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  • File : 1318351547.jpg-(69 KB, 480x640, smell 097.jpg)
    69 KB Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)12:45 No.18862672  
    Can you smell them from your computer?
    >> Crom 10/11/11(Tue)12:48 No.18862697
    All i can smell is the sweet, citrus-y scent of that apple shampoo i used earlier OP.

    Because you know, i'm not a neckbeard like you.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)12:48 No.18862698
    Ten good men armed with pickaxe handles, and the licence to do whatever is necessary, give me that and I'll clear those hippies away from your office Mr Goldstein sir!
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)12:50 No.18862709

    I want to wrap my muscular arms around you, inhale that scent deeply, then throw you down on the bed and ravage your boycunt.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)12:51 No.18862716
    Why don't these jackasses realize they're hurting their cause by dressing like fucking hobos? They're just begging for people to not take them seriously by looking (and probably smelling) like that.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)12:52 No.18862726
    guies GUIES!
    its perfect!
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)12:52 No.18862731
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    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)12:53 No.18862735
    A black man with a skateboard? WHAT THE FUCK
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)12:53 No.18862738
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    Nothing says "take me seriously" like face tattoos.
    >> Crom 10/11/11(Tue)12:54 No.18862748

    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)12:55 No.18862754
    They want to have sex with animals, no joke.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)12:57 No.18862781
    >> rollo !H3fOUqyqvc 10/11/11(Tue)12:58 No.18862785

    No, the smell of your unwashed neckbeard and hairy pimple covered ass overpowers everything else. The stale spaghetti doesnt help either
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:00 No.18862804
         File1318352407.jpg-(23 KB, 515x515, 1315143152032.jpg)
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    >Manipulating media show picture of 4 smelly hippies
    >Americans extrapolate picture to whole movement
    >Movement is discredited by Americans who sit at home, in front of TV/computer, believing what is spoonfed to them instead of seeing it with their own eyes
    >Media's face when

    I don't blame Americans for their stupidity though. It was the same here in Spain.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:02 No.18862827

    hey discredit themselves with their retarded list of demands. But go ahead and blame it on the evil corporations all you want
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:05 No.18862864

    I've visited the protests several times now and these gutterpunks make up such an incredibly small perctentage of the people there. And who gives a shit what they look like or how they dress or what sort of hygeine they do or don't practice. They are Americans, just like you, that are being fucked over by the 1%. The difference between them and the assholes that sit behind keyboards and slander them is that they are actually out there fighting for their future and yours too.


    Yeah, because reigning in corporate greed and Corporate America's reign on not only our political system in America but our judicial system as well is so "retarded."

    Get a fucking clue, you simpleton. Their demands can all be watered down to one thing: get Wall Street's money out of Washington.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:07 No.18862882
    >ask evil corporations to pay more taxes
    >ask corporations to spend money to create jobs for unemployed

    it's one or the other. It's hilarious that these college kids want to so badly be like the 60's hippies.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:08 No.18862887

    I can't make out what they're saying except

    >You can become immortal

    Are they Transhumanists? God I wish I lived in a technological utopia.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:08 No.18862895
    >their demands
    >their demands
    >their demands

    >Implying you can narrow it down to a "they"

    Goebbels would like a word with you.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:10 No.18862909

    Are you really this simple? Or are you trolling?

    This isn't about wanting fucking corporations to pay more taxes. It's about the top 1% who are the CEOs of said corporations not paying their fair share in taxes. Coupled with the fact that they send jobs overseas while students fresh out of college with degrees can no longer find jobs.

    It's also about ending corporate personhood.

    Go read a fucking book, you yokel.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:11 No.18862915
    >Their demands can all be watered down to one thing: get Wall Street's money out of Washington.

    Nope, their demands are a shitfest of college libarls ideas. The demand 2 trillion dollars for social programs and eviormental programs, they want complete open boarders, so all you have to do to be an American is walk through the door, and they want to get rid of the oil industry completely. So tell me, we're in this big financial crises right now and they want to spend more money we dont fucking have, let more people into America creating bigger competitions for already hard to find jobs AND they want to destroy an industry that employs many Americans. They are nothing but ideological idiots who want to be seen on TV. They also demand that ALL DEBT EVERYWHERE just be erased.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:11 No.18862916
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    >Manipulating media
    You do realize you could say this exact same thing about the Tea Party or any other movement that the kids here love to hate, right?

