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    84 KB Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)22:26:08 No.2079563  
    robots, i am a lonely hikkikomori, i need to recover, thing is my social skills have melted away to nothing, i just dont know how to deal with people anymore, i get anxious and i can tell they can feel it, think im weird and loose interest, when people ask what i do, i shyly answer back "computer stuff", i know i cant go into detail about it to normal people because its boring to your avarage person, ive lost all of real life friends, i only have people scattered accross the globe via msn to talk to, my situation is dire, id really like the robots advice on this, ive lurked this board for weeks never saying a thing, and i know 70% of answers given are troll detections or trolls themselves, i dont want to an hero, i just want to improve my situation, maybe get into a friend group again, its just im so nervous around people :( what can i do?
    >> Mike is a Huge !Ep8pui8Vw2 11/09/08(Sun)22:27:19 No.2079570
    Come to Australia, my friends are all as socially inept as you- but my charisma seems to rub off over time.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)22:31:42 No.2079613
    id love to come to australia, but given IT market trends and visa regulations i would need to give your government another 4000 to make up the points for a skilled workers visa, its sad, my family live over there, my fathers side, id love to go, perth, the murray river, it was part of one of my failed operations to get out of this mess

    my skillset is MCSA MCSE MCDBA
    i couldnt go to uni, i always felt that if i didnt make the vut there socially, the would finish me off and id become a complete hikkiko, right now i only go out at night for cigarettes and food...

    >> Mr. Bubbles !!DLJ3bQ7yunJ 11/09/08(Sun)22:32:03 No.2079616
    There needs to be a site dedicated exclusively to hikkis. We could get together and talk and promise to meet in real life, but in reality none of us would because the outside is scary and besides, who would want to meet a hikki?
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)22:33:22 No.2079628
    4chan IS a site dedicated to hikkis, you retard.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)22:35:04 No.2079648

    WAit..... is that you atsushi? We always wondered where you got too...
    >> Mike is a Huge !Ep8pui8Vw2 11/09/08(Sun)22:35:10 No.2079649
    What a coincidence, I live in Perth.
    Look, we have a great tech uni here called Curtin.
    If you've got prior experience and you're skilled enough you could probably net a scholarship.
    Fuck, we're begging for more labor in this country.

    Don't worry about the social side of it, if you end up over here we can ease you back into society. It's what we do.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)22:35:57 No.2079653
    Go fucking outside, seriously. I used to be mostly like this, albeit not entirely afraid of people, just awkward. No one knows who you are and what you do, so just carry yourself around like you're a more confident, outgoing person.

    Also stop calling it hikkikomori, it's annoying and embarrassing. So the Japanese have a word for it? So do we, it's called a shut in, speak fucking English mate.
    >> hikkikomorimcp 11/09/08(Sun)22:35:57 No.2079654
    other hikki's i guess, im a brit-hikki, my hobbies are anime, manga, computers, i used to like playing basketball but when i came into this situation there was no longer anywhere i could practice that anymore, my friends sometimes managed to get me out playing with them on weekends, but as kinda as they are even their patience has a limit, we lost contact 6 months ago
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)22:37:18 No.2079666
    Come to Toronto Canada OP, I'll be your live friend and I won't judge you on your social retardness.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)22:39:00 No.2079681
    I think this is one of those things where you just have to close your eyes and jump in.

    Try looking for clubs or groups of people with similar interests to you. Get a hobby that gets you outside. Not only will you be getting out of the house, you'd definitely make friends.

