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  • File : 1290994304.jpg-(23 KB, 316x400, Leslie-Nielsen.jpg)
    23 KB NewGuy !CwpoGVe2.A 11/28/10(Sun)20:31 No.13268137 sticky  
    Leslie Nielsen

    R.I.P Sweet Prince

    >> NewGuy !CwpoGVe2.A 11/28/10(Sun)20:32 No.13268144
    Op here my body was not ready..
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:32 No.13268157
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:32 No.13268159
    Greatest Canadian actor of all time
    >> Dem¡¡¡Lov !ato4EvRw.Y 11/28/10(Sun)20:33 No.13268168
         File1290994404.jpg-(38 KB, 350x350, 064.jpg)
    38 KB
    It's true!!!
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:34 No.13268184
    >OP must be trolling
    >it's true

    He's one of my favourite actors. Damn.
    >> The Voice !rlmIKn7Lnc 11/28/10(Sun)20:34 No.13268186
         File1290994492.jpg-(7 KB, 251x246, 3243.jpg)
    7 KB
    >> NewGuy !CwpoGVe2.A 11/28/10(Sun)20:34 No.13268187
         File1290994492.jpg-(41 KB, 393x393, 1290740450507.jpg)
    41 KB
    Complications with pneumonia
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:35 No.13268192
    Surely you can't be serious?
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:35 No.13268197
    Wow.. this might turn out to be true!
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:35 No.13268204
    and nothing of value was lost...
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:36 No.13268214
         File1290994582.jpg-(9 KB, 480x360, 0.jpg)
    9 KB
    Fuck you!
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:36 No.13268220
    Surely, you can't be serious?
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:37 No.13268223

    I am serious. And don't call me Shirley.
    >> NewGuy !CwpoGVe2.A 11/28/10(Sun)20:37 No.13268228
         File1290994631.jpg-(25 KB, 494x268, 1289195025990.jpg)
    25 KB
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:37 No.13268229
    >google to check
    >only source is twitter and a recently edited wikipedia page that doesn't state cause of death

    Don't believe it yet
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:37 No.13268230
    Wow. True. Just checked google.
    > captcha: Extert proofs
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:37 No.13268232
    I'm completely serious.
    And don't call me Shirley.

    Oh God no!
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:37 No.13268234
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:37 No.13268238
    sad passing of a legend RIP man
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:38 No.13268245
    This best be a joke. Yeah he's old and his time is coming, but fuck this. Seriously.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:38 No.13268246
    Noooo ;_;
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:38 No.13268252
         File1290994708.png-(266 KB, 294x453, That's uhh cool I guess.png)
    266 KB
    Real edgy, man
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:38 No.13268256
    Wait a minute, this is looking dangerously legit at the moment.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:39 No.13268257
         File1290994745.jpg-(59 KB, 344x326, 1233186998149.jpg)
    59 KB
    What an awful way to end this great Thanksgiving weekend.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:39 No.13268260
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:39 No.13268269
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:39 No.13268272
    Enrico Pallazzo died?
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:40 No.13268276
    Actor deaths always happen in threes.

    It begins...
    >> Nicola'sNose !!tw6RKbAX4Ph 11/28/10(Sun)20:40 No.13268280

    so long
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:40 No.13268282
         File1290994840.jpg-(33 KB, 400x388, 1277617996657.jpg)
    33 KB
    Thinks OP is lying.
    Google him.
    Turns out it's true.

    >my face
    >> NewGuy !CwpoGVe2.A 11/28/10(Sun)20:40 No.13268284
         File1290994847.jpg-(64 KB, 640x480, 1.jpg)
    64 KB
    still sinking in
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:40 No.13268288
         File1290994855.png-(264 KB, 476x361, avgn.png)
    264 KB
    Please no.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:41 No.13268296
    At first I was like... FUCK YOU NIGGER! HIS DEATH ISN'T FUNNY!

    Then I got the joke and laughed.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:41 No.13268297
    this means he cant replace Mel Gibson on the hangover sequel
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:41 No.13268301
    >In 2009, the sequel to Naked Gun 33⅓: The Final Insult was announced.[51] Naked Gun 4: Rhythm of Evil, is in early stages of production and is expected to be released in 2012. It has not been announced whether Nielsen is to reprise his role as Detective Frank Drebin.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:41 No.13268302
    I see what you did there.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:42 No.13268306
    This man filled my childhood with laughter.

    RIP :(
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:42 No.13268308

    Mods, sticky this. Otherwise you are heartless dicks.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:42 No.13268311
    Thank you mod for stickying this.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:42 No.13268313

    He was one of the greatest comedy actors ever. Shit's too sad to even hear about.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:42 No.13268314
    goddamn. Does anyone remember the feels bad man thread that said exactly this would happen.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:43 No.13268318
    Michael Cera next please.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:43 No.13268323


    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:43 No.13268324
    What the fuck is it with old people and pneumonia?

    Put the good ones in a germ-free bubble!
    >> !ERRORUrDmk 11/28/10(Sun)20:43 No.13268330
         File1290995025.jpg-(20 KB, 400x300, leslieneilsen1331.jpg)
    20 KB
    Good luck, Leslie. We're all counting on you.

    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:43 No.13268332
    This... sucks.

    Fuck you Death.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:43 No.13268333
         File1290995034.jpg-(1.04 MB, 1200x1800, 1288060158890.jpg)
    1.04 MB
    ok so thats 1... Who are the next 2?
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:44 No.13268334
    Oh God it's beginning. Next will be Bill Murray.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:44 No.13268335
    Not being reported on IMBd or major news sites, everybody calm down and wait for legitimate confirmation.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:44 No.13268337
         File1290995062.jpg-(46 KB, 640x480, dunnolol.jpg)
    46 KB
    that's sad, but who was that? looks like that old unfunny actor
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:44 No.13268340
    >> The Voice !rlmIKn7Lnc 11/28/10(Sun)20:44 No.13268343
         File1290995079.jpg-(59 KB, 355x500, 500full.jpg)
    59 KB
    Gonna watch this now ;_;
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:44 No.13268347
    >> HKK !Li1UpTuBEs 11/28/10(Sun)20:44 No.13268348
    My weekend already sucked. Just another thing to add to the pile.
    >> Nicola'sNose !!tw6RKbAX4Ph 11/28/10(Sun)20:44 No.13268350
    He was in the first movies I ever cried laughing to
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:44 No.13268351
    Feels unbelievably bad man. Gonna go have a long cry.

    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:45 No.13268354
    >>Leslie Nielsen dead at 84
    CJOB News Team reporting

    Canadian funnyman and actor Leslie Nielsen has passed away in hospital in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.

    >>The star of comedy hits such as "Airplane" and the "Naked Gun" series dies of complications from pneumonia, according to his nephew Doug Nielse, who lives in Richmond...
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:45 No.13268356

    this thread is stickied
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:45 No.13268358
         File1290995130.jpg-(7 KB, 224x217, 1287406137636.jpg)
    7 KB
    there goes my sobriety
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:45 No.13268360

    It's okay guys, he wasn't starring in any future releases anyway. R.I.P my man.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:45 No.13268361
         File1290995138.jpg-(44 KB, 1280x720, 1270180012012.jpg)
    44 KB
    Everyone is shocked, but I am both shocked and saddened, so this will do.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:45 No.13268364
    I have no idea who the fuck this is but I'm installing the thread filter so I don't have to look at his ugly face each time I refresh the board. Why the fuck is this stickied?
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:46 No.13268366
         File1290995168.gif-(2.38 MB, 384x197, 1289953999361.gif)
    2.38 MB

    >captcha: update broterve

    Yes captcha, indeed he was, indeed he was...
    >> sage 11/28/10(Sun)20:46 No.13268369
         File1290995176.png-(134 KB, 296x301, canteat.png)
    134 KB
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:46 No.13268370
    I don't believe it, the only source is a single Canadian radio station.

