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  • Blotter updated: 10/01/08

  • File :1225311257.png-(12 KB, 671x436, f.png)
    12 KB Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)16:14 No.2078523  
    Three brothers.

    One is a nerd.

    The middle one is a player.

    The oldest one is a douche and a football player.


    >> Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)16:15 No.2078525
    A boy likes to rape animals.

    Then the boy finds out that HE IS AN ANIMAL!

    Watch as the boy trapped in a dog's body has to find his way out of the dog with the help of an old dog whisperer.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)16:16 No.2078529
    In the deep south there are shitty vampires who drink blood beer to not bite people, and they have lots of sex with creepy music in the background.

    Oh, and there will be lots of lame lines that the characters say to be trendy and witty.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)16:17 No.2078531
         File :1225311469.jpg-(11 KB, 300x400, Summer-Glau-and-Kristen-Bell..jpg)
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    Summer Glau and Kristen Bell make out for half an hour every week.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)16:18 No.2078537
    >> Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)16:19 No.2078539
    Teenage girl is going to have a baby, but the father turns out to be a werewolf/vampire hybrid.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)16:20 No.2078544
    oh noes!
    >> Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)16:20 No.2078545
    I've got a fever, and the only cure is more Glaubell.
    >> poopypeepee 10/29/08(Wed)16:22 No.2078553
    Looks a bit like Sarah from Chuck.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)16:26 No.2078566
    Ditzy teenage girl gets pregnant by her 30 year old alcoholic loser boyfriend. She breaks up with him and starts dating a dyke who is in art school and is sarcastic thinks her own art is really deep. Ditzy teen tells parents she's pregnant, and they freak out. Then she tell sthem she's swating a girl, and they kick her out of the house. Preggo girl and the dyke are forced to live with the alcoholic because he's the only one who has a job to pay for rent. This is the story of the trio's wacky adventures trying to raise a bastard child!
    >> Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)16:30 No.2078576
    super intellegent man makes a plan to help his brother who was framed, escape from prison
    >> Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)16:31 No.2078582

    with normal lives

    found out...

    they're all...



    The Gay House!
    >> Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)16:32 No.2078584
    A misfire of a top-secret US EMP satellite system leaves the entire world without electricity. Humanity must learn to survive all over again.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)16:35 No.2078589
    Dude wakes up and his whole family is gone.

    His neighbor has stolen his children, wife, and his dog. Now, this man with no brain power, must go across the country to Canada and fight back for what is his!
    >> Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)16:38 No.2078594
    I got an idear

    Two guys, best buds from the ghetto or a poor country far away, are now quite wealthy and own a company together that is now funding gene research. This research leads to the discovery of a technique to unlock the genetic memory of a human being, meaning that you would literally have the memory of every being dating back to the point the gene was passed on for reproduction.

    They attempt to sell it to the American government but are raided by terrorists/crazy cult people, although they are unsuccessful in stealing the documents and the head scientist(lovable side character) they manage to kill main character's best bud. Head scientist uses the technique on main character and the show becomes about how the discovery rips lives apart, causes all sorts of mayhem, and eventually leads up to World War 3.

    Promo would be main character guy wandering through the ruins of Istanbul.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)16:43 No.2078604
    This guy finds a magic four leaf clover.

    then his girlfriend kills herself

    and his whole life becomes shit
    >> Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)16:45 No.2078606
         File :1225313100.jpg-(22 KB, 425x292, Nobuo-Uematsu2.jpg)
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    ok no wait

    a young boy
    saves the world
    >> Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)16:48 No.2078611
    wow, I actually got chills from how awesome that could be
    >> Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)16:48 No.2078612
    A kid is eighteen.

    He's never had a girlfriend.

    So he watches every single Japanese kung-fu movie every, plays Final Fantasy, and acts like he knows how to fight.

    He beats up a guy somehow, and he gets the girl...


    Now watch as Billy Simmenson must run away from the gangsters, mob, and football team!
    >> Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)16:48 No.2078614
    Three terrorists are constantly foiled in their attempts to kill thousands of Americans by their own ineptitude.

    The Leader is a disgraced prince.
    The Tech Guy is fat and lazy.
    The Muscle is... I forget

    They live in a Manhattan apartment building with wacky neighbors who know full well that they're terrorists, but never let on and care more about the the terrorists emotional wellbeing and try to cheer them up and even help them, if it'll only raise their self-esteem.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)16:51 No.2078620
    A hermaphrodite travels back in time to have sex with herself. He gets pregnant and gives birth to a superintelligent transdimensional baby, existing in the present and a 1000 years in the future at the same time. The baby can also float objects and make his torso glow.

