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    Thanks and Happy Thanksgiving!
    Love, mootykins

    File : 1322143665.jpg-(161 KB, 500x333, Macys-Parade.jpg)
    161 KB Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)09:07 No.19528762  
    Macy's Thanksgiving Parade General
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)09:09 No.19528776
    I hope they bring Merideth comes.
    >> Solidus Snake !!Y5msDZohNMk 11/24/11(Thu)09:09 No.19528781
    Did you see that chick's panties?
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)09:10 No.19528786
    >first float is sonic
    >johnny weir
    >cobra starship

    it's a celebration of my shitty fandom taste and I'm ready
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)09:10 No.19528797
         File1322143856.jpg-(31 KB, 400x300, macy's parade preps.jpg)
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    Fuck, i was about to make the same thread with this image

    Newsies, anyone?
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)09:12 No.19528810

    oh, thats where that was from. it's the only musical I need to watch more but never do
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)09:13 No.19528819
    Is there any stream for this? I'd kind of like to watch it but don't feel like leaving my computer just to do that.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)09:14 No.19528827

    oh never mind I thought they already sung it
    >> Jethro !Vinylrvz5k 11/24/11(Thu)09:14 No.19528830
    Fuck off, Newsies. We need moar floats.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)09:15 No.19528835
    I can't stand the lyric changes. And the fuck is this chick? Where's Denton?
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)09:15 No.19528839
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)09:16 No.19528848
    RIght? Holy shit. They held a casting call for the palest Jews in the country
    >> Jethro !Vinylrvz5k 11/24/11(Thu)09:16 No.19528850
    They're from New York, what do you expect?
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)09:16 No.19528853
    ah well at least they can tap dance
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)09:17 No.19528868
    "make the Delancy's pee in their pantsies"

    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)09:17 No.19528870
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)09:18 No.19528872
    that's pretty much it. everything else I found was from previous years.
    >> Dr. Pipper !!QJwIhaWS6k/ 11/24/11(Thu)09:18 No.19528877
    Why do I watch this every year?

    I turn it on, and it's always some song-and-dance number. No bands, no floats. Song-and-dance numbers.

    I watch a parade for a parade, dammit.

    ...Sorry, I'm grumpy, I don't think I slept long enough.
    >> Solidus Snake !!Y5msDZohNMk 11/24/11(Thu)09:20 No.19528893
    I know that feel
    >> Jethro !Vinylrvz5k 11/24/11(Thu)09:20 No.19528895
    To see Santa Calus in the end. That's the only reason anyone watches it.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)09:22 No.19528906

    I worked wed. night and I work tonight
    this is the only thanksgiving thing I can experience and this is the first time I'm watching it in full


    what I'm trying to say is I'm also tired and I feel ya buddy
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)09:22 No.19528909
    No one on television would watch it.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)09:22 No.19528910
         File1322144538.jpg-(15 KB, 234x252, tssej322t4ye55gerfegg.jpg)
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    Too many plugs... I don't give a shit about when Parenthood is on.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)09:22 No.19528912
    I'm the opposite. I don't give a shit about floats and balloons. Although that destruction of Newsies hurt me.

    ...Did that woman really just have to explain the plot of Sister Act?
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)09:23 No.19528922
    I'm surprised people still watch that.
    >> House M.D. !RsT5bxOQxs 11/24/11(Thu)09:24 No.19528936
    fucking john fogerty.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)09:25 No.19528942
    Was last year the one where Rick Astley showed up?
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)09:25 No.19528946

    >have 20oz of green apple and blue rasberry vodka
    >can't drinking them at 9am due to family coming over

    worst morning ever
    >> Dr. Pipper !!QJwIhaWS6k/ 11/24/11(Thu)09:26 No.19528950
         File1322144766.jpg-(39 KB, 400x300, Santa and the Ice Cream Bunny.jpg)
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    Wow. You're right.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)09:26 No.19528953

    that was at least 3 years ago I think idk fuck it you win, man
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)09:26 No.19528956
    Man up and drink it. Answer the door naked.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)09:27 No.19528964
    It's musical and broadway acts because NBC is filming in front of Macy's, which doesn't get floats or balloons for awhile.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)09:27 No.19528971
    the only thing I can find wrong with the hugo trailer is the font choice

    my body is ready
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)09:29 No.19528986
    >It's Sailor Mickey! Let's see what's going on!
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)09:29 No.19528989