    It's not even on the wire.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:46 No.13268371
         File1290995177.jpg-(4 KB, 252x249, freshprincehorro.jpg)
    4 KB
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:46 No.13268372
         File1290995187.jpg-(6 KB, 195x251, 1281840484752.jpg)
    6 KB
    his last known movie was Superhero Movie
    good job leslie
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:46 No.13268374
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:46 No.13268376
         File1290995200.jpg-(41 KB, 600x394, 1285222978775.jpg)
    41 KB
    So ummm, who's gonna make the youtube tribute to him with linkin park's 'in the end' playing in the background?
    >> QuackQuackSkeetSkeet !FV3U9Wcw7o 11/28/10(Sun)20:46 No.13268377
         File1290995202.jpg-(28 KB, 662x540, Reaction29.jpg)
    28 KB
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:46 No.13268379
    rip friend
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:46 No.13268383
         File1290995215.jpg-(15 KB, 231x249, bobbyheenan.jpg)
    15 KB
    I'm calling it right now.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:47 No.13268388
    >look at his IMDB profile
    >An American Carol isn't listed


    he was the narrator and cameo'd in several other scenes
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:47 No.13268391
    /tv/ needs its white knight.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:47 No.13268392
         File1290995234.png-(4 KB, 193x193, 1290195446489.png)
    4 KB

    Everyone show some respect~
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:47 No.13268394
         File1290995244.jpg-(57 KB, 400x400, 1290321861987.jpg)
    57 KB
    NOOO... good night fellow Canadian, you will be missed.
    >> Robert Paulson !!+S1tXY0GyyZ 11/28/10(Sun)20:47 No.13268402
    I just skyped my friend saying Leslie Nielsen died. She said "Who?". I sent her to his wiki with pictures of him.

    She still doesn't know who he is.

    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:47 No.13268404
    0/10 troll
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:48 No.13268406
         File1290995282.jpg-(12 KB, 229x220, 1289892052554.jpg)
    12 KB
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:48 No.13268407
    Oh noooo!
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:48 No.13268408
         File1290995288.png-(10 KB, 599x521, 1283187574547.png)
    10 KB
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:48 No.13268412
    Not believing this shit. Even sites like TMZ that post any random rumor have mentioned it.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:48 No.13268416
    >Sages sticked thread

    If only you'd died in his place.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:48 No.13268419
    Is he American? I have never heard of him
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:49 No.13268423
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:49 No.13268424
         File1290995344.jpg-(36 KB, 500x208, 4216796471_52942cfb9b.jpg)
    36 KB
    In memoriam, I'm going to watch Forbidden Planet, featuring a young, dashing Leslie Nielsen.

    He will be missed.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:49 No.13268425
    waiting for a serious news source
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:49 No.13268426
         File1290995359.jpg-(19 KB, 400x309, noose.jpg)
    19 KB
    >> McErson !!QCj0t+Rzwc0 11/28/10(Sun)20:49 No.13268427
    A manly tear is shed, but his legacy will live in. He starred in some of the greatest comedy movies of all time, and I will never forget him, or his films.
    RIP my man, may you make 'em laugh in the sky.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:49 No.13268428
         File1290995369.jpg-(29 KB, 462x343, baraka.jpg)
    29 KB

    Dude, you can't troll in Leslie Nielsen's death thread, that shit is not cool.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:49 No.13268429
         File1290995370.jpg-(26 KB, 420x420, crying.jpg)
    26 KB

    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:49 No.13268431
         File1290995374.jpg-(60 KB, 400x400, shit.jpg)
    60 KB
    >> NewGuy !CwpoGVe2.A 11/28/10(Sun)20:49 No.13268432
         File1290995378.jpg-(34 KB, 419x594, 80417542.jpg)
    34 KB
    He should have starred as Jon Ham's father in Mad Men
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:49 No.13268434
    Ok, real post now. I am truely sad, he was so god damn funny, he will be missed.
    Although I do feel good about this thread.
    > Stickied thread
    > First legit post other than OPs
    > First "surely" joke
    > I am awesome

    Rest in piece!
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:49 No.13268436
    People really don't know who Leslie Nielsen is? C'mon, world.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:49 No.13268438
    >God dammit another one of these troll threads

    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:49 No.13268439
    >> klytus 11/28/10(Sun)20:50 No.13268440
         File1290995402.gif-(14 KB, 328x157, why.gif)
    14 KB
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:50 No.13268441
         File1290995404.jpg-(3 KB, 95x126, 1286484799092s.jpg)
    3 KB
    good night, sweet prince.
    >> PrepareYourAnus !!omfa0kcqY20 11/28/10(Sun)20:50 No.13268442
         File1290995406.jpg-(2 KB, 103x126, 1285766971204s.jpg)
    2 KB
    My childhood is dead.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:50 No.13268443
         File1290995407.png-(263 KB, 624x352, dexter is sorry for your loss.png)
    263 KB
    >> Butta !!QV74WmZuY1j 11/28/10(Sun)20:50 No.13268448
    So much underageb&...

    He's the president from Scary Movie series, maybe now some of you get it.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:50 No.13268450
         File1290995419.jpg-(57 KB, 368x638, Frog_in_Japanese_Painting.jpg)
    57 KB
    damn feels really bad man
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:50 No.13268452
    Holy shit.

    It actually happened.

    : (
    >> Doctor Green !QT.V9kdcwE 11/28/10(Sun)20:50 No.13268459
    Please be some sort of prank or rumor or something.
    Leslie is the man. Even if he's been in a bunch of stinkers lately the dude was in so many classics.

    Hell I just watched Forbidden Planet the other day!

    If it's true. RIP good sir. Naked Gun was a big part of my childhood.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:50 No.13268461
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:51 No.13268466
         File1290995467.jpg-(156 KB, 398x600, Vision.jpg)
    156 KB
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:51 No.13268471
         File1290995479.jpg-(25 KB, 500x371, celebrity-pictures-leslie-niel(...).jpg)
    25 KB
    RIP Leslie
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:51 No.13268475
    Bad troll is bad
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:51 No.13268480
    They're confirming it. I guess the Canadian station is legit enough.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:52 No.13268483
         File1290995520.jpg-(11 KB, 300x208, frank drebin.jpg)
    11 KB
    >I got a message for you from Vincent Ludwig.
    >I can't hear you! Don't fire the gun while you're talking!
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:52 No.13268486
    >> Kotonoha's husbando 11/28/10(Sun)20:52 No.13268490
    mannnnnn wtffffffffffff
    I watched hot shots on Saturday and thought about watching the naked gun. Man I m fucking sad right now.
    RIP Leslie Nielsen
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:52 No.13268491
    dont even....
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:52 No.13268492
         File1290995559.png-(144 KB, 222x335, 1281837581250.png)
    144 KB
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:53 No.13268503
    Thanks for the laughs, Leslie.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:53 No.13268508
    He was such an awesome douche in Creepshow.

    Not just a garden variety douche, either. A state fair blue ribbon douche.
    >> pantsless !Gc4QFaCfEg 11/28/10(Sun)20:53 No.13268514
    but....but who will prevent the queens assassination?

    or fight enemies of america?

    too bad.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:53 No.13268515
         File1290995637.jpg-(20 KB, 214x314, MV5BMTc3MjI0NjA0Nl5BMl5BanBnXk(...).jpg)
    20 KB
    Myself amused my bottom in the exterior when observtin this
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:54 No.13268516
         File1290995646.jpg-(21 KB, 300x335, myspace_salute..jpg)
    21 KB
    R.I.P, Leslie. You were a true bro.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:54 No.13268521

    Watching Police Squad tonight in his honor, a truly underrated show.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:54 No.13268529

    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:54 No.13268531
         File1290995699.jpg-(47 KB, 288x499, WHY.jpg)
    47 KB
    >go to /tv/
    >first thread is leslie neilsen dead
    >think it's a troll
    >see sticky


    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:55 No.13268532

    I still have to watch this. Guess now is as good a time as any.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:55 No.13268539

    Fucker beat me to it. I've been planning this joke for decades.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:55 No.13268540
    I've been swimming in raw sewage. I LOVE IT!
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:55 No.13268541
    is he really dead?

    RIP Harrison Ford
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:55 No.13268546
         File1290995747.jpg-(81 KB, 813x1070, 33third.jpg)
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    Goodnight sweet prince.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:56 No.13268550
         File1290995763.png-(601 KB, 720x480, no more bob newhart.png)
    601 KB
    This is a black day.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:56 No.13268551

    This better be some "Jeff Goldblum dying in New Zealand" shenanigans. ;_;
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:56 No.13268553
         File1290995766.jpg-(4 KB, 454x341, fuuuck.jpg)
    4 KB
    And don't call me Shirley ;_;
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:56 No.13268554
    That's not funny.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:56 No.13268559
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:56 No.13268561
    No one will believe it.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:56 No.13268562
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:56 No.13268565
    That's one less famous person not named Justin Bieber that you have, Canada.

