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  • File : 1326224213.gif-(20 KB, 256x224, Pokemon_Blue_Version_GBC_ScreenShot4.gif)
    20 KB Wōden !!pvqtQjDSjSM 01/10/12(Tue)14:36 No.20390853  
    I am going to watch the TV series of Pokémon beginning with season 1, episode 1 when Ash gets Pikachu and finish with whatever the kids are watching today.

    What does /tv/ think of the original TV series of Pokémon and the nostalgia surrounding it?
    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)14:37 No.20390869
    Episodic waste of time. Only good for saturday mornings.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)14:37 No.20390872
    gets boring where the nostalgia ends.
    You wont make it past season 3.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)14:38 No.20390873
    >> Marcissus2J !TreesSMaso 01/10/12(Tue)14:38 No.20390881
    I would probably nostalgia hard watching that. Enjoy it man
    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)14:38 No.20390892
    Unless nostalgia is involved or you're a little kid, you won't last.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)14:39 No.20390905
    The first two seasons aren't terrible. After that it gets unwatchable.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)14:39 No.20390913
    Pure nostalgia, nothing else. I'd love rewatching it with friends and laughing at how little the writers knew about the game.

    How the fuck could Pickachu beat Onix with Thundershock?
    >> Wōden !!pvqtQjDSjSM 01/10/12(Tue)14:40 No.20390927
    Think of it as research. Since we're going with them to the ball.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)14:42 No.20390959
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    >that feel when you buy a battery cover for your old gameboy under your bed which is missing it, then rebuy pokemon blue version and have epic nostalgia blast
    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)14:43 No.20390969
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    Are you hoping to impress /vp/ with your pokeman knowledge at the dance?
    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)14:46 No.20391020
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    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)14:47 No.20391026
    It's decent. After the episode of Ash's final battle in the Indigo League is where you should give up though. seriously this is a big spoiler don't read it if you haven't seen the showthe ep where Charizard fucks him over and he loses the match it doesn't improve in quality and in fact regresses in a lot of ways. It's been running for more than ten fucking years what do you expect?
    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)14:47 No.20391040
    Ash sucks at training Pokemen
    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)14:47 No.20391041
    I've been doing this same thing on and off since last summer, at episode 53. Loving the show, so much nostalgia. Also it's brilliant because I completely failed to realise that every episode from the first 30 odd and some still now each tries to end with such a moral message at the end.

    Also Gary Motherfucking Oak.

    Also started noticing errors a lot more in episodes where I'm up to now, apparently it's all down to that Seizure episode and the show went on hiatus. Everything is out of order and they keep mentioning pokemon that haven't been caught yet or have already evolved and they're back unevolved and all sorts.
    >> Wōden !!pvqtQjDSjSM 01/10/12(Tue)14:50 No.20391083
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    But did Ash ever become the pokemans master?
    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)15:03 No.20391267
    nope. he just leave them with prof oak and collects more useless pokemon like a fucking retard.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)15:05 No.20391307
    I was feeling nostalgic and decided to rematch the episodes and realised they are absolutely shit. I mean, really really bad.

    The games are still great but the TV show was bad.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)15:05 No.20391309

    Just to be clear, are you talking about the one where he faces that guy named Richie, whose pikachu 'beat' Charizard?.
    >> Wōden !!pvqtQjDSjSM 01/10/12(Tue)15:06 No.20391323
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    What an inspiring television show.
    Though I suppose, it teaches you a life lesson.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)15:06 No.20391324
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    He didn't, dumbass.

    He shocked the fire extinguishing system and Onyx got soaked.

    God, don't you know anything?
    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)15:06 No.20391327
    >the episode where brock leaves the group
    >the episode where misty leaves the group
    All my babby tears.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)15:08 No.20391352
    stream it bro
    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)15:08 No.20391357
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    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)15:09 No.20391367
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    >> Wōden !!pvqtQjDSjSM 01/10/12(Tue)15:10 No.20391394
    They're on DVD, was watching on the 360 with my bigger TV than on my laptop.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)15:10 No.20391400
    Guys, if /vp/ offers you a scarf, make sure to refuse it and tell them it's too small for your manly neck.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)15:11 No.20391402
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    Remember when you wanted to trade away Butterfree Ash?
    >> Moopy !qKpQf/lscw 01/10/12(Tue)15:11 No.20391404
    Power Rankings:
    Diamond and Pearl
    Best Wishes!
    Advanced Generation
    Orange Islands
    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)15:11 No.20391406
    That episode annoyed me as a kid and still annoys me now, I hated that pink butterfree, thought it was too good for Ash's one. What a bitch.
    >> The Muffin !IlVPalmers!!J9nVvp4vQDx 01/10/12(Tue)15:12 No.20391423
    You're ranking them from worst to best, right, faggot?
    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)15:13 No.20391438

    For sure. Ain't no butterfree bitch good enough for his.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)15:13 No.20391441
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    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)15:16 No.20391487
    Yes. and when he goes to shake Ritchie's hand it shows that he is a worthwhile competitor and trainer, but the show never followed up on that in any meaningful way.
    >> Wōden !!pvqtQjDSjSM 01/10/12(Tue)15:17 No.20391506
    Richie is Pokémon Blue/Red isn't he?
    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)15:21 No.20391562
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    You just do the singing. I'll take care of the hard part.