    I could play it off and just say I'm tired (my usual excuse since I have been up all night--DANIEL RADCLIFFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)09:30 No.19528995
    I take back my last post fuck daniel that is horrible

    darren criss all day erry day
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)09:30 No.19528997
    he's of small stature.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)09:30 No.19528998
    Damn he short. And awkward.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)09:30 No.19529001
    Is that Harry Potter?!
    >> Jethro !Vinylrvz5k 11/24/11(Thu)09:31 No.19529006
    Daniel Radcliffe really needs to grow a beard. He looks like a huge homo right now.
    >> Dr. Pipper !!QJwIhaWS6k/ 11/24/11(Thu)09:32 No.19529018
         File1322145134.jpg-(19 KB, 315x395, harry potter.jpg)
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    >Daniel Radcliffe
    >John Larroquette
    >musical number
    ...2 out of 3 ain't bad.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)09:32 No.19529024
    >blue bowtie

    yeah no need to stand out, shortie, we see you
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)09:33 No.19529028
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)09:34 No.19529038
    That was pretty horrible. But can you imagine all the little HP fangirls that will beg their parents to buy tickets just because?
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)09:34 No.19529039
    murrican holidays
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)09:35 No.19529048
         File1322145318.jpg-(28 KB, 300x440, 000fuck.jpg)
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    >commercials everywhere
    >promoting broadway plays
    >promoting singers hawking their albums
    >promoting the always-attention-hungry ego of mayor Bloomberg
    >promoting actors hawking their TV shows and movies
    >trace amount of parade coverage
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)09:36 No.19529057
    >nothing new
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)09:36 No.19529059
    >being european

    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)09:37 No.19529074
    >priscilla queen of the desert musical

    >> Dr. Pipper !!QJwIhaWS6k/ 11/24/11(Thu)09:37 No.19529075
         File1322145474.jpg-(7 KB, 223x243, 1313392729348.jpg)
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    >The Adventures of Priscilla: Queen of the Desert
    Fucking hell. My friend made me watch that once.

    It disturbed me immensely.
    >> Jethro !Vinylrvz5k 11/24/11(Thu)09:39 No.19529087
    Whats with all these black people on TV? I haven't seen an actual Negro in real life in years.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)09:39 No.19529092

    Mr. you enjoy my green sequined gown?
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)09:40 No.19529100

    new york lol
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)09:41 No.19529112
    >promoting Grimm
    >not having Monroe
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)09:41 No.19529118
         File1322145700.jpg-(37 KB, 462x352, v for vagina.jpg)
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    Was it because Agent Smith is in it?
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)09:41 No.19529119
    >Avril Lavigne on the turkey float

    Yeah go back to Canada, hoser
    >> Solidus Snake !!Y5msDZohNMk 11/24/11(Thu)09:41 No.19529121
    So how's Grimm?
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)09:42 No.19529135
    I enjoy it very much.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)09:43 No.19529147
    so from what I see grimm is trying to be psych and supernatural at the same time? ON NBC OF ALL CHANNELS?

    that money could have went to feeding children or fixing a road or something
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)09:44 No.19529160

    It's just generic cop show #1 million, but with bonus of all the bad guys doing monster-faces that only the Grimm guy can see. It's crap.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)09:44 No.19529162
         File1322145886.gif-(177 KB, 500x282, grimm eddie really.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)09:45 No.19529173

    This. The non-stop shameless promoting really ruin the parade every year.
    >> Dr. Pipper !!QJwIhaWS6k/ 11/24/11(Thu)09:47 No.19529196
    Probably because it was him in a dress.

    Yeah, she also made us watch Boondock Saints. It was a pretty unnerving night. We had to counter it with Memento and Sleepy Hollow. Not enough.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)09:48 No.19529211
    Oh my god, this Spiderman musical is as bad as they say.
    >> Solidus Snake !!Y5msDZohNMk 11/24/11(Thu)09:48 No.19529212
         File1322146097.jpg-(31 KB, 400x259, 4-guys-laughing.jpg)
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    Let's get this started

    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)09:48 No.19529215
    People do compare it to early Supernatural seasons. (not Psych at all--where'd you get that?) In this take, Grimm's descendants can see the creatures of fable hiding in plain sight, and must kill the bad ones. It's fun, gory, and although the cgi is cheap it's entertaining.