    Fix your shit.
    >> !ArI0XarxGg 11/28/10(Sun)20:56 No.13268566
    Damn shame.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:57 No.13268570

    google it or look it up on twitter, people are such fantastic asses
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:57 No.13268572

    I'll miss you too old man.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:57 No.13268574
         File1290995840.jpg-(128 KB, 500x375, 384137925_d0ae925199.jpg)
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    >> Doctor Professor Tripfag !81MaSHiaZ. 11/28/10(Sun)20:57 No.13268579
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:57 No.13268582
         File1290995859.gif-(1.03 MB, 250x187, 1282176433220.gif)
    1.03 MB
    >> Fox Mulder !oCKLO5Ekq6 11/28/10(Sun)20:57 No.13268583
         File1290995863.jpg-(74 KB, 406x270, cruelworld.jpg)
    74 KB
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:57 No.13268585
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:57 No.13268587
    why damn it why, could you take one of the wayan brothers instead damn you god!!!!!!!!!!
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:58 No.13268590
         File1290995886.jpg-(44 KB, 573x581, 1273536593272..jpg)
    44 KB
    Goodnight sweet prince.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:58 No.13268592
         File1290995890.jpg-(80 KB, 400x388, 1287264075841a.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:58 No.13268594
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:58 No.13268598
         File1290995921.jpg-(95 KB, 1280x800, 1284325319167.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:58 No.13268599
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:58 No.13268603
    quality sticky mods, for once i'm proud of you
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:58 No.13268605
    Postin' in a sticky ;_;
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:58 No.13268606
    That's really sad and all, but... The guy just wasn't good. Every single one of the movies he was in was lackluster at best.

    One of the best ways to tell if a movie will be shit is to check if he was in it.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:59 No.13268607

    For anyone still doubting. He's fucking dead. Too bad his movies suck anyway.
    >> .Irish !1krA.mvJ7I 11/28/10(Sun)20:59 No.13268610
         File1290995942.jpg-(6 KB, 200x238, 1286698766878.jpg)
    6 KB
    RIP Leslie
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:59 No.13268612
         File1290995944.jpg-(27 KB, 320x240, 1351352468997543.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)20:59 No.13268631
         File1290995992.jpg-(11 KB, 194x194, crying.jpg)
    11 KB
    And I was in such a happy mood today...:(
    >> Ace Levy !iay0z7nuXU 11/28/10(Sun)20:59 No.13268632
    A champion entertainer goes to his eternal rest. Let us hope he finds mercy. I hope he had a good Thanksgiving.

    Rest in peace, sweet prince. ;_;
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:00 No.13268636
         File1290996013.jpg-(26 KB, 427x240, 1290995371394.jpg)
    26 KB
    I just want to tell you both good luck. We're all counting on you.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:00 No.13268637
    It was supposed to play the Naked Gun theme
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:00 No.13268638
    Oh God when was he found dead?
    >> STING !RY1S1Jy5MA 11/28/10(Sun)21:00 No.13268639
    ;_; Sad to hear it. I would always seek out new Leslie Nielsen comedies at the video store when I was young and he never failed to make me laugh from underrated comedies like Dracula Dead and Loving It to complete bombs like Spy Hard. However, he was also a fine dramatic actor. He will be missed.
    >> QuackQuackSkeetSkeet !FV3U9Wcw7o 11/28/10(Sun)21:00 No.13268640
         File1290996030.png-(400 KB, 640x480, 1281407221120.png)
    400 KB
    >Too bad his movies suck anyway
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:00 No.13268642
    Anyone streaming his movies?
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:00 No.13268646
         File1290996045.jpg-(10 KB, 312x350, denny.jpg)
    10 KB
    R.I.P. Leslie
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:00 No.13268647
         File1290996046.gif-(1.39 MB, 240x252, 1286808490241.gif)
    1.39 MB
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:00 No.13268648
    He's not dead, he just went home.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:00 No.13268649
         File1290996048.gif-(4 KB, 344x326, crying.gif)
    4 KB
    The one time an actor has died thread was right and it had to be him.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:01 No.13268654
         File1290996061.png-(6 KB, 293x315, 1277143098570.png)
    6 KB
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:01 No.13268655
         File1290996064.jpg-(39 KB, 307x474, deathtrollsu.jpg)
    39 KB

    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:01 No.13268658
         File1290996067.jpg-(10 KB, 468x285, 046.jpg)
    10 KB
    And yet so many shitty unfunny actors still live.

    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:01 No.13268665
         File1290996083.jpg-(8 KB, 160x255, leslie_nielsen_gagSHOP.jpg)
    8 KB
    Damn. I was thinking this was a stupid joke thread. That's too bad. I loved his goofie movies; we'll never get another. Feels bad, man.
    >> QuackQuackSkeetSkeet !FV3U9Wcw7o 11/28/10(Sun)21:01 No.13268666
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:01 No.13268669
         File1290996095.png-(585 KB, 704x480, vlcsnap-285431.png)
    585 KB
    The collective masses weep.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:01 No.13268671
         File1290996098.jpg-(109 KB, 469x481, 1290058417294.jpg)
    109 KB
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:01 No.13268672
    I would have posted this earlier but he wasnt dead then.

    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:01 No.13268675
         File1290996105.jpg-(57 KB, 455x610, 1290198808423.jpg)
    57 KB
    >> PosterParent !B2VgOriLLA 11/28/10(Sun)21:01 No.13268676
         File1290996109.jpg-(162 KB, 500x360, sad.jpg)
    162 KB
    This is a sad day
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:02 No.13268689
    Doctors say his body had been on instruments for some time.
    >> !GWENr9h7mk 11/28/10(Sun)21:02 No.13268692
         File1290996141.jpg-(57 KB, 424x600, Superhero-Movie.jpg)
    57 KB
    Oh darn, I couldn't wait to see him in the next five renditions of ______ Movies. I don't care about his past anymore honestly, him consistently being in those movies was a sad state and I don't care if he died.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:02 No.13268702
         File1290996157.jpg-(18 KB, 399x386, 1284335417595.jpg)
    18 KB
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:02 No.13268705
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:03 No.13268712
    My mom is rejoicing.

    She hated that guy.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:03 No.13268715
         File1290996195.jpg-(28 KB, 284x379, Christopher Lee.jpg)
    28 KB
    Oh God, if Leslie's dead that means its a matter of time.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:03 No.13268719
         File1290996199.gif-(1020 KB, 265x175, HHH-Angry[1].gif)
    1020 KB
    >Text my girlfriend, who's favorite movie is Airplane, and also is a fan of the Naked Gun series
    "Hey babe, Leslie Nielsen died..."
    >Her response
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:03 No.13268723
    Stream it!
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:03 No.13268728
    >> Bakkar&Berg !jlQh6QwQAs 11/28/10(Sun)21:03 No.13268732
         File1290996237.jpg-(11 KB, 400x300, bawwwson.jpg)
    11 KB
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:04 No.13268735
         File1290996249.jpg-(69 KB, 720x480, 1286394326928.jpg)
    69 KB
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:04 No.13268737
    aw, weak.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:04 No.13268744
         File1290996278.jpg-(27 KB, 500x375, pikachu-crying.jpg)
    27 KB
    nobody makes a joke. I'm proud.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:04 No.13268748
         File1290996287.jpg-(154 KB, 400x376, brit_sp.jpg)
    154 KB
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:04 No.13268749
         File1290996289.jpg-(128 KB, 785x500, 34264.jpg)
    128 KB
    Prepare for the worst. They always go in threes.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:05 No.13268752
         File1290996301.jpg-(15 KB, 350x324, polls_Gilbert_Gottfried_2907_5(...).jpg)
    15 KB
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:05 No.13268755
         File1290996304.jpg-(70 KB, 720x540, 1250895775404.jpg)
    70 KB
    well fuck you then. FUCK YOU ALL.
    >> Ace Levy !iay0z7nuXU 11/28/10(Sun)21:05 No.13268756
         File1290996313.jpg-(126 KB, 512x553, LeslieNielsenOct08-replacement(...).jpg)
    126 KB
    >"I'm afraid if I don't keep moving, they're going to catch me ... I am 81 years old and I want to see what's around the corner, and I don't see any reason in the world not to keep working. But I am starting to value my down time a great deal because I am realizing there might be other things to do that I am overlooking."
    –Nielsen reflecting on his career in 2007

    I hope you found out what they were and did them, old man.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:05 No.13268760

    I think it's time to move on bro
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:05 No.13268763
    I want to cry but I have nothing but fond memories of the guy. I'm actually happier for thinking about him.
    Don't be sad guys.
    >> Frost !!gudIFSAKD1x 11/28/10(Sun)21:05 No.13268764
    Well shit.
    >> Cadfael !!VTQ4ofqFfKm 11/28/10(Sun)21:05 No.13268769
         File1290996344.jpg-(26 KB, 633x480, 1271432777177.jpg)
    26 KB
    fuck, was just thinking about him the other day

    RIP. The Naked Gun films especially are my favorites and have been since i was a kid, preparing a re-watch in honor of a seriously funny actor
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:05 No.13268773
    You know what would have been better?
    IF every shit actor in this movies died instead of him.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:05 No.13268776
    Why isn't the Police squad theme playing in the background of /tv/?
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:06 No.13268777
         File1290996362.jpg-(14 KB, 366x325, 1287263036693a.jpg)
    14 KB
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:06 No.13268782
    is that the guy from scary movie 3
    >> Dr. Pipper !!JPJJSbqvxof 11/28/10(Sun)21:06 No.13268785
    It's not true if I don't Google it!
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:06 No.13268790
    oh god.

    don't even say that.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:07 No.13268797
         File1290996426.jpg-(181 KB, 1229x284, 1128201075419pm.jpg)
    181 KB
    Stay classy, Wikipedia trolls.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:07 No.13268801
    >"in the end" playing in the background
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:07 No.13268804
         File1290996440.jpg-(86 KB, 600x759, leslienielsoncommanderadamsfro.jpg)
    86 KB
    Fuck yea, Forbidden planet Nielsen FTW.

