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  • File : 1314759924.jpg-(25 KB, 624x352, Breaking.Bad.S04E07.Problem.Dog.HDTV.Xvi(...).jpg)
    25 KB Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)23:05 No.18089558  
    >From the guys that brought you "Shovel Cam"
    >GUN CAM!

    also Breakfast general.
    >> M­otoko Kusanagi !!Nvhr3UlfD8o 08/30/11(Tue)23:07 No.18089599
    Latest episode was full of crazy camera angles.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)23:08 No.18089616
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    goddamn.. not only is this season the tops but the entire show is beyond amazing. i never thought i would love a tv show this much.
    >> M !JewFagJx.w 08/30/11(Tue)23:08 No.18089621
    Is there anything this production team can't do?
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)23:09 No.18089623
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    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)23:09 No.18089627
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    What's that, OP? You say this is a Guncon thread?

    Well, okay.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)23:10 No.18089646
    I really hate how this show is quickly being reduced to nothing but artsy camera angles, 2deep4u 10 minute silences and of course, product placement fucking everywhere.
    >> M !JewFagJx.w 08/30/11(Tue)23:11 No.18089655

    I D-D-Drink Black Coffee

    Never hated a character so fucking bad in my entire life. Not even Janice Soprano gets that amount of hate
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)23:11 No.18089663
    >implying this show hasn't been artsy since the beginning

    One of the first shots of the show is a fucking pair of pants flying in the air.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)23:12 No.18089668
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    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)23:12 No.18089679
    I feel really bad for this guy, trying to make it in the real world. What a trooper
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)23:15 No.18089721
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    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)23:18 No.18089755
    Jesse is suddenly a more sympathetic character than Walt

    Walter is like a rat trying to claw his way out of a sinking ship
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)23:18 No.18089759

    Of course it's been artsy, but we were still getting to know the character and shit was actually going down. Now it's just a huge standstill with every episode going in depth about shit they've been going in depth for dozens of episodes already. Jesse is a bit fucked I know. Poov twing kivvd a guyy :( ... Yeah, Walt is a bit haughty and asshurt about his life. I don't need 3/4 of every episode trying to paint a picture of it.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)23:20 No.18089783

    Walt's just been coming off as a complete douchebag this season whilst Jesse seems more vulnerable than ever.

    Perhaps it's foreshadowing for Walt ultimately becoming the antagonist, who knows.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)23:20 No.18089786

    I enjoy the show for the drama, not the bare skeleton of its plot points.
    >> M !JewFagJx.w 08/30/11(Tue)23:28 No.18089888
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    The show is fucking beautiful. Deal with it faggot
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)23:30 No.18089929

    The show is nesting right into your artsy expectations and exploiting them. It's a good show, but it's trying too hard, especially lately.



    TOLD [ ]
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    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)23:54 No.18090172
    Hank's boss is in on it!
    calling it now.
    >> Anonymous 08/30/11(Tue)23:58 No.18090206
    You're a fucking moron.

    Shovel cam was stupid, yeah, but this was supposed to remind you of the last shot of last season. Gale's POV.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)00:01 No.18090238
    So, he's playing Rage right? A game that hasn't come out yet...
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)00:01 No.18090239

    Breaking Bad is brilliant. At the time, the Season 3 finale cliffhanger seemed a little weak; why close out the season with the death of such a minor character?

    Then in season 4 we find out that Gale is not minor. He comes back to haunt Jesse and his death causes a shitstorm of chain reactions. We've almost seen more of the actor this season than we did before he died.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)00:10 No.18090347
    Gus hires Walt Jr. so he can get him addicted to the breakfast menu
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)00:11 No.18090356

    >Jesse realizes that Walt is a evil sociopath who's spiraled out of control.

    >Realizes he has take Walt out.

    I like it.

    Maybe even Jesse and Hank will work together to take down Heisenberg. I think I would cum all over if that happened.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)00:14 No.18090394
    >Hank and Jesse put their differences aside to join forces and save New Mexico.

    Yes please.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)00:15 No.18090403

    o god why did I laugh so hard
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)00:18 No.18090436
         File1314764327.jpg-(26 KB, 400x535, 510693-breaking_bad_season_4_S(...).jpg)
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    With Saul still acting as lawyer for both parties, playing one against the other for profit.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)00:28 No.18090531
    >Box Cutter
    >Thirty-Eight Snub

    The last episode will be called 'Nitro'. As Hank's investigation turns to Gus, Gus will order Mike to take him out. The assassination will fail, Mike will be killed, and Gus will choose to accept the Cartel's offer - turning over Walt as an apology - rather than ignite a war he can't win.