    Follow his adventures as he:
    -gets attacked by lobsters in the future making himself get stigmata during his nobel prize speech in the past.
    -makes his torso glow for a sweetheart in the past and the future at the same time, whose name will he call out during sex?
    -finds out that one instance of his hermaphrodite parent has become a vampire and, while discovering his latent powers, accidentally opens a rift to a dimension of other transdimensional babies
    -makes love with another transdimensional baby creating a omnihyperquantumic baby existing in all times and locations at once. he is later revealed to be god.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)16:53 No.2078627
    This sounds like something I would watch on television. I second this.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)16:54 No.2078630

    fund it!
    >> Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)16:54 No.2078631

    You work at Fox, don't you?
    >> Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)16:55 No.2078636
    I do not... but I've considered pitching the idea to them. It's the sort of thing I think TV is missing.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)16:55 No.2078638
    Star Trek: Academy

    chars: hot female aliens, nerdy vulcan, cocky human, and more stereotypes

    o'brian is the cool teacher

    cameos by old captains & crew
    >> Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)16:56 No.2078644
    >and more stereotypes
    I laughed until I spat up blood.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)17:00 No.2078651
    Throw in a Boston Public episode format and you got yourself gold
    >> Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)17:01 No.2078652
    I would never allow myself to miss this if it were real.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)17:01 No.2078656
    Basically, Red Dawn the TV show, except with some differences. First, it's set in like 2045, so there's giant robots, and it's a fullscale invasion, not just paratroopers landing in Idaho.

    Either that or it's like a bunch of super assassins fuck up various shit. Told in 1-hour vignettes, with no recurring characters.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)17:02 No.2078659
    >> Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)17:06 No.2078676
    A kid is misplaced for another kid, and now he is in a school full of mentally ill and insane child. Watch as this boy among insane freak jobs and pot smokers teaches them about life and all that shit while making out with a hot coke addict.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)17:08 No.2078684
    The sexual exploits (or sexploits as I like to call them) of a flesh-puppet controlled a disgruntled government employee.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)17:10 No.2078693
    Good Burger: The Television Series

    >> Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)17:10 No.2078699
    A dramady about the creative minds behind the nation's biggest and most successful reality TV show. It would document their exploitation of the shows contestants, the insane things they persuade their network to resort to to ensure ratings, and a some courtroom drama about the legality/morality of not only their practices, but of their show. Think Mad Men meets Studio 60.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)17:13 No.2078705

    Joe Schmo?

    I loved Joe Schmo.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)17:25 No.2078746
    it's the year 2020

    -teleports, holograms, lightsabres, synthetic food and all sci-fi cliches have been invented
    -the world has been overrun by vampire werewolves.
    -the last 4 human survivors share a flat in new york, disguising themselves as vampire werewolves and trying to protect their secret.

    -one of them is gay and really funny and sarcastic and makes jokes about gays and gayness all the time

    -one of them is black and also really funny and does body-languages comedy, funny noises and lots of jokes about the differences of blacks and whites.

    -one of them is a beautiful woman that is a super-intelligent hacker and a master in martials arts. She wears glasses only when hacking.

    -the last one is the lead character, a beautiful man with dark trendy hair and a tragic past. He's also super-intelligent and knows kung-fu and magic. He is very sad despite being perfect in every way. He is also half vampire werewolf which is his DARK secret

    despite being the last survivors, they encounter at least 50 other humans during the series, each possessing a different magical ability. In the second season, one of the antagonist vampire werewolves turns out to be a good guy and is really hawt lige legolas showing his naked pecs all the time.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)17:35 No.2078776
    If there were a just god he would have smote you upon thinking this
    >> Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)18:01 No.2078886
    >creative minds
    >reality TV show
    >> Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)18:21 No.2078970
    Show Name: Ninja Samurai Timetravler Dragonmaster
    Genre: Drama
    Episode lenght: 45 Minutes