    "You loved Nielsen didn't you /tv/? but then he wanted to retire! That couldn't happen to the great and brilliant /tv/, could it? So when you went to sleep you sent your ID moster out to MURDER HIM!!!
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:07 No.13268812
    >> Teddyhands !!gQYFtCw/Zqk 11/28/10(Sun)21:08 No.13268816
    Love is over.
    >> sage 11/28/10(Sun)21:08 No.13268819
         File1290996497.jpg-(163 KB, 948x900, fuof.jpg)
    163 KB

    You did NOT just go there.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:08 No.13268820
         File1290996499.png-(172 KB, 822x581, thewayhetrulyleftus.png)
    172 KB
    >see this
    >my face

    This is how he really went down, you all know it to be true.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:08 No.13268821
    >> Mountain_Dew !MOybAVVexA 11/28/10(Sun)21:08 No.13268824
         File1290996505.png-(114 KB, 423x425, Wallace 01.png)
    114 KB

    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:08 No.13268825
    I think the man would be proud.

    In fact, I think he edited it himself by using his ghost to Internet like some kind of shitty horror movie
    >> Sel !gOmEZpiJJg 11/28/10(Sun)21:08 No.13268827
    no no no non nooooooooooooo
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:09 No.13268832
    Surely, you can't be serious.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:09 No.13268838
    I'm no religous man, but I picture this is how Leslie gets to see St Peter if so
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:09 No.13268840


    ; _ ;
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:09 No.13268843
    I am, and don't call me shirley.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:09 No.13268845
    Good luck.
    >> Frosty !ebRxo1tmWU 11/28/10(Sun)21:09 No.13268846
         File1290996582.jpg-(37 KB, 500x265, SimonPegg_HotFuzz_002a.jpg)
    37 KB
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:09 No.13268849
         File1290996589.jpg-(41 KB, 432x619, michael-douglas-cancer-wallstr(...).jpg)
    41 KB

    Watch and you'll see one day
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:09 No.13268850
    Avatar sucks. Abatap is just butthurt.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:10 No.13268856
         File1290996619.jpg-(14 KB, 400x242, shatner_st2.jpg)
    14 KB
    Leslie Nielson, Dead And Loving It
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:10 No.13268859

    Ha, I'm glad I read that to the end.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:11 No.13268881
    fuck you /b/, i was just here for a fap and this shit happens?
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:11 No.13268882
    He had a great life and reached a fantastic age. R.I.P You'll be sadly missed.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:11 No.13268884
         File1290996699.gif-(184 KB, 320x240, philipseymourhoffmanispleased.gif)
    184 KB
    A brilliant career - never failed to make me laugh. One of the last great slapstick comedians around. Well done, Mr. Nielsen, well done.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:11 No.13268887
         File1290996701.jpg-(16 KB, 442x526, Re2idh.jpg)
    16 KB
    Its true.........we'll miss ya Lesile........even if you where in a crappy movie, you always made everything funny
    >> STING !RY1S1Jy5MA 11/28/10(Sun)21:11 No.13268891
         File1290996713.png-(59 KB, 170x213, Picture 31.png)
    59 KB
    Hey, I warned... no... no, I can't do it. This is fucking sad...
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:11 No.13268892
         File1290996714.jpg-(48 KB, 321x460, why.jpg)
    48 KB
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:12 No.13268898
    Clint Eastwood, you're next.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:12 No.13268906
         File1290996766.jpg-(36 KB, 318x400, kirk-douglas22.jpg)
    36 KB
    Guess who is still standing.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:12 No.13268909
    Dear god no. He was one of my favorite actors.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:12 No.13268910
         File1290996770.jpg-(13 KB, 251x201, images.jpg)
    13 KB
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:12 No.13268912
         File1290996773.jpg-(19 KB, 277x274, serious cat.jpg)
    19 KB
    feels bad man
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:13 No.13268916
    /a/ here, hoping that Miyazaki dies tomorrow
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:13 No.13268917
    Fuck I love that film.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:13 No.13268920
    Let's have a toast for the douchebag,
    Let's have a toast for the asshole,
    Let's have a toast for the scumbag,
    you won't be missed
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:14 No.13268929
         File1290996840.png-(57 KB, 191x250, 1283653865108.png)
    57 KB
    Loved you man..
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:14 No.13268931
         File1290996846.jpg-(585 KB, 1131x1467, 1290994918817.jpg)
    585 KB
    Thats it man !
    Game over !
    >> Wildling !!Cj82GjHyT7V 11/28/10(Sun)21:14 No.13268935
         File1290996858.png-(30 KB, 669x255, computer why tears.png)
    30 KB
    Renfield, you asshole...
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:14 No.13268938
    RIP Leslie Nielsen
    Yes you did some terrible shitty movies, but you also did some awesome stuff that is still so fucking funny.
    Not just a great comedic actor, but also a great serious actor.
    Thank you for your contributions to the world. You brought great happiness to alot of us.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:14 No.13268941
         File1290996880.jpg-(20 KB, 448x397, 1278747889487.jpg)
    20 KB
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:15 No.13268946
         File1290996908.jpg-(79 KB, 250x325, 1261933689382.jpg)
    79 KB
    I had a sad :(
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:15 No.13268950
    I loved his acting...even if he was in a movie that was terrible his deadpan delivery was great.

    So sad, and now the "once you've hit my level you stop leveling" image is now invalid.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:15 No.13268955
         File1290996931.png-(3 KB, 209x215, 3.png)
    3 KB
    A true comedian just died and your laughing at it? Must be a 12 year old fag, go watch your CGI shit kid, this is a thread about a man who had real talent!
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:16 No.13268968


    Damn nigga you peaked late
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:16 No.13268970
         File1290996996.jpg-(47 KB, 250x250, crying.jpg)
    47 KB
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:16 No.13268971
         File1290997007.jpg-(83 KB, 500x739, dracula_dead_and_loving_it.jpg)
    83 KB
    Great movie or Greatest movie?
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:16 No.13268972

    Make it happen, mods.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:17 No.13268975
    thread music
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:17 No.13268976
         File1290997026.jpg-(15 KB, 200x175, wrong.jpg)
    15 KB
    He made a pact with our alien parents and used the healing power of the Arc of the Covenant to sustain himself.

    <<But, lest I get off course...I'll miss him.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:17 No.13268985

    and to think this piece of shit will be his last movie.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:18 No.13268991
    Confirmed by his agent:
    Now I can cry.
    >> Ace Levy !iay0z7nuXU 11/28/10(Sun)21:18 No.13268993
         File1290997094.jpg-(15 KB, 279x346, CryingIndian[1].jpg)
    15 KB

    It's starting to sink in now.
    >> grink 11/28/10(Sun)21:18 No.13268996
         File1290997098.jpg-(15 KB, 450x360, crying green mario.jpg)
    15 KB
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:18 No.13268997
         File1290997104.jpg-(46 KB, 370x310, 1241550511928.jpg)
    46 KB
    wow, a troll sticky? this place really is a shithole
    >> Sir Henry Moseley 11/28/10(Sun)21:18 No.13268999
         File1290997105.jpg-(13 KB, 253x225, 22400000022ddfa22400000d123f.jpg)
    13 KB
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:18 No.13269005
         File1290997123.png-(148 KB, 624x352, 1289856191409.png)
    148 KB
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:19 No.13269010
         File1290997143.jpg-(154 KB, 678x818, michael-douglas-cancer-wallstr(...).jpg)
    154 KB
    >> Ace Levy !iay0z7nuXU 11/28/10(Sun)21:19 No.13269015
    Make it so.

