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  • File : 1312298927.jpg-(46 KB, 486x629, newspiderman-620x456.jpg)
    46 KB Black Spider-Man Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)11:28 No.17553490

    What. The. Fuck.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)11:30 No.17553497
    >black spiderman
    Mite b cool.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)11:30 No.17553506
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)11:31 No.17553513
    I don't get it. If he's going to be black, why don't they change spiderman to blackman?
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)11:31 No.17553523
    I think Dong Lover should be happy he's not Spider-Man in the new film. Because it looks shit.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)11:32 No.17553528
    Because he's still a spider.

    I'm fucking sick of legacy heroes. Just create a fucking new one and stop resting on your laurels. Fuck Marvel and DC for trying to destroy a medium.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)11:32 No.17553529
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)11:35 No.17553560
    It's tv related fuck tards.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)11:35 No.17553568
    Cross-board links use 3.
    If you append a thread ID to the end you can even link to threads on other boards, e.g.

    The more you know!
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)11:36 No.17553575
    So how'd Goblin kill Peter?
    >> Mountain_Dew !LiEz67pq3. 08/02/11(Tue)11:37 No.17553601
    In between,
    What I find is pleasing and I'm feelin' fine,
    Love is so confusing,
    There's no peace of mind,
    If I fear I'm losin' you it's just,
    No good,
    You teasing like you do.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)11:38 No.17553606
    He beat him up but truthfully, he actually died of a gun shot wound made to him earlier by the Punisher while saving Captain America.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)11:41 No.17553652

    Are you retarded? Since when did spiders become african americans?
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)11:43 No.17553684
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    >Bendis has two adopted daughters, a 3½-year-old from Ethiopia and a 4½-month-old African American.

    >"Wouldn't it be nice for them to have a character or a hero that speaks to them as much as Peter Parker has spoken to so many children?" Bendis says. "There's nothing wrong with that, and I think we need more of it."

    Gee, he's right. That would be nice, and there isn't anything wrong with it. So fuck you, OP.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)11:46 No.17553715
    So white spidey can't talk to black people but black spider-man can

    shit is still stupid. him being black is not "organic", it's forced decision: "hey look it's black spider-man, we are so progressive"

    >> Fugue !!vYKgRsAk8xE 08/02/11(Tue)11:46 No.17553724

    Do negroes speak a different language than the rest of America?
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)11:47 No.17553732
    Don't care. For this character, his race has no meaning. I'd be pissed if his personality changed, or if he moved out of NYC or something. His race is irrelevant to that character, though.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)11:48 No.17553739

    he's not Peter Parker, totally a different character
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)11:48 No.17553753
    I have to say as a black dude and huge fan of spider-man that never really invested in the comics...I'm buying every issue.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)11:49 No.17553758
    Not /co/ here. I'm far from a comic book guy, but I loved the first set of the Ultimate line for Marvel and read Batman and stuff here and there.

    Do any /co/mrades know if the DC reboot will be a good thing? I want to get into comics more but get bogged down by continuity, does it look like it's going to help or will it just end up shit?
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)11:49 No.17553762
    I'm okay with this.

    Mostly because it means Parker will be back sooner rather than later when nobody buys any USM issues.

    Fucking niggerspics.
    >> Mizo !/0Gucci9/c 08/02/11(Tue)11:49 No.17553765
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    Gambino finally confirmed for Peter Parker in the inevitable 2014 reboot?
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)11:49 No.17553766
    Then I care even less. I could understand caring if this was Amazing Spider-Man, but this is Ultimate. The whole reason it exists is so they can shake up the universe.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)11:50 No.17553767
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    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)11:50 No.17553768
    I don't understand why he needs to be Spider-Man. Can't they just make a different character with some powers similar to Spider-Man that happens to be black?

    I mean, shit, Anansi is like the fucking Odysseus of African mythology, only more of a dick. An Anansi comic would be frigging awesome.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)11:50 No.17553775
    Do have ponys??
    >> Mountain_Dew !LiEz67pq3. 08/02/11(Tue)11:50 No.17553777

    I don't like it.
    There fucking replacing the Secret Six.