    NSTD is a series about a young boy named "Ken" who works at his gradfathers junkyard. His parents where killed by "The Company" when he was 2 year old. His grandfather tells him they died in a car accident. One day while sorting trash Ken fins a magic sword. He play with it for a while, then when he swings it over his head and screams "Nyahhh!!" the sword starts gloving. Ken throws the sword down to the ground, then the sword starts vibrating, and a dragon ghost appears like a genii from the sword. The dragon asks Ken "Who has summoned me?" Ken replies "I did summon you mighty dragon ghost". The dragon ghost tell Ken about the Company, then the dragon ghost enters Kens body giving him the ability to time travel and the skills of the ninja and the samurai. The rest of the story revolves around Ken trying to bring down the company. But in the final episode Ken finds out everything was a optical illusion.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)18:22 No.2078973
    >> Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)18:22 No.2078982
    >> Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)18:23 No.2078984
    Would be the AWESOMEST FUCKING SHOW EVER until the last sentence.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)18:23 No.2078986
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    >> Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)18:24 No.2078988
    Postapocalyptic world. Couple survivors trying to fight off zombies and repopulate the earth, but they're not traveling through the dessert all the time or some shit like that - they stay in one huge city and try to survive with everyday objects.

    Bonus points if there's some shit in the air (like worldwide EMP) that makes all electronic useless.

    God mode: it's not US, so there's almost no guns (I like the idea of killing zombies with a sledge hammer or crowbar more than the idea of every house having all kinds of guns and ammo in the basement).

    So simple yet nobody thought of that (dead set comes kinda close, but it's not exactly what I had in mind; plus it'll only have 6 episodes so fuck it)
    >> Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)18:24 No.2078993
    >everything was a optical illusion.

    My mind, blown by you was.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)18:25 No.2078999
    Be original for once.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)18:26 No.2079005
    >not traveling through the dessert all the time
    Yeah. I hate TV shows where the characters have to walk across a giant slice of cake.

    >Bonus points if there's some shit in the air (like worldwide EMP)
    >> Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)18:27 No.2079008
    ITT: TV and movie execs stealing your ideas.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)18:29 No.2079018
    I really hope they will. Those ideas are awesome
    >> Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)18:29 No.2079021
    There's a dude named John.

    There's another guy named Steve.

    They both get high, kill their wives, and then go, 'Fuck!'

    They run from the cops and go to Mexico where they find the magical beans that can rise their wives from the grave.

    In the end, the wives pop out of nowhere and say this shit was all a reality show. The wives and producers had fucked with the two guy's drinks and made them think they were high.

    Then the two guys cry and the wives laugh.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)18:29 No.2079025
    OK, so there's this group of women, played by hot superstars like Scarlett Johansson and Jessica Alba. They're trapped on some tropical island. With no clothes. They spend their time playing beach volleyball, swimming, and cuddling.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)18:30 No.2079028
    Why? I want to see that. Many people want to see that. Why can't anybody do something like that? They produce so many shit shows, they could easily replace one with this.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)18:31 No.2079032
    >> Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)18:32 No.2079033
    Make it not a comedy. One of them kills himself out of despair. The other resorts to a life of crime before finding out that he was being fucked with. That's the pilot. The rest of the show is the people living their lives in the aftermath of the reality show incident. It'll have to be a miniseries otherwise it'll get tired quickly.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)18:32 No.2079036
    A series about a world where the world has been flooded by a mighty water meteor that hit earth. This series would be like the movie water world, only with more sex and drugs. Tom Cruise should play the main character "Clint Fredd" who is a mutant (one of the few still alive) which can breath underwater and if he spills his blood into the sea it becomes calm no matter what weather. The series will revolve around Clint trying to find other mutants. Big plot twist is that all the mutants are harvested by a secret company for their blood which is sold to commercial shipping companies. After finding this out Clint teams up with a young orphan boy named "Leppi" and a pirate lady named "Classanda" together they try to bring down the company and along the way they meet many challanges and interesting people (Like "Sam Bob" a man who can read any map in the world).
    >> Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)18:34 No.2079043
    That's gotta be one of the worst superpowers ever. The amazing ability to read a map. So basically, the guy is blessed with not being a retard.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)18:34 No.2079050
    that's almost like The Game. Fuck at the end of that movie I wished the main character killed himself just to show his fucked up brother that you don't do shit like that to people.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)18:34 No.2079051
    >a mighty water meteor

    >> Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)18:35 No.2079056
         File :1225319736.jpg-(43 KB, 513x387, FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUU(...).jpg)
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    >The Game
    >> Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)18:36 No.2079058
    Tom Cruise.....
    ...Tom Cruise......
    .......Tom Cruise......
    >> Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)18:36 No.2079060
    Even better would be the survivor hunting down those responsible for destroying his life and forcing his best friend to take his own life.