    Police Squad theme, mods.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:19 No.13269016
         File1290997164.jpg-(15 KB, 462x341, 1260629256106.jpg)
    15 KB
    he had unmatched comedic timing. even his roles in the recent spoof movies brought some gravitas to those shit films.

    i thought he would live forever... he never seemed to age. i wanted to believe he was an immortal with the likes of woopie goldberg and keanu reeves.

    god damn legendary man.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:19 No.13269017
         File1290997173.jpg-(36 KB, 344x433, 1285167297780.jpg)
    36 KB
    Good night sweet prince ;_;
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:19 No.13269025
         File1290997195.png-(619 KB, 716x955, 1279566517630.png)
    619 KB
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:20 No.13269028
         File1290997200.gif-(979 KB, 400x316, 1289521903657.gif)
    979 KB
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:20 No.13269039
         File1290997239.jpg-(38 KB, 359x450, michael-douglas-cancer-wallstr(...).jpg)
    38 KB

    Could have been worse!
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:20 No.13269043
    So fucking annoying and unfunny. Wth is everyone so upset?
    Yeah, I know he did some good stuff back in the day. So did Whoopie Goldberg and Nicholas Cage.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:20 No.13269044
    So he died in hospital from pneumonia of all things? What is this??

    It's a big building with patients, but that's not important right now
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:21 No.13269051
    I never visit /tv/ but he was glorious. RIP.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:21 No.13269052
         File1290997271.png-(1 KB, 184x172, 1284321784003.png)
    1 KB
    Amazing actor. Made me laugh in all of his movies.

    R.I.P man.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:21 No.13269054
         File1290997279.jpg-(104 KB, 529x693, boxer hockey012_eff_the_world.jpg)
    104 KB
    I don't like today. Not at all.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:21 No.13269056
         File1290997279.jpg-(37 KB, 450x306, Dennis_Hopper.jpg)
    37 KB
    Dennis Hopper didn't get a sticky
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:21 No.13269062
    fuck first i find out i have diabetes now my comedic hero dies.

    fuck today it needs to end.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:22 No.13269074
         File1290997333.jpg-(13 KB, 210x323, Clarissa.jpg)
    13 KB
    >my face when you fuckers weren't trolling
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:22 No.13269078
    I just want to tell you both good luck. We're all counting on you.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:22 No.13269079
    Man, this is just goddamn sad.

    At least he was 84: dude lived a full life.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:23 No.13269090
    Dennis Hopper was a bad person and you know this.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:23 No.13269092
    I ... honestly laughed... because that's the thing you do when something funny is shown...

    that is what Leslie Nielsen standed for... a good, honest laugh...

    thou shall be missed
    >> WitnessX !!X6cD0l+ZuTf 11/28/10(Sun)21:24 No.13269106
    Goodnight, sweet prince.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:24 No.13269110
    >> ENTER GALACTIC (Space Ranger CARNAGE) 11/28/10(Sun)21:25 No.13269123
         File1290997510.jpg-(8 KB, 223x249, 1290899284200.jpg)
    8 KB
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:26 No.13269134
    Ah fuck, I anon was trolling till I came across it on CNN.

    RIP you comedic fucking genius. You gave me shitloads of laughs, even in some of the worst movies ever made.

    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:27 No.13269146
         File1290997639.jpg-(95 KB, 573x527, 1285943774773.jpg)
    95 KB
    pic related, fuck man I didn't even know he was sick
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:27 No.13269150
         File1290997645.jpg-(6 KB, 239x239, 1242218755487.jpg)
    6 KB
    he will never be in Scary Movie 5...
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:28 No.13269170
         File1290997709.jpg-(41 KB, 247x248, melting glasses man.jpg)
    41 KB
    >> Towerchurches !!qfAeLpESwri 11/28/10(Sun)21:28 No.13269172

    It was Spanish Movie
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:28 No.13269179
    any streaming of naked gun yet?
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:29 No.13269181
         File1290997740.jpg-(4 KB, 156x103, sad box.jpg)
    4 KB
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:29 No.13269188
    someone please do this.
    >> BucsBro !!1s8WN4knXew 11/28/10(Sun)21:29 No.13269193
         File1290997769.png-(265 KB, 720x304, moon.png)
    265 KB
    I'm going to miss him.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:30 No.13269203
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:30 No.13269209
    I just want to tell you both good luck. We're all counting on you.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:30 No.13269211
    Now what will the makers of "____ Movie" 's do?!

    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:30 No.13269212
    Alright, I'm going to level with you all. The most important thing now is that you remain calm. There's no reason to panic. Now, it is true that Leslie Nielsen is ill, slightly ill, but Jack Black and Ben Stiller are just fine. They're still acting together, in comedies, free to pursue a life of religious fulfillment.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:30 No.13269214
         File1290997837.jpg-(56 KB, 292x229, 1288896349988.jpg)
    56 KB
    >Oh gee, it's this thread again.
    >Huh. It's a sticky...
    >Damn, this is one elaborate troll.
    >I'll Google this just to be sure.
    >Oh...Oh god...
    >my exact face
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:31 No.13269224
    is that the guy from superhero movie??
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:31 No.13269236
    You always think you're ready for this kind of stuff but you never really are.

    We'll miss you, Phil Donahue.
    >> floozy 11/28/10(Sun)21:32 No.13269245
         File1290997935.jpg-(20 KB, 603x380, big-boss-salute..jpg)
    20 KB
    Oh my...

    May you rest in peace, sweet prince.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:32 No.13269251
         File1290997944.jpg-(42 KB, 500x281, Snapshot_20101120.jpg)
    42 KB
    Leslie Nielson is dead!
    He's no longer here.
    But on my back! And in my heart!
    He's become one with me with continues to live!
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:32 No.13269252
    Looks like OP picked the wrong day to quit trollin'.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:32 No.13269263
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:33 No.13269266
         File1290997980.jpg-(21 KB, 350x300, sad-woman-eating.jpg)
    21 KB
    No reaction image to display my sadness.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:33 No.13269274
    but...But what about Mr Magoo 2!!!
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:33 No.13269278
         File1290998028.gif-(362 KB, 320x176, 0009g3rr.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:34 No.13269292
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:34 No.13269295
    who cares? he was a half ass comedian whos career was DEAD just barley before him.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:34 No.13269297
    downloading naked gun, setting up a channel now
    >> Superman 11/28/10(Sun)21:34 No.13269300
         File1290998091.jpg-(52 KB, 600x450, superman_clark_kent_sad_reflec(...).jpg)
    52 KB
    Why must our heroes fall?
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:35 No.13269311
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:35 No.13269316
         File1290998142.jpg-(238 KB, 556x544, image-macro[1].jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:35 No.13269323
         File1290998155.jpg-(18 KB, 140x140, SmallThumbnail.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:36 No.13269324
         File1290998161.jpg-(14 KB, 564x79, fuckle.jpg)
    14 KB
    seriously google? that's your reply to my search?
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:36 No.13269325
    Spanish movie.jpg
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:36 No.13269329
    Nielson, I know you are gone but I gotta say....your movies are what kept me sane in my childhood. My father was a pure asshole, hated me, didn't want to be in my mothers life, mine and my siblings life. Not too many fond memories of him. Most of my memories of him was physical or mental abuse. But he loved your movies Nielsen. That was the only thing that made him human to me.

    We used to watch naked gun, airplane etc...Me and my father were huge fans. You made my childhood and my father bearable. Through the abuse I could still see comedy in this world because of your fine comedic timing and your amazing skill to be cleaver and stupid at the same time. Hell I even watched "Superhero Movie" by myself and got some great laughs out of it because of you. I am not religious at all, and I'm sure you will never get to read this stupid thing I am writing on the /tv/ board on 4chan.

    But you were amazing and deserved every praise you have received in your long life. Hopefully future generations will stumble across your movies and see the genius that you exerted in every scene.

