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  • File : 1326533889.jpg-(57 KB, 357x357, 1318345956776.jpg)
    57 KB Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:38 No.20459531  
    You have 10 seconds to pitch a superhero movie so bad it would kill the entire genre.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:39 No.20459538
    Aquaman In Space 4D: Smellovision
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:39 No.20459545
    Any black superhero.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:40 No.20459548
    Spiderman 3
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:40 No.20459553
    Superboy Prime: The Movie, starring Taylor Lautner.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:40 No.20459556
    We take the kid from Social Network, make him a total douchebag, have him dress up in blue and red tights and he fights crime by shooting webs at crooks.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:42 No.20459569
    Aquaman movie
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:44 No.20459582
    Cable & Deadpool, written by Rob Liefeld.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:45 No.20459592
    Robert Pattinson in blackface. (This could also be his superhero name)

    He's rich, successful, his parents are alive, he can talk to sea creatures and has absolutely no weaknesses
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:46 No.20459598
    A superhero with the power to communicate with corn.
    >> The Muffin !IlVPalmers!!J9nVvp4vQDx 01/14/12(Sat)04:46 No.20459605
         File1326534415.png-(203 KB, 500x307, tumblr_lw6urxkgDk1qfzjwwo1_500(...).png)
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    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:48 No.20459614
    Thor played by an underwear model.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:48 No.20459615
    Summer Glau is...any female superhero.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:49 No.20459626
    I cube man his super power is he can control ice the way magneto can control metal

    gets his power by being caught in a radioactive hail storm

    his enemy of course has heat powers
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:49 No.20459628
    Okay, we take most of the major Marvel superheroes, and we stick them all in one movie together.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:49 No.20459630
    We take Adam Sandler and have him play a superhero who babysits
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:51 No.20459638
    havent they done that 30 or 40 times already
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:52 No.20459641
    an x-men movie centered around morph and mystique with them and every one of their transformations played by tyler perry
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:52 No.20459644
    Schindler's List 2: Revenge of SuperHitler
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:55 No.20459663
         File1326534917.jpg-(71 KB, 597x496, chris_thor.jpg)
    71 KB
    Completely disregarding the topic and posting Chris Hemsworth
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:56 No.20459670
         File1326534981.jpg-(247 KB, 800x777, hemsworth_evans.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:57 No.20459674
    Runaways movie.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:57 No.20459675
         File1326535034.jpg-(34 KB, 470x587, ChrisHemsworthApr2011.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:57 No.20459681
         File1326535074.jpg-(41 KB, 449x319, NGGH!.jpg)
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    Don't stop. Don't stop -- ! Harder! Almost there..
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:58 No.20459683
         File1326535102.jpg-(199 KB, 1222x986, chris-hemsworth-gq-australia-0(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:59 No.20459693
         File1326535167.jpg-(144 KB, 817x1222, a8a0c3636276876fd71e8dc8257a09(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)04:59 No.20459694
    The Hulk vs. every Marvel hero and villain

    Hulk wins
    Batman wins in The Hulk vs. Everyone II
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:00 No.20459702
         File1326535213.jpg-(118 KB, 500x557, chris-hemsworth-gq-australia-0(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:00 No.20459705

