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    File : 1322619340.jpg-(142 KB, 1024x687, 090908.jpg)
    142 KB Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)21:15 No.19620655  
    How many of you genuinely cried to Bridge to Terabithia?
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)21:16 No.19620664
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)21:18 No.19620676
    like a baby
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)21:18 No.19620677
    I cried from more than just my eyes
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)21:18 No.19620678
    I raged, then I cried,
    I watched it on TV not knowing what it was about, then they pulled that shit.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)21:18 No.19620682
    I was hoping it would make me cry but I haven't cried from a movie for a long time because I always get caught up thinking its just a movie. I want a movie to make me cry ;-;
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)21:18 No.19620684
    Sigh.. right here
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)21:18 No.19620686
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    i havent been able to watch it a second time since i seen it back then.

    its just to sad
    >> eJ·6i 11/29/11(Tue)21:18 No.19620687
    I didn't, but my eyes were watery.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)21:21 No.19620711
    Every time it gets to that point where she is running in the distance with the dog, I have to stop. Even though I know what's coming, I just can't bare to watch it.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)21:21 No.19620712
    i think i was about 16-18 when one of my friend showed me this movie, and her death was just too sudden and out of place. i was like wtf and just felt confused retarded the way she died. never cried or even felt sad because its so out of place.

    the only movie i shed tears was the last samurai.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)21:24 No.19620750
    Fuck that movie
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)21:24 No.19620756
    Anybody read the book?
    >> Kaiji... !AWKNOKAIJI 11/29/11(Tue)21:25 No.19620765
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    hardest I've ever cried for 20 minutes straight
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)21:25 No.19620772
    watch more movies
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)21:26 No.19620784
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    No, the book wasn't popular in Britain.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)21:27 No.19620795
    Wow, I felt the exact same way AND the only movie I've ever cried to is TLS as well. Are we the same person?
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)21:31 No.19620829
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    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)21:31 No.19620831
    Definitely worth reading, I read it when I was about 11, can't remember much but it was pretty sad as shit.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)21:31 No.19620832
    i an hero nearly
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)21:32 No.19620841
    I cried more reading the book in 5th grade.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)21:35 No.19620868
    Have you seen the movies?
    >> Brian_Topp !O38SXfUElc 11/29/11(Tue)21:38 No.19620891
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    Nah, I remember watching it and all of a sudden,
    >she's dead
    I was just confused all to hell. So no, I didn't, I did shed a tear at the end of Cowboy Bebop however.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)21:39 No.19620913
    Read the book, didn't cry.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)21:43 No.19620961
    Men don't cry.

    Also, ASR's still alive, it was foreshadowed heavily, and it made the movie so much better.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)21:48 No.19621021
    I saw the movie in theaters with my family, then when she died I was like aww shit this is that book I read in 6th grade!

    Didnt cry just got sad mad, no tears though.

    Only movie cried too My Dog Skip
    >> tHeWasTeDYouTh 11/29/11(Tue)21:50 No.19621056
    I actually never expected the little NYMPHET to die

    It really hit me, I was like WTF SHE DIED??? fell on the stream and died???? LOL

    felt really sad
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)21:54 No.19621109

    That word doesn't mean you want to fuck her it means she's horny. She wasn't. She was a young magical girl.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)21:55 No.19621132
    Nymph =/= nymphomaniac
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)21:56 No.19621151
    >doesn't know what nymphet means
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)21:57 No.19621162
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    I did.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)21:58 No.19621175
    That book made me rage so fucking hard in the fifth grade. The kid was in like flint with that art teacher and if things were going as they were going then it would have related in hot teacher sex. But no! His stupid friend had to play on a slippery log in the middle of godamn nowhere and she broke her neck and died, boo-fucking-hoo. My friend and I, to this very day, still mock this book constantly for some reason and honestly I should re-read it to see if it's just as shitty as I remember.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)22:00 No.19621202
    14 turds
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)22:01 No.19621223
    I read it the fourth grade and cried. Never told anyone of course
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)22:03 No.19621274
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    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)22:05 No.19621302
    I think the point is you can't predict life. Accidents happen.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)22:07 No.19621339
    and all good things come to an end
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)22:08 No.19621358
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    man, this fucking movie actually ruined an entire week for me. i had the week off, the entire house to myself and a giant bag of weed. what's the first thing i do? watch this goddamn movie. didnt made me cry immediately but it really got me down. cried the next evening and that feel of depression lasted the entire week. getting high didnt even really help. and that even helps with my real life problems
    it also sparked a period of obsession with ASR
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)22:09 No.19621369
    I was in fourth grade and stuck on a bus from New York City to northern Virginia and finished it at like 3 AM. I silently cried as two old ladies sitting behind me talked about prunes or adult diapers or whatever old ladies talk about.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)22:10 No.19621388
    i remember at one point during my first (and to this day only) viewing of this film going "lol, if this wasnt a disney movie that movie would totally end in that girl dying
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)22:11 No.19621393
    Are you me?
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)22:12 No.19621409
    it's interesting to notice which characters are two dimensional:
    Lesley and her perfect mom and dad
    The bullies
    The music teacher

    All other characters are three dimensional.

    I believe they're not really characters, but representations of the forces of good and evil, positivity and negativity.

    You notice this specially with Lesley. She's absolutely perfect, the very definition of a Mary Sue. And her family? Some kind of rich bohemian writers who do fuck all but paint rooms and dance.

    Notice how the bullies keep fucking with Jesse in the end, bumping into him. But his experiences with the "good side" have made a mark and he lets it pass.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)22:12 No.19621410
    Bitch is so dumb, cant swim and cant shave lol.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)22:13 No.19621432
    Never cried during the book. Almost did during the movie, But the boy's reaction was too damn funny. He overreacts so much it looks ridiculous.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)22:13 No.19621444
    She can swim but her pants keep falling down.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)22:16 No.19621489
    yes, i am you from twenty days in the future
    watch out for that bathroom door next time you go take a piss. you stubbed your toe bad there. can still feel it when i walk
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)22:21 No.19621580
    Yes, even though I had the tweeest spoiled for me. It's the second saddest film moment I have experienced, right after Wiiiiiiilsooooon.

    I've seen other supposedly sad films like Grave of the Fireflies, but they just don't match up. Fuck, I didn't even like Bridge to Terabithia, but it's still a sad fucking series of scenes.
    >> ASRfan 11/29/11(Tue)22:26 No.19621661
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    Cried for maybe 10-15 minutes through a section of the movie
    Dear Zachary is the only other movie that has made me cry for >5 min
    >> zombie pimp 11/29/11(Tue)22:28 No.19621688
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    i dont cry...period...i lack general emotions
    >> Sterling !iArchervgc 11/29/11(Tue)22:39 No.19621844
    Yeah, I think I probably did, but I can't remember specifically.

    I know that I watched it on a bank holiday or something, in the morning, from my bed because it was on and I couldn't be bothered getting up. I didn't know anything about the film beforehand and it was a lot to take in at about 10am.

    Haven't watched it since, but I thought it was a really good film.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)22:42 No.19621893
    well sure but that movie is just one 90 minute sucker punch in the gut.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)22:43 No.19621906
    I cried buckets, but I was on my period and that blood makes me emotional as shit.

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