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    File : 1318552537.jpg-(137 KB, 510x756, GAME-OF-THRONES_poster.jpg)
    137 KB Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)20:35 No.18903944  
    They would never cancel Game of Thrones. It's a crossover hit. They're telling human stories in a fantasy world.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)20:39 No.18904028
    I think they would. It does have a pretty high budget from all the original locations i hear about. If this second season shows even a threat of low ratings, the budget will go to crap, and that would probably mean the end of the show.

    Also, if you download the show, and genuinely come to like it. BUY IT. Think of your money, like dollar votes. The only way they truly know that you like it, is if you buy it.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)20:40 No.18904042
    Ok Ben.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)20:40 No.18904046
    >300 replies
    This thread is about to prove how awesome Parks and Rec is.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)20:41 No.18904064
    You say that, but you haven't read the books. There is a book with no battles and only a few one on one fights. I don't think viewers would have patience.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)20:41 No.18904069
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)20:43 No.18904098
    HBO already said that they'll continue the show as long as they have material from GRRM, so that's 6 seasons+.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)20:43 No.18904109
    It's much more likely to happen than you think. The show's got a colossal budget, and if the next season underperforms even by the slightest amount HBO will probably have enough reason to say that the show isn't earning enough to justify the amount spent on it and can it.

    They did the same with Rome, so don't think they're beyond it.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)20:43 No.18904119

    i didn't even know it was a p&r thread. I barely watch tv.... :(
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)20:44 No.18904135

    It's a reference to a GOT reference on P&R.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)20:44 No.18904143

    Puddle Racers
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)20:45 No.18904145

    This would be the best news ever.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)20:45 No.18904148

    That was probably to placate fans. Money speaks louder than words... or the lack of money.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)20:45 No.18904157
    i would if i knew when the damn dvds are being released
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)20:48 No.18904196

    the dvd selection menu has already been leaked
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)20:48 No.18904198
         File1318553292.png-(25 KB, 820x473, tv-show-budget1.png)
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    >The show's got a colossal budget

    How about you research this shit before you talk out of your ass?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)20:50 No.18904264
    GoT's looks better spent
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)20:51 No.18904269
    >batman's crying
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)20:51 No.18904270

    That's not exactly and insignificant number, though.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)20:51 No.18904281
    It'll get cancelled once it gets into the insufferable AFFC & ADWD material.

    Unless HBO's writers can butcher it into something enjoyable.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)20:52 No.18904290

    Add to that the fact that GoT finale got better ratings than any episode of Boardwalk Empire season 2 has gotten and the fact that that chart lists "PER EPISODE" costs, and GoT had two episodes less in it's season than Boardwalk Empire and Rome, so the cost difference is larger than what the chart shows.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)20:52 No.18904291

    sorry, *an
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)20:52 No.18904305
    John Adams had 7 episodes. GoT is going to have more and the budget will grow with each season as new locations are added

    Was that HBO or D&D? What D&D wanna do doesn't matter if HBO isn't willing to give them the money.

    But even if they DO cancel it, lets look at the bright side. At the very least we've got a faithful adaptation of the first book, and most likely the second.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)20:53 No.18904315
    Its necessary stuff that ties up loose ends and lays the ground for the next act in the story.

    Or are you one of those people who thought Luke on Dagobah was boring and insufferable?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)20:53 No.18904328

    You were supposed to compare it to Boardwalk Empire and Rome, not John Adams.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)20:53 No.18904329
    >Clash of Kings is being marketed as "Game of Thrones Season 2"

    That's like saying "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Part 3"
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)20:54 No.18904334
    Castle actually made a direct reference to GoT a few episodes ago.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)20:54 No.18904355
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)20:55 No.18904376
    I doubt it will be as good as ASoS part 2, but there is some really enjoyable material in AFFC. It's only shitty because half the book is in Cersei's POV, and it's coming right off the heels of the insane shit that went down in the previous book.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)20:56 No.18904380

    >insufferable AFFC & ADWD material.

    You have absolutely no taste and you should stop it before it gets worse.

    The rope is a trusty tool, but a 9mm will do the job as well.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)20:56 No.18904381
    Well my point that the budget will grow still stands. But believe me, I would love to be wrong and see HBO but every book in the series on screen
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)20:56 No.18904399
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    What the fuck is that?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)20:57 No.18904412
    It's still incredibly faithful to the books. And book 1's title is arguably the most series-relevant one. The phrase "game of thrones" is referenced even up to book 4.
    >> Arya Stark !hWeASeL6gs 10/13/11(Thu)20:58 No.18904423
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    I am so excited for the next season!
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)20:58 No.18904428
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    Fake DVD screen?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)20:59 No.18904448
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    Are you really comparing Luke training with Yoda on Dagobah to Brienne walking around doing nothing for hundreds of pages and Dany ignoring her dragons so she can gush her teenybopper twat over a pirate with a golden tooth for hundreds of pages?

