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    File :1226015653.png-(274 KB, 480x354, negativeman.png)
    274 KB Self Fulfilling prophecy. ▂▅▇█▓▒░ℳℴℯ KING Tripfag░▒▓█▇▅▂ !REDREDLOGo 11/06/08(Thu)18:54:13 No.2048112  
    I just applied for a job at Circuit City, and their personality questions seemed like they were MADE to keep out people like me. (i.e. quiet guys with low self-esteem who keep to themselves).

    I never had to lie so much in my life.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)18:56:47 No.2048135
    enjoy your sage tripfag
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)18:58:05 No.2048145
    really? i had you down as more the raving homosexual queen myself.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)18:59:43 No.2048160
    lol, I used to work for The Source (which is Canada's version of CC). It wasn't bad, but I couldn't stand the 12-hour shifts.

    Act like an ESTJ/ESFJ in the interview and you'll be set.

    Also, enjoy getting laid off.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)19:00:10 No.2048163
    Welcome to the world. Btw, adaptation is a human trait.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)19:02:48 No.2048184
    then why would you answer the questions honestly? i can't believe people actually fall for personality tests at jobs, especially the ones that are meant to ferret out thieves
    >> ▂▅▇█▓▒░ℳℴℯ KING Tripfag░▒▓█▇▅▂ !REDREDLOGo 11/06/08(Thu)19:03:41 No.2048192
    Oh, like I haven't tried just dealing with it before. The thing is, I really do like to keep to myself. Being introverted isn't really a bad thing.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)19:06:27 No.2048220
    Wow, you must be all cool and mysterious and stuff.
    >Oh, like I haven't tried just dealing with it before.
    Keep at it.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)19:09:03 No.2048247
    You, OP, are not what they want. You have no confidence to deal with customers, whilst they are looking for confident full of energy young men (IE: not you) to help with sales. You`re just an insignificant, spineless, bottomfeeder.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)19:10:11 No.2048262
    I felt really bad fighting Negative Man.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)19:10:23 No.2048265
    Hahahaha. +2 internets for you.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)19:30:52 No.2048443
    NM wasn't as bad as HAVING A GOOD EXPERIENCE.
    Fuck that shit.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)19:35:14 No.2048482
    I think the Employment system is designed to keep EVERYONE out except for fucking foreighners, thats why 3mil people are being unemployed by summer next year (plenty of jobs my arse). Prove me wrong about the foreighners, look in burger king and spot the whitey TAKING the orders.
    >> sage 11/06/08(Thu)19:35:19 No.2048484
    protip: changing the way you live for the better doesn't start by changing how you think, it starts by changing how you act, so stop being such an emo faggot and man up. You went out and applied for a job, keep going.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)19:37:20 No.2048502
    Learn my language you filthy foreigner.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)19:37:32 No.2048503
    Activly searching for 1 and a half fucking years with no avail does dampen the way you think and therefore the way you act. And with unemployment rising. Good fucking luck finding a job... I think people are going to be stuck on benefits for a long time. Fucking economical downturn.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)19:42:05 No.2048539
    Try harder, stop acting like you're better than other people, anyone can get work at a factory. you KNOW how to act in front of a prospective employer to get them to hire you, so why don't you just do it?
    >> ▂▅▇█▓▒░ℳℴℯ KING Tripfag░▒▓█▇▅▂ !REDREDLOGo 11/06/08(Thu)19:53:28 No.2048614
    I know it's going to be a big fucking pain, but it'll be nice to have some spare money, especially with Christmas coming up.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)19:56:18 No.2048638
    since the cold setting in, not a nice time to go job hunting... shitsux right?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)19:59:24 No.2048665
    Lol, take it from me, it ain't all that bad. I work at fast food part-time and fuck, the work might suck but as consolation most of my co-workers are easy to get along with. Work ain't like school.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)20:01:41 No.2048684
    >quiet guys with low self-esteem who keep to themselves

    There are no jobs for people like us. Every employer wants some enthusiastic go-getter.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)20:01:46 No.2048685
    Unless you got some assholes from your highschool/college working where you do. Now that would suck having to put up with the dicks while your trying work, Just hope they fucking grew-up since schoolin'
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)20:06:05 No.2048728

    This is what I hate about the workplace.

    I'm not going to lie on my applications and say that I'm some outgoing, preening, smiling jerkoff. I'm a smart and serious person, I will take this job SERIOUSLY, I will never be late, I will do my best to please the customers and my superiors, and I'm intelligent but shy.

