>Walt Jr. not /o/
>no /sp/
Make your own.Ignore the watermark.
giving /k/ a little too much credit there
>>18782999Nobody gives a shit about /sp/.
>>18783028toss up more likely to get delete: /sp/ or /tv/the pedo board
>>18782999>Implying /sp/ would be in a shit TV show
>>18783028/sp/ will forever be superior to /tv/How does this make you feel? :)
Jesse draws superheroes.Jesse is in /co/
>>18782999>Dat clutch shotIs there nothing Pique can't do?
>>18783064forgot your trip COM
>arrogant self obsessed fuck up who destroys everything it touches Every board is Walt
>Skylar>/adv/Skylar is the embodiment of everything /adv/ hates.
>/fit/ guy is fat>/ck/ doesn't cook>/adv/ can't give advice>/s/ doesn't look at porn>/tv/ never watches or mentions television or movies>/fa/ wears ugly house mom clothesShit list is shit.
>Saul not /adv/>Skyler not /b/
>>18782999>ibra not laughing"what pique does with ball of paper i can do with orange"
Wilt What J.R. is /v/
>>18783134 that's the joke.jpg
>>18783134>/fit/ guy is fatJust like /fit/>/ck/ doesn't cookJust like /ck/ - it's just food porn and fast food discussion>/adv/ can't give adviceSee above>/s/ doesn't look at pornAgreed...presumably>/tv/ never watches or mentions television or moviesJust like /tv/>/fa/ wears ugly house mom clothesDon't make me say it!
Hank can't be /fit/ because he's not a faggot. It can only be Gus (and he's fitter as well)
>>18783177/ck/ does actually cook though. Had some good food discussions, cooking tips, even gotten recipes from /ck/. One of the few useful boards around here.
>not making Skyler /tv/I see a problem with your pic
Saul is /b/
>>18783202Hank should stay /fit/ cuz of rehab
Where's /b/?
>implying /k/ is OPERATOR and is anything more than mall ninjas with piece of shit surplus rifles
>implying Saul isn't /r9k/
>no /sp/saged, reported, hidden
So...Jesse /co/Saul /b/Skylar /tv/I say maureen should be /soc/
Saul = /soc/Bitch please./tv/ is Skinny Pete.
>>18783284because /sp/ is shit.
How about none of these characters represent any 4chan boards and this is a shitty thread based around a stupid idea.
Badger is /b/./r9k/ is Combo because bitch be dead.
Gus is /sp/>Chilean>South American>soccer-playing continent>soccer is a sportGus is /sp/
>>18783298No fun allowed.
Marie spends her free time on /d/Search your hearts, you know it to be true
>>18783303/r9k/ was clearly Gale
>>18783308Also alpha as fuck so yeah Gus is /sp/
Saul is /adv/Skyler is /lit/ because she's a writer
Jane always looked like the kind of girl who browses /x/
Gentlemen, please./tv/ is Hector, and the mods are Gus.
>>18783453Jane was so fucking sexy
>>18783453Moderately attractive girls browse /x/?
>>18783453No weird girls browse /x/. You just get the two fat geek girls who browse /tg/ on there sometimes.
>>18783464She has fucking talons, yo.
>no /sp/>no /sp/>no /sp/>no /sp/>no /sp/>no /sp/>no /sp/>no /sp/>no /sp/
>>18783453Krysten Ritter should play /x/-tan in the inevitable 4chan film
>>18783515I don't know any of those boards
>>18783515>still no /sp/
>>18783438> /fk/
>>18783498The hell would /sp/ be?
>>18783528It's FernanDO Scorres nowGet with the times :)
>>18783536>>18783528Hank, I guess.
>>18783531>>>/fk/>implyingalso /z/
>>18783498I think Hank would be /sp/, he doesn't seem all that into physical fitness like a /fit/ user would be.
>>18783474>Implying I don't cum harder with claws digging into my back
>>18783537>implying you can score goals while you're suspended
>>18783565>like a /fit/ user would be./fit/ would be Walt Jr.but instead of glutes they have forearms
>>18783572>>18783552>>18783531>>18783438Remember when /fk/ was good?
>>18783585He was presumably referring to her feet. They are like bird's feet.
>>18783548>TyrusTyrus is /fit/and /sp/ is that black henchman that works for Saul
>>18783661Ted is reddit.
>>18783552 >>>/fk/>implying> also /z/What? What was /fk/ ? When was that? I remember /z/ (in Soviet Russia!), but not /fk/.
>>18783914See >>18783617
>>18783453Wrong, if anything I think she would post on whatever board is interested in artwork.
>>18783952So, uh...what happens if you try to reply to that thread?
>>18783952derp. I saw that and didn't think to look at the dates. huh. Well, I was well into only browsing /tv/, /co/ and /toy/ by that point.
the dude in the bottom right, did he used to be in hill street blues