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  • File : 1298805516.jpg-(1.74 MB, 2224x4888, 1288252435020.jpg)
    1.74 MB Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)06:18 No.14783666  
    Greetings, I hail from /mu/
    >stopped reading there
    Looking for some film reccommendations.
    If /tv/ has an image like /mu/ does for albums then please post it.

    Otherwise, I'm into "intelligent" films like Ghost in the Shell and Memento.
    Thanks in advance.

    >fuck off /mu/
    >> Saetre !!GGfD/L/6IX9 02/27/11(Sun)06:20 No.14783680
         File1298805603.jpg-(1.3 MB, 1800x2538, movielistbytv.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)06:21 No.14783697
    >Ghost in the Shell and Memento.


    do you mean thought provoking

    lrn2english faggot
    >> Saetre !!GGfD/L/6IX9 02/27/11(Sun)06:22 No.14783710
         File1298805727.jpg-(1.55 MB, 2108x3430, my10x10.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)06:22 No.14783711
    predator and commando made me think a lot
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)06:23 No.14783727
         File1298805831.jpg-(25 KB, 240x240, 1291288038790.jpg)
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    >Total Recall
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)06:24 No.14783733
         File1298805883.jpg-(82 KB, 500x500, neutralmilkhotel-in-the-aeropl(...).jpg)
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    What would you count as "intelligent" then?
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)06:25 No.14783743
    Inception, Pulp Fiction
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)06:27 No.14783763



    you keep using this word
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)06:27 No.14783769
    watch falling down

    it's about a guy who's mildly perturbed and goes to a fast food resturaunt to get breakfast


    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)06:28 No.14783775
         File1298806095.png-(529 KB, 500x500, 1283187734305.png)
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    Inception more intelligent than Memento?
    Haven't seen it, I was just under the impression that it was unoriginal blockbuster garbage.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)06:29 No.14783790
    I already hate you so much, OP.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)06:30 No.14783796
    >Anime and Nolan
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)06:31 No.14783804
    so... damn.... hipster...
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)06:32 No.14783824
         File1298806351.jpg-(60 KB, 295x301, mays.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)06:34 No.14783847
         File1298806456.jpg-(351 KB, 500x500, 1290879306291.jpg)
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    Any more images or is that it?
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)06:35 No.14783856
         File1298806515.jpg-(1.51 MB, 1059x1467, 1296126791290.jpg)
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    These movies are pretty deep. If you like intelligent stuff like NMH you'll love these.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)06:35 No.14783863
         File1298806559.jpg-(35 KB, 200x221, 1298347621401.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)06:36 No.14783865

    You guys don't list by genre or what here? These tables are a mess.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)06:36 No.14783873
    You called him out on Inception but not Pulp Fiction? What in the fuck, man!
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)06:37 No.14783882
    how is learning what hamburgers are called in other cultures not intelligent?
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)06:37 No.14783893
    Of course not, they are just their favourite films because unlike what seems to be the rest of 4chan we don't have deslusions that there is some absolute list of the best films ever, and everything instead comes down to opinion.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)06:38 No.14783898
         File1298806714.jpg-(2.76 MB, 4152x2528, 1298657535692.jpg)
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    Considering that the elitists of /mu/ like to make their own genres up, it's hardly a problem.

    Besides, if you can't tell by the poster then you can just look it up yourself.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)06:41 No.14783935
         File1298806870.png-(7 KB, 109x218, 1287501755889.png)
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    If only /mu/ carried this mentality.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)06:42 No.14783944
    Fuck off, Scott Pilgrim was the best of 2010
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)06:42 No.14783954
    >ghost in the shell

    i have nothing to say to you now

    go watch schindlers list in preparation for the jew fest tomorrow
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)06:54 No.14784064

    Which is all well and good when you're with friends or w/e, but it doesn't work for boards like this. If anything it just encourages tripfagging, and i don't care to get to know someone in detail on an Anonymous message board just to find out if they have decent taste or not before i ask for their movie suggestions.

    I mainly browse /v/ and for all the shitstorming and trolling, even /v/ has a fair range of games that is accepted by the majority as being great. This is just attention whoring. 3x3's are for personal taste.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)06:57 No.14784094
    bumppity bump more recomends and charts
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)07:05 No.14784179
         File1298808314.jpg-(1.94 MB, 2224x4888, movies essential.jpg)
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    Here is a perfect genre assortment
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)07:08 No.14784220

    why thank you , any more of these ?
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)07:14 No.14784264
         File1298808843.jpg-(1.51 MB, 2328x2212, movies genres.jpg)
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    A bit edgier list
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)07:17 No.14784298

    Nice mate, though i'm surprised The Thing landed under Science Fiction.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)07:19 No.14784317
         File1298809191.jpg-(1.57 MB, 2000x2114, hipster.jpg)
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    Movies with hipster covers
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)07:24 No.14784360
         File1298809470.png-(2.93 MB, 620x2850, movies fuckedup_pretentious.png)
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    weird stuff
    >> cuttlefish !!cw6887rNPSD 02/27/11(Sun)07:28 No.14784393
    love some of these movies, I think these personal lists are way better than general "best of the best" lists, much better way to find new movies to watch, and the lists are always more interesting and unpredicable
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)07:29 No.14784403

    Oh man, about 5 years back me and a mate were round in another mates house. We'd been out the night before and just crashed at his place, spent a lazy sunday afternoon watching Visitor Q while hungover as shit. That movie melted my head to no end. I think i watched it with him again months later after he started explaining some of the shit that made the movie make sense.

    Watched A tale of two sisters a week or two back with another friend. I can understand the movie being good for its time, but having watched it too late, it was boring and predictable. Not nearly enough horror.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)07:30 No.14784416
         File1298809855.jpg-(1.4 MB, 1400x4000, horror-slasher 2.jpg)
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    Horor-slasher movies
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)07:32 No.14784420
         File1298809923.jpg-(948 KB, 601x4251, horror ver2.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)07:34 No.14784432
    more guides !

    fucking essential sic fi movies list em
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)07:37 No.14784463
         File1298810238.jpg-(1.18 MB, 1959x3013, movies mindfuck.jpg)
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    That's a sweet list. They Live doesn't fit in though.

    I wonder if there is an image for all those delicious cult, oddball and so-bad-its-good movies
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)07:41 No.14784505
    I have something similar - a list of dystopian movies, they're mostly sci-fi.

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