    "Oh sorry you aren't an outgoing smiley prep, no job for u, lol"
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)20:06:39 No.2048732
    Unfortunatly, if they had a load of jobs working on stock-check and shit in the back of a local superstore, would i jump onto that ASAP. I'd even settle for working as shelf-filler (nothing too big like). Every jobsite is the same, manager, manager, obscure job that sucks, decent job but too far away, manager...
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)20:11:55 No.2048773
    Hmm i'm changing my CV to make it look im an extrovert smug li'l jhonny sonovabitch who will Kiss the employers ass on command, Maby even put that into litteral words.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)20:14:43 No.2048798
    I hate it in the interviews when they give you that "look" and you just KNOW they're thinking "oh fuck I'm not hiring this guy he's one of them quiet types. I don't want him to bring a gun to work or anything I should just hire the dumb guy who applied earlier"
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)20:15:26 No.2048804
    CC is closing down their stores. enjoy your short term employment.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)20:17:12 No.2048821
    What makes you think its going to be short-term?
    >> ▂▅▇█▓▒░ℳℴℯ KING Tripfag░▒▓█▇▅▂ !REDREDLOGo 11/06/08(Thu)20:19:53 No.2048851
    THAT'S the worst case scenario? Me getting let off from my part time job and given the perfect excuse to rob the store?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)20:20:31 No.2048859
    because Circuit City is closing down tons of stores, and more will obviously follow. When your circuit city store close down, you will not be working there.
    >> LaughingHands !hEpdoZ.tHU 11/06/08(Thu)20:26:18 No.2048909

    I know how you feel. :/

    I lied a lot on my CC application, and I still didn't get the job.

    But there's really just one thing that will always be true: Avoid being extreme at all costs. Agree or disagree, just don't strongly agree or strongly disagree.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)20:30:17 No.2048939
    How does that make it short term? Wouldn't it mean you'll have to go like job-hunting on your own? Therefore lowering confidence and motivation.
    I thought emplyers wanted extrovert people, unless they want people not too assertive so they can meld them into their own image. D=
    >> RepublicuntLobbyist !H5nbtYBA4A 11/06/08(Thu)20:32:56 No.2048960
    Why would anyone apply for Circuit City?
    If they don't make their christmas HOPES they are going under without a doubt.

    PROTIP: OP, customer service jobs require you not to be a clammy faggot.
    Go work at a desk.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)20:36:28 No.2048979
    1) Cuntstomer service blows.
    2) Office jobs would be great if you can find one in my area.
    3) Who else thinks Call centre would be your LAST choice?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)20:38:40 No.2049001
    I feel your pain, OP. But quiet people who keep to themselves don't make good salespeople.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)20:40:27 No.2049018
    It's short-term because the store will not be there for a long time, meaning the employment period will be short.
    >> RepublicuntLobbyist !H5nbtYBA4A 11/06/08(Thu)20:42:10 No.2049033
    1) Customer Service is the easiest fucking job in the world, learn how to communicate with people asshole.

    2) Open the fucking classifieds, or find a job working for your local government, since you libtards want it so big. Plus you seem like a foreigner, isn't that what your government is for?

    3) Call centers pay well, all you have to do is talk to people on a phone, and you can be fucking lazy as hell.

    Fucking christ, I thought it was just America's youth, but this unmotivated complete fucking laziness has spread like an infectious disease across the world.
    Get off your ass and take some fucking initiative for yourself in life.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)20:43:52 No.2049050
    I thought you were supposed to strongly agree that it's not alright to "steal money for your friend because he needs some, even if he does pay it back."

    Although the whole moderation thing does make more sense.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)20:46:21 No.2049076
    Shit I misread your post dude, sorry ;_;
    Finding a job now is hard enough, having a store close down in your area.. is going to make it fucking harder.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)20:47:52 No.2049096
    just go to walmart and they will hire you instantly. i know walmart sucks, but sometime, you have to do that. :-(
    >> Samus Aran !!vp/rdLPeINp 11/06/08(Thu)20:49:29 No.2049118
    HEY OP! I used to be a clammy faggot until I cheated on the Personality Test (as in, I had the answers that allowed me to get the job due to very high rating). Then I was forced to be social for the sake of actually getting the job.

