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Happiness; Seymour-Hoffman is /v/ and the dad is /tv/.
>>1797678119 more years. ;_;
Happiness.Seymour-Hoffman is /v/ and the dad is /tv/.
How America's Teens Fail: The Story of the Quest for Lame
>>1797680121?! come on dude, its fine to still be a virgin at that age. You'll be fine.
>>17976819That's not about /tv/, that's about /tv/s fantasy. Humbert Humbert is highly intelligent, cultured, handsome, and suave. Fa/tv/irgins are none of those things.
>>179768331/10 made me Google but not mad
>>17976863Nope. The average age is 18 for losing virginity. ;_;
>>17976781>implying they will loose it at 40
>seriously not the best fit ever/sp/
>>17976906how about this then?
>>1797694218? lol, I don't think so.
>>17976977Is in UK.
>>17976942>the averageExactly; meaning some lose it before 18, some lose it after.
>>17977001That's even harder to believe. I always thought chicks in the UK were sluts. I guess you learn something new everyday.
>>17977007Still, it's not fair. Only me to blame, though.
>>17977014I doubt it's the same for girls
>>17976950/sp/ heresad but truefuck you /tv/
>>17977001I don't believe that. My sister's 13 and not a virgin. I'm from England.
>>17977022Yeah, I suppose you're right.I lost mine at 16, right before my bday. Was a good day.
>Mean Girls/soc/
>>17976944>Trip>Retarded Pick two
>>17977037>My sister's 13 and not a virginLrn2look after younger siblings
>>17977037>EnglandYou lost it on the same day I assume?
>>17977053>implying I give a fuck about my fat slut of a sister
>>17977078Meh. I wish.
>>17977096You wish you had sex with your 13 year old fat slut of a sister? Stay classy england
>>17977088post her picture
>>17977130Ha! You got that right. I ain't even mad. Country's a shithole.
>>17977080/a/? he likes evangelion.
>>17977152nah, /a/ acts like a bunch of little girls
>>17977150I admire your honesty sir. I'll think about you while having sex with my cute 16 year old Norwegian girlfriend.For reference:
>>17977273>2011>making fun of the master race
>>17977363You have clearly never been on /k/, it's full of nogunz children that play too much cawadootie.
>>17977295Master race is all races combined. Sort of like Cell from DBZ
>>17977392youre right, better, how THEY see /k/