    With Jesse replacing Mike as Gus' bodyguard, Gus will hold a meeting with the other cartel leaders to make his apology and give them Walt. A couple of his goons will go to the lab to retrieve Walt only to find the lab empty. Back at the meeting, Jesse is revealed to have used his connections to get Walt in. They rig the building with a batch of home-brewed nitroglycerine and take out Gus and the cartel leaders.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)00:30 No.18090568
    Are you kidding me??? Gus would never replace Mike with Jesse.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)00:39 No.18090644

    Are you fucking retarted?

    Meth is probably one of the worse things you could take. And what does Hank having to brew beer have to do with anything, last time I checked that was legal.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)00:40 No.18090652

    All I want is one more CHEMISTRY FUCK YEAH and one more Epic Heisenberg to round things out. I mean, I love purple and breakfast and ironsides and carwash and bitch as much as the next guy. But you just can't compare it to fedora and respect chemistry.

    Also, Walt is a fucking moron for gunning for Gus. Gus is DONE WITH WALT. Walt won, Gus is happy to just leave it alone. If Gus goes down, Walt is dead. Simple as. The cartel has plenty of meth labs south of the border, and the only reason you'd ever have one north is because you don't want to play ball with the cartel any more.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)00:41 No.18090663
    Why does everyone have such bad opinions of Walt now? He's going through just as much as Jesse and acting out with nerotic behavior is the only way he can survive, much like Jesses constant distractions are the only way he was able to manage (until the most recent episodes). Walt is still the same guy; far from evil. He's just mentally broke at the moment.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)00:45 No.18090717
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    Best cinematography on tv?
    >> M­otoko Kusanagi !!Nvhr3UlfD8o 08/31/11(Wed)00:47 No.18090738
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    >This is what the kids call "Epic Fail"
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)00:47 No.18090740
    >Also, Walt is a fucking moron for gunning for Gus. Gus is DONE WITH WALT. Walt won, Gus is happy to just leave it alone.

    I suppose they're trying to portray Walt as being paranoid crazy at this point. What surprises me is now many La/tv/ians here seem to agree with Walt that Gus will still kill him.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)00:47 No.18090741

    Walt kills lots of people both directly and indirectly. Doesn't give a fuck.

    Jesse kills one guy. Broken man.

    Walt is not good people.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)00:48 No.18090752
    You can't argue with trips.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)00:48 No.18090753
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    >> M­otoko Kusanagi !!Nvhr3UlfD8o 08/31/11(Wed)00:49 No.18090758
    The fucking difference is HOW Jesse killed him.
    He shot him right in his face, in Gale's fucking face.
    Gale is like the nicest guy n this show.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)00:49 No.18090762
    >Roomba Cam
    >Shovel Cam
    >Gun Cam

    Apparently perspective is a big theme this season.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)00:49 No.18090767
         File1314766183.jpg-(25 KB, 296x296, 1312301289001.jpg)
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    >mfw Hank finds out Walt is Heisenberg.
    >> M­otoko Kusanagi !!Nvhr3UlfD8o 08/31/11(Wed)00:52 No.18090792
    Fucking saved
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)00:52 No.18090795

    He will kill Walt, so long as Walt keeps gunning for him.

    We have to remember Walt's motivation here. It's not to become a kingpin, it's not about honor, it's not about money, it just about being a bad-ass. That's it. He's butthurt that Gus is not fucking terrified of him. When was he at his apex? 'Stay out of my territory'. Since being able to throw his weight around like that and actually pull it off, he's been up against reality pretty consistently for the last season and a half. It's just one hell of a mid-life crisis.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)00:53 No.18090802
    Walt is a situation where killing is absolutely necessary to survive. Even good people will go to hell and back to keep them and their loved ones safe.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)00:55 No.18090826

    That's true. But when you boil it down, killing one guy to his face is only worse for Jesse because Jesse is basically good. Walt killed in what was essentially self defence maybe twice? And I think twice just out of anger. And he let Jane die, which was fairly bad.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)00:56 No.18090840

    "I'M THE ONE WHO KNOCKS!!!!!!!"

