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  • File : 1302240500.png-(386 KB, 503x392, Screen shot 2011-02-28 at 6.24.40 PM.png)
    386 KB Constructive Criticism on Short Films Zurpz !!+qEysexXtTt 04/08/11(Fri)01:28 No.15449602  
    OK /p/ here is the deal.
    I have made so many videos, I am pretty OK with my work, but I have never made a video I have been satisfied with a video.

    Anyway, we are filming this weekend, and over the past week, I have been reading tons of sites, and have finished 3 filmmaking books. I want this next video (kind of sitcom-ish) to be the best it can be, I want to make a huge leap in quality on our next video. We want to be as professional as possible.

    Here are 3 videos I'd like constructive criticism on:
    Hide-and-Seek at School

    Embarrassing Moments

    Tongue Twister

    Constructive criticism would be appreciated on every nitty-gritty detail to make our videos better. Whether it be the camera work/movement, scriptwriting, cinematography/angles, lighting, acting (be specific), effects, etc..
    >> Zurpz !!+qEysexXtTt 04/08/11(Fri)01:30 No.15449619
         File1302240612.jpg-(56 KB, 569x772, jgl..jpg)
    56 KB
    Camera work
    >We know it can be better, and more steady, so for this next video we are going to cut the shaky-cam and tripod it most of the way.

    >When we do dialogue, we normally film each line in order and move around, but we are probably going to reuse angles and film all of ones lines from that angle instead of moving around so every shot it isn't in a different position.
    >We also tend to get way to close or too wide when shooting, so we are going to try to work on that.

    >We know it is bad, if you have any tips I can let the actors know on how to improve, please share.

    >In none of those videos we set up lighting, we just worked with what was on. Recently we bought two light shields with two 100 watt halogens, and a 500 watt halogen work light. The 500 is way too light, and I am thinking about putting two 13 watt fluorescent in the shields instead of the 100s because it wont be as bright and also it will give an orange feel, but I am not sure. Help on lighting would be helpful, maybe 3-point lighting help.

    >Anything related to our content, I feel like we could really step it up so advice in this section is pretty important.
    >Here is the script:
    >Minor details and changes to the script of our upcoming video would be very helpful.

    As you can see we need some improvement, and I am serious about making our videos more professional. Again, please post some constructive criticism to help us improve. Don't just tell us what was bad, please tell us why or how to make it better.

    Thanks in advance, we greatly appreciate it.

    >tl;dr, our videos need work. Let us know how we can become better.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/11(Fri)01:32 No.15449643
    Embarrassing Moments was a more self-aware title than you bargained for...

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