    So either admit the media's biased on everything or admit that you're submitting your opinion to a double-standard.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:11 No.18862922
    you cant expect to look like that and get respect. no one wants to deal with some asshole that dresses like a bum and has metal/tats all over his body.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:12 No.18862929

    list of demands
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:14 No.18862948
         File1318353263.jpg-(18 KB, 280x330, 1316818410374.jpg)
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    >economy is in the shitter
    >millions of people without jobs
    >crushing school+house loans ruining chance of success for the next generation
    >middle class becoming more divided
    >billionaires get richer and richer

    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:15 No.18862957
    >And who gives a shit what they look like or how they dress or what sort of hygeine they do or don't practice. They are Americans, just like you
    Apply this to your reasoning next time the Teat Party or some other supposedly unpopular group is mentioned.

    Go on.

    I dare you.

    But you won't. You know why? Because the whole "undesirable minority does not represent the entirety of a group" rule only applies to groups you like when it comes to /tv/. Everyone else can be marginalized based on a picture or two of an undesirable person.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:16 No.18862962
         File1318353381.jpg-(28 KB, 356x317, 1289012711018.jpg)
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    >buy things you cant afford from rich people

    >blame the rich people

    >say how evil corporations are

    >they provide everything you use in life
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:16 No.18862967
    go sit with them then. at least they're willing to put forth that much effort
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:17 No.18862975
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    It's easy and fun to sit at your computer desk with a smug sense of superiority and pretend you have some sort of point by bashing people who are actually putting themselves out there in an effort to fix a broken system.

    Will they get their "demands"? Will they even get close? Of course not. That's not the fucking point.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:18 No.18862985
    Why do people willingly perpetuate this hyper partisan rhetoric, which is purposefully cultivated to demonize groups based on stereotypes, and stifle debate? You're well trained, brainwashed drones.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:18 No.18862988

    What you and the rest of the idiots spouting off this HURR DURR THEY HAVE NO DEMANDS framework of idiocy (fed to you by whatever awful media outlet you subscribe to you) fail to understand is that this isn't a movement. It's a moment. It's a moment in time where a bunch of people, mostly young, who are college educated and smart enough to know how fucked up this country is are taking a stand. Some of them are taking a stand against the wars. Some are taking a stance against environmental transgressions. The common thread through it all, however, is unchecked greed run rampant that has brought this country to its knees since the time of the fuckface Reagan.

    Wake the fuck up. You don't even have to support them. But if you can't acknowledge, let alone be upset about how fucked up this country is these days then there's literally no hope for you. But that's okay, this moment doesn't need you or people like you.


    My issue with the tea party doesn't lie with its members, how they dress, etc. It's the fact that it's a fake movement fermented and co-opted by two billionaires.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:20 No.18863000
    So our economic system is broken and millions are getting screwed by the corporate elite?

    And yet a bunch of MacBook-carrying, meme-spouting /b/-tards are the ONLY ones able to see clearly enough to see that it was time to organize against it.

    Yes. The /b/-tards are the ones that see more clearly than the whole of America.
    I'll totally buy that.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:20 No.18863002

    The point is, they can go out and pretend their changing things and say to everyone "I was there, I tried"when all they really did was sit on the street, and bullshited with their friends all day. Oh, and once this cop told them they had to move back a bit and they did, BUT they heard from this guy that his friend saw a cop arrest a protester for NOTHING!

    I dont have a word for it, but I guess its social masturbation is the best way to describe it
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:21 No.18863014
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    the problem isn't about poor people buying flat screen tvs then complaining they don't have money. the problem is there aren't enough jobs to go around and people can't even pay off their massive school loans.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:22 No.18863018

    >What you and the rest of the idiots spouting off this HURR DURR THEY HAVE NO DEMANDS

    Did you even read my post? It was all about the problems I have with their list of demands? Are you retarded?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:22 No.18863021
    >im middle class!
    >oh man i wish i was rich! oh shit a new apple computer came out i need to buy this.
    >1750$? np so much better then PC
    >2 days later
    >time to go shopping!
    >wow 650$ for these jeans? fuck yea what a steal!
    >man my philosophy class is awesome!

    yes some of it is greedy CEO/board of directors(most often they have more power then the CEO) fault but alot of people make it worse with their shitty money management skills/poor choices.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:23 No.18863035

    If you're not angry, you're ignorant and not paying attention. Bottom line. There's a very high chance that everyone in this thread is lower to upper middle class. In 10 years, the middle class will be completely gone. You will be either be below the poverty line or rich. No inbetween.

    In America, you used to have to climb the ladder from the lower class to the upper class, through hard work. Now there isn't even a fucking ladder.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:25 No.18863050

    I know how messed up my country is, Im also smart enough to realise sitting in the streets shouting memes with a bunch of hippies is fucking useless. Grow up
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:25 No.18863051

    The media framing you've swallowed like a cock has turned from "they have no demands" to "they have too many demands."

    You're a fucking retard and sheep.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:25 No.18863052
    because everyone wants to think they're superior to everyone else.

    >we need free healthcare and college educations, we can't survive otherwise!

    fucking dirty hippies...