    >Are you really doing that?
    >Are you really
    >Are you
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)20:59 No.18904449

    Even if it were to grow by 50%, which is humongous growth that is hardly even conceivable, it would still only reach the budget of Boardwalk Empire season 1, and GoT is already commercially more successful than Boardwalk in certain ways.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:00 No.18904474
    >They did the same with Rome

    But HBO regrets cancelling Rome big time. I'm confident that they will keep that in mind with GoT, and not make the same mistakes.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:00 No.18904479

    >Brienne walking around doing nothing

    But she was doing something.

    >Dany ignoring her dragons so she can gush her teenybopper twat over a pirate with a golden tooth

    But that's not what those chapters were about.

    Try harder, retard.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:01 No.18904485
    Are you really so irritated by character and plot development?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:01 No.18904486
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    >mfw the filmed series makes everyone appreciate the Dornish to the extent I do
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:03 No.18904550
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    That haircut is the cutest fucking thing holy shit.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:03 No.18904553
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    So... Do you think the SanSan is gonna kill ratings or increase them, or uh. I dunno, not affect them at all?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:03 No.18904567
    Hopefully they don't simply the Dornish into "vaguely middle eastern people in a desert" instead of the truly diverse group they really are.

    From the pale Stony Dornish to the olive-skinned Salty Dornish and dark Sandy Dornish.

    Clear analogue to medieval Spain, with its mixed Germanic, Latin/Grecian, and Moorish population.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:03 No.18904568
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    >he actually thinks the "plot" is primary
    >he still doesn't realize the "plot" is just a means of telling us about characters and ideas, not an entity by itself
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:04 No.18904584
    I'll buy it if the DVDs have some good extras. HBO Go lets me rewatch the series as much as I want (which is a lot).
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:04 No.18904585
    lol it looks like she's about to kiss someone
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:04 No.18904586

    Do you guys like the Stars Wars prequels too? Because they're on that level of bad and you could make similar arguments for them.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:05 No.18904602
    >grasping for straws
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:06 No.18904622
    Actually it's the other way around: the people who liked the prequels would probably be bored with AFFC/ADWD because they're "boring".

    Looks like you just told yourself. Good job.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:06 No.18904624

    Eh, considering they've got plenty of other cultures to do that with on Dany's side, I'm sure the Dornish will be alright.

    I mean, so far the series has been fairly faithful. [Apart from suddenly-Summer-Islander-but-not Xaro, which I really don't have too much of a problem with.]
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:06 No.18904625

    Well, that is a whole new level of empty bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:07 No.18904649

    Absolutely not, I loved Game of Thrones.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:07 No.18904651
         File1318554462.jpg-(31 KB, 317x240, 1289871519173.jpg)
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    >HBO already said that they'll continue the show as long as they have material from GRRM, so that's 6 seasons+.

    Yeah, they also told us they weren't really canceling Deadwood and that'd we get a couple mini-movies to wrap up the series.

    You stupid, gullible fuck.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:08 No.18904662
    A good amount of the characters don't fit the physical descriptions in the books, I could care less about making a character black.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:09 No.18904686
    Are many people who have no interest in reading the books watching the show? Is this really just running on the book readers?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:09 No.18904696
         File1318554575.jpg-(32 KB, 413x395, 1316230038151.jpg)
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    >mfw sheeple can't name anything entertaining about AFFC or ADWD
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:09 No.18904700

    Salladhor Saan is suddenly a Summer Islander too.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:10 No.18904709
    >implying they've been asked
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:10 No.18904717
    They canceled Carnivale and Deadwood, and these two had the lowest budget a show can have.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:10 No.18904718


    It's not wise to use this word on the internet if you ever hope to be taken seriously.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:11 No.18904735

    I'd find it hard to believe if someone said that the majority of the audience read the books.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:11 No.18904740
    Yeah there's a good amount of people who watched the show with no prior knowledge of the books, many of whom started reading after watching the first season.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:11 No.18904745
         File1318554710.png-(179 KB, 296x307, 1318182015152.png)
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    So whoever likes AFFC and ADWD are sheeple now? The fuck?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:11 No.18904746

    I always pictured the Unsullied as completely black. I don't know how much precedence there is to that, however.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:11 No.18904747
    Eh, Xaro and Saan I'm not so concerned about. They're singular characters.