    4chan the Movie
    >> Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)18:36 No.2079063
    well I wasn't trollin, http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0119174/ fucking good movie
    >> Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)18:37 No.2079066
    inb4 "Leppi" or "Classanda" turns out to be an undercover agent for the company. Or Tom Cruise is really an agent for the company, he just has amnesia.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)18:38 No.2079072
    No, it was all a hallucination as all of them are dead.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)18:39 No.2079078
    Not a bad idea. The guy kills his wife, his friend's wife, his friend for not agreeing to the plan, then different studio executives who worked on the series and/or greenlit the plan.

    The guy who goes batshit isn't ex-military or a former cop, because that's too obvious. At the start, he does a shit job trying to kill people and covering up his tracks, but gets better.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)18:41 No.2079082
    No points for guessing who the director/screenwriter would end up being.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)18:42 No.2079087
    Always had this idea.

    Some faggot emo kid wants to be a Japanese rock star because he looks like a girl, goes to Japan with only a condom and a guitar, and he meets some random dude.

    Dude makes guy dress up as a chick in a karoke bar, the guy becomes a hit, and he has to act like a girl wherever he goes.

    He falls in love with his female best friend, and his manager kills her when he shows he is a male.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)18:42 No.2079088
    Woah I had this like, like totally awesome, I mean insane awesome tv show idea. Like, like you got this guy, yes? This guy he is not a ordinary guy, no quite the opposite. He has this thing he can do, only he can do this thing. This thing is amazing, think like Flintstones meet the Simpsons amazing. Well there are these other guys who have this other things they can do, and they are like "Look at that first guy! The thing he can do is better than ours! Lets get him." But fret not the first guy has these, these friends who also can do these different things. Ah, what ya think? :D
    >> Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)18:42 No.2079094
    It would shit on Dexter.

    >> Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)18:43 No.2079099
    lol heroes
    >> Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)18:45 No.2079105

    does this have anything to do with doing 100 good deeds?
    >> Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)18:49 No.2079118
    so there's this secret military research facility. military is working on the biological weapon, but instead of making it the rage virus (like 28 days later) they make it love virus. After you've been infected you become mindless sex machine. Of course virus gets out.

    The series resolves around a young 4channer james. When he first hears about the virus he sees his one in the lifetime opportunity to get laid. However he has rare genetic disorder that renders him immune to the virus.

    He looks for the cure for his immunity, meanwhile there are neverending orgies everywhere. And it stars elisha cuthbert, Michelle Trachtenberg, Imogen Poots and Emma Watson digitally inserted into every female part in the whole series.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)18:50 No.2079125
    Numbarah is a tv series based around the myths in the bible and how some/most of them are true.There is this team of bible researchers that find proof for said bible myths but everytime they are about to present it there is this league of evil scientists that steal/destroy/other the evidence. Until one day they find the Trident of Satan. This trident has the power to poses people, at first the bible researchers start doing vile and naughty things like having sex orgies with each other, then they devote their will to the trident doing what every it wills. They find out that the so called scientists are in fact part of "The Company" a massive multinational company that fund and researches anti bible science. The Trident commands the bible researchers to bring down the company. The series from then on revolves the bible researchers trying to bring down the company.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)18:54 No.2079142
    Except it was all a dream in the end, amirite?
    >> Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)18:55 No.2079146
    Title: The Shower Doctor

    Starring: Tom Welling as Dr. Float Butcher

    Co-Starring: Anne Heche as Mr. Koggles

    Float Butcher is a male nurse who murders the Doctor at the pediatric clinic he works at. In his newly assumed role as Dr. Butcher, Float practices medicine on children despite having forgotten everything he learned in nursing school.

    By night, Float hunts down pedophiles and kills them in hilarious ways, frequently involving toys and merchandise from popular childrens TV shows, the ad revenue from which will help pay for the shows budget.

    Secretly however, Dr. Butcher is a pedophile himself and must take to alchohol and inhaling cans of keyboard cleaner to stave off his urges. His only friend and confidante that he can confide in is his anthropomorphic dog Mr. Koggles (played by Anne Heche in a bunny costume), who can only communicate by writing obscene jokes on peices of cardboard.