    >in this world nothing is free, the government has no responsibility for things like healthcare and education

    fucking capitalist scum...
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:25 No.18863054
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    I don't think most people understand how the world works judging from these occupy wallstreet threads.

    I don't care if these people were all raging autist monkeys. At least they're getting the conversation started.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:26 No.18863066
    > My issue with the tea party doesn't lie with its members, how they dress, etc. It's the fact that it's a fake movement fermented and co-opted by two billionaires.

    I've never seen people make fun of The Tea Party, Fox News watchers etc for their appearance except on /b/, which is probably where a lot of people here get their news and received the only political education they ever had. Case in point that fat lady meme who says "Obama is a socialist / I don't know what that means".

    I'm actually surprised at the amount of support or at least interest in this thing on 4chan. A few years ago it would be NOTHING but "herp derp hippies lol"
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:27 No.18863084

    >In 10 years, the middle class will be completely gone

    [citation needed]
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:27 No.18863088

    There is, but alot of these people leave uni and college expecting to be at the top of the ladder in their chosen field, and balk at starting from the bottom/middle.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:27 No.18863090

    So all the labor unions, teacher's unions, elderly people and military vets protesting are "hippies" and /b/tards?

    I know in your fucked up mind you'd love for this movement to be co-opted by the dumbfuck denizens of /b/ but fortunately they make up an extremely small portion of these protests not just taking place in Manhattan but all across the country.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:27 No.18863092
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    >Criticize people as being shallow for mocking the members of a movement based on an image.
    >2 months later another thread starting with a picture from a Tea Party rally or an Anti-Abortion rally or or something religion-related or something else you faggots like to rag on that features someone mildly overweight or with mildly bad dental work.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:28 No.18863099

    You really need a fucking citation for that? How about YOU give me a citation proving that middle class even EXISTS.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:29 No.18863106
    Enjoy your country going to shit you fucking stupid americunts.
    >> OldCouch !oCouchw092 10/11/11(Tue)13:29 No.18863108

    ... lmao.

    Seriously though, you should provide that source. You made the claim.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:29 No.18863115
    >people mentioning the tea party at all
    >implying it wasn't just the astroturf foundation
    >implying "real" tea partiers have any idea what they want
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:30 No.18863123
    >sitting in the streets shouting memes with a bunch of hippies

    You are clueless.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:30 No.18863125
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    so much buttfrustration that america is still #1
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:30 No.18863127

    You're either trolling or a retard.

    My issue with the tea party, as I said, has nothing to do with their assbackwards politics or their members. It has everything to do with "astroturf" and those motherfucking Koch Brothers.

    Get a god damn clue.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:30 No.18863129

    What are you talking about? WHEN did I say they have too many demands? This is the problem with the movement, its made up of idiot children like yourself who just want to scream and bitch and moan instead of actually talking to people. Thats why you cant form a rational argument, because people like you are used to running in somewhere, screaming some non sense, and then being thrown out by the security. You dont want to actually talk to anyone because you have nothing to say. But go ahead and blame all of your problems and poor choices on me, the media, the government, whoever.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:31 No.18863138

    Define middle class, because that only covers rich as fuck buisness men and their families who probly dont work in england, getting rid of them, whats the problem?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:32 No.18863145
    Nothing compared to the "buttfrustration" you'll be feeling in a few years.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:33 No.18863153
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    >make outragous claim

    >ask for evidence


    Liberals confirmed for more retarded than religious fanatics
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:33 No.18863154
    why are they in NYC, Boston, and elsewhere and not washington dc?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:33 No.18863169

    Tell me one productive thing they have done. Just one thing this has accomplished
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:34 No.18863177

    Really? That's what they expect?

    I have 2 fucking degrees and I'm unemployed. I don't expect anything other than employment. As I said, in America you climb the ladder to be successful. The 1% and the political party of Wall Street have destroyed that ladder.
    >> OldCouch !oCouchw092 10/11/11(Tue)13:34 No.18863181

    Because they're pretty retarded and think the criminals are actually still on Wall Street.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:34 No.18863185
    Why does everyone think they're entitled to a college education?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:34 No.18863186

    I heard starbucks in the area are racking the money in.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:35 No.18863195

    What did you study?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:35 No.18863199
    Yeah, you sure are, hows that AA rating working out for you faggot?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:35 No.18863200
    What degrees? Dual majoring in Anthropology and History is like being a double retard.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:36 No.18863212

    A generation raised on the "everybody wins" mentality.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:37 No.18863221
    Was it ever?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:37 No.18863223

    The fact that you need evidence to show you that the middle class is dead shows me just how little you grasp about any of what is being discussed in this thread and across the nation because of these protests.

