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  • File : 1327755902.jpg-(149 KB, 391x520, oh Dan do I have to do this.jpg)
    149 KB Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)08:05 No.20728432  
    What do you think she just read in the new Victorious script /tv/?
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)08:08 No.20728480
    That she has to lick Ariana's feet for a good two minutes
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)08:10 No.20728500
    That she has to make an effort for once.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)08:10 No.20728502
    >implying 2 minutes of feet licking could be anything but good
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)08:10 No.20728507
    I just saw the episode where she RPs as a cop with too much lipstick on and oh god it was fucking hot. I'd let her ram me with her tonfa.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)08:14 No.20728566
         File1327756443.jpg-(174 KB, 584x912, Dan-The-Man-Schneider.jpg)
    174 KB
    No doubt some kind of new perversion Schneider has come up with to inspire & positively influence young girls everywhere
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)08:17 No.20728597
    Rex comes to life! Oh, and some feet stuff.
    >> >.< 01/28/12(Sat)08:29 No.20728737
         File1327757344.jpg-(442 KB, 733x1100, JusticeJM1404.jpg)
    442 KB
    >Sikowitz invites the group over to his house in order to teach them a lesson in method acting but things take a turn for the worst when Sikowitz's passions run wild! While they are trapped, Cat is busy partying with four hot guys and is even Liberal Hollywood Arts High School ready to accept Jade when she unveils her hidden secret?

    Victorious 9/8 C only on Nickelodeon!
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)08:31 No.20728763
         File1327757462.jpg-(254 KB, 622x522, victoria Justice dog fun.jpg)
    254 KB
    Tori Ties the Knot

    Tori's new dog keeps humping her leg so she decides to castrate it.
    Her appointment with the vet however is a week away and in the mean time she has to privately satisfy the dog to keep him from embarrassing her publicly.

    It all goes south when Sikowitz arrives uninvited at Tori's place one afternoon and enters through the back door to surprise her with news about an audition she just won.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)08:33 No.20728781
    Implying she wasn't just asked to make that pose for the camera so that pedotards like you lot can fantasize about whatever sick fetish you think will be included in the show.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)08:35 No.20728803
    >implying you can imply without greentext
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)08:36 No.20728812
    >implying pedotards are interested in 18+ girls

    your retard is showing
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)08:37 No.20728817

    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)08:38 No.20728827
    She's just read that she has to put oatmeal in her butt and the rest of the cast have to blow milk into hr butthole to make the oatmeal and then spin her around upside down.

    But she's shocked because the scene is being directed by David Schwimmer.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)08:47 No.20728905
    fund it
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)08:54 No.20728973
    I'm honestly curious if Dan explained to Ari that there's a dick in the popcorn box joke and the why he thought it needed to be in there.

    And how the Cop in the red lipstick was meant to be lol so random funny.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)08:55 No.20728982
         File1327758948.jpg-(12 KB, 154x186, getajobnow.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)09:00 No.20729014
         File1327759212.jpg-(2.79 MB, 3600x2400, Victoria & her buttplug 01.jpg)
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    She finally gets to use her new toy in the show
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)09:10 No.20729108
         File1327759808.gif-(2.97 MB, 340x295, Victoria Liz Ariana cumshot (2(...).gif)
    2.97 MB
    isn't there a new episode this weekend ?
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)09:42 No.20729412
    yes, tonight

    The Breakfast Brunch
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)10:01 No.20729643
         File1327762890.jpg-(67 KB, 480x640, Victoria Justice Twitter Pic S(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)10:05 No.20729701

    A Thread maxed out on images if VJuice and Ari.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)10:07 No.20729720

    >this is the hottest girl he will ever talk to
    >becomes a produce manager when the show is cancelled
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)10:12 No.20729769
         File1327763540.gif-(2.95 MB, 208x117, Victoria Justice facerape (2).gif)
    2.95 MB
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)10:14 No.20729786
         File1327763642.gif-(2.9 MB, 215x121, Victoria Justice facerape (3).gif)
    2.9 MB
    >> !!k3GighioMhx 01/28/12(Sat)10:15 No.20729802
         File1327763737.jpg-(106 KB, 1182x1055, 1318794239660.jpg)
    106 KB
    except that he is actually very talented so no
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)10:15 No.20729803
         File1327763741.gif-(2.97 MB, 225x127, Victoria Justice facerape (1).gif)
    2.97 MB
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)10:17 No.20729824
         File1327763869.jpg-(35 KB, 356x447, 1326208064663.jpg)
    35 KB
    I couldn't give two shits about Victorious.
    I couldn't give two shits about Ariana or whatever her name is.