    Watch an ep or two before writing it off. Miles better than Once Upon A Time, anyway.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)09:48 No.19529221
    I'm downloading this ost right now just for shits and giggles
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)09:49 No.19529223
    >> Dr. Pipper !!QJwIhaWS6k/ 11/24/11(Thu)09:49 No.19529226
    Sure seems like it.

    What the fuck is wrong with the Green Goblin? It seems like they were trying to make up for the Goblin Ranger - a little TOO hard.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)09:50 No.19529236
    Can't wait for the hour-late tape-delayed NBC coverage that'll somehow be filled with even more shameless promos and less parade coverage.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)09:50 No.19529237

    I get the psych vibe from the following
    >main guy is the only one with the "power" deal
    >black guy hurr
    >comedy kind of
    >solving cases

    but seeing as you compared it to early spn, I will definately be checking it out, excuse typos, extreme apathy activated
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)09:50 No.19529243
    I turned really quick and thought maybe the Power Rangers were doing their segment
    >> Solidus Snake !!Y5msDZohNMk 11/24/11(Thu)09:51 No.19529249
    Sing OFF! is it like face off? But without Nicholas Cage?
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)09:52 No.19529253
    No, the black man is just generic cop partner. They have no quirky banter or retard spaz moments. The only banter main white guy has is with a good, sarcastic werewolf who he uses for info and a bloodhound you pay in booze.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)09:53 No.19529258
    dat buzz lightyear
    >> Dr. Pipper !!QJwIhaWS6k/ 11/24/11(Thu)09:54 No.19529267
    >Radio City Rockettes
    Well, this is... less gay.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)09:54 No.19529269

    hmmm if werewolf is hot I'm sold on grimm

    I guess I'll tolerate the dog (ain't wasting no good drink on pets)
    >> Jethro !Vinylrvz5k 11/24/11(Thu)09:54 No.19529272
    What is that gross black chick doing next to all those beautiful fair-skinned ladies?
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)09:54 No.19529273
    Rockettes: must be tall, must have great legs, minimum amount of black women need apply
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)09:55 No.19529276
    Hahaha. They look all out of place.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)09:55 No.19529290
    Why does that duck have dragon dildos coming out of its nipples?
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)09:56 No.19529298
    Depends on what you find hot. He's maybe middle-aged with a manly beard. I'd call him a 7, but his personality kicks him up to 9.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)09:57 No.19529306

    that's because tall pretty black women are pretty much guarenteed model contracts because they are still in the minority

    tall pretty white women are everywhere and they need somewhere to be tall...white...and pretty

    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)09:58 No.19529321
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)09:59 No.19529323
    Sounds like you're butthurt he doesn't like tall black women.
    >> Dr. Pipper !!QJwIhaWS6k/ 11/24/11(Thu)10:00 No.19529340
    >And now, finally, the goddamn parade
    >> Jethro !Vinylrvz5k 11/24/11(Thu)10:00 No.19529347
    Do we have to mention 9/11 on every holiday? Jesus Christ.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)10:00 No.19529349
    ha ha made ya watch
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)10:01 No.19529354

    ahaha his hair alone makes me like him
    yeah he's pretty neat I'm sold (now I have to find time to watch it haha)
    >> MissingNo. [5414-9187-9898] 11/24/11(Thu)10:02 No.19529373
    >That Avril lip synching
    >> Solidus Snake !!Y5msDZohNMk 11/24/11(Thu)10:02 No.19529377
    I want to fuck Avril Lavigne
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)10:03 No.19529401
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)10:03 No.19529403
    Have some fucking standards.
    >> Dr. Pipper !!QJwIhaWS6k/ 11/24/11(Thu)10:05 No.19529415
         File1322147100.jpg-(35 KB, 300x289, angry-turkey.jpg)
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    It's not funny! It was Broadway shit, mostly adaptations of better things!

    And one movie about drag queens.

    How is this quality entertainment, Macy's? HOW?
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)10:05 No.19529420
    Does anyone understand this Chevy commercial where some guy's kids buy back his old car and he keeps crying and clutching his chest? I keep waiting for him to keel over.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)10:07 No.19529441

    probably the only time that guy will ever cry in his life
    not at that kid's wedding
    or his graduation
    or discovering he's now a grandfather
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)10:07 No.19529456
    I know. It'll be okay. I only laugh because i'm dead inside
    >> Jethro !Vinylrvz5k 11/24/11(Thu)10:07 No.19529458
    Wow, more lipsynching.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)10:08 No.19529461
    Did they show sanic yet
    >> Dr. Pipper !!QJwIhaWS6k/ 11/24/11(Thu)10:08 No.19529462
    Not sure.