    Odds are they'll either choose to represent Dorne as diverse or homogeneous, and I hope they do diverse. More interesting, and the vague middle eastern stereotype would get old.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:12 No.18904757
         File1318554772.jpg-(321 KB, 648x747, 1316156303757.jpg)
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    Here is the marvel equivalent of AFFC & ADWD fans.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:13 No.18904772
         File1318554807.jpg-(9 KB, 200x180, 1317564088439.jpg)
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    >best PoV structure in the series (mostly AFFC)
    >most beautifully written chapters in the series (Brienne, Theon/Reek)
    >Septon Meribald's speech
    >Cersei chapters
    >Victarion chapters
    >Sansa improving from her ASoS counterpart
    >Arya improving from her ASoS counterpart
    >Samwell improving from his ASoS counterpart
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:14 No.18904789

    Yeah, that's what I said. I don't really mind. I mean, I guess I'd be really disappointed if, say, they changed things really important to the cultures like.. I dunno, they made the House of the Undying and their warlocks just.. like.. a temple of the Red God? I dunno, wouldn't happen.. But I'd be really butt beleaguered.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:15 No.18904805

    Well, I read the books, but I barely like the show. But I'm still going to buy the dvd's just because I'm wanna see something love being brought to life. This is probably the only chance. But that's just me. You're right, it seems unlikely that many people who never read the books genuinely likes the show.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:16 No.18904835
    All good points, except I hated Cersei chapters. And I'm not the only one who cringed reading Sam's sex scene am I?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:18 No.18904862
    Where does the season 1 leave off book-wise?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:18 No.18904876

    Well, they are pretty diverse.

    I mean, you're got your Salty Dornish, I'd think they're more Grecian... Your Sandy Dornish, which I'd give a bit of leeway for 'desert ppls' stereotype, and then your Stony Dornish.. uh. White people. Sorta.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:19 No.18904879
    I cringe at nearly every sex scene, to be honest
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:19 No.18904881
         File1318555146.jpg-(29 KB, 613x346, 9.jpg)
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    not as much as arya's in SoS

    Gendry could hold back no longer. He started to pound her cunt, using long, deep strokes, slapping her ass with his stomach as he fucked her. She moaned hard and louder. Arya didn't want the feeling to end, but she hated Gendry penetrating her at will. 'I could do better than him,' she thought.
    She reached back and slapped his balls as he fucked her pussy harder. Gendry stroked her clit, bringing her closer and closer as well. She was afraid she would cum first. 'Fear cuts deeper than swords.' She wouldn't let him win. He would cum first.
    "All you're good at is polishing your helmet!" Arya screamed as she slapped his balls again. At that moment Gendry came, filling her tight cunt up and making her shudder with pleasure, and she climaxed with him.
    'No,' she thought. 'That's so little cum. I could do it better than him.'
    As Arya tried to hide her gasping and shaking from the pleasure, she turned around to Gendry and squealed, "You call that ringing my bells, Gendry?"
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:19 No.18904885

    GRRM: It was necessary to devote nearly 2000 pages of material following ASOS with mind-numbingly dull depictions of the state of war-torn ruin that westeros is in, and developing the character of an adolescent dragon queen that wants to play doctor with a pirate, I call this little gem the meereenese knot!

    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:19 No.18904889
         File1318555168.jpg-(53 KB, 577x435, 1318254377707.jpg)
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    >All good points

    Well that's...

    >except I hated Cersei chapters

    No. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck you.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:19 No.18904897
    Season 1 covers the first book.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:20 No.18904911

    The first Arya chapter from ACOK (second book) is in Season 1 to resolve a cliffhanger, but besides that they followed AGOT exactly. It will get sketchy after season 2, but for now if you just read the first book you're caught up.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:21 No.18904920

    Alright then nigger if you want to be like that.

    Cersei's madness and everything unraveling around her.
    Pretty much any LF/Sansa scene.
    Most of the Jaime chapters

    Drogon roasting motherfuckers.
    All of the Davos chapters
    Most of the Jon chapters
    The last few Tyrion chapters
    Cersei's walk of shame.

    Sure they aren't as good as ACoK and ASoS, but to say they don't have their moments is just plain faggotry.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:21 No.18904928
    At the same place as the first book, with a couple of scenes from book 2 moved chronologically to fit in Season 1 (Arya's final scene, Cat's conversation with Jaime)
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:21 No.18904929
         File1318555290.gif-(498 KB, 500x288, awwwwwwisntthatSADtrolol.gif)
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    I loved Cersei chapters, because she was a crazy bitch and I loved to see what was behind it. [And running herself into the ground.]

    Sam's sex scene I liked.. a lot less.

