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  • File : 1299421400.jpg-(79 KB, 643x570, poorkaiji.jpg)
    79 KB Anonymous 03/06/11(Sun)09:23 No.14909141  
    I think I found the reason why Kaiji isn't posting anymore.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/11(Sun)09:24 No.14909152
    >> PosterParent !B2VgOriLLA 03/06/11(Sun)09:26 No.14909165
         File1299421585.jpg-(826 KB, 998x866, ourlittlesecret.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/06/11(Sun)09:28 No.14909173
    You didn't know, OP?

    We had like 30 threads about this when it happened.
    >> Kaiji.. !L.rG/tZANk 03/06/11(Sun)09:29 No.14909178
         File1299421760.jpg-(44 KB, 300x300, Y009.jpg)
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    >police thinking catching 57 guys means anything
    >> Anonymous 03/06/11(Sun)09:29 No.14909180
    That's LCL in the photo
    >> Anonymous 03/06/11(Sun)09:30 No.14909189
    >> Anonymous 03/06/11(Sun)09:32 No.14909204
    him too
    >> Anonymous 03/06/11(Sun)09:35 No.14909217
    I thought it was Dr Drew in the OP pic from the thumbnail
    >> Anonymous 03/06/11(Sun)09:38 No.14909237
    I missed this because I moved 1st week of Nov.

    FUCK, was the guy that busted him that dude who swore an oath to have him arrested and sent all that evidence to the RCMP and shit?

    My hero!

    Soon all my reporting will lead to Infected & streambro getting v&.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/11(Sun)09:39 No.14909241
    cool story bro
    >> Anonymous 03/06/11(Sun)09:44 No.14909263
    That's 57 taxpayers/workers/consumers taken out of commission, and during a recession no less. Not to mention the residual impact it'll have on their families.

    And you know the police are getting paid overtime for running this hobby of theirs. More tax money wasted.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/11(Sun)09:45 No.14909268
    toddlers make my dick hard.
    >> Rudolph !!9ncPyqkTyZT 03/06/11(Sun)09:59 No.14909345

    Then you a sick fuck
    >> Anonymous 03/06/11(Sun)10:01 No.14909360
         File1299423676.jpg-(15 KB, 500x293, counterpointsm7.jpg)
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    We're not using pedophiles for grotesque medical experiments why exactly?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/11(Sun)10:05 No.14909385
    beause lolhumanrights

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