    I watched that State Farm commercial with the Cheers song earlier... I didn't want to get insurance. I wanted to go to the bar.

    I don't even go to a bar.
    >> Dr. Pipper !!QJwIhaWS6k/ 11/24/11(Thu)10:09 No.19529477
    You missed it.

    Ugh, country music. Thank the Force for the Mute Button.

    Meanwhile, on the stream of the live street cam, a Mickey balloon passes as the crowd cheers "Mickey, Mickey, Mickey, Mickey!"

    That is far more awesome.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)10:09 No.19529482
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)10:09 No.19529483
    I suddenly like the ad more now
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)10:11 No.19529496
    inb4 Frankenweenie float
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)10:11 No.19529511
    >> Solidus Snake !!Y5msDZohNMk 11/24/11(Thu)10:11 No.19529514
    That delicious brown girl. Yummy
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)10:11 No.19529515
         File1322147507.gif-(29 KB, 400x400, muppet-12.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)10:12 No.19529518
    >yfw mlp float

    I know it won't happen because that's a minimum 6 floats but I can dream
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)10:12 No.19529519
    >Bert bending over out the window
    >Ernie bouncing behind him
    I'm immature
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)10:12 No.19529526

    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)10:14 No.19529550
    Is it racist to have black kids playing with African safari animals? I can't tell anymore.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)10:15 No.19529554
    Shame I start an hour later. I remember in previous years the live brodcast would start at the same time. What happened to those days?

    Also what is with the musical performances? Where is the fucking parade? Seriously... no more...please...
    >> Dr. Pipper !!QJwIhaWS6k/ 11/24/11(Thu)10:15 No.19529558
         File1322147718.jpg-(19 KB, 224x348, sam-the-eagle.jpg)
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    >> Mayor McCheese !kvCSCHEeSE 11/24/11(Thu)10:17 No.19529585
    Hey it's the pepper spray cop helping out his local community
    >> MissingNo. [5414-9187-9898] 11/24/11(Thu)10:18 No.19529595
    Holy fuck this Ingrid girl is hot
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)10:18 No.19529598
    Only if they're the only ones that are playing with the animals.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)10:18 No.19529603
    Someone's going to shoop it holding a balloon pepper spray bottle, aren't they?
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)10:18 No.19529608
    And many men got a blowjob after the newsies sang
    >> Solidus Snake !!Y5msDZohNMk 11/24/11(Thu)10:19 No.19529622
    Yea she is. DEM cheeks
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)10:19 No.19529627
    Yeah sure, THAT's the only reason it won't happen.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)10:20 No.19529639
    How so? The boys were ugly and any older fans would have been disappoint at the bastardization
    >> MissingNo. [5414-9187-9898] 11/24/11(Thu)10:23 No.19529685
         File1322148189.jpg-(75 KB, 960x540, ceeloohdamn.jpg)
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    >Cee Lo
    >not singing Forget You

    Actually, he looks like he might be actually singing. Maybe not?
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)10:23 No.19529686

    why else would it not happen? general question...hasbro has that robot money after all
    >> Jethro !Vinylrvz5k 11/24/11(Thu)10:23 No.19529688
    Wow, Cee Lo Green looks pretty comfy right now.
    >> Jethro !Vinylrvz5k 11/24/11(Thu)10:24 No.19529703
    Did that duck have blue dildo's coming out of his nipples?
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)10:25 No.19529706
    Because no one outside of your sheltered little furfag circle knows there's a new show about gay ass ponies, and one that looks like weeaboo cancer at that.
    >> Dr. Pipper !!QJwIhaWS6k/ 11/24/11(Thu)10:25 No.19529709
    Wait, was that Ingrid Michaelson?