    Just go back to your simple, pointless life.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:38 No.18863232
    Lmao, I saw one og the 99 % pictures and some stupid hipster whore is holding up a fucking wall of text which was basically: BAWW I HAVE A DEGREE IN ARTS WHY CANT I GET A JOB???!?!??

    >> OldCouch !oCouchw092 10/11/11(Tue)13:38 No.18863234

    Please provide a source for the claim you made. This is how discussion works.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:38 No.18863240

    If your degrees were worthwhile you would have a job in accordance with them, as it turns out they are worth shit because they are easy to get and everyone has them, and there is simply not enough jobs for you all, it sucks i know, but you will have to start lower down the ladder from what you expected leaving uni.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:38 No.18863248

    I don't know, why does every corporation think they're entitled to only hiring college grads with multiple degrees?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:38 No.18863249

    Im still waiting for you to explain to me how its shrinking and provide evidence for your claim. Insulting me does nothing but make you look ignorant.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:39 No.18863256

    I asked earlier but please define middle class, i think its different in england and america.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:40 No.18863272

    I doubt you'll read it, let alone grasp any of it.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:41 No.18863277

    because their is so many of them.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:41 No.18863282
    >go to college
    >major in history
    >2 years in realise this is stupid
    >change to business
    >get internship at bank
    >build impressive resume through studying, work, and making connections in college
    >get a good job

    Why is this shit so hard for people to understand? its not fucking rocket science
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:41 No.18863285
    So because they're unwashed it's right for billionaires to hoard all of the wealth?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:41 No.18863289
    Anthropology is fun. But fucking useless unless you want to live with aborigines and can write successful books.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:41 No.18863291
    You want to change something? Start throwing bricks. Otherwise shut the fuck up and fuck off, you're accomplishing nothing and embarrassing yourself
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:42 No.18863299
         File1318354964.jpg-(64 KB, 500x329, Hipster Political Bullshit.jpg)
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    >"Corporations have too much money! Stop supporting them! Break the cycle!"
    >"You guys wanna get some overpriced coffee at Starbucks? Let's let the whole REVOLUTION know about it via Facebook, once we navigate through the ads. We'll use my overprices MacBook to do it. We'll post photos there that I took with my overpriced Nikon camera."
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:42 No.18863301

    >let alone grasp any of it.

    I love this mentality, its why no one cares about you or your worthless protest, you think you are superior and smarter than everyone and somhow deserve the best in life.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:42 No.18863302

    That's the only way to find a decent job and live reasonably?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:44 No.18863315

    See, was that so hard? Lets see, the article was written by 'Fabius Maximus' and has a few graphs that project up to 2007-09. You know, the arthur of these things is very important. You want to make sure its a credible sourse and someone who knows what they are taling about. Anyone can write on the internet. but fuck it I'll read it anyway
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:44 No.18863318
    Because of something called "competition"? It's kind of the basis of a free-market economy? Ever heard of it?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:45 No.18863320
    I don't give a shit if people are richer than me. Why do you?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:45 No.18863325

    Sorry bub. You already exposed your intelligence, or lack thereof, much earlier in this thread. Maybe if you'd get out of mommy's basement and try to find a job you'd know just how fucked the middle/lower middle class is in this country.

    Or, you know, you could just use Google and educate yourself.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:45 No.18863326

    I guess you didn't read it then :(
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:46 No.18863335
    Well you're a fucking retarded piece of shit.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:46 No.18863337

    Do you think working as an electrician or plumber, you know general tradesmen is a decent job with a reasonable living?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:46 No.18863341

    I don't care either. But when those rich people are sending jobs overseas and practically not paying taxes, it becomes an issue.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:47 No.18863354
    In a free market economy, the labor force would have as much power in negotiations as the means of production.

    This will never, ever, happen.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:49 No.18863367

    These jobs also offer training so you dont even need college.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:49 No.18863370

    Wait, what? We live in a free market society? Since when?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:49 No.18863374
    >blog on economics
    >not linking scientific articles
    Alex, I'll take pop science for 2000 please.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:49 No.18863378

    i'm an electrician, i spent 4 years doing an apprentership on a shit wage then finished the course. I live alone in my own 3 bedroom working class house, meh, could be better could be worse, not bad for somone who is clearly not very booksmart.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:51 No.18863392

    Translation: I didn't read the article because it proves your point.