    >my face and GRRM's face when
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:22 No.18904949

    >Sure they aren't as good as ACoK and ASoS

    They are though. Atleast AFFC is.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:22 No.18904958
    Reek, Frey Pies, the North remembers, Septon Meribald's speech and Jaime's redemption make books 4 and 5 worth the read, even if you think everything else was mediocre
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:23 No.18904963
    He drank her fucking milk. HE DRANK HER FUCKING MILK
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:23 No.18904981

    Wait, wait, wait.

    That's... that's not really in the books, is it?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:24 No.18904984
    This is pretty true. Sansa and Arya and Sam DID improve as characters. Sam did in leaps and bounds.

    I actually wrote a list of important things that happened in Dance with Dragons, but I can't find it and I am too tired to think. I won't lie. The last 2 books were the less interesting ones but they WERE good and important. Jaime developed a lot.

    But a few important things:
    -a new Targaryean is coming and bringing hell
    -Theon is brought back and does shit
    -Greyjoys are off doing crazy shit
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:24 No.18904988

    Place whatever hollow awards you wish on the material, there is no question that the story as a whole drops off the face of the earth after ASOS, and instead of putting it back together again, George as been doddling and spitting out one inane turn after another.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:24 No.18904998
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:24 No.18905002

    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:25 No.18905007
    Season 1 ends a little bit into the second book but you should just read starting from book 2.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:25 No.18905011
    I haven't read the books so I wouldn't really know about how relevance of the title after that, but when the book series already has a name why didn't they just name it that instead of after ONE installment? Was it just something like GOT was considered a "catchier" title?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:25 No.18905013
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    I know, pretty hot.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:25 No.18905019
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    >that feel when Deadwood was cancelled in its third season, abruptly
    >that didn't stop HBO from making two Sex and the City movies, filming the most expensive pilot ever
    >Also starting Game of Thrones
    Fuck you, HBO.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:25 No.18905021
    Yeah but I think aDwD left room for one hell of a story in The Winds of Winter
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:26 No.18905027
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    dat grin
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:26 No.18905028

    But there is "question" and your empty bullshit isn't going to convince anyone otherwise.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:26 No.18905029
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    >mfw "Edd, fetch me a block"
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:26 No.18905034
    THIS. Why did they resolve Arya's cliffhanger?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:27 No.18905052

    I don't think they wanted it to look like Arya was dragged of for some good 'ole fashioned backalley rape from Yoren.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:29 No.18905081
    Well if it didn't get renewed for a second season, then that scene would have given Arya closure
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:29 No.18905082
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    not to sound gross, but i am sort of surprised that arya managed to canter through a warzone and avoid being raped even once

    i was really anxious in all her chapters, and hoped gendry would protect her
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:29 No.18905086
    They shouldn't have resolved it. When I read the book, I was completely worried. Everyone should suffer because I did.

    But seriously, it was interesting that they brought in bits of the next book
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:29 No.18905087
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    Man, Empire Strikes Back is such shit. They blow up the death star at the end of SW, then what do they do? Sit around in an igloo arguing about who Leia likes more. Luke trains with Yoda for the entire movie, then he just goes and gets his hand chopped off? What the fuck was that? And Han just sits around on the Falcon trying to fix the hyperdrive and arguing with C-3PO, then the end he gets frozen and disappears. George has been doddling and spitting out one inane turn after another.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:30 No.18905098
    She looks like a boy. Very few boy fuckers in Westeros.

    I'm wondering who Sansa will lose her maidenhead to. I doubt Martin will let her.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:30 No.18905114
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    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:31 No.18905142
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    > thinks they can stop the GOT train


    Yeah man, I know that feeling.

    > dat feel when Gendry abandons her and joins the Brotherhood without Banners[/spoilers]

    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:33 No.18905175
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    Lets be honest, she's probably gonna lose it to Ser Robert fucking Strong.

    And it will be horrible, really fucking horrible.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:33 No.18905183
    Yeah, that was strange.

    Oh god, nostalgia. Back then, I thought the series would end with Gendry taking his father's place on the throne. I mean, why else bring him in?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:34 No.18905195
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    You'll like this:

    It's a POV chapter written from Gendry's point of view at Acorn Hill
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:36 No.18905228
    You think Gregor lives? I mean... Qyburn could of saved him I guess...

    >that feel when Sandor will never get his revenge
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:36 No.18905235
    tfw sandor needs to get over it, they were just kids
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:36 No.18905236

    I... Still kinda want this to happen. With Queen Arya. ;__; I wonder, however, what sort of role he'll get to play in the future. A look into Lady Stoneheart's shit as a POV character? Possibly as a way to bring back Arya's humanity?

    Anyway, him or Edric Storm, on the Iron Throne... And I wouldn't complain.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:37 No.18905247
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    >this thread brought to you by sad batman
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:37 No.18905254

    Excellent post, I agree with much of what you say 100%.