    Shit, I thought she sounded familiar.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)10:25 No.19529717
    I'd destroy that asian news anchor.
    >> MissingNo. [5414-9187-9898] 11/24/11(Thu)10:26 No.19529728
    >Get Zendaya
    >not Bella Thorne

    Welp, looks like /tv/ isn't watching.
    >> Mayor McCheese !kvCSCHEeSE 11/24/11(Thu)10:27 No.19529749
    Must buy stupid toy hamsters
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)10:27 No.19529750
    I thought it looked more like lazy designed Dexter animation. Pointed angles and all that. Still i don't understand how adults find it entertaining, and i'm an animationfag who watches almost nothing but cartoons.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)10:29 No.19529770

    well the merch is selling pretty well
    I doubt anything else would matter as long as it makes money

    also not a furfag but you probably wouldn't believe me; it's ok I forgive you, there are a lot of them connected to this show
    >> MissingNo. [5414-9187-9898] 11/24/11(Thu)10:29 No.19529774
    >That girl

    I don't know who she is, but I'd bet she'd be crazy in bed.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)10:30 No.19529789
    >Pillsbury Dough Boy
    >symbol of warmth and love
    >> Nabokov 11/24/11(Thu)10:30 No.19529798
    so no nbc livestream eh?
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)10:31 No.19529803
    lipsync fail
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)10:31 No.19529808
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)10:31 No.19529811
    American Idol fag got caught lip synching.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)10:32 No.19529832

    I'm 23 and enjoy it

    however I am also female and I watch it for the fact that there's actually a show on tv in general with female characters that aren't JUST a bitch or JUST a nice girl

    and pretty colors, bear made out of galaxies, songs, etc

    but I'm pretty sure I'm in the minority
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)10:32 No.19529833

    THIS. Why doesn't THIS EXIST? I don't have cable or a digital converter, I don't even have a fucking antenna, but goddammit I want to watch this parade!!!!
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)10:32 No.19529836
    So, "the problem with girls is nobody loves girls as much as me" is the friendzone forever alone song or what?
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)10:33 No.19529839
    >nbc livestream

    NBC = tape-delayed by an hour. Soon you'll see shit everyone else saw an hour ago. Why? Because it's fucking NBC.

    All the broadway people are lipsynching too. It's giving me a fucking headache.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)10:33 No.19529840
    Streambro be streamin'
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)10:34 No.19529857
    Tits or GTFO
    >> Mayor McCheese !kvCSCHEeSE 11/24/11(Thu)10:34 No.19529865
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)10:35 No.19529878
    At least that's less creepy. All the fans i see come out of the woodwork (and actually dressing up) are men. I'm 27 and female tho and i can't stand any of those ponies' personalities. My guy friend is fucking in love with that unstable pink one.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)10:36 No.19529883

    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)10:36 No.19529896;stream.nsv
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)10:36 No.19529900
    >All the broadway people are lipsynching too. It's giving me a fucking headache.
    At least they knew their cue. Poor country bumpkin was 3 seconds late
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)10:38 No.19529922
    Puppets titty dancing?
    >> Dr. Pipper !!QJwIhaWS6k/ 11/24/11(Thu)10:39 No.19529928
    ...The fuck is this?
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)10:39 No.19529938
    >> MissingNo. [5414-9187-9898] 11/24/11(Thu)10:40 No.19529944
    Wait. They said the Muppets. That wasn't..them was it?

    And what the hell were those?
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)10:41 No.19529957

    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)10:42 No.19529969
         File1322149332.jpg-(70 KB, 848x480, miki.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)10:43 No.19529989
    I miss animal helmets
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)10:44 No.19529996
    >you will never be a power ranger
    >> Dr. Pipper !!QJwIhaWS6k/ 11/24/11(Thu)10:45 No.19530001
         File1322149520.jpg-(245 KB, 2769x3072, kung_fu_panda.jpg)
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    Wait, those motherfuckers are gonna skip right over the DRAGON WARRIOR?
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)10:46 No.19530005
    Prepare to turn off your tv for 5 minutes. Spiderman is coming
    >> Dr. Pipper !!QJwIhaWS6k/ 11/24/11(Thu)10:46 No.19530006
    Oh... wait, it's right behind this float.

    Which means they'll cover it up with commercials.

    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)10:46 No.19530014
    Have you seen the new series? He deserves it
    >> MissingNo. [5414-9187-9898] 11/24/11(Thu)10:46 No.19530016
    >dose Power Ranger voice overs
    >drops the keyboard
    Oh god why is everyone so shitty this year?
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)10:46 No.19530017
    Remember when Cobra Starship was a rock band?
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)10:47 No.19530022
    Why is she even holding a keytar that does nothing?
    >> Dr. Pipper !!QJwIhaWS6k/ 11/24/11(Thu)10:47 No.19530028
    Oh good, there it is.