    Go on...
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:01 No.20459711
         File1326535280.jpg-(51 KB, 442x594, Elsa%2BPataky%2BChris%2BHemswo(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:02 No.20459720
         File1326535343.gif-(384 KB, 500x290, crush.gif)
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    Oh Mr. Evans, what are you saying to me? You'll make out with Mr. Hemsworth while slowly taking off your clothes and gyrating for me in private? No.. noo.. you shouldn't..
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:02 No.20459723
         File1326535355.jpg-(159 KB, 861x1060, chris-hemsworth-01.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:03 No.20459728
         File1326535389.jpg-(36 KB, 850x481, chris_this_big.jpg)
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    see the file name
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:03 No.20459733
         File1326535435.jpg-(51 KB, 600x800, tv-man.jpg)
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    A 23-year old pile of shit that hates everything and posts his shitty opinions to the internet gains powers. He was trying to download Sasha Grey porn, but he accidentally downloads a mystical alien power that gives him the ability to go outside. His strength increases the stronger his virginity is, so talking about the differences between Tolkien's books and the Peter Jackson movies in a LOTR thread, or posting 100+ pictures of ASR in one thread, or discussing who would win between a Star Destroyer vs the Enterprise-E raises his powers to full level.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:04 No.20459735
         File1326535442.jpg-(175 KB, 1920x1222, avengers_20110731231000.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:04 No.20459739
         File1326535488.jpg-(202 KB, 435x580, lxngfblEto1qjy0oeo1_500.jpg)
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    I would pay my entire life saves just to watch Hemsworth and Evans listen to RDJ fart through a walky-talky
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:05 No.20459748
         File1326535539.jpg-(252 KB, 987x1222, chris-hemsworth-gq-australia-0(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:05 No.20459753
         File1326535558.jpg-(167 KB, 500x375, Cat hate.jpg)
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    Stoppit, I already fapped about 2 hours ago, I need to sleep.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:06 No.20459754
    Laughed my FUCKING ASS OFF.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:06 No.20459758
         File1326535607.jpg-(170 KB, 830x1222, Chris-Hemsworth-CinemaCon-Awar(...).jpg)
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    thats uh....hmm
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:07 No.20459760
    He has a big forehead and tiny eyes.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:07 No.20459767
         File1326535662.jpg-(326 KB, 928x1222, chris-hemsworth-mens-health-ma(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:07 No.20459770
    Bogaloo Shrimp Begins His Rise 5 - Last Stand
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:09 No.20459787
    Pedophile-Man. He goes around defending pedophiles from being socially shun. He attends rallies to let people know there is nothing wrong with it.
    The whole movie takes a extreme pro-pedophile stand. Pedophile-Man and a few of his fellow priests are seen as the only real heroes in the movie against a hoard of Orwellian-type prudes.
    At night he goes home to his 12 year old wife.
    His Arch-enemy is a senator who pushes for chemical castration for known pedophiles.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:09 No.20459789
         File1326535756.jpg-(137 KB, 979x1213, Chris Hemsworth GQAU Ap2011 05.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:09 No.20459792
    Starring Lebron James
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:10 No.20459803
         File1326535811.jpg-(157 KB, 944x1222, Chris-Hemsworth-Flaunt-Feature(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:11 No.20459812
         File1326535872.jpg-(271 KB, 923x1222, chris-hemsworth-flaunt-02.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:11 No.20459813
    Green Latern
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:12 No.20459820
         File1326535922.jpg-(99 KB, 1280x726, snow-white-huntsman-chris-hems(...).jpg)
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    should i suffer through kristen stewart's pouting to see my husbando?
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:12 No.20459827
         File1326535967.jpg-(528 KB, 1200x675, the-avengers-2012-201110050433(...).jpg)
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    I have a feeling that the gays and women of /tv/ will spam the Avengers like they spammed the boys from Inception
    I'm ok with this
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:13 No.20459833
         File1326536022.jpg-(181 KB, 1000x1300, Chris Hemsworth Interview May (...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:13 No.20459834
    .. not worth it. Too risky.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:13 No.20459835
    If Uwe Boll couldn't kill it no one can.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:14 No.20459838
         File1326536052.jpg-(27 KB, 236x285, 1326319045051.jpg)
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    Batman: Mask of the Phantasm
    Starrying Johnny Depp as the Joker
    And Bruce waynes as bateman
    Tom Arnold as the Phantasm
    Angelina Jolie as the girl bruce wayne falls in love with
    Ricky Gervais as butler
    Scarlette Johanson as Poison Ivy
    Penn Teller as the Penguin
    Nicole Kidman as Catewoman
    featuring Drake as Robin and Peter Parker as Spidemon

    >In a world Where Batmans fly and get all the doubles, one batman tries to save the city he loves that killed his parents
    Batmane: the Archam Asylom
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:14 No.20459843
         File1326536094.jpg-(222 KB, 1223x1250, CH_MH_03.jpg)
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    >> !BLEUHIPFS. 01/14/12(Sat)05:15 No.20459846
    Batman reboot, directed by Ang Lee
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:16 No.20459862
         File1326536195.jpg-(164 KB, 1222x815, chris-hemsworth-cosmopolitan-f(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:16 No.20459863
    Avengers 2, non-ironically, focuses on the Great Lakes Avengers, directed by Uwe Boll and starring Christian Slater.

