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    File :1226280022.jpg-(47 KB, 400x403, jp.jpg)
    47 KB /jp/ - social retards or just trolls? Musashi !q1LI9HbVC2 11/09/08(Sun)20:20:22 No.2078366  
    I just did something I shouldn't have done, created a thread on /jp/. All the trolls and misfits popped out like immigrants outside a social security office.

    A decent thread ended up being derailed, trolled and sabotaged by doll-fuckers and virgins.

    Is /jp/ the ghetto of 4chan? Or do you have another board in mind for that title?

    PS: /b/ is not a ghetto, it's 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)20:23:28 No.2078394
    You were ostracized by nerds. lololol normalfag.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)20:27:11 No.2078423
    /jp/ is 4chan in its purest most unadultered form i guess, and that's a bad thing

    /b/ is the ghetto, yes
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)20:27:38 No.2078430
    To be honest, I don't know what it's like over on /jp/, and I'm not really sure.

    Don't get me wrong, I love Japan, but I have a feeling those guys are just as delusional and socially awkward as the rest of 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)20:30:22 No.2078463
    the ghetto of 4chan is /o/ and /k/.
    >> Musashi !q1LI9HbVC2 11/09/08(Sun)20:32:18 No.2078494
    Ghettos are never bigger than the non-ghetto parts. Without /b/ 4chans traffic would fall by 80%
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)20:32:21 No.2078495

    Don't you mean /sp/?
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)20:33:52 No.2078514

    Then the ghetto, while still highly japan-related, would have to be /po/.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)20:34:05 No.2078518
    Oh how I wish Moot would nuke /b/.

    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)20:34:50 No.2078533
    /jp/ was pretty good the first days after the split from /a/
    Don't know how it is today.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)20:36:24 No.2078554
    /b/ is a necessary evil
    >> Barack ✭ Star !x8ngkAZjXE 11/09/08(Sun)20:37:53 No.2078565

    /sp/ used to be one of the best places to post on 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)20:37:55 No.2078566
    They're social retards. It's absoloutely painful to read some of the shit there.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)20:38:23 No.2078571
    /v/irgin here.

    4chan would be far superior if users only had the choice of surfing /b/ OR the rest of 4chan.

    Yes, proxies. Most /b/tards don't know how to use them.

    Please save /v/.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)20:39:15 No.2078580
    /v/ is dead.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)20:40:43 No.2078592
    Social retards were the original userbase of 4chan. Not 'lets raid X place xD' people you faggot.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)20:41:20 No.2078601
    lol dude lets raid gaiaonline xDDDDDDDDDDDD
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)20:42:56 No.2078618

    /v/ is pretty much /b/-lite, dude. It would be great for a lot of other parts of 4chan, but shit, if don't like /v/ as it is you're pretty fucked. I can't remember a time when /v/ wasn't shit.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)20:43:45 No.2078625
    I don't really see how the normalfags on /r9k/ can complain about 'whining', the majority of whining comes from people on here whinging about breaking up with the 'love of their life' or some shit.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)20:43:46 No.2078627
    You fags should listen to this man.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)20:45:28 No.2078650
    Doll fuckers and virgins are the best parts about 4chan. Stay out of /jp/ and never come back.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)20:45:31 No.2078651

    Every night from around 2 am to about 6 am /v/ is just like it was in the good old days.

    ...but just six months ago it was midnight to 8 am instead of 2 am to 6 am. The window of quality is shrinking.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)20:45:37 No.2078652
    and you're a fucking upstanding contributor to society. No one on 4chan has the right to judge another.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)20:46:17 No.2078658

    Agreed. Maybe we could actually get a front page with just, you know, general discussion on here for once. I think we have at least part of the userbase that just wants to come here to shoot the shit and isn't interested in underhanded bragging or relationship threads.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)20:46:36 No.2078663
    /v/ used to be halfway decent during the japan time era.
    Now it's unbearable.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)20:48:33 No.2078681
    Massive newfag detected.

    That was the coup de grace to /v/ you nintendo fanboy. Perhaps you weren't around for 2006 /v/ but it was considered the best board on 4chan at a time when /b/ was dying.
    >> Musashi !q1LI9HbVC2 11/09/08(Sun)20:48:43 No.2078683
    You guys are unable to lead a decent convo IRL, and a decent convo on the INTERNET.

    Why do you live?

    I still have to see a thread, not created by me, that has a 100++ responses with at least 2 lines of text.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)20:50:10 No.2078696

    2006-exodusfag detected.