    The primary plot of the show would involve Floats search for his long lost grandfather, who was world renowned for his discovery of a back alley somewhere in Michigan that was a secret gateway allowing you to sneak into heaven. The first season would end with Float discovering the gateway and hatching a plot to steal all of gods gold reserves in the thrilling heist of the century.

    Also, it's called The Shower Doctor becuase at the end of every show, Float sings in the shower about what next weeks adventure may hold, although it's always hilariously wrong and usually involves a lot more sex with children than the actual episode will have.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)18:57 No.2079154
    Lay off the crack, dude.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)18:58 No.2079162
    One of the inner circle priests from the Vatican is appointed by the Pope to team up with a former special effects expert to drive across America weeding out false miracles and to prove that miracles really do exist, in order to gain faith back. The priest is a stuck up skinny old man who has undeniable faith in his religion, while the former special effects is a brawny mid-thirties dude who's family was killed accidently by his own doing.

    It's a roadtrip TV show that I was going to pitch to FX when they were doing their Always Sunny promotion.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)19:00 No.2079173
    that makes no sense whatsoever
    >> Sin Epnepsi, God Tier Troll 10/29/08(Wed)19:01 No.2079182
    Jesus christ, I lol'd
    >> Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)19:01 No.2079183
    What is there to understand? Old Catholic travels the land, children get raped, and cool fireworks along the way.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)19:06 No.2079204
    Err....no child rape in my idea. Some how I don't think that would come across as acceptable if one of the main characters did it.....

    Other than that, what isn't to get? Maybe...set it back in the 90's so that those USB Toasters that custom burn images on toast don't exists yet.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)19:06 No.2079206
    Prisonbreak spinoff, Prisonbreak: Auschwitz.
    Smart non jewish guy has to save his non jewish brother (wrongly imprisoned) from auschwitz, if thats not enough, he has 3h to do so.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)19:08 No.2079215
    Prisonbreak has a main character that rapes children, and he is the highest rated character of the show. (Tbag)
    >> Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)19:11 No.2079227
    I would do a new episode of lost, where one finds out that:
    Jack likes fire (to much for his own good)
    Kate and Lock get together and have a love child, which they keep as a sex slave.
    Sayid is a secret jew.
    Sawyer is infact Jesus.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)19:12 No.2079231
    Ok I'm going to make a sitcom up on the spot...

    Its called Turning Tricks, and its about a Magician whose assistant leads a double life as a hooker. In the pilot they meet up as client and whore, and hilarity ensues. Or something.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)19:13 No.2079243

    Heres another one. Geeks. An afterschool club for nerds is a perfect venue for D&D, gaming and CCG related humour.

    Think, the Big Bang Theory, only even more misrepresentation.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)19:16 No.2079257
    Wasn't everyone in Auschwitz wrongfully imprisoned?
    >> Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)19:17 No.2079265
    The show is called 10 minutes.

    It's kind of like 24, except that he entire show (every episode and every season) would all take place during the same 10 minutes of time.

    The protagonist would be a time traveler from another universe who uses the power of sex and and penchant for rape to get to the bottom of unsolvable murder mysteries.

    He only has 10 minutes to finish it all becuase, while he can change where on the planet he travels to, he always has to travel to the same date and time. Ten minutes after he arrives, nukes set up all over the earth go off and destroy everything.

    Also, he cant disarm the nukes becuase he has selective amnesia and forgets about them every time he time travels and only remembers about them right before they blow up.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)19:51 No.2079375
    A fucking giant space head comes to earth and starts busting shit up with eye-lazors, mouth flames and ear-missiles. The head becomes the supreme emperor of earth, turning it into a giant gulag.

    The space head is actually the protagonist and we get to watch him amuse himself by doing crazy social experiments on the people and tackle various problems that arise from taking over and controlling the planet.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/08(Wed)22:17 No.2080074
         File :1225333029.jpg-(30 KB, 360x270, 7minuteabs.jpg)
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    You heard of this thing, the 8-Minute Abs?
    Yeah, this is going to blow that right out of the water. Listen to this: 7... Minute... Abs. If you're not happy with the first 7 minutes, we're gonna send you the extra minute free. 7's the key number here. Think about it. 7-Elevens. 7 doors. 7, man, that's the number. 7 chipmunks twirlin' on a branch, eatin' lots of sunflowers on my uncle's ranch. You know that old children's tale from the sea. It's like you're dreamin' about Gorgonzola cheese when it's clearly Brie time, baby. Step into my office. Why? Because your fucken fired

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