    Yeah, you'd better promote!
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)10:47 No.19530029
    did i already miss sonic?
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)10:48 No.19530035
    He was the first balloon. Depends on your time zone
    >> Dr. Pipper !!QJwIhaWS6k/ 11/24/11(Thu)10:48 No.19530036
    Uhhh... nooo... he's coming up right after Santa.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)10:48 No.19530038
    Yeah, his float was right before Avril lipsynched an hour and a half ago.
    >> MissingNo. [5414-9187-9898] 11/24/11(Thu)10:50 No.19530048
    >dat getting the pun wrong
    >ha ha time for that girl that Disney hasn't exploited yet
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)10:50 No.19530050
    Who dis nigglet and why is she pretending to be Rihanna?
    >> Solidus Snake !!Y5msDZohNMk 11/24/11(Thu)10:51 No.19530059
    That chick was sexy as fuck
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)10:52 No.19530068
    Does Neil Diamond have a new album or something?
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)10:52 No.19530082
    That's because it's near impossible to actually live perform. At least Broadway shows on normal occasion live perform 8 times a week. Can't say the same for a majority of these lip-syncing idol and new artist fags.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)10:56 No.19530118
    Eat A Dick, Charlie Brown
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)10:58 No.19530131
    Any new balloons this year? I saw a fly over and everything looked old.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)10:59 No.19530134
    Fuck yeah, Neil!
    >> Dr. Pipper !!QJwIhaWS6k/ 11/24/11(Thu)10:59 No.19530141
    >Neil Diamond
    >national treasure
    >but not Snoopy
    Why am I watching this shit again?

    How long until the fat man in red?
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)10:59 No.19530143
    Diary of A Wimpy Kid. No, really.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:00 No.19530151
    I.... what. How? what
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:00 No.19530152
    Didn't you see Snoopy? Encouraging you to watch the dog show next?
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:02 No.19530174
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    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:03 No.19530194
    I don't like this feel.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:04 No.19530209
    Julius the Monkey and the Aflac duck. Also Sonic to an extent as it was his Modern design.
    >> Dr. Pipper !!QJwIhaWS6k/ 11/24/11(Thu)11:05 No.19530212
    What in the fucking fuck was that?
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:05 No.19530213
    Sonic the Hedgehog has a balloon that will be flying. In celebration of its 20 year anniversary.

    20 years.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:05 No.19530215
    >festival of consumption in decadent capitalist Amerika
    >parade named after a shop

    Why am I not surprised.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:06 No.19530219
    >>19530215 shouldn't be surprised. It's been around for 80+ years.
    >> MissingNo. [5414-9187-9898] 11/24/11(Thu)11:06 No.19530223
    Wimpy Kid was from last year. (I think they said that too)

    The only one I know of that are new is the Sonic one. The previous one injured someone if I remember correctly.

    There's also one custom made by Tom Burton, called B looks scary as fuck
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:06 No.19530225
         File1322150805.png-(Spoiler Image, 114 KB, 955x1063, 1305482723553.png)
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    does anybody even watch that fuckin dog show?
    also, ITT: we imagine the shitstorm that would ensue if there was a pony float in the parade.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:07 No.19530233
    I wanted so bad. I am disapoint.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:07 No.19530236
    Did Tommy Pickles just hike up his falling diaper?
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:08 No.19530239
    Apologies, I should have been paying more attention to your vapid worthless culture.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:09 No.19530249
    Why must you be so mean, yo?
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:09 No.19530254
    >Wake up at 10:30
    >Watching NBC

    Did they show the Tim Burton balloon yet?

    >also mfw I work at Macy's in the Staten Island Mall and found out some of my co-workers were holding the Snoopy balloon
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:10 No.19530256
    I watch dogs shows if there's nothing else on. I HAVE NO IDEA WHY. The announcer will say something about a breed and i nod at home like a fucking intellectual going "quite"
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:10 No.19530260
    Tis the season.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:13 No.19530287
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:13 No.19530291
    What an aryan Miss America
    >> Dr. Pipper !!QJwIhaWS6k/ 11/24/11(Thu)11:14 No.19530298
    Patriotism? What is this, November 2001?
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:14 No.19530303
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:15 No.19530308

    >IN NYC


    You'd think this would be a perfect opportunity to perform one of the songs from the show but NOPE
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:16 No.19530310
    Poor bastard kids in Mets shirts
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:16 No.19530311
    you weren't watching earlier, were you?
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:16 No.19530314
    They did it earlier. We wish to forget it.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:17 No.19530323
    Nope, I woke up at 10:30 and I'm watching NBC
    >> Dr. Pipper !!QJwIhaWS6k/ 11/24/11(Thu)11:17 No.19530326
    They did that earlier. With a gay Green Goblin and Spidey string-shooting everyone.