    But why is Victoria Justice so hot?
    >> !!k3GighioMhx 01/28/12(Sat)10:19 No.20729845
         File1327763954.jpg-(861 KB, 1990x3000, 68454-tduid1429-kiis23-122-7lo.jpg)
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    >> Victory& !Justice.B2 01/28/12(Sat)10:20 No.20729849
         File1327764017.jpg-(101 KB, 451x479, 502010247.jpg)
    101 KB
    Magic. Also Ari is insanely cute IMO but >opinions
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)10:21 No.20729860
         File1327764060.jpg-(152 KB, 600x417, VJuice gangbang victoria justi(...).jpg)
    152 KB
    so did we find out which director fucked her at Sundance?
    >> !!k3GighioMhx 01/28/12(Sat)10:21 No.20729867
         File1327764108.jpg-(78 KB, 490x490, 2916160rBT093LJ.jpg)
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    it wasn't her
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)10:22 No.20729874
         File1327764136.jpg-(212 KB, 809x1222, Victoria-Justice.jpg)
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    I mean, just fucking look at her.

    I need to make a fap folder for her.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)10:22 No.20729876
         File1327764148.jpg-(135 KB, 600x450, mfw victoria 51009.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)10:23 No.20729889
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)10:25 No.20729908
         File1327764311.png-(517 KB, 984x688, 1323453868985.png)
    517 KB
    >mfw she's 18

    She doesn't even look that young.
    >> eJ·6i 01/28/12(Sat)10:25 No.20729917
         File1327764355.jpg-(191 KB, 525x700, 1308901909641.jpg)
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    >> Victory& !Justice.B2 01/28/12(Sat)10:26 No.20729923
         File1327764393.jpg-(116 KB, 428x460, 1327125057556.jpg)
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    >the only source for that is gawker
    I'll wait on believing it until they put some names on there instead of "an A list Tween television actress was flirting heavily with this director" and that their source is something better than a blog with a disclaimer that reads "The site publishes rumors, conjecture, and fiction. In addition to accurately reported information, certain situations, characters and events portrayed in the Blog are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously".
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)10:27 No.20729931
    She is really hot but her face can be a little generic/bland if I'm perfectly honest. A little too perfect, perhaps. She's still a 9.5/10 though.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)10:28 No.20729943
    What is 10 then?
    >> eJ·6i 01/28/12(Sat)10:28 No.20729946
         File1327764492.jpg-(1.28 MB, 2400x3600, Victoria_Justice_LAXAug182011_(...).jpg)
    1.28 MB
    >I'm calling bullshit on the whole rumor, but I know for a fact it's not Victoria Justice and Michael Polish. Justice was at Sundance for one night, the same night Kate Bosworth premiered her film Black Rock, this was the only event she had that night or that morning. The rumor says her BF (Polish) missed an event and she was pissed about it, except Polish was actually at the premiere and spotted Sunday morning snuggling with Bosworth in public. It's not Justice/Polish, it could be a different pairing but honestly I think this is just bullshit like most blind items.
    >> eJ·6i 01/28/12(Sat)10:29 No.20729966
         File1327764565.jpg-(231 KB, 408x544, victoria_justice__photoshoot__(...).jpg)
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    She'd be a 10 if she was sitting on my cock.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)10:29 No.20729967
         File1327764572.jpg-(56 KB, 400x534, denile.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)10:30 No.20729973
    10 is Victoria Justice at 14 sitting on my face
    >> Victory& !Justice.B2 01/28/12(Sat)10:31 No.20730002
         File1327764707.jpg-(93 KB, 640x480, 503449816.jpg)
    93 KB
    >You must believe everything posted on the internet.

    I'm just saying it doesn't seem credible.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)10:32 No.20730009
    10/10 is decided by subjectivity.

    8/10 or 9/10 is a rating that can universally and objectively be agreed upon. Any higher than that is a matter of taste.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)10:34 No.20730037
    Just wondering about his taste. If he thinks of Victoria Justice as a 9.5 I'm curious how hard I can fap to anyone he thinks of as a 10.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)10:39 No.20730071
         File1327765159.jpg-(32 KB, 300x300, Victorious_soundtrack.jpg)
    32 KB
    >Beggin' On Your Knees
    it's about blowjobs isn't it?

    >Best Friend's Brother
    Somebody broke Girl Code.

    >Freak The Fuck Out
    oh wait it's "Freak The Freak Out"

    >Give It Up
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)10:44 No.20730140

    As far as I'm concerned, you don't get to be famous* unless you're a 9 or a 10, so it's all either getting Pitchfork about it (The Doosh is a 9.3, Aly Michalka is a 9.9) or percentages or both (So is VJuice a 96.4% or a 98.2?)