    Here, fucko. A Paul Krugman article about the dying middle class. That better, or still not up to your imaginary standards?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:51 No.18863395
    I hate the term middle class. I mean right now middle class is basically someone that isn't living on the streets and doesn't own a majority share in a fortune 500 company. It's a term that encompasses so much it doesn't even make sense anymore.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:51 No.18863397
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    They had a choice, all of them. They could have followed in the footsteps of good men like my father or President Truman. Decent men who believed in a day's work for a day's pay. Instead they followed the droppings of lechers and communists and didn't realize that the trail led over a precipice until it was too late. Don't tell me they didn't have a choice. Now the whole world stands on the brink, staring down into bloody Hell, all those liberals and intellectuals and smooth-talkers... and all of a sudden nobody can think of anything to say.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:52 No.18863404
    I'm actually looking into being a line-man. I hear that they make good pay because it's relatively dangerous to climb up and down those towers. How is that? My friend told me that you can make around 100k a year with that. To be honest that's not that bad considering the job market.

    Otherwise I might be working as a lab scientist with an overinflated market (so many pre-medical students fail and take jobs in this area)
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:52 No.18863410

    Pro-tip: this man is much, much smarter than you.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:54 No.18863439
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:56 No.18863461
    >Pro-tip: this man is much, much smarter than you.
    Maybe *you*
    But whatever, we're in agreement.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:57 No.18863469
    I knew some idiot would only target that part of the post and not any of what Krugman actually said in the video. So predictable

    Shit, it's not like you even watched it..
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:57 No.18863471
    Krugman's deluded notions of economics have been thoroughly debunked by people such as Robert P. Murphy, Theodore Beale, and William L. Anderson
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:58 No.18863478

    Different from what i do mate no idea, sounds good though, i got paid extra on a few jobs because we were working at height and climbing was involved we needed special training. Thats what great about a job like that, all the extra training and courses you get to go on makes you valuble if you decide to work for other companies and areas of the industry.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)13:59 No.18863486
    >go to college for two years
    >realize that the job market is going to be saturated as fuck
    >drop out of college, get into a trade
    >making decent money apprenticed to a mortician, enjoy job
    >laugh as friends graduate and work at fast food because their degrees are worthless
    >idiot of an ex-girlfriend still going to college for psychology and expects to be a successful therapist even though she has issues out the ass of her own

    Honestly, it's just that people are retarded.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:00 No.18863496

    you mean this shit?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:02 No.18863516
    >lack of young people with trade skills and within the industrial industry
    >everyone goes to uni and college instead of apprenticeships
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:03 No.18863522
    Basing your life on the demands of the market, huh? Having no control over your life is ok for some, I see.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:03 No.18863526
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    >Denounce Krugman, a Noble Laureate in Economic Sciences
    >List 2 Austrian School crackpots and a wacky libertarian video game designer

    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:04 No.18863534

    Well its either that or end up not working, or moving country.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:04 No.18863535

    >implying awards mean shit these days
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:04 No.18863542

    >14 year old detected
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:06 No.18863558
    No, I agree with Krugman, but he isn't more intelligent than I am, and there was no need for you to preface the video that way, you fucking asshole.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:06 No.18863561
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    What's going on here? The answer, surely, is that Wall Street's Masters of the Universe realize, deep down, how morally indefensible their position is. They're not John Galt; they're not even Steve Jobs. They're people who got rich by peddling complex financial schemes that, far from delivering clear benefits to the American people, helped push us into a crisis whose aftereffects continue to blight the lives of tens of millions of their fellow citizens. Yet they have paid no price. Their institutions were bailed out by taxpayers, with few strings attached. They continue to benefit from explicit and implicit federal guarantees - basically, they're still in a game of heads they win, tails taxpayers lose. And they benefit from tax loopholes that in many cases have people with multimillion-dollar incomes paying lower rates than middle-class families.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:07 No.18863576
    Then universities should only provide the courses that are most relevant to the immediate demands of the job market. What kind of education system, or rather, what kind of country do you think that would bring about?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:08 No.18863586
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    I've seen this as well, got a friend who is a mechanic and doing fine, friend who is in IT, fine, philosophy guy is struggling and can only work in the local library.
    He hates it, he bitches, we indulge him when he whines, but nore do we feel sorry for him for he made his choice.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:08 No.18863587

    Incorrect. I highly enjoy my job, and I chose this trade over another one. I just decided to do one thing that I wanted to do instead of a different thing I wanted to do.
    In any case, adaptation to circumstances is the mark of someone who will succeed. Remaining rooted in your "passion" when it won't get you anywhere is silly.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:08 No.18863590
    No planning for the future then? No research scientists? No medical science?

    Please, cocksucker, but a bullet in your brain.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:08 No.18863592

    I have no idea who you are and what your background is, but you're partaking in a political debate in the middle of the day on a Tuesday on 4chan's television and film board.

    I know 99% has been thrown around a lot lately, but I'm 99% sure he's smarter than you or me or anyone else in here. No real reason to be butthurt about it, friend.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:08 No.18863595
    Nice nonpoint.