    Is that what you are talking about?
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)00:57 No.18090854
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    We are 7 episodes in an NOTHING is happening. They bought the stupid carwash and Gus killed a guy and plays some games with Jesse. That's it. Otherwise it's just words words words Skyler Skyler Skyler breakfast.
    It may be shot beautifully but the story is very disappointing so far, it's just stalling. I liked The Fly but this is too much.
    >> M­otoko Kusanagi !!Nvhr3UlfD8o 08/31/11(Wed)00:58 No.18090862
    Pretty sure Walt wouldn't feel any better about shooting Gale right into his face.
    >Walt kills indirectly
    Guess who also does that but doesn't seem to care, exactly.

    The only difference is that Walt didn't have to kill an innocent man with his own hands.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)00:59 No.18090876
    >And he let Jane die, which was fairly bad.

    She was going to destroy Jesse. He did that with the best interest of Jesse in mind.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)01:00 No.18090885
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    >mfw hank finds out walt is heisenberg
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)01:00 No.18090887
    >let Jane die

    Jane was a bad influence to Jesse and threatened Walt with going to the police.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)01:01 No.18090891

    That was him trying to show off in front of Skyler. It was a whine rather than a bark. No, the look on his face when he tells the two meth cooks to stay off his territory, that is exactly what he's in this for. Scaring Skyler is just a bonus. But now he wants to try and intimidate Gus, and it's going to be a lot harder.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)01:02 No.18090904

    No doubt. But can you see Jesse doing the same? I can't.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)01:02 No.18090907

    stop right there, criminal scum. this conversation ends right now.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)01:03 No.18090911

    Agree. Jesse wouldn't let Skyler die if it were the reverse situation.
    >> M­otoko Kusanagi !!Nvhr3UlfD8o 08/31/11(Wed)01:03 No.18090913
    Because Jesse has no real motivation except for LOADSA MONEY, while this is also partially true for Walt, he did it to save his family from going bankrupt.
    Walt depends on this entire thing much more than Jesse does.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)01:03 No.18090916

    Killing someone personally is a lot more traumatic, especially when it was a situation like that, Gale was completely unarmed and unprepared for that.

    The only time Walt felt bad about "killing" someone was when Jane died even though he could have saved her. But she was tearing down both her father and Jesse, Walt himself and consequently everyone in the show. Shame it had to happen. Walt's also mature enough to kill where as Jesse is still just a little more than a kid at this point.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)01:04 No.18090919
    Considering how much Gales death is haunting Walt too, I don't think he's at all happy about it. Sure Walt is hardening, but you can still see remorse behind his arrogance.
    >> M­otoko Kusanagi !!Nvhr3UlfD8o 08/31/11(Wed)01:05 No.18090937
    You both seem to agree with what I said but I'm getting this feeling you disagree.
    >> Badger !djoaK9xoqA 08/31/11(Wed)01:05 No.18090950
    worst show of all time
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)01:06 No.18090956
    I agree. Just backing it up in my own words.

    >>18090919 (me)
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)01:08 No.18090983
    Honestly I'm pretty bored with the show this season. They've really put some effort into it but there's still not enough breakfast.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)01:09 No.18090990
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    Why do people keep saying this?

    Are you all so bored because there haven't been enough explosions?
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)01:09 No.18090991

    I'm just saying that Walt should feel more justified in his actions than Jesse. Even regarding Gale, he was about to die so he had to do that.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)01:10 No.18091000
    Walt felt so bad about that one dealer that he has been no-crust ever since.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)01:11 No.18091006

    I'll spoil the season ending. Gus dies. How's that for a buildup?
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)01:11 No.18091014

    Are you talking about Combo?
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)01:12 No.18091017

    >implying I care about anything aside from breakfast.
    >implying I wouldn't watch a spin-off solely focused on breakfast.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)01:12 No.18091022
    They probably don't care for plot/character development.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)01:15 No.18091061
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    Will we ever know her name, /tv/?
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)01:16 No.18091068
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)01:18 No.18091091
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    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)01:18 No.18091094
    The last show to draw me in this much was the Wire. I can't wait to see what happens next.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)01:23 No.18091145
    Everything except blowing up the lab is RETARDED
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)01:24 No.18091156
    looks like your filename does a pretty good job already.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)01:24 No.18091167

    A neat little callback to the pilot. If Walt could surreptitiously produce explosives or poison in the lab, he could really ruin everybodies day.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)01:27 No.18091201
    If Walt really wants to fuck with Gus, he should give away the secret herbs and spices recipe to Gus's rival chicken competitors.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)01:28 No.18091214
    >If Walt could surreptitiously produce explosives or poison in the lab, he could really ruin everybodies day.