    * as a chick, and with exceptions like that Susan Boyle thing.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)10:46 No.20730172
         File1327765585.jpg-(1.74 MB, 1996x3000, 759842878_victorious_breakfast(...).jpg)
    1.74 MB
    she's cute for a whore
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)10:47 No.20730192
    Are we even certain that she's lost her V-card?

    That said, being 18, she probably has, going by the general trend of teen culture.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)10:48 No.20730204

    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)10:50 No.20730243
    >Are we even certain that she's lost her V-card?

    she's 18 & hot...she lost it years ago
    >> eJ·6i 01/28/12(Sat)10:59 No.20730373
         File1327766345.jpg-(53 KB, 480x480, VJ.jpg)
    53 KB
    V has been spilling her juice for a long time now
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)10:59 No.20730388
    to dan
    >> eJ·6i 01/28/12(Sat)11:01 No.20730424
         File1327766510.gif-(2.65 MB, 348x350, victoria_justice__victorious__(...).gif)
    2.65 MB
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)11:03 No.20730443
         File1327766613.jpg-(13 KB, 166x202, dan-schneider-ha.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)11:05 No.20730467
    I hope Dan Schneider browses /tv/, I really do.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)11:07 No.20730496
         File1327766829.gif-(2.96 MB, 230x173, Victoria-Justice-feets-webchat(...).gif)
    2.96 MB
    he does and even posts Victorious threads
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)11:09 No.20730529
    >> MileyRay♥♥'s !WaifuNeaww 01/28/12(Sat)11:11 No.20730575
         File1327767105.jpg-(618 KB, 733x1100, wallpaper-968097.jpg)
    618 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)11:11 No.20730579
    So that he'd know how much we appreciate his work.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)11:50 No.20731285
         File1327769446.jpg-(2.58 MB, 3000x2086, 759661638_victorious_breakfast(...).jpg)
    2.58 MB
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)11:51 No.20731303
    Somebody actually writes this shit?
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)11:54 No.20731345
    >Dem Ari thunder thighs
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)11:54 No.20731353
         File1327769690.png-(388 KB, 658x528, 2mkj1.png)
    388 KB
    >> BigBeast !SelenaOqMs 01/28/12(Sat)11:55 No.20731368
         File1327769737.jpg-(753 KB, 2165x3000, 12388_Elizabeth_Gillies_MoC_KC(...).jpg)
    753 KB
    Liz > Ari and Victoria
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)11:57 No.20731408
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)11:58 No.20731418
    It's been confirmed it's not her.
    >trusting Gawker
    >not realizing they post false stories on purpose
    They even have that shit in their disclaimer.
    >> eJ·6i 01/28/12(Sat)11:58 No.20731424
         File1327769934.jpg-(134 KB, 640x480, 1305918442674.jpg)
    134 KB
    Nigga you bi
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)11:59 No.20731443
         File1327769999.jpg-(17 KB, 320x240, mfw vict (3).jpg)
    17 KB
    >It's been confirmed it's not her.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)12:00 No.20731447
    She looks pure evil. Like the kind of chick Satan would give you for selling your soul to him. In other words, perfect.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)12:05 No.20731535
    Victoria is a tranny
    you're all fags
    >> BigBeast !SelenaOqMs 01/28/12(Sat)12:07 No.20731568
         File1327770439.jpg-(659 KB, 2318x3000, Mansion_of_Celebs_2011HALO_Eli(...).jpg)
    659 KB
    Get out.


    I know, right?
    >> eJ·6i 01/28/12(Sat)12:07 No.20731573
    Post pictures of her penis
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)12:08 No.20731587
    still in denial huh?
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)12:09 No.20731607
         File1327770582.png-(111 KB, 372x474, 20tfrwm.png)
    111 KB
    she keeps it tucked in
    >> BigBeast !SelenaOqMs 01/28/12(Sat)12:13 No.20731680
         File1327770825.jpg-(30 KB, 250x250, 1275220655240.jpg)
    30 KB
    Oh wow.

    And people tried to say Liz was the tranny.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)12:13 No.20731684
    I'll gladly accept any proof you have.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)12:18 No.20731772
    Would you let Selena Gomez lick your butthole?
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)12:26 No.20731876

    VJuice used to mean "vagina juice"...

