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  • Happy 8th Birthday, 4chan *click*

    Server/posting issues should be resolved now.

    Portland, OR folks: You are invited to drink beers, play arcade games, and eat delicious donuts.
    The *tentative* plan is to meet up Saturday, at 10PM @ Ground Kontrol ($2 cover after 9PM, 21+ after 5PM), and grab donuts at Voodoo after midnight.
    If anything changes I'll post it to @4chan on the Twitter (so follow it if you're thinking about coming).

    File : 1317485447.jpg-(21 KB, 476x359, That crazy little thing called love.jpg)
    21 KB Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)12:10 No.18667784  
    Movies about loners, social outcast and general weirdos.

    Right now, only two come to mind:

    He Was a Quiet Man
    One Hour Photo

    Does /tv/ know any more?
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)12:17 No.18667885
         File1317485836.jpg-(23 KB, 232x197, 1315696995849.jpg)
    23 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)12:18 No.18667904
    Taxi Driver
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)12:19 No.18667923
    Your Life:The Movie
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)12:19 No.18667927
    everything with a serial killer in it
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)12:19 No.18667930
    Driver's about an autist
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)12:19 No.18667937
    >> f. panda 10/01/11(Sat)12:21 No.18667962
    Napolean Dynamite
    Naked (
    Ghost World maybe.
    >> M­otoko Kusanagi !!Nvhr3UlfD8o 10/01/11(Sat)12:21 No.18667964
         File1317486071.png-(657 KB, 1280x542, The.Machinist.2004.720p.BluRay(...).png)
    657 KB
    Anything with Christian Bale
    >> f. panda 10/01/11(Sat)12:22 No.18667986
    oh and what's that doll from? i recognise it.. mm.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)12:23 No.18667996
    The Machinist was such a disappointing movie.
    >> M­otoko Kusanagi !!Nvhr3UlfD8o 10/01/11(Sat)12:25 No.18668027
    I loved it, my favorite movie with Bale
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)12:27 No.18668064
    Napoleon Dynamite

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