    >Cersei's madness and everything unraveling around her.

    This bit about Cersei is probably my only dispute. I haven't read AFFC since it was released, so it's been awhile, but the memory is still fresh that Cersei was the only part of AFFC that came close to Brienne's level of dull.

    >Pretty much any LF/Sansa scene.
    >Most of the Jaime chapters
    Jaime had amazing character development. Everybody was wowed by how their perception of him was twisted around by George.

    These are still small parts of an otherwise dull book. It suffers a lot because of how great the previous 3 books were.

    >Drogon roasting motherfuckers.
    This is true, and makes the Dany chapters (a massive portion of the book) all the more painful to read as she ignores her dragons through the vast majority of the book. Instead George bombards us with chapter after chapter of her swooning over Daario.

    >All of the Davos chapters
    >Most of the Jon chapters
    Possibly the most frustrating part of the book, as George is nothing but a cocktease about what's brewing in the far north. Of course there is plot development here, but it is unnecessarily stretched out and truncated.
    >The last few Tyrion chapters
    Tyrion, my most beloved character. Yet a complete disappointment in every part of ADWD except when he was Jorah's prisoner. The last few chapters with Penny were awful.
    >Cersei's walk of shame.
    Felt very out-of-place. It was like a trailer for Winds of Winter within ADWD.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:39 No.18905284
    Cersei being all paranoid and tearing the kingdom apart was my favourite part of that book. Brienne was definitely boring though, I like the character but why would I care about a quest I know isn't going to go anywhere.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:39 No.18905286

    They're both alive. He can still get his revenge
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:39 No.18905292

    After ADWD, there can be no question that Gregor is nothing more than Victor Qyburnstein's Monster.

    I'm holding out hope that Sandor will show his beautiful face again.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:39 No.18905298

    > just kids

    > implying you would forgive a horrible person who shoved your face into the fire for toy when you were a child, and has shown no sign of redemption at all.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:40 No.18905302
    Tyrion's chapters were a bit of a disappointment. They were still fun and great but not as fucking amazing as he was in the previous books.

    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:40 No.18905303
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    It's implied that Gregor killed the rest of the Clegane family, it's probably even harder to "get over" that than it is to forget half your face is burned off...
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:41 No.18905327
    Really... you think both live? I mean, I love the Hound but... you think he lives? I don't think so... also Gregor should have died from poison, though Qyburn saving him is possible...
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:41 No.18905333
    Considering he's living in that sept place now, I'm sure he's grown up a bit and can learn to forgive and forget.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:42 No.18905346

    I can't believe anyone bought the 'hunting accident' bit.

    I mean, really. Hunting accident seems to be the most popular way for noble people to get killed by their own family.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:42 No.18905351
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    Dude who do you think Ser Robert Strong is?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:43 No.18905357

    Empire had the largest reveal of the entire series -- Vader is Luke's father.

    AFFC, not so much.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:44 No.18905365
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    > didn't notice the grave digger
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:44 No.18905366
    ADWD was the tits.

    The North Remembers
    Frey Pies
    Rickon on Skagos
    "Edd, fetch me the block."
    Victarion hating monkeys
    Victarion's smoking hand
    Victarion's sacrifices to DG + R'hllor
    Motherfuckin Wun Wun
    Cersei's walk
    Jon v RattleMance
    Kevan prologue
    Aegon reveal
    Greyscale reveal
    Jaime. All of Jaime's chapters.
    Blackfish escape.
    Robert Strong is obviously Gregorstein. Also "He took a vow of silence. LMAO
    The letter (just who really sent that shit).
    Jon = Azor Ahai.
    Reek bent to his task.
    My name is Theon. You have to remember your name. (One GRRM's best lines).
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:44 No.18905375
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    >Sam's sex scene.
    One of the funniest things I've ever read in a book. Absolutely hilarious.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:45 No.18905383
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    >but the memory is still fresh that Cersei was the only part of AFFC that came close to Brienne's level of dull.

    Because you can't find entertainment if there's not a flashing sign next to it.

    >These are still small parts of an otherwise dull book.

    It's not a dull book.

    >It suffers a lot because of how great the previous 3 books were.

    No it doesn't.

    >Instead George bombards us with chapter after chapter of her swooning over Daario.

    Those chapters were about Dany's struggle with ruling, anyone who mentions Daario as if that part was prominent or of particular focus is talking bullshit.

    >Possibly the most frustrating part of the book, as George is nothing but a cocktease about what's brewing in the far north.

    Again, those chapters were about Jon's struggle with ruling. It's called a theme, maybe you've heard of it.