    I take it you haven't been paying too much attention to this season.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)01:35 No.18091294
    >you will never come home to a cute meth slut ready to play video games in your room after work
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)01:38 No.18091325
         File1314769084.jpg-(86 KB, 326x326, waltstanza.jpg)
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    >not playing video games with hot math sluts after work
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)01:38 No.18091327
    Show started out as two fuck-ups trying to deal meth before Walt dies

    Now it's just watching them try to fight a super-villain.
    >> Millers High Life !isvOjIHEpo 08/31/11(Wed)01:39 No.18091339

    >hot math sluts

    one can only dream...
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)01:39 No.18091343

    Yep. It's improved.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)01:41 No.18091364
    Haha, fuck.

    What a weird typo/freudian slip.

    But I'd rather play video games with math sluts than meth sluts, to be fair.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)01:41 No.18091373
    I was kinda annoyed they were playing RAGE an unreleased game and playing it with a light gun which is not how it plays.
    >> M­otoko Kusanagi !!Nvhr3UlfD8o 08/31/11(Wed)01:41 No.18091375
    I really digged the earlier seasons with Walt's cancer overshadowing the entire show with a bad vibe.
    Walt and Jesse were really unprofessional and they kept on fucking up, Walt did some crazy MacGuyver chemistry shit to get out of tight situations.

    But I still love the recent episodes.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)01:42 No.18091390
    basically like some epic tragedy written 3000 years ago
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)01:43 No.18091405
    I actually used to. She barely slept but was only staying for a few weeks between finding a place herself. Fun times.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)01:44 No.18091414

    In real life, there isn't a food chain called Pollos Hermanos and a man named Walter White who lives on Negra Arroyo lane, either.
    >> M­otoko Kusanagi !!Nvhr3UlfD8o 08/31/11(Wed)01:45 No.18091427
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    >a man named Walter White who lives on Negra Arroyo lane

    You don't know this
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)01:46 No.18091433
    Jesse (the moral compass) will kill Walt (the father figure) after Gus and the Cartel have open war (the conflict)

    True story
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)01:49 No.18091473
    But rage is an actual game, and it doesn't play the way they portrayed it. It annoyed me is all, I still like the show. No need to get all protective over it.
    >> Ptero !zDactylxdA 08/31/11(Wed)01:49 No.18091479
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    What an awesome scene. Aaron deserves another Emmy.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)01:50 No.18091491
    he refreshment platter was funny
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)01:52 No.18091517
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    >you back over your kid and you like accept?
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)01:54 No.18091542
    i love how hank turned into a genius after 3 seasons

    seriously this guy was a fucking retard in season 1
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)01:54 No.18091545
    They were playing RAGE for iPad/iPhone which is a rails shooter (albeit not light-gun compatible). He was presumably playing that, miming the gun-play.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)01:54 No.18091548

    If a little product placement is what's gonna keep this great show going, I don't really give a shit I guess.

    But from a directoral standpoint the scene wouldn't have worked with a regular controller. And it would've been lame if it was some cheesy fake video game. Also I don't think there's been a console light gun game for several years.

    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)01:57 No.18091575
    There are a bunch for Wii. I played some Resident Evil light gun game it was really good.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)01:57 No.18091582
    He was always good po-lice, he's just kind of goofy.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)01:58 No.18091589
    The new House of the Dead was pretty good.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)01:58 No.18091590

    He was always a good detective. He's just like McNulty, but too nice for his own good.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)01:58 No.18091591
    I realise that, I know that either way it would be bad. I suppose I prefer it the way it was shot but it still irks me.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)01:59 No.18091597
    >It annoyed me is all.

    It was especially annoying in light of how accurate the L4D, RE4 zombie dialogue had been.

    I read this before. Was that the actual iPhone game, or a recreation? It's hard to get a real good look, but those don't look like iPhone graphics.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)01:59 No.18091602
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)02:03 No.18091632
    RAGE for iPad/iPhone looks RIDICULOUS because it's heavily pre-rendered (they can do that because it's on rails). There's basically no level on the graphics fidelity given the largely pre-rendered 3D and the super-fast disk access on the iPhone (since it's solid state).

    Anyhoo it's a real game (mostly), get over it folks.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)02:04 No.18091639

    Product placement is alive and well in AMC. The Challenger used in the recent Breaking Bad episode was also in The Walking Dead and ALL the characters had reverence for it's power and capability.