    And there were, like, ten Spider-Men.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:17 No.19530327
    It's already on for some people? shit. it's only 8:30 over on the west coast.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:18 No.19530332
    How many fucking horse movies can you make? They're all the fucking same :/
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:19 No.19530342
    >> Dr. Pipper !!QJwIhaWS6k/ 11/24/11(Thu)11:19 No.19530348
    You realize the parade is in New York City, right? On the East Coast?
    >> Dr. Pipper !!QJwIhaWS6k/ 11/24/11(Thu)11:20 No.19530359
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    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:21 No.19530360
    I thought maybe it would be scheduled to be shown simultaneously.

    I'm never up this early.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:21 No.19530365
    >guy's with red jackets, shorts, aviators, mustaches and headbands dancing
    what the hell just happened?
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:22 No.19530375
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:22 No.19530376

    You got served.
    >> sheep 11/24/11(Thu)11:23 No.19530377
    PIKACHU! ^__^

    Fuck, I miss the way the parade used to be. I remember watching it when I was like, eight, and it was way more parade, way less advertising. Or at least the advertisements were commercials, and all cutesy and family happy fuzzy. Kinda like how watching Miracle on 34th Street makes you feel.

    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:23 No.19530381
    I dont care if he is just lipsyncing, Cee Lo is a boss.
    >> Dr. Pipper !!QJwIhaWS6k/ 11/24/11(Thu)11:24 No.19530393
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    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:26 No.19530410
    No one cares. It's like when they want some "socky" to drink
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:28 No.19530430
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    >mfw they use the original Pokemon theme for the balloon

    Too bad the majority of kids today have probably never heard it.
    Fuck I remember when Pokemon first came out it was like a freakin movement. Movie premieres, concerts with bad popstars, etc.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:28 No.19530434
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    >> Dr. Pipper !!QJwIhaWS6k/ 11/24/11(Thu)11:29 No.19530437
    I don't mean to go all weeaboo or anything, but
    >> sheep 11/24/11(Thu)11:30 No.19530441
    This. He's a damn good singer. You can tell he was actually belting it out, too. It's a shame they have to lipsync, but I think they decided to do that because of all the technical issues they've had in the past with audio. That and any wind completely wrecks it.

    One day. ;-;
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:30 No.19530443
    but pokey-mon is funnier
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:31 No.19530457
    Every single performance is lipsync.
    It's like that every year for the parade.
    >> MissingNo. [5414-9187-9898] 11/24/11(Thu)11:31 No.19530463
    Incoming creepy as fuck balloon from Tim Burton
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:32 No.19530471
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:32 No.19530474
    goddamnit, tim, i used to like you. why do you have to be such a fag?
    >> sheep 11/24/11(Thu)11:32 No.19530475
    Oh, Tim Burton ballon! :o
    He's cute! ^__^
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:32 No.19530479
    that thing is scary ass shit
    >> Dr. Pipper !!QJwIhaWS6k/ 11/24/11(Thu)11:32 No.19530481
    Fuck yeah! Nightmares for all the little children!

    >Tocka-shee... mora...commie...
    Nice read there, lady.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:32 No.19530482
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    >> MissingNo. [5414-9187-9898] 11/24/11(Thu)11:32 No.19530485
    Oh shit, was Tim Burton actually there?

    From the interview I read from D23, I thought he was in England?
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:33 No.19530488
    >Tim Burton and Helena Bonham Carter in audience
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:33 No.19530489
    >Oh it's not so bad
    >It's kinds cute.
    >Look, he's smiling...
    >WTF shark teeth!
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:33 No.19530497
         File1322152431.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 45 KB, 600x450, 1308942162639.jpg)
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    holy shit that grinch costume
    >> MissingNo. [5414-9187-9898] 11/24/11(Thu)11:34 No.19530501

    Eh, I guess not. Anyways, here's the interview with the director of the parade and him asking Burton for the balloon:

    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:34 No.19530506
    CBS shows the parade too, without all the celeb plugs. They actually show the a lot of the parade.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:34 No.19530509
    >Star of Shake it Up
    >> MissingNo. [5414-9187-9898] 11/24/11(Thu)11:34 No.19530510
    >the STAR of Disney Channel's Shake it Up!