    /v/ was even better in 2004/2005 before you shitheads showed up. Eventually you stopped being so retarded but then Brawl happened.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)20:50:41 No.2078698
    You're a fucking idiot.
    I've been going to 4chan since 2002 and you're calling me a newfag?
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)20:51:31 No.2078710
    ...And it seems you havn't properly lurked /jp/ either. Seriously, why don't you just die?
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)20:52:31 No.2078723
    Hehe, I see your trolling there pal. Very subtle.
    >> Musashi !q1LI9HbVC2 11/09/08(Sun)20:54:20 No.2078741
    Because I have friends and a girl that cares for me. Can you socially retarded doll fuckers at /jp/ say the same?

    If you died today, would anybody care?
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)20:54:43 No.2078746
    /v/ was ruined by both the fags that left /b/ in 2006 and the fags that joined /v/ because of Brawl.

    I don't get it. Back in 2006 thousands of /b/tards decided the following:
    -that /b/ sucks
    -that /v/ doesn't
    -that they should go to /v/ and act like its /b/

    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)20:54:44 No.2078747

    No fucking way, man. I remember Japan time. There was nothing good then and there's nothing good now.

    I mean, I don't know, I was never big on /v/. I guess every board has some kind of appeal to someone. I just don't see any kind of significant difference between /v/ now and /v/ then. Maybe there is one if you're someone who liked what /v/ was about, but to me it looks like the exact same shit.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)20:56:42 No.2078761
    /jp/ has the most original content, shitloads of off topic debates and discussions, and the widest array content, all while respecting image board ettiquete. You just need to lurk moar. And why the fuck should we care if you have a girlfriend? If you don't like ronery threads, stay out of them.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)20:57:26 No.2078768
    Where does it say "/v/ was good"?
    And if you think Japan Time wasn't all right, you're just deluding yourself.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)20:58:02 No.2078774
    Great, there's a thread on /jp/, so now all the weeaboos are here

    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)20:58:31 No.2078776
    Japan time was the beginning of the end. Anybody who has good memories from that time can't truly call themselves an oldfag.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)20:58:38 No.2078777
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    /jp/ is the last breath of 4chan's original target demographic. The fact that a board like /r9k/ looks down upon it is validation enough for its continued existence.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)20:59:20 No.2078784

    No, it wasn't, it was the same brain dead pattern over and over again. Obsess over any new info (which is fine), claim Sakurai is the greatest troll ever just because he decided to post some pictures about stickers or something on a blog, blame all of the world's woes on tourneyfags and then go troll smashboards as a group.
    >> Musashi !q1LI9HbVC2 11/09/08(Sun)21:00:07 No.2078791
    Image dumps and and one sentence responses are indeed the most important factor of the world's 4th largest image board (NOT!).
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)21:00:17 No.2078793

    Is it any coincidence that the shittest memes on /v/ come from nintendo fanboys? WeeGee? Japan Time? UR MR GAY?

    /v/ and /a/ used to share the same userbase, but /a/'s part of the userbase was driven out by repeated incursions from the newfags, thats my theory at least.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)21:00:29 No.2078798
    Japan Time was decent.
    Disagree with me and you are wrong.
    /v/ turned to absolute shit as soon as brawl was released.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)21:01:00 No.2078803
    Old 4chan had a shitload of image dump threads. It's a pick and choose thing.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)21:03:15 No.2078819

    Uh, no, actually.

    Back when /v/ and /a/ used to have similar posting speed they fucking hated each other. Now they just ignore each other.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)21:04:35 No.2078829

    >I don't get it. Back in 2006 thousands of /b/tards decided the following:
    -that /b/ sucks
    -that /v/ doesn't
    -that they should go to /v/ and act like its /b/

    I used to laugh about that because I never really liked /v/. Then it happened to /a/. I guess that taught me a lesson about hubris or some shit.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)21:04:42 No.2078830
    No, they didn't. You are clearly a retard. the whole 'steal each other's GETs' shit was a joke. Back in the day, all of 4chan was weeaboo.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)21:06:01 No.2078839
    Whining about being rejecting by social rejects? How sad.
    >> MANkoto !/uhtKOHuio 11/09/08(Sun)21:06:00 No.2078840
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    >A decent thread ended up being derailed, trolled and sabotaged by doll-fuckers and virgins.
    >decent thread
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)21:06:19 No.2078842
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    I said "last breath" for a reason, friend. There is no hope of returning to glory days, but /jp/ at the very least has a userbase that understands the heritage of imageboard culture--one that doesn't treat 4chan like Facebook part II: Anonymous Edition.

