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    File : 1311393517.jpg-(271 KB, 708x393, Thanator.jpg)
    271 KB First Warrior of the Аватар Defense Army !!ldb43ueC6WV 07/22/11(Fri)23:58 No.17356395  
    Aside from the Navi, what is your favorite species in the #1 Movie of All Time?

    Pic is mine.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/11(Sat)00:02 No.17356447
    >implying the movie is rich in species and stuff
    you have the navi (blue people with cat faces, how original!)
    the dragons (how original!)
    the predator dino/phanters (OP pic related)
    and glowing plants (wow, like earth plants, but they glow!)
    >> Anonymous 07/23/11(Sat)00:03 No.17356460
    Ummmm.... you forgot humans.
    >> Duckfuck 07/23/11(Sat)00:03 No.17356463
    House Elves.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/11(Sat)00:04 No.17356469
    I liked the Rhino things that were bashing the Gundams at the end.
    >> Mexican !jEWfag.9wE 07/23/11(Sat)00:04 No.17356474
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    >> cans !Xpi.FANNYo 07/23/11(Sat)00:06 No.17356494
    jaded prick.

    my favorite is that twirling, glowing gecko thing
    >> First Warrior of the Аватар Defense Army !!ldb43ueC6WV 07/23/11(Sat)00:07 No.17356506

    Nice logical fallacy, kiddo.
    >> torvious !JegtDzqyQg 07/23/11(Sat)00:07 No.17356515
    Not only do they pretty much destroy the rest of the planets animals without much of an effort and then when they "lost" one of their own was put in charge of the planet by the ignorant locals who have no idea of how to play the long game.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/11(Sat)00:08 No.17356520
    oh yeah! how could i forget my favourite fictional race from the avatar franchise?
    >> First Warrior of the Аватар Defense Army !!ldb43ueC6WV 07/23/11(Sat)00:11 No.17356556
    Sturmbeests and Fan Lizards you fucking illiterates.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/11(Sat)00:11 No.17356561
         File1311394315.jpg-(294 KB, 713x2553, 1307175740781.jpg)
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    This looks like a good place to dump this.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/11(Sat)00:12 No.17356568
    sage for being a faggot
    >> cans !Xpi.FANNYo 07/23/11(Sat)00:12 No.17356571
    five-star trolling, bro.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/11(Sat)00:13 No.17356576
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    >> Anonymous 07/23/11(Sat)00:13 No.17356586
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    >> Anonymous 07/23/11(Sat)00:14 No.17356599
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    >> Anonymous 07/23/11(Sat)00:15 No.17356610

    Anyways, the Humans obviously.
    I was really hoping for an Avatar 2 that started with the entire planet of Pandora just being nuked and glassed from orbit.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/11(Sat)00:15 No.17356615
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    >> Anonymous 07/23/11(Sat)00:16 No.17356628
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    >> Anonymous 07/23/11(Sat)00:17 No.17356638
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    >> Anonymous 07/23/11(Sat)00:18 No.17356652
    those horse things that have sex by attaching hair
    >> Anonymous 07/23/11(Sat)00:19 No.17356655
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    >> Anonymous 07/23/11(Sat)00:20 No.17356676
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    And I am spent

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