    Take it slow, and try not to be fidgety and nervous.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)22:40:43 No.2079701
    Hikis don't type so atrociously, you're just a loser. There's no special word for you, loser. You're not Japanese either.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)22:42:00 No.2079717
    >>i know i cant go into detail about it to normal people because its boring to your avarage person

    This isn't a particularly good mentality to have, you should have a little more confidence in what it is that you do
    >> hikkikomorimcp 11/09/08(Sun)22:43:14 No.2079735
    lol shut in, ok...

    and i am indeed just scared of people in general, i live in a rough neighbourhood, really rough, if you're not one of them, you have to be able to hit hard or run fast, i move here 2 years ago, its the only area i cann afford the rent, even at night when i go out i still have to be extremely careful, looking scared or saying the wrong thing could get you mobbed in no time

    and i tried going to places and acting confident, as soon as someone asks a personal question i just lock up :( its the same as when i make a friend, they try to introduce me to their friends, i cant do groups at all, i never have, ive just always been a one to one person, i never developed tolerance or social skills to deal with groups, im always afraid of saying or doing something that will offend, and again i find myseld just standing there silent, that in turn makes them think im weird and im back where i started

    thing is im really not a bad guy, im really friendly, just cant express it
    >> hikkikomorimcp 11/09/08(Sun)22:47:02 No.2079766

    you're an angry person, and give me a break, this is an image board not the oxford journal, and im well aware im not japanese
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)22:48:05 No.2079776

    You're not Japanese. Stop calling yourself a 'hikkikomori.' That's the main reason you're alone. It's because you can't understand that you're not a part of a culture that isn't your race.
    >> hikkikomorimcp 11/09/08(Sun)22:50:09 No.2079802

    as son as i say microsoft most people switch off, as when i get to 3rd line tech support they just call me a nerd and laugh, its hard to find people who are business technology inclined
    >> hikkikomorimcp 11/09/08(Sun)22:51:19 No.2079819

    you act like i dont know how to hide a power level, i never tell people im into japanese things, i know the response
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)22:51:41 No.2079826

    Obviously you are going into too much detail. It also seems you have a hard time gauging a person's reactions to what you're saying (which I suppose is difficult if you constantly avoid social interaction).
    >> hikkikomorimcp 11/09/08(Sun)22:54:00 No.2079859

    do you think i should get professional help? or try a social networking website? ive always wanted to try one, i just dont have the courage, i wouldnt know what to say
    >> Mr. Bubbles !!DLJ3bQ7yunJ 11/09/08(Sun)22:54:44 No.2079866
    When did it become bad to use words from a different language? When someone uses the phrase "Deus ex machina", do you tell them to stop acting Greek?
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)22:56:06 No.2079886
    Isn't "Deus ex machina" latin? I could be mistaken, I don't really care.
    >> hikkikomorimcp 11/09/08(Sun)23:01:45 No.2079953
    i am just getting so sick of my routines, my sleeping pattern, or rather lack of, im tired of feeling like shit, i just dont know whether this will all go away or will i always be this way, i was never a very popular kid, infact i was pretty much a bitch, the only brave thing i ever did was sheild a woman from a mugging at a trainstation, and the only reason i had the balls to do that was because i had back u weaponry in form of spray paint (i bought it to cover up graffiti for my landlord) i could use as maize incase i couldnt take them.

    i just need to change, get some real balls, but i dont want to loose myself in the process.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)23:06:03 No.2079993

    Well if you want balls, I suggest becoming a survivalist (not the insane kind)

    It wont involve any social interaction, but learning to live in the wilderness with just basic camping supplies will make you one tough motherfucker
    >> hikkikomorimcp 11/09/08(Sun)23:08:03 No.2080013

    i live in a central business district of a fairly large city, also, im shit scared of animals, i was mauled by a dog when i was 6
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)23:12:11 No.2080053

    Leave your city?
    Balls required, hmm.

    There is no magic bullet to your solution. Perhaps you can take comfort in the fact that there are many people in your situation - you aren't alone. Hikkomori, shut-ins, agoraphobics, whatever you want to call them; they are rather common.
    One possibility is teaching. Does your job have any skill that can be taught? Preferably on a one-on-one basis. Assuming you aren't a creepy molester, students wont care how awkward you are, as long as you are able to teach.