    Given that I am working at Circuit City, a shitty job regardless, I am still getting paid $9 an hour and this is my first job ever (and I was working hard for getting any kind of first job so I can move up the ladder). I don't care if it (CC) is going down, at least I am getting myself some cash while things are going (I am working at a busy area of NYC).

    Some tips OP: Stop whining. Nobody will accommodate for you. Grow a penis and do something effective.

    If this is your first job that you're aiming for, WORK HARDER!

    Finally, get off of 4chan until you get a job (though it was kinda 4chan's fault for helping me apply myself enough to get a job anyways).
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)20:50:23 No.2049129
    Foriegnfag here, it's not that we don't take initiative, it's that nobody wants to hire quiet people.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)20:52:39 No.2049143
    I'm a full on britfag, STFU. Call centers suck because you know theres going to be a twat or two over the phone whos going to ruin your day. Cuntstomer service is just going to have 1000 more dicks per day trying to ruin your day becuase they thought it was clever to put a fork into a toaster (actually a I lol'd at that). And Where I live, a Good 90% of jobs are manager positions, the rest are jobs i'd accept doing but they're just too far away for some poor-fag with no car, a bicycle with worn brakes or where bus' hardly/don't go.
    >> RepublicuntLobbyist !H5nbtYBA4A 11/06/08(Thu)20:53:33 No.2049155
    Bullshit, if you really had the motivation to get a job, you'd find a way to not be quiet.

    Find a job in something you're interested in.
    There's plenty of opportunity out there.
    >> Samus Aran !!vp/rdLPeINp 11/06/08(Thu)20:55:27 No.2049178

    Aren't you guys half-agreeing anyways?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)20:56:30 No.2049189
    I personally think this racial employment act in britain isn't getting employers to equally give foreigners jobs, but perhaps making them feel guilty/forced to hire someone "out of town" just to comply with the act.
    >> ▂▅▇█▓▒░ℳℴℯ KING Tripfag░▒▓█▇▅▂ !REDREDLOGo 11/06/08(Thu)20:57:11 No.2049200
    All I wanted to do was put shit on a shelf.

    >if you really had the motivation to get a job, you'd find a way to not be quiet.

    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)20:59:43 No.2049221
    same boat man, same boat...
    You get these faggots/trolls here saying "YOU DON'T SEARCH ENUFF" If I search anymore I'd leave the immideate 4-5 miles of job hunting and get reduced chances of a job becuase of distance induced absence. hows that for irony, you search more but get a reduced chance for a job...
    >> Samus Aran !!vp/rdLPeINp 11/06/08(Thu)21:00:15 No.2049226

    You're not gonna put shit on the shelf.

    Well, depends on what shelf you're talking about. Floor shelf, you're going to talk to people whether you like it or not.

    Warehouse shelf, you're going to talk to people whether you like it or not. At any time of the day.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)21:02:32 No.2049250
    >Nobody will accommodate for you.
    QFT. People need to understand this.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)21:04:24 No.2049271
    X-mas is for Jews. The Jews who own the X-mas present selling/manufacturing facilities, as well as the media that advertises such X-mas related goods. NIGGER.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)21:05:44 No.2049279
    I'm talking about a local superstore shelf, like one where my parents are likely to see my kind of local.
    In my case, It's not the social aspect but the Employability and stuff that is effecting me.
    I do all the usual shit, Smarten up, clean and all that, Hand out CV's to cover my tracks... and if I had a job now.. i wouldn't be bloody complaining.
    Where I am, they're called ASDA (WTF right?).
    >> Samus Aran !!vp/rdLPeINp 11/06/08(Thu)21:08:07 No.2049299

    I was primarily talking to OP because I have no problem with you. But okay...
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)21:11:56 No.2049335
    This thread is so slow moving, I could have a head on collision with it and not feel a thing.
    >> RepublicuntLobbyist !H5nbtYBA4A 11/06/08(Thu)21:13:01 No.2049346
    That's irrelevant.

    Even if you're "putting shit on a shelf," you still have to acknowledge every customer that passes by you in a friendly, greeting manner.
    And if they ask you a question, you have to be helpful and use customer service to accommodate their needs.
    >> RepublicuntLobbyist !H5nbtYBA4A 11/06/08(Thu)21:14:51 No.2049362
    >>Nobody will accommodate for you.
    >their personality questions seemed like they were MADE to keep out people like me

    PROTIP: They were.

    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)21:15:30 No.2049370
    Moe, F5 more so you can answer...
    Personally I'd rather Stock check/shelf filling so i can AVOID most of the customers lol.

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