    You will be missed. I am crying right now.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:36 No.13269330
         File1290998173.jpg-(11 KB, 183x275, airpl..jpg)
    11 KB
    Good, I always thought Airplane was a bad movie
    >> Christo- !!jPaUFKXU+io 11/28/10(Sun)21:36 No.13269334
    Watched Naked Gun 33 1/3 and Spy Hard a lot as a kid.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:36 No.13269342
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:37 No.13269346
         File1290998220.jpg-(22 KB, 704x400, Snapshot_20101120.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:37 No.13269352
         File1290998262.jpg-(36 KB, 450x390, 1289111434315.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:37 No.13269356
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:37 No.13269357

    That would be unbearable :(
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:37 No.13269359
         File1290998277.jpg-(97 KB, 415x351, whatnigga.jpg)
    97 KB
    Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue
    >> Surfin' !PIKAoX.atQ 11/28/10(Sun)21:38 No.13269362
         File1290998286.png-(1.54 MB, 1538x940, 1277097622942.png)
    1.54 MB
    RIP Shirley.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:38 No.13269369
    The fact that people troll this thread just shows how bad everything here actually is.

    Good bye Leslie. It has been fun.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:38 No.13269371
    I love you.

    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:39 No.13269379
    It's a different kind of crying, altogether

    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:39 No.13269380
    Rest in peace.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:39 No.13269388
    You get out.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:39 No.13269389
         File1290998364.jpg-(24 KB, 575x456, skeletor-2.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:39 No.13269392
         File1290998369.jpg-(51 KB, 749x269, GL-54-15.jpg)
    51 KB
    >see sticky
    >think it's troll
    >check cnn
    >notice breaking news
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:39 No.13269399
         File1290998396.gif-(554 KB, 295x221, 1232980345151.gif)
    554 KB
    Fuck this life
    >> !cla0aHFoM2 11/28/10(Sun)21:39 No.13269400
         File1290998396.jpg-(53 KB, 604x441, coolfaceman.jpg)
    53 KB
    Fuck you pneumonia; you take my grandpa last year and now this?

    Just fuck you.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:40 No.13269410
    He wanted us to know he was counting on us

    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:40 No.13269414
    RIP LN. May there be plenty of hilarious crime to fight in movie star heaven.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:40 No.13269420
         File1290998454.jpg-(20 KB, 300x300, idiot.jpg)
    20 KB
    obviously, a lot of people. so...go fuck yourself.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:40 No.13269422
    Holy shit no. Famous people can't die, it's not fair.

    Still, I guess 84 is a decent age.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:41 No.13269425
         File1290998464.jpg-(67 KB, 595x398, 1287012154833.jpg)
    67 KB
    Why.. WHY?!?!?
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:41 No.13269427

    Thought I'd be pissed, but imokwiththis.jpg.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:41 No.13269429
         File1290998476.jpg-(39 KB, 572x500, 1276918742195.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:41 No.13269441
    It's a different kind of crying, altogether
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:41 No.13269443
    Rest in peace.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:42 No.13269449
         File1290998543.jpg-(7 KB, 240x240, 1255576995274.jpg)
    7 KB
    >this can't be true

    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:42 No.13269451
    his last movie was a furry yiff softcore porno (probably)
    and this fail was unfunny even when he wasn't dead.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:42 No.13269453
    just found out, what a fucking shame

    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:42 No.13269454
    RIP Shirley
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:43 No.13269469
    It's a different kind of crying.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:43 No.13269476
    Truly one of the greatest actors and funniest men
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:43 No.13269483

    My body was not ready for this, god help me when Clint crokes ;_;
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:43 No.13269484
    RIP Leslie. :(
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:45 No.13269517

    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:45 No.13269518
    >mfw he gets the loudest cheers at the oscars this year
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:46 No.13269532
    Good luck, we're counting on you.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:46 No.13269536

    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:46 No.13269546
    He lived to be 84 and had a great career. He had a good life and he will be missed. Fuck it, this weekend I'm picking up all of his old movies and marathoning them
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:46 No.13269547
    can we get a livestream of airplane?

    >> klytus 11/28/10(Sun)21:47 No.13269566
    I fucking agree.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:47 No.13269567
    Greatest actors? Come on, son. But damn, if he didn't make me laugh my ass off. RIP.

    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:47 No.13269575

    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:47 No.13269579
    No. No. No. Why? Condolences from NZ.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:48 No.13269589
    It's better then nothing

    the only song that shall play in my house for the rest of tonight and tomorrow.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:48 No.13269590
    Anyone got a stream.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:48 No.13269591
    He should have done some cool dramatic role before he died. Someone earlier mentioned Mad Men, that would have been cash.

    RIP funny man
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:48 No.13269605
    Police Quad theme song would just make this look like a fucking joke, might as well play Benny Hill. Just put on something sad instead.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:49 No.13269617
    This saddens me. Rest in peace.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:49 No.13269621
    >leslie dies
    >roughriders lose the grey cup

    1st is bad
    2nd is good

    but a sad day for saskatchewan today.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:52 No.13269663
    everyone watch this
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:53 No.13269694
    awful. grew up with the naked gun flicks. this sucks.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:53 No.13269703
    Aww man not the old guy from Scary Movie 4!?
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:54 No.13269711
    you cant take a guess for another 2 hours?
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:54 No.13269718
    Good bye, Leslie Nielsen
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:54 No.13269720


    I'm just going to go............lie down...............for a long time
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:55 No.13269736
    The Police Squad theme song mocks the mood of the thread... and I'm sure Leslie wouldn't have it any other way ;_;
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:57 No.13269778
    Enjoy all 6. Maclean's linked to them, which was hilarious
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:57 No.13269787
    What a sad day. R.I.P.

    I move that mods edit in the Naked Gun theme for this sticky.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:58 No.13269806
    Like a blind man at an orgy, I was going to have to feel my way through
    >> Clark Duke !!RhUpGjPUQm4 11/28/10(Sun)21:58 No.13269812

    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:58 No.13269813
    He went out before Abe Vigoda?
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:59 No.13269818
    Oh my God one of the best actors to grace the TV. Leslie Nielsen, you will truly be missed! May the Heavens store your soul!
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:59 No.13269822
    Another legend bites the dust...
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:59 No.13269836

    Seconded. Naked Gun theme for sticky - or just all of /tv/ - plz!
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)21:59 No.13269837
    didn't know who he was, had to google his name
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)22:00 No.13269856
    Oh God, someone please shop the Police Squad car driving into the Pearly Gates, please!
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)22:01 No.13269868
    Thought this was a troll
    until i did a Google search.

    Holy fucking shit!
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)22:02 No.13269884
    Isn't it fucked up?
    He is still ALIVE!
    >> Mr. !Gif//eJ.6I 11/28/10(Sun)22:02 No.13269894
    Awwww I loved Airplane!.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)22:02 No.13269897
    Only knew him fron Airplanes 1 & 2, but RIP anyways.
    >> TWW_Fan 11/28/10(Sun)22:02 No.13269901
    Wow... sad day indeed. We'll miss him.

    Guess I need to go wipe the dust off "Police Squad!" and have a few laughs.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)22:02 No.13269911
    You stop your fucking shit, sir..

    R.I.P. Leslie. At least you'll always be remember with a laugh.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)22:03 No.13269914
    You should still love Airplane!
    >> Clark Duke !!RhUpGjPUQm4 11/28/10(Sun)22:03 No.13269915
    Phil Donahue died? Was he still married to Connie Chung?
    >> James Harrison's Kleenex !!vQNTx2j8foz 11/28/10(Sun)22:03 No.13269923
    One of the best Canadians out there, R.I.P.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)22:03 No.13269928
    He was the best of us
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)22:05 No.13269971
    Shirley he will be missed.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)22:05 No.13269977
    I shall have a Naked Gun marathon in his memory.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)22:06 No.13270014

    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)22:07 No.13270043
    A brilliant comic. RIP.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)22:08 No.13270051
    This is a sad day.

    I need to watch some Naked Gun.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)22:10 No.13270095
    so many laughs, goodnight sweet prince indeed. He will be missed
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)22:11 No.13270114
    I JUST heard the news from another website.

    Rest in peace you glorious bastard.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)22:11 No.13270124
    >Listening to The Fountain soundtrack
    >Find out Lieslie Nielsen died

    Oh my god, so sad... ;_;
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)22:14 No.13270174
    Breaking News: Really old man dies. Newfags will act like they were a fan all along and jump on the bandwagon. You probably never watched the original poseidon adventure or even men with brooms. Go fuck yourself. News at 11.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)22:14 No.13270184
    "A hospital, what is it?"
    "Its a big building with patients, but that's not important right now"
    >> Not Waifu Material !!NpoJouK70Qz 11/28/10(Sun)22:14 No.13270187
    Just heard the news.

    Thought I should give my condolences. He was one of the best things to happen.

    Good night, sweet prince.

    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)22:16 No.13270235
    He would have been
    85 in February...

    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)22:16 No.13270252
    He had a 50% chance of surviving

    and a 10% chance of that

    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)22:17 No.13270271
    While the news is sad, he lived a long, full life and brought joy to millions over the course of a 60 year career, only to die peacefully surrounded by those he loved.