    "These days" huh?
    >> Fire Lord !AZULaFMcQ. 10/11/11(Tue)14:09 No.18863606
    Does this make it a little clearer?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:09 No.18863608

    A degree in philosophy is actually quite useful if you have another degree, say in criminal justice, which I assume he does not have.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:10 No.18863611

    >he works at a library

    The fuck is he complaining about? Library is a bitchin' job, he needs to go back to school for a MLS and move up in that job. I am jelly of him.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:10 No.18863614
    they look like the hippies from that South Park episode

    quick, someone get a PA and play Slayer in their tent cities
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:11 No.18863618
    I just farted, and I think I shit my pants a little.
    I imagine thats sort of what it smells like.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:11 No.18863622

    Oh fuck, FiLo. This thread is dead.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:11 No.18863623
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    if any thing, I agree with no more bail outs and loop holes. These should be their goals.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:11 No.18863628
    Why would you even watch that horrible show?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:11 No.18863629
    Lifes all about playing the hand your delt. Its just that some assholes want all the cards and some assholes want you to give them your cards.

    Fuck both of them
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:12 No.18863636
    I obviously didn't mean that. It's great if people choose to take the most socially and economically valuable courses. The point is that educational choice is extremely valuable in itself, in that it enriches a society's intellectual discourse. Who knows what we'll need tomorrow, anyway?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:12 No.18863640
    Shut up nigger
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:13 No.18863646
    No, you did mean that, because that's what you said you stupid motherfucker.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:13 No.18863655

    because i enjoy it, obviously
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:14 No.18863666
    No, I didn't, and it's pretty obvious that I didn't. Troll harder you dumbfuck.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:14 No.18863668
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    I like you
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:15 No.18863680
    But you said and I quote
    >Then universities should only provide the courses that are most relevant to the immediate demands of the job market.

    Where is the room for thinking about the future in that sentence?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:15 No.18863681

    >raise the minimum wage to twenty dollars an hr

    I'm game.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:16 No.18863694

    It should happen, but it never will.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:16 No.18863701

    Admin note: This is not an official list of demands. This is a forum post submitted by a single user and hyped by irresponsible news/commentary agencies like Fox News and This content was not published by the collective, nor was it ever proposed or agreed to on a consensus basis with the NYC General Assembly. There is NO official list of demands.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:16 No.18863705
    It will if you kill the boomers, expel the illegals, and made it a death penalty offense to hire anyone illegally.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:17 No.18863713
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    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:18 No.18863727

    that was your fucking idea, no one else said that but you, sure take what ever courses you want to further your education and yourself and society as a whole, but also takes courses which will help you get a job.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:18 No.18863728
    I think this is a misunderstanding. I stated that to show what a silly idea it was. The post means: think how shitty our education system would be if it only responded to short-term changes in the job market.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:18 No.18863731
    They should really delete that post. It looks more like a ransom note than a list of reasonable demands.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:18 No.18863733
    >Kill the boomers

    Best idea thus far.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:18 No.18863734

    okay, lets say this happens. That means the mcdonald you work at will have to let some people go because they obviously cant afford to pay everyone $20 an hour. So congrats, your fired and no place else will hire you because they are doing the same thing. And no ones gonna quit their job because they are making $20 an hour.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:18 No.18863744
    Are you unable to think critically?
    You said universities should ONLY OFFER COURSES that help the existing job market.
    You leave no room for other courses.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:20 No.18863760

    I qouted the wrong post and was thinking of the other guy, ignore that.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:20 No.18863763
    >because they obviously cant afford to pay everyone $20 an hour

    Jim Skinner, the CEO of McDonalds, made over 17 million dollars last year alone. Not counting bonuses.

    So yes, they can afford to.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:21 No.18863773
    Shut up faggot
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:21 No.18863778
    God damn look at these degenerate, hippie scum.

    they're what's wrong with society. I bet it's been years or decades since most of them have done any sort of work. They're basically tramps.
    >> zombie pimp 10/11/11(Tue)14:21 No.18863781
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    uuuuggg...wuts that smell...oh it damn dirt hippies.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:22 No.18863790
    You remember when there weren't any uneducated nobility-defending libertarian bootlicks on 4chan?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:22 No.18863791
    but he needs his money to feed all of his children/ workers, I agree with the $20 if we don't have to do Obama care.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:22 No.18863792
    A swift and dramatic increase in the minimum wage would probably cause a lot of unemployment. After the economy has properly recovered, then there shouldbe moderate increases in the minimum wage. Until then, the primary goal is to reduce unemployment - with the government as the employer of last resort. Income support is a better option in the meantime for those on low wages.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:22 No.18863796

    Sure he can afford it, that doesnt mean he will give it out. This shit would also effect the prices of their burgers, meaning people would be less likely to pay for the more expensive food, which poor people usually relly on. So not only or more people out of work, but poor people have to pay more for their food. Remember, these guys wont take this loss.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:23 No.18863806
    Guess what, so do I. What you mistakenly call "Obama Care" is nothing but a protection racket for insurance companies that's actually illegal under federal RICO statutes.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:23 No.18863807
    and the ability to opt out of social security and some taxes.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:23 No.18863817
    What do you think demanding all debt to be canceled and all that other abject stupidity is going to do to change any of those things, even if they more true now than they have been at any other point in the last 40 years?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:23 No.18863821
    They'll take the loss or they'll lose their heads.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:24 No.18863823

    >he wants to raise the minimum wage

    Stop projecting.