    >Tyrion, my most beloved character.

    It all makes sense, you like the shittiest characters too.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:46 No.18905392
    A convienent giant. I'll believe he's Gregor.

    But Sandor?


    >mfw Ned is alive and the top sparrow
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:46 No.18905394

    Woah dude, I agree with you on most of those points but...

    Tyrion ehs a cool guy, eh make fahny joke and doesn't afraid of anything.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:47 No.18905415


    Sandor's the gravedigger, you should learn though. Unless you see a character physically die, there's... always a strong chance.

    And even then.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:47 No.18905418

    I KNOW they both live. Sandor is in the Quiet Isle, Gregor is Robert Strong

    Pay attention faggot.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:48 No.18905421

    It was the most crushing part of ADWD for me to read. I loved Tyrion. I've read the first three books more times than I can remember, and I've read through just his POV's more still.

    However, I'm in no way claiming that the series is lost because of my poor feelings about AFFC & ADWD. Like most here are saying, they were largely character & plot development. I just say that George has gone on far too long with that, and a great portion of what he's written there was unnecessary.

    Tyrion can shine bright once he finally reaches Dany.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:48 No.18905423
    What are the other theories regarding the letter? Who could have sent it besides Ramsay?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:48 No.18905426
    These two by themselves redeem ADWD
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:49 No.18905439

    It is only speculation that Sandor is still alive there. As much as many of us would love to believe it (he's one of my favorites), there isn't enough evidence.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:50 No.18905452

    Feast and Dance are act two of ASOIAF, the first three books had a lot of action but most of it is of little relevance to the main plot with the Others and the return of the Targaryens (Fire & Ice) that will presumably happen in 6 and 7. Besides a shitton of character development, the baby Aegon reveal was important and will have ramifications on most of the other plot threads. So much shit happened in ADWD that we forgot that Westeros has already been invaded and most of the Stormlands have fallen, which in itself is more significant than the total effect of the War of 5 Kings on the power balance. The same dynasty is still in control, but likely not for long.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:50 No.18905454
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    your face when this happens
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:50 No.18905456

    GRRM says he's alive. Christ.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:50 No.18905458

    GRRM let it slip in a convention he "looks forward to finishing his story" while talking about Sandor.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:51 No.18905467
    Well, I have missed alot of the subtly of this series
    >Renly is gay
    >Arstan is Barristan

    Why would Sandor join the monastary?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:52 No.18905483
    >So much shit happened in ADWD that we forgot that Westeros has already been invaded and most of the Stormlands have fallen, which in itself is more significant than the total effect of the War of 5 Kings on the power balance.
    I agree with your intent, but that statement is off.

    The War of the 5 Kings had a more significant effect of the balance of power because it made such an invasion possible.
    Without it, the lord of Storm's End could have tossed the invasion back single-handed.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:52 No.18905488
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    >he actually thinks "large reveals" affect the quality of a book in any substantial manner

    I bet you also think the "amount of shit that goes down" equates to a better book. Fucking retard.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:53 No.18905493
    Septum Meribold's speech...
    What are you guys talking about? Which one of his talks are we talking about?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:55 No.18905527

    I notice you didn't mention much of what Dany & Tyrion did, apart from Tyrion being a companion of Aegon's for a bit and the greyscale. Yet these two make up a massive part of the book.

    It wasn't a great part of the overall story. Didn't pull you along like the others. George just continued to set up the board, with a handful of entertaining points.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:55 No.18905528
    >Read first few posts in thread.
    >>They did the same with Rome, so don't think they're beyond it

    Rome had so much potential, the first season was so fucking amazing. It would be a shame to see GoT go the same way.

    I miss Rome everyday. Spartacus just didn't cut it, and only til GoT have I started to feel better (about premium dramatic miniseries).
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:55 No.18905533
    The one about how the common people suffer while the great lords play the game of thrones. It put the whole first 3 books into perspective
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:56 No.18905546

    Everyone was weaker, but the balance is more or less the same. The point is that all of the Five Kings besides Stannis are dead and that the war was inconsequential to the endgame of the series besides its side effects, i.e. lots of people died and most of those alive probably won't survive the winter.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:56 No.18905549
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    You know what I look forward to in Game of Thrones?

    <--- This guy here.

    To me one of the best parts of ADWD.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:56 No.18905551
    Varys says that in the first book.

    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:57 No.18905555

    The one about the difference between "broken men" and "outlaws"
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:58 No.18905578
    how many pairs of gloves is that guy wearing, holy shit
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:58 No.18905579

    That would make an awesome monologue.

    The entire speech was heartbreaking.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:59 No.18905593
    The war wasn't inconsequential to the ending, though.
    What if Stannis had won at Blackwater?
    What if Robb was still king in the north?

