.jpg-(172 KB, 500x599, HARRY.jpg)
    172 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)17:21 No.21280052
         File: 1330122082.jpg-(46 KB, 371x408, youreahorcrux.jpg)
    46 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)17:23 No.21280083
    Everything about that is so bad I have to assume it's deliberately bad as part of a secondary joke or criticism of these images as a whole.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)17:26 No.21280146

    lold so hard
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)17:32 No.21280262
    >No lifeforms on-board. It must have short-circuited.
    >Still, better safe than sorry!
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)17:33 No.21280281
         File: 1330122821.jpg-(66 KB, 895x443, Voldy.jpg)
    66 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)17:34 No.21280299
    >"No lifeforms on-board. It must have short-circuited."
    >"What are you, retarded? We have robots and shit walking around everywhere, it could be full of them. Destroy it, clear your desk and don't come back in on Monday."

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