    Fuck DC.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)11:51 No.17553783
    Remember when Bendis used to be a good writer? What the hell happened, I guess it all started going downhill in 2005 or so.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)11:52 No.17553795
    Legacy characters can be good in the sense that they're working off an established person, whose usually either their idol or in some cases their parent so if played right they can add a lot of depth to the angst that comes with living up to something like that.
    It's especially something when this kid has to someone who was regarded as the golden child of the Ultimate Universe and had a heart wrenching public ordeal for everyone.
    Hows that shit gonna fly with everyone else?
    Especially his Aunt and Girlfriends?
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)11:52 No.17553797

    It's about the same as making Santa Clause black.

    It's just switching around the race because someone feels like their kids can't relate to someone of another race, which is basically racist.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)11:52 No.17553798

    Because there are no other black comic characters?

    Or is he so racist/small-minded that he thinks black people can only relate to or look up to other black people? Speaks volumes about his prospects as a father then
    >> Fugue !!vYKgRsAk8xE 08/02/11(Tue)11:52 No.17553806

    I am merely curious, perhaps "ebonics" count as a seperate language all together.

    I might also add that I honestly don't give a damn about spiderman being a negro. Comics is a low tier form of entertainment anyway.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)11:53 No.17553817
    I think comics are slowly entering a huge decline in popularity again, so all the companies are scrambling and thinking of ideas to get people to read. The thing is, in the process, they are completely changing the cores of the characters. DC is rebooting every damn issue simply because they feel the big numbers on the comics scare new readers off. While I can see the point, if someone really wanted to start getting into comics it's not difficult at all to read up on the history, browse some forums for suggestions and buy TPBs of backissues. Instead they have to do things like make Superman wear a t-shirt and jeans so he's "modern and hip!" ... not to mention making him single again. As for Marvel, their Ultimate line has always been more of a miss than a hit. They've rebooted Spider-Man 3 times now, and the latest one doesn't make much sense at all unless you consider the fact that they've run out of unique ideas.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)11:54 No.17553830
    It's Slang and changes every week or so.
    >> Mountain_Dew !LiEz67pq3. 08/02/11(Tue)11:54 No.17553832

    Since when are you supposed to relate to Santa Claus?
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)11:54 No.17553834
    Ultimate became shit when they brought back Gwen Stacy. Death was supposed to be permanent, this was supposed to be a continuity where an actual story could be told without the shitty comic book conceit of not allowing people to ever really die or anything permanently change.

    Funny thing was that a few issues earlier, Bendis told someone in the letters that he agreed with them about how death should be permanent in the Ultimate universe.

    Way to fuck things up, assholes.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)11:55 No.17553837
    Santa Claus isn't black?
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)11:55 No.17553841
    >The Amazing Spider-Man
    >a Spike Lee joint

    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)11:55 No.17553848
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    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)11:57 No.17553864
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    I just hope it's Peter and maybe a few other characters (e.g. Mary Jane) that have a racial change. I don't wanna see Oscorp being all black executive corp for the sake of being black.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)11:57 No.17553872

    No. Also, the word ebonics hasn't been used in ten years and back then it was used exclusively by white people.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)11:57 No.17553874
    No it's a new kid all together, Peter died a month ago.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)11:58 No.17553882
    I hope Mary Jane stays the same race but is noticeably fatter to add some realism to it.
    >> Mountain_Dew !LiEz67pq3. 08/02/11(Tue)11:58 No.17553885

    How did he die?
    I tried to reap up on it but it just sounded as though they found his body after an explosion or something.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)11:58 No.17553886
    >inb4 every single panel involves I SO NEGRO Y LATINO LET'S TALK ABOUT EEEEEIT MUCHO
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)11:59 No.17553898
    I hope they add more hardcore nudity to comics, I want to see Mary Jane sex scenes.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)12:00 No.17553919
    ahahaha that's pretty fucking funny
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)12:00 No.17553920
    I'm looking forward to the inevitable niggerspeak photoshops on every single issue.