    We should all should only hope for so much.

    Goodnight, Shirley.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)22:18 No.13270315
    So long Detective Frank Drebin. May you shag hog women in Heaven.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)22:18 No.13270321
    Watching The Naked Gun right now, laughing my ass off like usual

    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)22:19 No.13270334
    Life isn't worth living anymore!
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)22:19 No.13270335
    Dear God, not Phil Donahue!
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)22:19 No.13270345
    Bump this thread everyone, get the Police Squad theme to play over /tv/

    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)22:20 No.13270353

    Only famous person ive ever wanted to meet.
    >> CIingingMars !!wX0LNTKWzpR 11/28/10(Sun)22:21 No.13270381

    wish he had gone out with a bang like doing on a serious role on Mad Men, or even something funny like Psych (he woulda been perfect for that show).
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)22:21 No.13270382
    Caught in the gears of a combine, that's the way I want to go
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)22:22 No.13270431

    Never seen this, but Airplane and the Naked Gun Series are some of my all time favorites. Downloading now though, I need to watch one of his movies.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)22:24 No.13270480
    I just heard, and I cane here knowing what I would find. You haven't disappointed, /tv/. I'm proud of you.

    Christ, I haven't felt like this since Carlin.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)22:25 No.13270495
    >416 posts and 151 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

    respect /tv/
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)22:25 No.13270498
    watch this
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)22:25 No.13270500
    tomorrow we need a leslie marathon.

    streambros, where u at?
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)22:25 No.13270510
    Goodnight, sweet prince. You were the man
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)22:27 No.13270533
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)22:27 No.13270547
    This is the only celebrity death that's ever truly upset me.
    Plenty of comedy actors can raise a chuckle, but Leslie Nielsen was one of the very few who could make me genuinely laugh out loud.
    Rest in peace.
    >> !p/Dakota/2 11/28/10(Sun)22:28 No.13270577
    I can't believe he's gone ;_;
    I've got to have a marathon of his films as soon as I can get my bro to come by. Wrongfully Accused was our favorite movie he was in. We had never laughed so hard at anything in our lives.
    >> Large breasted female !!6A7bpGamCg9 11/28/10(Sun)22:29 No.13270602
    Dude was getting senile as hell, it's a good thing he finally went.

    RIP Frank Drebin.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)22:29 No.13270614
    I will stream the first Naked Gun. I've never done this before, I set up a room and procaster and all that JUST for this.

    Livestream dot com slash nernersplayhouse
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)22:30 No.13270640
    came here to pay my respects to the man.

    thank you Leslie.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)22:31 No.13270653

    A parachute not opening... that's a way to die... having your nuts bit off by a Laplander, that's the way I wanna go!
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)22:32 No.13270674
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)22:33 No.13270706
    >mention that Leslie has died on Facebook
    >Thank god, it's about damn time
    >D: going to watch Airplane now

    >2 people removed from friends list

    every time a celebrity dies I weed out these tards
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)22:35 No.13270770
    Wow. So what do we do now that the world is suddenly half as funny?
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)22:36 No.13270780
    They deserve it. Maybe not the guy who didn't know, most of his movies are pretty old at this point, but certainly the guy who was glad.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)22:36 No.13270792

    We would debate what to do before the other half dies...

    Mel Brooks.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)22:37 No.13270826
    Good way to get rid of the fucktards.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)22:39 No.13270873
    your stream is fucked up..
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)22:39 No.13270894
    The last thing he said to me, "Doc," he said, "some time when the crew is up against it, and the breaks are beating the boys, tell them to get out there and give it all they got and win just one for the Zipper. I don't know where I'll be then, Doc," he said, "but I won't smell too good, that's for sure."

    rest in peace
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)22:40 No.13270907
    I hate everything right now. Leslie Nielsen was amazing. Even in bad movies, he was the only funny person on screen.

    I pay you my respects, Leslie Nielsen, and hope you are in a better place.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)22:40 No.13270925
    /v/ here....

    He was a good man, surely we all knew that....
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)22:40 No.13270930
    surely he will be missed :)
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)22:40 No.13270931
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)22:41 No.13270945
    SHIT FUCK ITS TRUE /v/ wasnt lying, holy shit, wheres that fucking gif of steve carell saying god no when you need it.
    >> TheApostle !!+UxxAVR2UQY 11/28/10(Sun)22:41 No.13270954
    And may his wonderful soul burn for all eternity
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)22:44 No.13271023
    Anybody crying right now?

    Because I am. ;______;

    R.I.P. Leslie
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)22:45 No.13271041

    the things he must have seen. I feel old at 30.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)22:47 No.13271097
    Not Enrico Pallazo ;_;
    >> 40Kfag from /m/ !!rthE8hgFXea 11/28/10(Sun)22:48 No.13271127

    There are not enough NOOOOOOOOOOs to convey my sorrow
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)22:53 No.13271261
    >Just had a dead actors conversation with my friends days ago.
    >Leslie Neilson mentioned.
    >"No man, Leslie Neilson's going to live to be 103, he still looks good."
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)22:54 No.13271289
    Wrongly accused and Flying High were both brilliant comedies. We will miss him dearly.

    I don't even have a reaction image to convey my sorrow...
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)22:54 No.13271293
    Goodnight bro.

    Time to marathon his films. :(
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)22:55 No.13271302
    he wasn't the star of the movie dick shit

    failfags haven't learned that even in the shittiest tier of movies, the bits with Leslie Nielson in them are the best parts.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)22:55 No.13271313
    He might not have been the best actor, but he could be a good scene stealer / supporting actor. He was very likable and was fun to watch.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)22:57 No.13271351
    similar happened to me

    "You know that old guy in Scary Movie? leslie nielsen? man that guy is funny you should see some of his stuff"
    this was on friday
    the hell
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)22:57 No.13271355
    Yeah well when I see five guys dressed in togas stabbing someone in the middle of the park I shoot the bastard. That's my policy.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)22:59 No.13271404
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)23:00 No.13271426
    Yeah, good way to sort people out. I did not like all the movies my dad liked, but at least I knew who the actors where and new stuff about the music he listened too.

    Will OJ weep for him in Jail?
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)23:01 No.13271457
    Posting in tribute of the hilarious Leslie Nielsen.

    Rest in Peace. ;_;
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)23:01 No.13271458
    Looks like he picked the wrong week to quit breathing.
    >> The Last NBC Peacock 11/28/10(Sun)23:01 No.13271463
    Why couldn't God take Jay Leno instead?

    We just lost another great talent. God bless.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)23:02 No.13271473
    Not anymore, seems to be working fine.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)23:03 No.13271494
    We now live in a world where sad memories are attached to the sentence "And don't call me Shirley".

    What a sad day
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)23:04 No.13271521
    >> Large breasted female !!6A7bpGamCg9 11/28/10(Sun)23:05 No.13271536
    ...Yet Lohan lives on.

    Good job, universe. You fucked it up yet again.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)23:05 No.13271548
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)23:06 No.13271560
    Dick Steel, never forget
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)23:07 No.13271590
    R.I.P. Leslie Nielsen

    You make me proud to be a Canadian! ;_;
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)23:08 No.13271611
    "I just wanted to say good luck, we're all counting on you."

    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)23:08 No.13271616
    want to find a streaming link for airplane !
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)23:10 No.13271654
    I used to watch the naked gun all the time.

    R.I.P LN!!
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)23:11 No.13271670

    first 50 viewers get a good seat
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)23:13 No.13271711
    Sad news, he was a funny guy.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)23:13 No.13271720
    oh man... im speechless... he was without a doubt the funniest man alive

    "I am serious. And stop calling me Shirley."
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)23:14 No.13271747

    fuck the max image limit
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)23:14 No.13271753
    RIP you magnificent bastard. You'll be sorely missed.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)23:16 No.13271801
    Rest in peace, you magnificent man.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)23:17 No.13271816
    That's no way for a man to die.

    A parachute not opening... that's a way to die. Getting caught in the gears of a combine... having your nuts bit off by a Laplander, that's the way I wanna go!
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)23:18 No.13271845
    flawless victory

    I'm gonna have to watch airplane tonight
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)23:19 No.13271880
    Gonna watch some Wrongfully Accused, cry myself to sleep and then properly mourn the loss the greatest actor ever tomorrow.

    God I miss him already.
    >> Canadian Steve 11/28/10(Sun)23:20 No.13271893
    why isn't this a fucking joke.