    What does it mean now?
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)12:27 No.20731892
    No it didn't.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)12:29 No.20731915
         File1327771767.jpg-(1.36 MB, 2401x3600, 1723863752754.jpg)
    1.36 MB
    I let Selena massage my prostate. Seriously, look at those wonderful fingers.
    >> BigBeast !SelenaOqMs 01/28/12(Sat)12:30 No.20731924
         File1327771820.jpg-(64 KB, 311x314, 1308707992579.jpg)
    64 KB
    hell no.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)12:33 No.20731984
    But in return for letting her lick your butthole she lets you stick it in her vajayjay
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)12:36 No.20732025
         File1327772188.jpg-(980 KB, 2337x3504, 1723863752755.jpg)
    980 KB
    What a wuss
    >> BigBeast !SelenaOqMs 01/28/12(Sat)12:36 No.20732027
         File1327772195.jpg-(26 KB, 514x494, 1301938409180.jpg)
    26 KB
    .... No. She is not touching my asshole, plus kissing her is not an option if she does that.
    >> BigBeast !SelenaOqMs 01/28/12(Sat)12:37 No.20732039
    Sorry, not a faggot like you.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)12:38 No.20732053
    Why are you so stingy with your asshole?
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)12:39 No.20732083
         File1327772387.jpg-(1.88 MB, 2332x3504, 1723863752756.jpg)
    1.88 MB
    >doing sexual acts with Selena
    >being a faggot

    pick one and only one
    >> BigBeast !SelenaOqMs 01/28/12(Sat)12:41 No.20732111
    Uh, because I'm not gay.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)12:42 No.20732128
    Letting a girl tongue your asshole is gay?
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)12:42 No.20732130
    That has nothing to do with being gay. You're just insecure.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)12:44 No.20732152
    sex with chicks is gay

    >> eJ·6i 01/28/12(Sat)12:48 No.20732227
         File1327772900.jpg-(126 KB, 390x391, selena_gomez__mouth_agape__sur(...).jpg)
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    >> BigBeast !SelenaOqMs 01/28/12(Sat)12:50 No.20732261
         File1327773025.jpg-(20 KB, 472x356, ryokore2action.jpg)
    20 KB
    Men doing any type of ass play is gay. I'm not going to get into this. I have before and don't feel like it now. But yeah, that shit is gay.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)12:52 No.20732283
    Does that include fucking girls in the ass?
    >> eJ·6i 01/28/12(Sat)12:53 No.20732296
    So if Selena Gomez is softly sucking on your nuts and licking your urethral opening up and down like a snake tasting the air and then she suddenly slides knuckle deep in your behind, you'll kick her in the face and tell her to leave?
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)12:53 No.20732301
         File1327773196.jpg-(16 KB, 338x386, 1325436484984.jpg)
    16 KB

    >sexual act with Selena = gay
    >keeping anime images of gay-looking anime character on your computer = straight
    >> BigBeast !SelenaOqMs 01/28/12(Sat)12:53 No.20732309
    No. I mean the men receiving any type of ass play. Getting pegged and shit like that.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)12:55 No.20732344
    there's nothing gay about that
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)12:56 No.20732350
         File1327773361.jpg-(178 KB, 560x1759, 1319421405387.jpg)
    178 KB

    If she did that to me i'd worship for her forever
    >> BigBeast !SelenaOqMs 01/28/12(Sat)12:56 No.20732353
    First of all, she wouldn't be able to just slip her finger in my ass. As soon as she touches it I'd tell her to stop.

    Bitch, Ryoko is a classic. gtfo
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)12:57 No.20732372

    >No. I mean the men receiving any type of ass play. Getting pegged and shit like that.
    >I mean the men

    How many men are involved with Selena and yourself?
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)12:58 No.20732395
    It's always just him and Bieber

    Selena just watches them play
    >> eJ·6i 01/28/12(Sat)12:58 No.20732403
         File1327773534.jpg-(1.08 MB, 1955x2850, 16637_SelenaGomez_Performsinco(...).jpg)
    1.08 MB
    She's tied your arms up. Women taking control and tying up their men isn't gay too, is it?
    >> BigBeast !SelenaOqMs 01/28/12(Sat)13:02 No.20732454
    Oh lord.

    That still wouldn't stop me from telling her to stop.
    >> eJ·6i 01/28/12(Sat)13:04 No.20732491
         File1327773885.jpg-(518 KB, 1334x2000, 1308690931051.jpg)
    518 KB
    She's in the moment. She thinks you'll like it and since you've never tried it you're missing out
    >> BigBeast !SelenaOqMs 01/28/12(Sat)13:06 No.20732520
    So? I'd still tell her stop and she better.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)13:06 No.20732524
         File1327773987.jpg-(891 KB, 2150x3000, 1327298516465.jpg)
    891 KB
    Where do I sign up?

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