    If you are good at your job, and can explain it, this might be one way to force interaction. Offer tutoring services. If you cant teach your job, try offering basic math or english tutoring to elementary age students.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)23:17:19 No.2080101
    Menander, translated into Latin.

    'God out of a/from the machine'
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)23:18:18 No.2080115
    >i could use as maize

    You were going to use corn to defend yourself?

    Seriously though, find some people that are into the same shit as you. You play computer games? Go find some LAN parties or something. D&D, Magic? I figure if you're alone and on 4chan you're probably a geek of some kind, and there's nothing wrong with geeking it up, just find some other geeks to do it with.

    As far as sleeping goes, you need to put yourself on some kind of schedule. I used to be depressed and slept all fucked up hours, but I also had no car, no job, and wasn't in school. My life had no purpose. Now I'm in school and I ride my bike everywhere. Exercise will do you good and tire your ass out so you can fall asleep at night. And when you're out in the real world kicking the shit out of your body it'll take your mind off how much everything else sucks.

    In summation, find some other socially awkward kids to hang out with, and it might not be great but its a start, and find some exercise to do on a daily or near daily basis. Personally, I suggest riding a bike on roads and/or trails.
    >> hikkikomorimcp 11/09/08(Sun)23:20:43 No.2080137

    im a microsoft certified systems engineer
    to be able to teach you have to gain the MCT qualification, but to pass you require the social skills to be able to teach, i did the whole course at home, i took the exams at a testing centre at night, i did it because i thought working with people like me i could muddle my way into a group with similar interests, it failed hard, people at work are like drones, ive tried the say and nightshift, they're all backstabbers, so i just keep my mouth shut and get on with it.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)23:21:36 No.2080149
    We're all grammar nazis here. Capitalising makes your posts look more coherent, regardless of what's actually in them, so it'll have benefits beyond not inducing rage.

    Deus -> a/the God, Singular, Nominative case. Latin.
    Greek usually uses -os where latin would use -us.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)23:25:09 No.2080185

    There's no way you could tutor simple programming? Calculus? Algebra?

    look, email your AIM to me so I can talk to you
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)23:30:44 No.2080238
    "Shut-in", i suggest taking a few weeks off and going somewhere with no plans. Improvise as you go. Hell, hitchhike. Wander around places you'd ordinarily steer clear of. Talk with more ease knowing you'll probably never have to deal with the listener again. If you've found urban areas to be wretched hives of scum and villainy, try the countryside, or maybe a different country entirely.
    >> hikkikomorimcp 11/09/08(Sun)23:32:25 No.2080253

    Sorry, noted, ill turn the lights on after this post.


    The problem is with people like me, they're too much like me or not like me at all, between the ages of 15-17 i had a shut in girlfriend, she was awesome, loved mecha, sat up all night watching crap films and we taught each other, we only went in for the tests, and we did awesome at them, she got AAA i got AAB she basically just moved into my room, she had a similar story to mine, but being around someone 24/7 has its limits, we met at college, she knew i was "like her" and it took off from there, difference is her family hated me, and her mother had more influence over her than i could possibly ever have due to her past, and you can imagine the rest, when she left, id say thats when this all started, im 20 now, we havent spoken since we said goodbye, but you could say im jealous that she within months re integrated into society and forgot all about me, i hate her mom more for being the catalsyt, but im glad she got out, and i hope she's doing ok, no one should have to live like this, i feel slightly used but i know as soon as i conquer this thing and master some social skills i can get back into the swing of things, im not bad looking on the outside, but if girls could read minds, im sure they would shreik and run for the hills.
    >> hikkikomorimcp 11/09/08(Sun)23:43:23 No.2080376
    crap, i meant when she left thats what i realised what i really was, the breakup was on mutual terms, im not the type to hold someone back, wherever she is, i hope shes kicking ass and taking names.

