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  • Blotter updated: 07/19/08

  • File :1222193566.jpg-(39 KB, 1024x712, Toonami-0003.jpg)
    39 KB Anonymous 09/23/08(Tue)14:12 No.2079143  
    So in honor of Toonami's passing, I uploaded the first Toonami cd. It's really good.


    If anyone has any other cds (I don't know if they exist), up them.

    (On another note, I started uploading this to rapidshit, megaupload, and media fire at the same time. When it finished on mediafire, it was at 14% on megaupload and 9% on rapidshit. Stop using those bullshit sites.)
    >> dscodsco !!okHdE/C/yjo 09/23/08(Tue)14:13 No.2079147
    every-fucking-day, i mean week. whatever.
    >> Anonymous 09/23/08(Tue)14:15 No.2079154

    It'll pass in another two weeks. download while you can.
    >> Anonymous 09/23/08(Tue)14:20 No.2079187
    Anyone have anything else?

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