    To be honest though, I've never had a mcjob. I went straight to an office with a desk. I just want more money.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:24 No.18863824

    you mean when it was only retarded atheist liberal foreveralone virgin trolls who fapped to scat porn and lolis?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:24 No.18863830
    If you want to put it that way.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:24 No.18863831

    Putting a moratorium on all student debt would be incredibly helpful.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:24 No.18863833
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    >want money
    >quit job
    >stand in street
    >media doesn't care
    >politicians laugh
    >college kids join
    >still have no idea what it is

    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:26 No.18863855

    Something like this. Public opinion's a bitch and a half.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:26 No.18863856
    I remember when lay-about hippies weren't so loud.
    >> rollo !H3fOUqyqvc 10/11/11(Tue)14:27 No.18863864
    >kill all the boomers

    I'm okay with this
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:27 No.18863865
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    then how do we pay the teachers?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:27 No.18863873

    lol yeah okay
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:28 No.18863879
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    It's real simple. They can play by the rules or they can get put in the ground.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:28 No.18863880
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    lol Greece
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:28 No.18863885
    You know what would create a shitload of jobs? War. Two first world nations need to dickslam each other for a while, get everyone else involved and push the entire planet forward a decade or two.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:28 No.18863894
    it's sad how a lot of you fucks can only think in terms of money. green fucking bits of paper. jesus h fuck.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:29 No.18863900
    Whats your problem, faggot? Don't you ever want to be anything but a debt slave? Fucking Uncle Tom.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:29 No.18863901
    Help everyone I'm being fucked over by the 1% because I signed up to a loan of my own volition to which I had full access to the terms and conditions of.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:29 No.18863907
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    I'll just leave this here
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:29 No.18863919
    Canceling a significant portion of private debt would help the economy enormously by increasing demand and thus reducing unemployment. It would fuck the financial sector over, though. The bigger issue is moral - some people were smart and saved, and they'd be watching those who didn't get off scott free. Maybe it's worth it to rescue the economy, but it's not a simple choice.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:29 No.18863920
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    >Implying teachers are already being paid

    There isn't a more wildly underpaid group of workers in this country than teachers.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:30 No.18863928
    This is why i support American colonialism. We need oil? We take it!! We make parts of Russia into gulag for the jobless hippie.
    >> rollo !H3fOUqyqvc 10/11/11(Tue)14:31 No.18863937
    >first world nations going to war

    That will never happen
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:31 No.18863939
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:31 No.18863941
    >defending teachers
    you're in for it now, buddy
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:31 No.18863942

    Im just being realistic. Its like a country with this evil dictator who wont feed his people and the liberals say "Hey!, lets give him supplies and money so he can feed his people!" But he just usues it to buy more guns and kill more people, who in turn now hate america for supplying the guy who murdered their family. Liberals dont think shit out, they are like a bull trying to clean up a stain in a china shop.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:31 No.18863943
    I am not a debt slave because I did not agree to terms I could tell I would not be able to easily pay back because I am not retarded.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:32 No.18863950

    broken window fallacy
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:32 No.18863951
    but thats what make the world go round.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:32 No.18863958
    Are you a mutilbillionaire?
    How dem chains feel round yo ankles, boy?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:33 No.18863972
    Please stop using the word "liberal" wrong.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:33 No.18863975
    Moral of the story: Reagan destroyed this country.

    If you're even slightly conservative and think Reagan was a good president or a good man, you're beyond out of fucking touch. 1980 is when this country died.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:34 No.18863984
    But Krugman said it'd be good! Spending is good! Velocity of money! Circular flow, yo!
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:35 No.18863993
    Their are people who are "debt free" and can live without credit. After some clever saving and scrimping that first million can happen. To any one. You just have to want it. Really, really want it.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:36 No.18864002
    He didn't say it was good, he just said it did indeed stimulate long-term economic growth. War isn't the only thing a government can spend money on, although maybe it is in the US' current political climate.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:36 No.18864004
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    3 more years fucker
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:37 No.18864023