    Just take every panel where he speaks and make it into ebonics.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)12:01 No.17553925
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)12:02 No.17553934
    wait wait wait, so he can jump even fucking HIGHER now?
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)12:02 No.17553935
    Punisher tried to snipe Cap, Spider-man dives in front of the bullet. Green Goblin and Vulture and someone else I can't remember escape from prison, they ambush him while he's wounded and he beats the shit out of them then dies from bleeding out.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)12:04 No.17553954
    Don't forget the shooping of every person he saves into watermelons and KFC and placing KFC into the hands of every villain he's punching and say GIBBE BUCK MAH CHIGGIN'!
    I'll laugh and then I'll cry.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)12:04 No.17553956
    >Miles Morales

    What a stupid fucking name.

    He's half black and half hispanic so he has one black name and one hispanic name, and there's alliteration to make it seem kinda like Peter Parker. Sounds like he was named by fucking committee. Awful, just fucking awful.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)12:04 No.17553960
    Why is everyone always trying to shoot Cap?
    >> Mountain_Dew !LiEz67pq3. 08/02/11(Tue)12:05 No.17553980

    Jesus Christ.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)12:05 No.17553981
    Symbolism for America's enduring hatred.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)12:05 No.17553982
    Maybe he's just black hispanic.

    You think he's Kong Cousin or something?
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)12:06 No.17553990
    DC has had black variants for ages, hell even Iron Man was a black guy for a time before acquiring his own superhero identity as War Machine and fuck in the Ultimate universe (and in the movies) Nick Fury is black.
    My one major complaint is that they're going black AGAIN. Why not have an asian guy or a hispanic guy? Why does it always have to be black to fill some kind of racial status quo?
    >> Fugue !!vYKgRsAk8xE 08/02/11(Tue)12:06 No.17553992

    So what do they call it nowadays? Jive?
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)12:07 No.17554002
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    >yfw Mary Jane and Gwen Stacy will still be white
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)12:07 No.17554009
    Comic books writers are retarded. Always trying to insert their painfully childish political views and pseudo philosophies into their comics. Is there a super hero who isn't a bleeding heart liberal other than anti-heroes? I mean fuck, I get that they're liberals, but every one of them is a psycho socialist hippie, Captain AMERICA is basically a Communist. Insanity.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)12:07 No.17554010
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    It shoulda been Tom Sizemore.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)12:07 No.17554012
    He's half black half hispanic you turkey
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)12:08 No.17554019
    This is awesome because once our chinese overlords overtake us, there will be a chinese spiderman.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)12:08 No.17554025
    Well they are already white I don't see why they'd change.
    That'd be a step back wouldn't it?
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)12:09 No.17554032
    >Why not have an asian guy or a hispanic guy?
    Well there's always Jaime Reyes (Blue Beetle III) Amadeus Cho (Some dude who got a sick burn from Hank Pym) and umm.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)12:09 No.17554033
    >Why does it always have to be black to fill some kind of racial status quo?

    Pretty much, yeah.

    Spider-Man 2099 and Araña are hispanic, so they needed a black person with spider powers to fill the quota.

    Asian people don't get spider powers, they get martial arts powers. And math powers.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)12:09 No.17554041
    Because Asians and Hispanic Americans aren't as culturally malleable as black Americans and thus are harder to write for.

    There's very little you can do to a white character that you can't do with a black character but that's usually not the same for any other races,
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)12:09 No.17554049

    I dont think Marvel and DC know that any other races exist, except for the X-men writers
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)12:11 No.17554072
    Um....the Evil Spiderman is Korean.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)12:11 No.17554073
    >except for the X-men writers

    I imagine they wouldn't know either if they weren't writing for a book with a lot of racism subtext.

    I'm sure they probably forget, from time to time.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)12:12 No.17554080
    Marvel is just as much of an attention whore as DC.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)12:12 No.17554088
    Not surprising at all.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)12:14 No.17554101

    Which evil Spider-Man?
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)12:14 No.17554102
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    I can see the 'purists' rage now if this kid starts dating Mary Jane.