    Haha fucking Bella got thrown under the bus
    >> sheep 11/24/11(Thu)11:36 No.19530527
    FUCK YES! <3
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:36 No.19530530
    >name kid fake black name
    >pimp her to every talent agency as soon as out of hospital
    >lands contract with Disney
    >quit job and laugh evilly in new house
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:36 No.19530531
    Ugh, why did they get the ugly disney girl?
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:37 No.19530544
    Zendaya > Bella
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:37 No.19530545
    /tv/, what's a Zandaya?
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:39 No.19530568
    Some shit from Zimbabwe
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:39 No.19530573
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    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:39 No.19530575
    It's some Brazillian dish.
    >> MissingNo. [5414-9187-9898] 11/24/11(Thu)11:40 No.19530582
    haha whoever is in the Dora costume is freaking hilarious
    >> MissingNo. [5414-9187-9898] 11/24/11(Thu)11:41 No.19530593
    >Zendaya, whose name means "to give thanks" in Shona, was born Zendaya Coleman to Claire Stoermer and Kazembe Ajamu (Coleman) on September 1, 1996, in Oakland, California

    this nigga isn't even african
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:41 No.19530596
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    >fresh beat band
    haha oh, wow
    >> Dr. Pipper !!QJwIhaWS6k/ 11/24/11(Thu)11:41 No.19530600
    As God as my witness... I though turkeys could fly.
    >> MissingNo. [5414-9187-9898] 11/24/11(Thu)11:42 No.19530605
    My fucking face when I was born on Sept. 1st too. Fuck.

    These marching bands aren't too bad. Some of them are a little too giddy to be shamelessy promoting Macys.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:42 No.19530613
    Nothing worse than a white-bred reborn African
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:43 No.19530619

    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:43 No.19530620
    its probably the most famous any of them will ever be
    >> sheep 11/24/11(Thu)11:43 No.19530625
    Fuckkkk. >:I
    Keep having to get up to work on sweet potatoes and shit.

    HAHAHAHA. JOHNNY WEIR. I love that dude.
    >> MissingNo. [5414-9187-9898] 11/24/11(Thu)11:43 No.19530627
    >that guy on the rocking horse

    ha ha ha wow.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:43 No.19530628
    Good thing Weir has limp wrists. They looked rubber he was waving them so hard
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:44 No.19530635
    >smurfing his way through the big apple
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:44 No.19530637
    I think it's sweet that they named her Thanksgiving just so she could take part in this parade. Also, since you share a birthday with her, you should rename yourself Zendaya 2.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:45 No.19530648
    >> sheep 11/24/11(Thu)11:45 No.19530653
    >>NBC goes to commercial
    >>switch to CBS
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:46 No.19530655
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    >> MissingNo. [5414-9187-9898] 11/24/11(Thu)11:46 No.19530660
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    >Clumsy smurf is the one they use for the parade

    Oh yeah, that won't end horribly.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:47 No.19530663
    I'm laughing so hard i'm crying
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:47 No.19530672
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    >concerts with bad popstars

    Anyone remember this?
    >> MissingNo. [5414-9187-9898] 11/24/11(Thu)11:48 No.19530674
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    I came first. She should be MissingNo 2.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:50 No.19530693
    If you're in New York, you could make that happen!
    >> MissingNo. [5414-9187-9898] 11/24/11(Thu)11:52 No.19530714
    I'm afraid I'm not. One day.

    >Dat animated special

    I think that was on last year. Anyone see it? The animation looks good in the commercial, and I don't even like cgi things.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:54 No.19530737
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    >>I'm laughing so hard i'm crying

    Probably the funniest ten minutes in tv history.
    >> MissingNo. [5414-9187-9898] 11/24/11(Thu)11:54 No.19530743
    Mannheim Steamroller, what the fuck are you doing playing prop instruments.
    >> sheep 11/24/11(Thu)11:55 No.19530755
    It was actually really cute. :>

    Eeee. ^___^ Manheim Steamroller. Finally, some real entertainment!

    Yay, Santa! :D

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