Hey, /tv/. Visiting ca/tg/irl here. What shows would you recommend that have a tasteful or amusing-but-accurate portrayal of nerds?Pict random, probably unrelated. Let's find out together!
anything but The Big Bang Theory
You'll probably have to go foreign. American television studios don't know how to accurately depict nerds.
Rubicon all the way.
Nerds. 100% medically accurate nerds in it.
>>12749338What's wrong with it?>>12749355>>12749352Thanks for the recommendations.>>12749344Why are you even posting in this thread?
>>12749352Yeah, okay. I can agree with that.>>12749389>What's wrong with it?It is a layman's exaggerated caricature of what he thinks nerds would be like.
Stargate Universe
>>12749389>Why are you even posting in this thread?I could ask you the same damn thing you fat bitch
Breaking Bad
>>12749441I'm posting to get information and enjoy television and film.>>12749407What a shame. Thanks for the warning, and thank everyone for the recommendations!
>>12749462As am I. You've clearly strayed away from that.