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  • File :1221779820.jpg-(3 KB, 110x100, 894_2_history-channel.jpg)
    3 KB Anonymous 09/18/08(Thu)19:17 No.1856790  
    You've probably all complained about this before, but I don't care.

    Gang violence is not history.
    Hillbillies chasing imaginary creatures are not history.
    Documentaries about truck drivers are not history.
    Alien sightings are not history.

    Are any of you as annoyed as I am about their recent programming choices?
    >> Anonymous 09/18/08(Thu)19:18 No.1856797
    Yeah. First Discovery channel, then TLC, now this.

    I remember when I was a kid and actually learned from these channels.
    >> Anonymous 09/18/08(Thu)19:21 No.1856808
    Remember that ultra-hyped Rasputin special they had? That's when I know History Channel was fucked for good.
    >> Anonymous 09/18/08(Thu)19:21 No.1856810

    TLC was always shit. A&E turned to shit a while back. Discovery's progression to shit was slow. History Channel's slide seemed to be instantaneous.
    >> Anonymous 09/18/08(Thu)19:22 No.1856815
    Gang violence in the past is history.
    Hillbillies chasing mythological beasts is history, if the myths have been around long enough.
    Truck drivers doing their jobs is not history.
    Alien sightings are history because they happened in the past.

    The History Channel justs shows more of what gets good ratings. That's the way they've always done things. Years ago they showed tons of WWII stuff, I guess that stuff isn't as popular anymore.
    >> Anonymous 09/18/08(Thu)19:24 No.1856826
    I saw a show about the Large Hadron Collider on the history channel. I had to turn it off after about 5 minutes, as they treated me as though I was completely retarded. The Science channel had a different special about the LHC, and that was actually interesting and worth watching.
    >> Anonymous 09/18/08(Thu)19:29 No.1856859
    OP wants to see 24 hour marathons of TOILETS OF THE THIRD REICH and HITLERS SECRET RECIPES again.
    >> Anonymous 09/18/08(Thu)19:32 No.1856882
    Gang violence in the past is history.
    Hillbillies chasing mythological beasts is not history, they involve stupid people and things that don't exist in reality.
    Truck drivers doing their jobs is not history.
    Alien sightings are not history because they involve stupid people and things that don't exist in reality.
    >> Anonymous 09/18/08(Thu)19:33 No.1856885
    Did you see the one made of bronze with rubies encrusted in the seat? Those nazis knew how to make a throne.
    >> THE DUNGEN MASTER !3GqYIJ3Obs 09/18/08(Thu)19:38 No.1856906
    >> Anonymous 09/18/08(Thu)19:38 No.1856913
    Meh. My favorite shows on history channel are modern marvels, which isn't really history most of the time anyway, and engineering an empire.
    >> Anonymous 09/18/08(Thu)19:40 No.1856918

    >> Anonymous 09/18/08(Thu)19:42 No.1856941
    Except there's "history" and "speculative history". UFO and monster sightings are speculative history just like Hitler's connection with the occult or any number of things. I guess the History Channel can limit what they show to just everything we KNOW 100 percent to have happened, but then there wouldn't be much to talk about would there?
    >> Anonymous 09/18/08(Thu)19:44 No.1856953
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    What's going on in this thread?
    >> Anonymous 09/18/08(Thu)19:46 No.1856961
    I wish the History channel people would actually watch the programs hosted before they air, and throw out stupid opinionated ones.

    I stopped watching after I saw a WW2 doco that was basically 'lol@Russia they did nothing to help'.
    >> Anonymous 09/18/08(Thu)19:49 No.1856977
    There'll be cool stories about people doing important things.
    >> Anonymous 09/18/08(Thu)20:13 No.1857095
    They've had shit on Alien sightings for years, and I enjoy Gangland. Other than that I'm just happy they're taking a break from shows about WW2 and the Civil War. Except for Ice Road Truckers, that show fucking sucks.
    >> Anonymous 09/18/08(Thu)20:22 No.1857145

    You can never have enough hitler documentaries amirite?
    >> Anonymous 09/18/08(Thu)21:18 No.1857372
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    >> Anonymous 09/18/08(Thu)21:23 No.1857392
    It went the way of TLC, it has a show called Jurassic Fight Club.

    Seriously, Jurassic Fight Club. It's how a bunch of dicks reconstruct how 2 dinosaurs fought blow by blow with forensics through the power of shitty CG and magic. That's what sealed the deal for me to cancel my cable. Internet only, and I just watch Mogulus channels or download shit.
    >> Anonymous 09/18/08(Thu)21:24 No.1857393
    I am too, OP. What is this Ice Truckers shit and all that? then I'm like, maybe I'll see what's on the Military History channel and it's like HITLER HITLER HITLER HITLER
    >> Anonymous 09/18/08(Thu)21:24 No.1857394
    I like the gang stuff, and it is history, especially when gangs profiled got their start prior to 1980. Anon fails on that portion.
    >> Anonymous 09/18/08(Thu)21:25 No.1857396
    bigfoot is real morons
    >> Anonymous 09/18/08(Thu)21:30 No.1857413
    I preferred it back when it was The Hilter Channel rather than The Reality Channel
    >> Anonymous 09/18/08(Thu)21:33 No.1857420
    This is why the History Channel is shit right now, because of people like this guy.
    >> Anonymous 09/18/08(Thu)22:44 No.1857772
    >>Documentaries about truck drivers are not history.
    >>are not history
    >> Anonymous 09/18/08(Thu)22:47 No.1857790
    Gang shows are modern history, that is acceptable.

    Bigfoot chases and truck drivers, not so much.
    >> Anonymous 09/18/08(Thu)22:48 No.1857795
    History Channel's movie tie-in documentaries are awesome.

    That is all.
    >> Anonymous 09/18/08(Thu)22:48 No.1857803

    Psychology of Batman was fuckwin.
    >> Anonymous 09/18/08(Thu)22:52 No.1857819
    The monster quest junk is just like the Alien shows. They've been on the History Channel for ages.

    The only thing that irks me are the ice road shows. As just standalone documentaries, they're fine. Talking about the history and development of commerce and trade in the region. Just how like the original Orange County Chopper doc and Deadliest Catch doc were. It's when these networks have serialized them that it's become an issue.

    TLC is the worst, though. It used to have all types of interesting things. Now, the TLC stands for The Lady Channel. I swear, every show on there is about what not to wear after labor day, and some bitch who has a clown car vagina.
    >> Anonymous 09/18/08(Thu)22:54 No.1857833
    It's become the Art Bell Weird Stuff with no Basis in Fact Whatsoever/Blue Collar Jobs Reality Show Channel.

    And frankly, it sucks. There's still History International, but that channel is drier than my grandma's vagina.
    >> Anonymous 09/18/08(Thu)23:00 No.1857865
    Some of the pseudo science stuff is fine from time to time. It used to the change of pace programs that were used to fill time between the Hitler shows. Now, they are sort of annoying because of the really bad shows in the lineup -- all the blue collar job shows.

    I would repeat. The blue collar job shows are fine when they're documentaries discussing the history of the work; however, the reality shows have no real place imo.
    >> Anonymous 09/18/08(Thu)23:05 No.1857922
    So what channel should I watch to learn? (Other than Playboy)

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