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11/10/08(Mon)15:09:29 No.2085854  Strange,
you claim your father is a principal and teacher, yet your parents have
failed you when it comes to your education. The progressive tax system
isn't anything new, it's been the backbone of this country since the
introduction of the federal income tax. So the question of whether some
should be taxed more and others less is long since settled.
question now is who, who belongs in what bracket and at what rate
should that bracket be taxed. Understand the difference here: (a) your
parents make an unusually large amount of money compared to the rest of
the country, (b) a slight and it is slight increase on their taxes
means a slight sacrifice of some luxury at worse - a few less lattes
and (c) increasing rather than reducing the taxes of those making
considerably less greatly increases their ability to provide for their
children, increasing the likelihood of higher education and improving
the nation's competitiveness with the world, as well as reducing the
"need to live" mentality that leads to crime.
The point is,
fairness argument is an awful trick and you're falling for it, this is
a pro national security, pro family, pro law and order matter. This is
the last service your country asks of your parents and downright cheap
compared to the alternative. (Dying children, higher crime, revolution.) |