    It is written entirely by Jeph Loeb.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:17 No.20459866
         File1326536229.jpg-(47 KB, 594x396, lufbn9qvL41qmbetwo11_r1_1280.jpg)
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    >Batman being all I WISH I KNEW HOW TO QUIT YOU
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:17 No.20459876
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:18 No.20459882
    I would pay to see all of these movies
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:19 No.20459884
         File1326536343.jpg-(219 KB, 1308x1600, Presentation1.jpg)
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    so cute
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:19 No.20459885
    make the hero gay
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:19 No.20459886
    This is why the genre will never die
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:19 No.20459887
    Batman, directed by that guy that made Inception because Inception was so deep.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:23 No.20459917
    An Avengers adaptation written and directed by Joss Whedon.
    >> Atwill !kelPcGZQlE 01/14/12(Sat)05:23 No.20459920
         File1326536598.jpg-(40 KB, 500x766, 621116-the_pro_super.jpg)
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    An adaptation of this. Rated G.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:24 No.20459923
         File1326536649.jpg-(120 KB, 1310x1600, Presentation123.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:25 No.20459935
         File1326536746.jpg-(169 KB, 1075x1600, Presentation1234.jpg)
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    >> Atwill !kelPcGZQlE 01/14/12(Sat)05:26 No.20459943
    The next Marvel and DC adaptations star Eddie Murphy in all roles.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:27 No.20459950
         File1326536842.jpg-(131 KB, 1308x1600, Presentation12.jpg)
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    >> Tom !!Z4KHMxHjKY6 01/14/12(Sat)05:28 No.20459959
    xy-th Batman film directed by Uwe Boll. Ofcourse, he would also be the leading star, calling Joker a "Bay-esque retard" and squaring it off with him in the ring- such a glorious final scene
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:28 No.20459960
         File1326536903.jpg-(128 KB, 1208x954, Chris Hemsworth GQAU Ap2011 07.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:30 No.20459976
    Fantastic Four killed it pretty good for a while. Then Wolverine did it's best to stomp the corpse so bad it could never be used again.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:31 No.20459984
         File1326537093.jpg-(81 KB, 557x492, 123443345665567.jpg)
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    This thread needs more shirtless Hemsworth, not that Anon isn't doing a wonderful job with the previous posts.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:31 No.20459987
         File1326537107.jpg-(86 KB, 700x919, Chris Hemsworth Cover David Th(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:32 No.20459990
    A Chris Hemsworth thread on /tv/? Well I never!
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:33 No.20460000
         File1326537200.jpg-(284 KB, 1250x814, 000fzbe6.jpg)
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    he's a god, alright
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:34 No.20460007
    spider-man: one more day
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:35 No.20460017
         File1326537318.jpg-(262 KB, 981x1222, Chris-Hemsworth-Elsa-Pataky-St(...).jpg)
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    god damn is he tall

    it's so nice of him to hold hands with his sister

    its not his sister ;_;
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:36 No.20460027
         File1326537392.jpg-(37 KB, 403x326, Chris-Hemsworth-sexy-photos.jpg)
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    the only other picture with his shirt off is when he was a scrawny kid on some aussie soap

    and that is no bueno
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:38 No.20460040
         File1326537493.jpg-(152 KB, 1222x984, chris-hemsworth-gq-australia-0(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:38 No.20460042
    she is not his sist.. oh ok
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:39 No.20460052
    Foreskin Man: The Movie
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:40 No.20460057
         File1326537641.jpg-(192 KB, 968x1290, chris_hemsworth.jpg)
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    how do waifufags deal with the unyielding desire to want someone?
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:41 No.20460065
    Cryings whilst masturbating
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:42 No.20460074
         File1326537735.jpg-(216 KB, 922x1222, Chris-Hemsworth-chris-hemswort(...).jpg)
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    Hello? Someone is posting pictures of me in an obsessive manner? Carry on.
    >> !SteveAnJ7c 01/14/12(Sat)05:42 No.20460078
         File1326537777.png-(91 KB, 264x286, 45twrees.png)
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    spiderman three
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:43 No.20460086
         File1326537827.jpg-(152 KB, 794x1222, Chris-Hemsworth-CinemaCon-Awar(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:45 No.20460098
         File1326537934.jpg-(457 KB, 1024x754, Chris-and-Liam-Hemsworth-Getty(...).jpg)
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    I'm not a fan of wincest, but...
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:46 No.20460100
         File1326537975.jpg-(90 KB, 600x727, 11692.jpg)
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    uh oh
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:47 No.20460105
    Their mpreg babies would be gods.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:47 No.20460111
    don't get so close

    you'll catch miley cyrus cooties
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:48 No.20460118
         File1326538096.jpg-(66 KB, 450x558, chris-hemsworth-liam-hemsworth.jpg)
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    forgot pic fuck
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:52 No.20460150
         File1326538327.png-(262 KB, 400x600, 500full.png)
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    thug life
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:54 No.20460170
         File1326538448.jpg-(90 KB, 950x642, 139049-liam-hemsworth.jpg)
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    actually, his brother is pretty cute too. handsome must run in the family.