    This post was the pinnacle of that anon's day. Also a shitpost.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:39 No.18864043
    Get this, okay: welfare CREATES MORE TAX DOLLARS THAN IT PUTS OUT. It's like a lubricant. The engine that is the economy needs it to survive, because otherwise everything seizes up because of hoarding and spendthriftness. It's a universally recognized psychological phenomenon.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:39 No.18864046
    >omg you have to work for a living you're such a slave
    >if it weren't for the 1% we'd all be able to live a blissful life of contentment

    This is what people who call themselves "the 99%" actually believe.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:40 No.18864055
    >High school teachers tend to have postgraduate degrees. And so do hedge fund managers. As we all know, last year the highest paid hedge fund manager in the US made an amount equal to the salaries of all 80,000 New York City school teachers for the next 3 years

    Fucking mind boggling. Almost made me vomit.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:41 No.18864070
    Cute hyperbole, worthless lickspittle.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:43 No.18864099
    If you wanted to control a democratic country, what would you go after first?

    The smart money would say: go after education that could create people capable of disagreeing with you.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:45 No.18864122
    >people working in the private sector are making more money than people working in the public sector

    Privatize high schools and you'll see teachers making a lot of money as well. It's their own damn fault for working in the public sector. Everyone with a working brain knows that you go to private sector for money and public sector for job security.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:45 No.18864132
    Will you please shut the fuck up already? No one is going to fall for this shit.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:48 No.18864156
    >have no argument
    >call other person a troll and tell him to shut up
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:48 No.18864169

    but he is right, its the same thing as working self emplyed over for the actual company, you get paid more but have no security or benefits only a contract that lasts weeks/months/years.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:49 No.18864181

    I know it's probably a wet dream of yours to see the end of the teacher's union, not to mention the end of all unions (or what's left of them) but it's not going to fucking happen, you scumbag.
    >> Fire Lord !AZULaFMcQ. 10/11/11(Tue)14:50 No.18864195
    I left /b/ to terrorize all of you.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:52 No.18864227
    Privatizing education is not the solution. Providing relevant education is.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:55 No.18864264
    Nah, I don't really lose sleep over it. I'm just going to send my kids to a private school to give them an actually good education so they can actually get somewhere in life.

    And if people want to go through college and get degrees and shit and study hard only to end up working a shitty, low-paid job working in public schools, well then, that's their own problem.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)14:57 No.18864291
    I don't know why you are so confident. Here in Chicago we just did a 90minute day extension and the teacher's union was completely ignored and chastised publicly when they didn't go along with it despite many complaints that it wouldn't help shit.

    The worst part is here that our education is so fucked in Chicago but you can ride out to the suburbs and see a bunch of award winning nation list topping high schools. Its almost too stupid.

    And people argue that teachers have any power when Chicago has tried for years to dig into the pensions of retired teachers because they are so damn broke and can't think of the other million things to cut.

    Thats only one part of the country that is having problems with education. Its simply not going to get better because no one is allowed to touch these systems unless they force through shit which doesn't help and only strains the system more.

    It's ridiculously bad and despite complaints about it no one is allowed to even help the system. Parents are discouraged and told in Chicago that you are not to get involved.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)15:10 No.18864514
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    No, it's a sedative as it subsidizes uneconomic behavior. What we would have needed in the past 40 years is more "hoarding" savings as a larger pool of capital would have naturally pushed interest lower and incentivized entrepreneurship. Instead we got artificially low interest rates which caused malinvestments á la Hayekian triangle. Not to mention that the unbacked credit creation in exchange for foreign currency is a naked short on the national currency as there's nothing behind it but the promise to work tomorrow.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)15:23 No.18864696
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)15:24 No.18864715
    >> tHeWasTeDYouTh 10/11/11(Tue)15:25 No.18864730
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    "...the Inquisition merely performs the duty of its office. To further fear them is redundant, to hate them, heretical. Those more sensible will place responsibility with those who forced their hands..."

    --Captain Gabriel Angelos
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)15:26 No.18864740
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    The cunt deleted like three Kids React threads as well. FUCK THE MODS
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)15:28 No.18864764

    Go be a fucking pedo somewhere else.
    >> zombie pimp 10/11/11(Tue)15:30 No.18864793
    mods...please ban this asshole pedo.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)15:30 No.18864794
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    I'm not a "fucking pedo"
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)15:30 No.18864797

    I know you're trolling with that picture there, but it's fucking retarded.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)15:32 No.18864821
    Nobody ever got rich by bitching about being poor.
    >> zombie pimp 10/11/11(Tue)15:32 No.18864827
    agreed..their are web sights and support groups...go there...leave here.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)15:33 No.18864834
    You would be if you had the chance.
    >> zombie pimp 10/11/11(Tue)15:33 No.18864845
    he's lying...he is a pedo

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