    >YFW you remember the entire fucking thing.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)15:22 No.20391580
    Eventually Ashs dyke voice will drive you mad
    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)15:22 No.20391591
    I can't stand the show anymore just because they don't evolve many of the pokemon (I'd be ok with Pikachu not evolving but come on, Ash should have the starting 3 fully evolved and powerful as all fuck at this point). That and the fact that Ash SUCKS at training and battling. I'd rather watch a show about Gary Motherfucking Oak. DAT SWAG
    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)15:24 No.20391613

    Dammit. I' had that episode recorded years ago on a VCR along with a random assortment of others, and Ive always enjoyed that particular episode and was eager to see how much it would contribut to Ash's maturity regarding future battles. Such a shame it was the peak.

    Thanks for the heads up
    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)15:24 No.20391614
    Ash is supposedly Red's counterpart. Which is ridiculous in contest with the anime. Blue is female, although the Blue/Green counterparts get mixed up so depending on who you ask, Gary is either Blue or Green.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)15:32 No.20391717
    I know, it's just such wasted potential but what can you do.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)15:32 No.20391728
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    >mfw I have several VHS tapes filled with Pokemon episodes
    >including the Pokemon Christmas special
    >plus all three movies
    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)15:33 No.20391748
    ill never forget the first episode where gary leaves to start his journey at 10 years old in a red convertible and a backseat full of women
    >> Sam Winchester !!xwcKsis+32C 01/10/12(Tue)15:34 No.20391752
    >all three movies
    Oh no you don't.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)15:34 No.20391755
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    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)15:35 No.20391783
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    Series Murderer
    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)15:36 No.20391792
    i remember opening a boosterpack on christmas and getting a charizard, best fucking day of my life.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)15:36 No.20391798
    Watching the Kanto stuff now, and it is GLORIOUS. I personally think the older stuff still holds up well, but lets see how I feel when they enter Johto.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)15:38 No.20391835
    Red is Ash, or the main guy of the first Gen. Blue is Gary, or the rival of the second Gen.
    Green was a female character who was never in the games but was meant to have a character in the anime although never showed up, she's still in the opening cutscene though, the girl dressed in green that Pikachu runs through the legs of.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)15:40 No.20391867
    My friend had one of those holographic Charizards. Every time he would bring it to Boy Scouts, I would be in awe.

    The rarest card I ever got was a holographic Blastoise.
    >> Official gym battle power rankings Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)15:41 No.20391881
    1) Blaine
    2) Surge
    3) Brock
    4) Misty
    5) Erika
    6) Koga
    7) Team rocket

    9000!) Sabrina
    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)15:42 No.20391883
    That's one thing that drove me up the fucking wall as a kid and still to this day. They never evolved hardly any fucking pokemon. God damn Ash is a terrible fucking trainer.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)15:43 No.20391899

    What about when Krabby evolved in it's first fight?
    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)15:43 No.20391900
    I planned to do this, then I found out there are over 600 episodes or something like that. Made it through about 10 before it got unwatchable (for me, at least).

    Protip: Ash never wins any tournaments.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)15:43 No.20391919
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    Disagree entirely, anyone who uses Muk and Kingler is AWESOME
    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)15:43 No.20391921

    What about the orange league?
    >> lazy 01/10/12(Tue)15:44 No.20391931
    It was the water valves that killed him lol
    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)15:45 No.20391958

    Why did Brock have a sprinkler system in his gym that was made entirely of rock?
    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)15:47 No.20391972
    Orange league is bush league, it's not even a real league.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)15:47 No.20391973
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    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)15:47 No.20391979
    On the game, if you chose not to evolve the Pokemon, they learn the new moves at lower levels.

    Did the game or the TV series come out first?
    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)15:47 No.20391984
    the episode where pikachu wants to stay with the other pikachus... ;_;
    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)15:49 No.20392007

    Can a Squirtle actually learn Hydro pump?
    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)15:50 No.20392029
    How many seasons are there? How many leagues? Does he get to win anything at all?

    I remember the first one and his loss, than the Orange League, that he won, and then I stopped in the middle of Johto.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)15:51 No.20392046
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    Posting /tv/ - /vp/ material
    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)15:52 No.20392053
    I think there were some moves that could only be learnt after certain stages of evolution, but I remember having a Pokemon magazine that showed all the creatures and the levels at which they learn new skills. There was definitely advantages to postponing evolution though
    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)15:53 No.20392068
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    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)15:54 No.20392084
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    They are preety lame
    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)15:55 No.20392093
    Lizzy Caplan needs to be added
    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)15:55 No.20392095
    Ok so he uses a Kingler. How many years has he keep the same fucking pokemon and them not evolve? Or just throw pokemon way more fitting for battle aside to Prof. Oaks lab? Exactly
    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)15:55 No.20392099
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    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)15:56 No.20392119
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    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)15:57 No.20392126
    I would assume the Manga or TV did. I think
    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)15:57 No.20392136
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    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)15:58 No.20392145
    that feel when the FIRST episode of pokemon they showed in America was just a preview for the series. It was the episode on the cruise ship where James buys a magikarp and Ash reaches for his pokeball with Butterfree forgetting that he released him.

    I even remember as a kid in 1st grade getting the Nitendo power magazine talking about pokemon before the game came out
    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)15:58 No.20392150
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    >> Anonymous 01/10/12(Tue)15:59 No.20392176
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