    Hank was practically giving the car a rim job in Los Pollos.

    By the way, AMC is producing a series portraying the Department of Homeland Security in a good light.

    >The Homeland Security show, Inside the DHS, is being produced by Dirty Jobs' Craig Piligian and will follow DHS employees, including Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano. “The inherent drama of Inside DHS is palpable, particularly given that we only hear about a tiny fraction of the threats they deal with everyday," said Joel Stillerman, AMC senior vice president of original programming.

    This is probably PR favor because of the government cooperation in making Breaking Bad.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)02:06 No.18091664
    I'm pretty sure it was footage from E3 demo levels running on a console or PC and they added an quit/ restart screen for effect.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)02:06 No.18091672

    Yeep. After Breaking Bad, I don't give a shit about anything AMC does anymore.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)02:07 No.18091691
    The Challenger seemed out of place since breakfast stated several times he wanted a 'stang.

    Also what other product placement is there on the show? I don't think RAGE was paid placement. Other than the car I haven't noticed anything.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)02:09 No.18091715
    RAGE was product placement, they needed extra money for the car explosion scene. They talk about it on the podcast.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)02:09 No.18091716
    I remember one episode when Marie was going all OCD on a bunch of Splenda packets.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)02:11 No.18091746
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    >Also what other product placement is there on the show? I don't think RAGE was paid placement. Other than the car I haven't noticed anything.

    Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)02:14 No.18091771
    There's product placement for that Pollos restaurant all over the fucking place.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)02:15 No.18091788
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)02:17 No.18091814
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    How about the fact that every episode now features a well known fast food chain from the southwest?
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)02:18 No.18091822
    So any car they drive or restaurant they go to is product placement?

    Something tells me not many companies want their products placed in a show about the meth trade.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)02:18 No.18091825

    >the word "Rage" in all caps on the screen for some 8 seconds after a minute of gameplay

    >not paid placement

    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)02:19 No.18091836

    And Kenny Rogers!
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)02:20 No.18091847
    I prefer Tacos! Tacos! Tacos! Tacos! when I'm in the SW
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)02:20 No.18091854
    I don't really care about product placement, but it pretty obviously is. They made a deal about it being Denny's and there was a huge fucking Denny's sign right outside the window of the booth Jesse and Walt were sitting at. And yes, people will pay money for their product to be displayed positively in a popular show. They don't care about the subject matter.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)02:21 No.18091861
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    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)02:23 No.18091888
    As a general rule for product placement if you EVER see a full logo or correct name of a product or brand it is product placement.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)02:24 No.18091897

    >thinks its a real restaurant

    come on guys
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)02:25 No.18091902
    Me neither. If the product placement is in the show in a realistic manner, as in just a car that a character drives, or a restaurant they eat at, that's fine. What I wouldn't be fine with is dialogue praising that company.

    >Walt: Man, this coffee is really good!
    >Jesse: Well what else do you expect? It's a Denny's, bitch.
    >Walt: Ah yes, I almost forgot! With almost 1,500 restaurants worldwide, you can get your fill anywhere!
    >Jesse: It's a great restaurant!
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)02:25 No.18091905
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)02:29 No.18091940
    Why didn't they show us the scene where he killed a dog? Because it's a shit show with shit writers. Show dropped.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)02:29 No.18091952
    like Hank and Walt Jr talking about how awesome the Challenger is in Los Pollos Hermanos?
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)02:30 No.18091955
    It's a car and they're a teenage boy and a manly man. That's a little different.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)02:30 No.18091956
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    I say taco, they taco
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)02:32 No.18091980
    but everyone loves Denny's
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)02:35 No.18092004

    Talking car specs is something Hank would actually do though.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)02:35 No.18092010
    I guess what made me suspicious was the line about how fast it goes from 0-60. But maybe that was an admission on the part of the writers, since it would be something two guys would say about a car.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)02:35 No.18092019
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    I say Tuco.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)02:39 No.18092056
    I would buy the fuck out of a RAGE Lightgun game.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)02:42 No.18092083

    That's what they wanted you to want.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)02:42 No.18092084
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    I know you're trolling and all, but this still made me physically angry because I can imagine some stupid faggot saying that.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)02:43 No.18092096
    Yes or no
    >> Anonymous 08/31/11(Wed)02:45 No.18092126
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