    ahah, i tried, i visited a friend in germany, but i ended up nesting, thats the trouble with friends like you, they're too much like you.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)23:48:26 No.2080430
    I think 500 years prior to now, or 500 years in the future, people like us would be fine. But it's times like these that are hard for shyfags and crazyfags. I'm the latter. Do you think you might be getting schizophrenia? Check out the negative symptoms. Anyway do your best to get out of this rut.
    >> hikkikomorimcp 11/09/08(Sun)23:56:57 No.2080501

    I must've screwed up somewhere, im not schizophrenic or anything, im just very withdrawn, people have always noted my good nature, when i was in school the teachers that noticed me always said off the records that i should be more assertive and less... nice, it made me a target for assholes, school was hell for me.

    i mean if girls could see that i liked anime, manga, gundam, old b movies, computers, fucking with expensive gadgets, and other equally not normal things, they would throw a drink in my face a shout nerd/goblin!

    really im a nice guy :) just... socially retarded, but im good once ive warmed upto somone.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)00:08:34 No.2080619
    I can kinda relate to your story but anime and japanese shit pisses me off. Also from UK

    Exercise helps. When you start achieving it makes you feel better about yourself.
    >> hikkikomorimcp 11/10/08(Mon)00:17:54 No.2080731

    my brother gave me some weights a while back, he said "use'em, if youget like me NO ONE will wanna fuck about with you" i used them hoping dropping in weight would help me feel better about myself, i started at 21st, a year later im now 13.6 st, my arms chest and back are kinda big, but they're not toned, i do situps when ive got nothing else to do, im treating this room like a psuedo time machine, if i ever bump into an old friend, id like them to say "holy fuck man"

    thanks for the advice though anon, i will spend more focus on my fitness endevours
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)00:17:54 No.2080732
    I came from the same type of family. A shy family. Most people don't realize how easy it is for a shy person to end up a shut in. It's what you want but not what you need, etc.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)00:18:00 No.2080737
    you don't sound like you have any symptoms of schizophrenia. did you mean schizoid?

    anyway, who cares about that. you sound really cool to me OP. i live in britain, i'll be your friend if you want. i'm chatty and shit so i can talk for both of us if you like.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)00:20:51 No.2080773
    if you're british why do you say "ass" and "mom"?
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)00:22:30 No.2080802
    Meet a kind friendly person who is more like what you want to be yourself, spend time with them, they will change you just by association.
    >> hikkikomorimcp 11/10/08(Mon)00:26:18 No.2080848

    the rest of my family are normal, my brother is a male slut and the other is married with a kid, they refer to me as the freak/goblin/twat :) i dont like to bother them, they all have their own problems, they check in on me roughly once a month and i quote "to make sure you're not dead, and if you are, to steal your computer"

    they've also tried to get me out of my shell, im too shy for their friends, they're nice people, but even they cant resist taking the piss, i dont associate well with other guys, and the ones i do are usually fairly toned down
    >> hikkikomorimcp 11/10/08(Mon)00:30:41 No.2080897

    american media i guess, watch enough of it and you're bound to pick up words, but then again its stereotypical to think we talk how we do in the movies, im sure you mean bum and mum, but a bum to me is a homeless person, and saying mum would indicate you're posh, and get you beaten up

    dont worry though, where im from, crossing guards, working class apartment blocks, potato chips and french fries will always be lollipop men, flats, crisps and chips :) enjoy the stereotyping
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)00:34:26 No.2080953
    ok man, don't get butthurt about it. i thought you british said "arse" and yeah, this is 4chan. you want to get upset because people might think you're trolling go ahead.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)00:35:56 No.2080969
    Working class apartment blocks are called "estates" in Britain.
    >> hikkikomorimcp 11/10/08(Mon)00:40:05 No.2081019

    lol im not getting butthurt! :) i think its funny when american people ask that kind of thing, and i meant a single block of flats, not an actual estate, im pretty sure if i lived on one i would have been stabbed up long ago, especially in london

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