    but he fucked miley cyrus. inexcusable
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:57 No.20460198
         File1326538659.png-(1.88 MB, 1920x1080, 377930-screenshot.19_12_2010_1(...).png)
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    the god of thunder

    and something else

    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)05:58 No.20460205
         File1326538729.jpg-(163 KB, 1600x800, star-trek-george-kirk1.jpg)
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    he was in star trek?
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)06:03 No.20460232
    dem arms
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)06:04 No.20460237
         File1326539063.jpg-(482 KB, 817x1222, chris-hemsworth-biking-santa-m(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)06:08 No.20460267
         File1326539333.jpg-(354 KB, 800x1000, many_faces_of_chris.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)06:19 No.20460336
         File1326539992.jpg-(453 KB, 1750x1114, 1308363662_flaunt_chrishemswor(...).jpg)
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    I would make this my wallpaper

    but that would be gay
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)06:20 No.20460344
    Making Howard Stern's Fartman movie a reality.
    >> Phallica 01/14/12(Sat)07:58 No.20461014
         File1326545882.jpg-(30 KB, 299x443, Elektra_teaser.jpg)
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    Looks like it's already been done. What a steaming turd it was as well.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)07:59 No.20461031
    catwoman 2
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)08:08 No.20461092
    fucking saved!
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)08:09 No.20461096
    I'll take this seriously:

    It's about this twenty-something who is idealistic as all hell who gets superpowers. (It doesn't matter which). He does the costume thing. He runs around being heroic then suddenly it cuts to --

    -- desaturated crappy apartment. A guy gets up, he's maybe 35. He's tubby. No alarm clock, he's just been laying there. He shuffles around. There is a dusty Abmaster or some shit laying on the living room floor. He picks up a video game controller --

    -- bam, back to the heroic action. Save some girl.

    -- back to desaturated. He goes out for some fast food. He sees some teenage kids hassling an old man, he does nothing. He drives home in a cruddy car. He's at the stoplight --

    -- back to the action, superhero saves some old guy from MUGGERS WITH GUNS

    -- he finishes the drive home.

    The whole film goes on like this. The end credits have no music, just the beeps of a videogame.
    >> Xenos 01/14/12(Sat)08:10 No.20461103
    So we get Jack Black to play a zany and wacky Gree. Lanter..
    That or Van Wilder fights a giant brown space turd.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)08:11 No.20461114

    That would actually be good though.
    >> Victory& !Justice.B2 01/14/12(Sat)08:12 No.20461124
    That could be interesting, if done correctly.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)08:13 No.20461132
    Foreskin DUDE

    He was a doctor in Isreal, who performed circumcisions all day long.

    One day, unbeknownst to him, he performed his millionth circumcision, which in some obscure Jewish folklore gives the circumcision performer unlimited power.

    His nemeses are a group of redneck neo-nazis who lobby for Isreal to be bombed.

    They achieve financial backing from a shady organisation of powerful racists. They are bought state of the art weaponry and vehicles etc.

    Foreskin man was never circumcised, when his Isreali people find this out they turn on him, threatening to hand him over to the racists unless he gets himself circumcised.

    He agrees, but the circumcision robs him of his powers. With this, he flees.

    The film ends with the band of fascists searching the globe for him.

    The big reveal at the end is he is at a Jewish monastry training and meditating to become the hardest motherfucker alive.

    >>The End

    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)08:14 No.20461136
    Get this... Christopher Nolan writes a batman trilogy. And he casts Christian Bale as Batman. And I'm not done either. They put The Joker in it, but he's not the Joker. He's Zsasz. And the general public will have no idea because only /co/mrades can tell the difference.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)08:18 No.20461156
    Ryan Reynolds as Aquaman
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)08:20 No.20461171
    Robin & Robin: Forever

    A direct sequel to The Dark Knight Rises after Batman is brutally murdered. Two of Batman's wannabes (Mark Wahlberg, Danielle Radcliffe) battle with the evil Mr Freeze (Philip Seymour Hoffman) for the control of his "freeze ray" device which he plans to use to destroy the planet for no reason other than being extremely evil. Written by Jason Friedberg and directed by Zack Snyder, this dark unsettling character study of Robin and Robin features freeze cold rock hard nipples, skin tight costumes, and fat mexican henchmen in mankinis.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)08:49 No.20461414
         File1326548961.jpg-(60 KB, 414x569, tvman.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/14/12(Sat)08:51 No.20461439
    Ryan Gosling moonlights as an autistic super getaway driver. But the movie would have no action and boring sparse dialogues only.

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