    Really, conditions are miserable all around. /jp/ is just a hole for some of us to crawl into and die.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)21:06:31 No.2078845
    Weegee, Japan Time and UR MR GAY are all fantastic memes.
    Clearly you are new.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)21:07:13 No.2078852
    /jp/ is the last vestige of what 4chan was intended to be: lonely shut-ins talking about modern Japanese culture. This site was supposed to be for doll-fuckers and virgins, but the normalfags moved in and took over every board.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)21:07:39 No.2078855
    Typical butthurt /r9k/fag who thinks he can just waltz into any board and expect a warm welcome.

    Protip: Lurk the fuck more.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)21:07:49 No.2078859

    Did the hundreds of "Christ those weeaboos can all rot in hell" threads somehow miss you or something?

    Dunno about /a/, but /v/ just doesn't talk about /a/ unless some faggot is trying to create a pokemon TV show (not pokemon the game) thread.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)21:07:51 No.2078860
    Jesus christ, cancer off the port bow!
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)21:08:37 No.2078866
    Hey, UR MR GAY was pretty fucking hilarious.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)21:08:42 No.2078868
    wee/a/boo here.

    We feel you guys are like our brothers, but you seriously over-estimate how bad /a/ is. What /a/ needs is Haruhi season 2 to bring everyone together.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)21:10:56 No.2078886
    oh please. all /jp/ is is a massive touhou circle jerk. it has fuck all to do with japan and should be outright deleted and make way for something more worthwhile. massive pile of fail.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)21:11:03 No.2078888
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    >What /a/ needs is Haruhi season 2 to bring everyone together.
    Only if it doesn't suck as much as the first season did.

    I think what you meant to say was "Rozen Maiden season 3."
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)21:11:18 No.2078891
    /jp/ is what 4chan was meant to be from the beginning, weaboo right up the ass.

    /b/ is what 4chan has become, weaboo in denial.

    That said, let's just be happy some of the boards don't suck as much NIGGERCOCK as those two.
    >> MANkoto !/uhtKOHuio 11/09/08(Sun)21:11:39 No.2078893
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    Also, doll fuckan time?
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)21:12:20 No.2078899
    /jp/ was created to get Touhou and VNs out of /a/.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)21:13:57 No.2078918

    Which is why it sucks. The bad is excised.

    Its like a leper colony. It has no future.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)21:14:39 No.2078925
    /ck/ is the Beverly Hills of 4chan
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)21:15:01 No.2078927
    are the people who actually post on /jp/ really japanese or all white middle class kids being desperate not to be white middle class kids?
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)21:15:13 No.2078930
    It saddens me that /jp/ is currently the best board on 4chan, with all the underaged faggotry on every other board.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)21:15:23 No.2078932
    Something more worthwhile where the userbase of said board can post MORE relationship/sex advice threads?
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)21:15:35 No.2078933
    lol what?
    /jp/ was created so we could talk about Japanese culture.
    Why do you think it's called "/jp/ - Japan/General" for?
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)21:15:49 No.2078934
    /a/ doesn't talk about /v/ much either, unless some /v/irgin posts "/v/ was here, /a/ is a lover." /a/ seems to consider /v/ to be just as shitty as /b/.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)21:15:56 No.2078938
    >the gated communities of 4chan are /o/ and /k/.

    fix'd your post there buddy.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)21:16:00 No.2078940
    /a/ is still a great board for image dumps and discussion of shows from the new season. However, if it's about anything else you see the vestiges of animesuki seep in. Everyone is obsessed with each other's tastes and self-gratification, so they don't really understand how image boards are supposed to work anymore. /jp/ only fell into similar territory, but there's been a recent backlash against RAGE threads.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)21:16:37 No.2078945

    Listen, man,I check in on you guys from time to time just to remind myself. I know all too well how bad you guys are. You'd understand if you got out while the getting was good and had to contrast your memories against the current reality without being there for the whole gradual decline.

    May god have mercy on your soul, my poor lost weeaboo brother. Haruhi won't turn back time, merely exacerbate things, so I fear there's no hope for any of us. The cancer kills us all eventually, some of us just linger in misery longer.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)21:17:19 No.2078953
    so therefore nothing to do with japan at all. did you even read what i said? a whole board dedicated to keeping a bunch of game freaks from fucking up everywhere else? yeah, you guys are the real heart of 4chan for sure.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)21:19:05 No.2078967
    It's funny because /a/ is just as shitty as /b/.
    /a/ stopped being good after Code Geass finished.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)21:19:20 No.2078968
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    We are white middle class kids fully aware of ourselves. The board has fuck-all to do with Japan or Japanese people. It should have been called "2D/General" but I think we should keep the name, because it's cute to see outsiders mistake it for some kind of meeting place for people who care about tea or samurai or whatever.
    >> athens !SysNpnp3nU 11/09/08(Sun)21:19:29 No.2078971
    Women like to post about relationships a lot on imageboards.

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