    Oh my God, I will start reading this comic in public just to troll. Their tears will be delicious.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)12:14 No.17554110
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)12:16 No.17554132
    Fuck. Them. Spider man is Peter fucking parker. Not some fucking nigger. If it was they should've called it spidernigger. I mad.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)12:16 No.17554148
    Op here, I'm black and really don't care one way or the other. I just found it weird that the guy from community is the one who inpired him.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)12:16 No.17554149


    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)12:17 No.17554151
    Hey Aunt May, where da white wimmin at?
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)12:17 No.17554158
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    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)12:17 No.17554161
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    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)12:20 No.17554195
    >Ultimate Spider-Man

    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)12:20 No.17554196
    Yeah, it's called Ebonics. Some people call it Niggerspeak.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)12:21 No.17554210
    Other than in X-Men I can't really think of any asian or hispanic characters other than in Avengers Academy (Hazmat and Reptil) which is currently the best ongoing Avengers title right now.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)12:23 No.17554236
    I draw a blank after Black Panther, but then again I'm not a real big comicbook guy.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)12:24 No.17554248
    >> Solidus Snake !!Y5msDZohNMk 08/02/11(Tue)12:24 No.17554260
    >half black, half latino

    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)12:25 No.17554269
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)12:26 No.17554277

    Considering how many black superheroes there are, it makes sense why they're not bestsellers: the niggerfolk just steal the comic books instead of buying them.

    We need more white superheroes.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)12:26 No.17554287
    its very common, especially in New York with the cuban community dipshit
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)12:27 No.17554289
    Again? They already have several of those.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)12:27 No.17554303
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)12:28 No.17554308
    Too many corrupted hispanics and the only asian superhero in New York is Shang Chi and he doesn't even have any powers. Fuck Marvel.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)12:28 No.17554311
    It's fucked up how this is such a controversy just because he's not going to be white, who cares what spidermans race is?

    If you took any black superhero and replaced them with white actors there would never be a shitstorm. Racism and the white supremacist movement is alive and well in the USA
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)12:29 No.17554323
    >If you took any black superhero and replaced them with white actors there would never be a shitstorm
    This has been done before, I think. Nobody really gave a fuck.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)12:29 No.17554327

    Try harder, nigger.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)12:30 No.17554342
    It's not just because he's not white it's because he's just another black guy in comics. Next there will be a visored Spider Man, a cyborg Spider Man and they already have the clone.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)12:30 No.17554344
    Well then they should get off welfare and stop having AIDS and babbies, dochna think?
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)12:31 No.17554356
    White people are abundantly xenophobic. Stop the presses!
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)12:33 No.17554378
    >All people are abundantly xenophobic.

    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)12:35 No.17554414
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    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)12:38 No.17554471

    >White people are abundantly xenophobic

    Most white people don't give a shit. The aspies on /tv/ aren't a good sample.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)12:39 No.17554484
    >doesn't realize most of those 'aspies' are just trolling and couldn't give three fucks about it
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)12:40 No.17554508
    They could still give two fucks, and that matters.
    >> Solidus Snake !!Y5msDZohNMk 08/02/11(Tue)12:45 No.17554572
    I've never that it wasn't common, but it's obvious that Marvel is trying too hard to appeal to blacks and latinos in one go
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)12:45 No.17554577
    But what of the man that gives zero fucks?
    >> Solidus Snake !!Y5msDZohNMk 08/02/11(Tue)12:48 No.17554616
    I should add, that I don't care about him being black, latino, white, purple, gay or straight...I just wish marvel would make new awesome superheroes instead of just being lazy and reusing the same superheroes
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)12:49 No.17554635
    >We have an African-American president, so why not an African-American Spider-Man, too?
    slightly angrier about this than about the concept itself
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)12:50 No.17554649

    its a fact that latinos hate blacks more than whites do.

    why you would say Marvel is trying to cater to the latino market or fanbase using a black character is beyond me. you don't know shit.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)12:51 No.17554667
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    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)12:52 No.17554697
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)12:59 No.17554797
    >"We have a black president. Why can't we have a black Spider-Man?"

    Fucking liberal cunts.

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