    I froze for a moment, thinking it was a troll, but when I saw the replies...then wikipedia.

    fuck sakes. the man was always so active and on the ball in his later years, and he gets taken out by pneumonia! I thought he would live into his 90s easily.

    RIP. Still gone too soon
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)23:20 No.13271895
    He didn't died.

    He just ascended to Daemonprincehood and will come back as our savior from horrible comedy.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)23:20 No.13271897
    Goodnight Sweet Prince
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)23:20 No.13271902
    Always made me laugh, even in his less impressive movies. Godspeed man, you were able to make everybody laugh.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)23:20 No.13271908
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)23:21 No.13271916
    oh shit

    you're trolling. tell me you're trolling

    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)23:22 No.13271935
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)23:23 No.13271939

    I was just watching the Naked Gun series the past week on Comedy Central, so great

    One of the last great slapstick comedians
    >> Anonymous Alcoholic 11/28/10(Sun)23:23 No.13271940

    It's true =(

    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)23:24 No.13271956
    God damn it!
    God damn it!
    God damn it!

    >> Canadian Steve 11/28/10(Sun)23:24 No.13271966

    >> Ralph Wiggum !!RbKRCS+NEzU 11/28/10(Sun)23:25 No.13271986
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)23:25 No.13271987
    >> Kei Kreuz 11/28/10(Sun)23:25 No.13271992

    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)23:25 No.13271994
    nice job mods, playing the naked gun theme on the thread
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)23:26 No.13271998
    Now maybe you faggots will stop calling him Shirley.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)23:26 No.13272007
    An incredibly versatile actor. He was able to do serious parts as well as broad comedy. He'll be greatly missed. Hell, I want to watch the Oscars now, just to see what they say about him.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)23:27 No.13272022
    Rest in Peace, I quite liked him.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)23:27 No.13272023
    I've been swimming in raw sewage.

    I LOVE IT!

    R.I.P., sir. ;_;
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)23:28 No.13272042
    RIP Sweet Prince

    Surely, an icon in comedy. :( And don't call him Shirley :(
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)23:29 No.13272048
    Thank you very much, mods.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)23:29 No.13272049
    Meh, he was in a few decent flicks.
    >> Xi !cP3MvFe2FI 11/28/10(Sun)23:30 No.13272062
    Fuck man I loved his movies

    He will be missed
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)23:30 No.13272070
    It's the Batman curse, first the Joker, now Ra's
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)23:30 No.13272078
    Such a shame he was taken away at such a young age.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)23:31 No.13272087
    That's Liam Neeson and you're not funny
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)23:31 No.13272091
    *hears music*

    Dear Mods: Thank you!! :)
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)23:32 No.13272102
    Tomorrow should be "Leslie Nielson" day, where everyone walks around making jokes from his movies all day.

    Sadly, nobody will get the jokes because he wasn't in "The Hangover"
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)23:32 No.13272106
    >GO to thread
    >Hear this music

    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)23:32 No.13272109
    funny guy, liked him really

    84 is a high age, good night sweet prince
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)23:33 No.13272119

    goddamnit, all these people are naked! have they no shame?? LOLOLOLOLOLOL

    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)23:33 No.13272129

    Also, I fucking lold even though I love Leslie Nielson
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)23:34 No.13272133

    I lol'd so hard. Thank you, Leslie. ;_____;
    >> Adama !M2clACoxQA 11/28/10(Sun)23:34 No.13272139
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)23:34 No.13272146
    >refresh page

    God I miss you already Leslie
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)23:35 No.13272151
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)23:36 No.13272179
    >"good luck"
    >at least 4 hits
    >thread successful
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)23:36 No.13272184

    Shirley not!
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)23:36 No.13272187
    Cudos, Mods.

    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)23:37 No.13272194
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)23:37 No.13272199
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)23:39 No.13272234
    Guess I'll rent some of his movies and crack open some beers for him.

    R.I.P. Enjoy the big sleep bro.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)23:39 No.13272247
    Leslie Nielson came to my church in Naples FL to do a book signing (the church was just the location- it had nothing to do with it being a church)

    Anyways, I invited a few friends to come with my father and I to see him speak. Nobody knew who he was...this was back in the late 90s and I was only in my early teens...I worshiped the fucking guy =*(

    Mods, thank you for making this thread.

    Leslie, rest in peace!

    Good look, we're all counting on you
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)23:40 No.13272264
    I'm doing the same bro

    I have Scary Movie 3 sitting here, It's a start =)
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)23:42 No.13272290
    So are they going to cast him in The Walking Dead?
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)23:44 No.13272330
    Spy Hard and Mr. Magoo are still some of my favorite movies :/
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)23:44 No.13272337
    A sad bump for you, good sir..

    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)23:45 No.13272358
    R.I.P. a god among comedians
    >> WitnessX !!X6cD0l+ZuTf 11/28/10(Sun)23:45 No.13272362
    I lol'ed hard
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)23:46 No.13272391
    RIP Mr. Nielsen, I know for a fact all of Canada and probably any one who ever saw you loved you.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)23:46 No.13272407
    William Shatner is next. Wait for it.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)23:47 No.13272416
    my favorite clip with leslie

    too bad it gets cut off at "Hey! don't you want to know where he lives?!" "Not on a cops salary ;)"
    >> NewGuy !CwpoGVe2.A 11/28/10(Sun)23:48 No.13272437
    >refresh page
    >music start
    >look at this picture
    >damn Leslie you are one suave motherfucker.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)23:49 No.13272453
    Feels bad man, feels real bad ;_;
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)23:50 No.13272479

    Don't even suggest it, man.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)23:52 No.13272536
    I can't hear the music because of my 500 adblockers
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)23:55 No.13272593
    Bout to smoke a few bowls and watch airplane 1 and 2 tonight in his honor.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)23:57 No.13272627
    I will weep like a girl when that happens. And sadly, it will.
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)23:58 No.13272631
    One of the true titans of comedy has fallen today. But his movies will remain, forever testament to his talent and humour.

    ''The last thing he said to me, "Doc," he said, "some time when the crew is up against it, and the breaks are beating the boys, tell them to get out there and give it all they got and win just one for the Zipper. I don't know where I'll be then, Doc," he said, "but I won't smell too good, that's for sure."
    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)23:58 No.13272644
    >His nephew reflected on Nielsen's life, "He was truly a nice man. A very caring, naturally funny guy in day-to-day life, not just because someone wrote something on paper for him. He was a very tender-hearted man. He was one of my best friends and I loved him dearly. I'll miss him greatly."

    >> Anonymous 11/28/10(Sun)23:59 No.13272667
    That actor was a masterpiece. Anybody who can watch him and disagree is simply unappreciative of humanity itself. No other actor illustrates so perfectly how amazing humans are and are capable of being.
    >> NIGGER DIX IN MY AYNUSS !swXpLp2WAg 11/29/10(Mon)00:00 No.13272686
    The Naked Gun films and Airplane still hold up after all these years. Leslie was a talented actor and brilliant at comedy. I'm glad he lived as long as he did (84 is nothing to scoff at) and brought so many laughs to us all. He will be missed.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)00:01 No.13272702
    I seriously just teared up when I heard the Police Squad! theme song...

    This man....fuck. I am truly sad.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)00:03 No.13272753
    Leslie Neilsen's last movie:

    Stonerville (2010) Trailer

    get ready for the Heath Ledger treatment...
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)00:04 No.13272755
    RIP man, i'll miss you.

    I love Naked Gun, and what's weird is i've never actually finished Airplaine!.

    I will do so tonight.

    Goodye, Lieutenant Frank Drebin. ;_;
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)00:04 No.13272761
    lol hnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng!
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)00:05 No.13272786
    Well at least he died in his sleep.
    >> WitnessX !!X6cD0l+ZuTf 11/29/10(Mon)00:08 No.13272830
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)00:08 No.13272833

    zzZzZ hnnnnnnnng ___________________
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)00:09 No.13272848


    This man should have been immortal.

    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)00:09 No.13272853
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)00:13 No.13272924
    Thank you mods.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)00:13 No.13272929
    Fuck ;.;

    I wasn't ready for this...
    Time to marathon all Naked Gun movies in his memory.
    >> A Pimp Named Slickback !3VpYniGJl6 11/29/10(Mon)00:13 No.13272937
    Just wanted to let you both know, good luck. We're all counting on you.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)00:14 No.13272948
    Naked Gun was the first move that made me really like comedies.

    RIP you funny, funny man.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)00:14 No.13272952
    Leslie Neilson is dead. And yet Paris Hilton walks the streets uneaten by wolves.


    also He looks pretty dashing in forbidden planet. I bet he could have commanded the Firefly.

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