    20,000 northmen went south, maybe a quarter came back.
    The war is hardly inconsequential to the end game.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)21:59 No.18905601
    Yeah, Barristan is badass. His actor might be perfect, but I'll decide once he grows a cool beard.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)22:00 No.18905610

    I probably worded that poorly, I apologize. It was a great climax to a great story, and the climax was only powerful because of how great the story, character and the tension between them had been developed.

    This is why Tyrion shooting his father was such an epic moment. It wasn't great because 'LOLZ HE MAED HIS DAD DIED, HURRRRRRRRRR', but because of how well Tyrion a tortured figure Tyrion was crafted into being, what role his father played in that, and again what a pillar of strength his father was built up to.

    That better?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)22:01 No.18905632
    Why does Tyrion care about the whore? She's soiled goods
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)22:02 No.18905645
    He's a little cross. Short temper. He doesn't have a nose for nice ladies.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)22:02 No.18905651
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    >> Doctor Feelgood !T0/Mp/AdU6 10/13/11(Thu)22:03 No.18905665
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    If they show the part where Barristan escapes the Gold Cloaks, I will be incredibly incredibly happy.
    >> royoftherovers !!lHPmgngLbMg 10/13/11(Thu)22:03 No.18905679
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    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)22:04 No.18905693

    What I'm trying to get across is that it ended up not mattering, i.e. Jaime brought the last of the Stark loyalists back to the King's peace in AFFC/ADWD and the realm is now back under the Baratheons same as at the start of AGOT (well, minus the Greyjoys). Sure there have been a lot of tweeests on a character level but from a wide perspective (or a peasant's narrow one) everything that's happened so far has been a setup for whoever conquers Westeros in act 3, be it the Others or Aegon or Dany somehow.
    >> !!k3GighioMhx 10/13/11(Thu)22:04 No.18905694
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    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)22:05 No.18905705
    >What are the other theories regarding the letter? Who could have sent it besides Ramsay?

    Ramsay could be bluffing.

    Or it was Mance who wrote the letter, following Melisandre orders in order to goad Jon into action to fullfil her visions.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)22:07 No.18905732
    Should I watch the show first or read the book?

    I figured that the show would be better to watch first since it'll give me a basic gist of the story then I can go into the book and have everything explained fully.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)22:07 No.18905752
    It ending up not mattering doesn't mean the war itself didn't. Had things gone different the current situation could be massively different.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)22:08 No.18905761

    If you haven't been spoiled on what happens, the show.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)22:09 No.18905797
    Hard to say. Read first and then the show. The fact is, the book is subtle and you'll miss certain things. The show makes things obvious, too much so.

    Honestly, your best bet is to read all 5 books, watch the show, and THEN join these threads. We are talking about the books in reality. So avoid to avoid spoilers
    >> real human being real hero 10/13/11(Thu)22:09 No.18905803
    >human stories

    Nah, between Ned's
    >here Cersei, go ahead and kill my family. It's not like we're enemies or anything.
    and the Kaleesi's brother
    >I look down on everyone, I've somehow been alive for decades without making a friend

    the people are less believable than the dragons and snowmen.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)22:10 No.18905826

    I wish that I could've experienced what the show would be like without any prior knowledge of the story.

    I think I would have definitely enjoyed the show much more, but then I'd worry about how it would affect my enjoyment of the books, which are superb.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)22:12 No.18905846
    Oh god this. While I do wonder what the show would have been without knowledge of the books, I would worry what the show would have done to my enjoyment of the books which are phenomenal. I don't regret reading the books first, thats for sure
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)22:12 No.18905849
    you don't know anything about those characters
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)22:12 No.18905853

    >here Cersei, go ahead and kill my family. It's not like we're enemies or anything.

    You clearly don't understand the character you fucking mongoloid.

    >I look down on everyone, I've somehow been alive for decades without making a friend

    What does this even mean?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)22:13 No.18905863
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    Oh boy, here we go..
    >> royoftherovers !!lHPmgngLbMg 10/13/11(Thu)22:13 No.18905876
    My new favorite crackpot theory is the writer is Manderly. There was no battle as Roose and Ramsay have now locked themselves up inside Winterfell. His host has collapsed as the northmen know Arya is Jeyne.

    Wyman hopes that Jon + wildlings will break the siege.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)22:13 No.18905879
    Show and then continue with the books.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)22:15 No.18905911
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    You said the tweests are the most important part of the series, I say the overall plot is what matters. Debating hypotheticals is stupid: the way the War of Five Kings turned out ended up not mattering at all to the main plot of the series, though the fact it happened matters. Do you get it yet?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)22:19 No.18905968
    I suppose it's just your confused belief that it matters but didn't end up mattering.
    It did end up mattering, since any different ending would have changed everything.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)22:19 No.18905974
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    >implying the "plot" is anything more than the means of telling about characters and concepts
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)22:19 No.18905979
    The wannabe-dragon is a dick to everyone we see him interact w/. Anybody in real life, particularly with an exiled-prince background like his, would have friends and allies, people he's not a jerk to. The character has no depth, he's just a villain we're supposed to hate.

    As to Ned Stark, his response to finally having an advantage over his mortal enemies is to reveal it to them so they can counter him. No one favors his enemies over himself and his family that much.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)22:24 No.18906079

    >would have friends and allies, people he's not a jerk to

    He did have for the first few years in exile, but then he became the "beggar king". Illyrio took him in because he saw profit in it.

    >The character has no depth, he's just a villain we're supposed to hate.

    He's a victim of circumstances, his whole life has been a shitfest from the time he was a young boy. To his detriment he was told he was a god when he was young, that he was special and everyone should bow down to him.

    His behaviour is completely realistic when you consider this, and thus, has "depth".

    >As to Ned Stark, his response to finally having an advantage over his mortal enemies

    "Mortal enemies" ? He found out a secret about Cersei, no act of aggression had been made from either party at that point.

    >No one favors his enemies over himself and his family that much.

    He didn't "favor" his enemies over his family you stupid cunt, he just DIDN'T WANT TO HURT INNOCENT CHILDREN.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)22:25 No.18906087
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    This really isn't a hard distinction to make. The War ended status quo ante bellum, this is like arguing that the War of 1812 was super important because America could have been conquered again.


    This entire argument started out as plot vs. character development, not sure what you're on about.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)22:25 No.18906094
    Have we talked about this?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)22:26 No.18906107

    But.. That kind of comparison doesn't work, the War of 1812 wasn't anything like an invasion.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)22:27 No.18906121

    >plot vs. character development
    >character development

    Same thing.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)22:27 No.18906124
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    ...I am okay with this.
    >> Doctor Feelgood !T0/Mp/AdU6 10/13/11(Thu)22:29 No.18906168
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    I think he'll do fine.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)22:30 No.18906176
    Now we just need the Reeds and Rattleshirt
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)22:33 No.18906224


    God damn I want another book NOW.
    >> Doctor Feelgood !T0/Mp/AdU6 10/13/11(Thu)22:33 No.18906226

    I think Rattleshirt was hinted at....
    >> royoftherovers !!lHPmgngLbMg 10/13/11(Thu)22:34 No.18906238
    Negative, Stahl is confirmed as Lord Karstark.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)22:35 No.18906242

    I took my turn bashing this series in this thread (only affc & adwd), now I'll defend it.

    Viserys has been a proud and wounded fish out of water his entire life. The son of an absolute lunatic, he was no doubt raised to believe that he was better than everybody. He had a reason to believe that everyone should worship and obey him. I'd think of him as an even worse version of Joffrey.

    Then his family was slaughtered, and he was forced into exile. He's never been one to learn to expect the respect of others, it would simply be an after-thought that it should always be demanded. He is a Targaryen, a dragon, rightful king of westeros where he would be regarded as the most powerful man in the world. Yet the world is no longer what it should be in his eyes, he is forced to debase himself time and time again, which makes him increasingly bitter over time, and resentful of those that do command respect (Drogo, and Dany after a time).

    As for your interpretation of Ned.... Come on. The guy is clearly an incredibly honorable man, with a deep affection for his family. You could see the limits of what he was willing to do to his enemies when he fought Robert, his closest friend, against hunting down and killing Dany. He obviously was repulsed by the thought of what Robert would do to Cersei and her children if he didn't try to help her.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)22:35 No.18906251
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    based upon the intro, unique environment, history and long term weather patterns, i have concluded that Game of Thrones is actually a long-term observation experiment takes place within the confines of a Dyson Sphere.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)22:35 No.18906252
    So, most consensus on dat kiss Sansa remembers seems to be that she's made it up in her head but... What if it was omitted from her POV at first, and then remembered later?

    She is the most unreliable narrator of the series.

    The episode in the second season could answer this. :3c
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)22:37 No.18906275

    There was a lot of action, but everyone forgets about it because it ended up... not mattering. There was a lot of fighting on the Canadian frontier, plus an aborted British invasion of Louisiana, but the naval actions had the bigger effect on morale at the time so they were remembered, likewise with how everyone forgets Washington and Toronto were burned down.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)22:38 No.18906277

    No, it never happened. GRRM confirmed it was a case of unreliable narrator.

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