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  • File : 1282711018.jpg-(122 KB, 810x1200, Scott%20Pilgrim%20vs%20The%20World%20Mov(...).jpg)
    122 KB Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)00:36 No.11781876  
    It's criminal how badly this movie is tanking at the BO. I'm a huge movie buff, I'm used to seeing good movies get swept under the rug, but this is a new low.
    >> madadayo !!VCtdMMXfYap 08/25/10(Wed)00:38 No.11781893
    Relax, bro. "Inception" was having the same problem when it first came out. It'll start making some money when it opens internationally.

    Gotta have faith, man.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)00:38 No.11781894
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    >> Butta !!QV74WmZuY1j 08/25/10(Wed)00:38 No.11781896
    It looks campy as fuck.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)00:38 No.11781897
    It didn't appeal to people. Either it was bad marketing or people just don't want to see this shit. Accept it.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)00:39 No.11781912
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    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)00:39 No.11781918

    inception made 60 mil opening weekend
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)00:40 No.11781922
    Huh? Wasn't Inception at #1 for 3 weeks?
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)00:40 No.11781929

    >didn't appeal to people
    >people just don't want to see this shit
    >Vampires Suck - $20,565,739
    >> Thing 08/25/10(Wed)00:41 No.11781936
    It was marketed poorly by focusing on the fighting as though it was some sort of action movie instead of a goofy romantic comedy that had the fights as a joke.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)00:41 No.11781940
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    I was planning on seeing it, but it actually didn't come out in my local theater, so I decided against driving an extra half hour to find one that was showing it. Perhaps this happened to more people.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)00:42 No.11781944
    I can't believe Vampires Suck made more money than it. People have zero taste in film.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)00:42 No.11781948
    This movie wasn't as funny as I thought it would be, but holy shit it was about 100x more bad ass than I thought it would be
    >> this Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)00:42 No.11781952
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    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)00:43 No.11781958
    Same thing happened to Kick-Ass.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)00:44 No.11781969
    That doesn't mean anything. Vampire made money because of angry boyfriends who were forced to watch Twilight and Twilight fans who wanted to see how bad it was. Face it, there are more Twilight fans than hipsters.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)00:44 No.11781971

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    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)00:44 No.11781975
    both look like steaming piles of shit to me
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)00:45 No.11781979
    It has Michael Cera, hipsterness, Jason Schwartzman (thanks for making Slackers you piece of shit) and it's filled with video game references.

    I am so glad it failed that I am literally crying tears of joy
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)00:47 No.11782007

    >Implying Twilight fans aren't hipsters
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)00:47 No.11782008
    Hipster garbage. Actually no just garbage. Lets make a movie that appeals to the quirky nerdy guys a la twilight for boys.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)00:47 No.11782011
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    >Scott Pilgrim=good movie

    I lol'd
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)00:48 No.11782015
    Hipsters are too obsessed with not being mainstream to be Twilight fans.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)00:48 No.11782019

    Are you deficient?
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)00:49 No.11782033
    Holy balls are you mad.
    >> Kaiji.. !L.rG/tZANk 08/25/10(Wed)00:50 No.11782041
    It's funnier if you're Canadian, if you're not Canadian, get the fuck out because you missed plenty of jokes and you're no better than a child.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)00:51 No.11782046
    Youve...never seen the movie have you?
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)00:51 No.11782048

    This is the dumbest fucking post I've ever seen on 4chan. Die immediately.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)00:51 No.11782055
    Yup, Inception made $260M from the domestic market only. Scott Pilgrim won't be making a lot either in the US or overseas, it's a total bomb. Why did they decide to spend 60 million dollars on this piece of shit it's a mystery.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)00:51 No.11782056
    OMG you haven't seen it, have you?

    Why would you think your opinion counts if you haven't seen it?
    >> Butta !!QV74WmZuY1j 08/25/10(Wed)00:52 No.11782066
    What the fuck is Ronald reading?
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)00:53 No.11782079
    ITT: a bunch of people complaining about a movie they haven't seen because they think it makes them cool.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)00:54 No.11782088
    I dunno, I thought it was kinda cool.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)00:54 No.11782092

    This is the dumbest fucking post I've ever seen on 4chan. Welcome to the site you stupid newfag, plenty more bad where this came from.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)00:55 No.11782102
    im glad this movie tanked. i hate it more than Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist
    >> Lucious, Designated Official Racist !qHAO3AelnI 08/25/10(Wed)00:55 No.11782103

    so, like, why did you lol? i mean, you'll have to spell it out for me, i'm kinda slow.
    >> Desmond+Faraday Shipper !!OaIejGDHu+Q 08/25/10(Wed)00:55 No.11782105

    Deceptive, convincing yet not overblown collaborative effort between a tripfag and the samefagging tripfag going "incognito" as an anon, initially. Excellent choice of movie to do this with as it is vaguely believable, but currently too prevalent as a "hot button" topic on /tv/ as to not raise suspicions.

    more in-depth troll analysis at 10 now for the weather
    >> Lucious, Designated Official Racist !qHAO3AelnI 08/25/10(Wed)00:55 No.11782117

    tell me with words and stuff, or a really clever image macro, why you hated it?
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)00:56 No.11782123
    ITT: a lot of overly defensive fan boys
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)00:57 No.11782136

    >As opposed to the scarce overly-critical haters.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)00:57 No.11782140
    I touch a nerve? U mad?
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)00:58 No.11782148
    You don't make movies about unpopular comics. Kickass was also overlooked and so was watchmen.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)00:59 No.11782159
    >implying that your defending this movie tooth and nail shows me as being the MAD party in this exchange
    >> Implying !!OwMMiDsuHLo 08/25/10(Wed)00:59 No.11782164
    I thought Scott Pilgrim was good for, like, about the first half of the movie. It was all cute references and video game jokes, and that bit was pretty enjoyable.

    But then it just kind of turns into this very, very conventional love story kind of thing, and the jokes seemed to get a little stale to me as the movie went on.

    I guess that it did deserve better than, what, an opening at number five? But that's not saying much, when it was up against The Expendables and Lulz/Pray/Wubz.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)00:59 No.11782166

    If you agree with >>11782007, kill yourself.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)00:59 No.11782167
    they cant because they havent seen it
    theyre just parroting things they have heard on /tv/ because it makes them feel like part of a group.
    >> Lucious, Designated Official Racist !qHAO3AelnI 08/25/10(Wed)01:00 No.11782171
    i cried during the intro for watchmen, then again, i cry whenever i hear bob dylan.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)01:00 No.11782180

    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)01:01 No.11782194
    where do you see me defending it? I just said you havent seen it.

    You remind me of my little brother. If hes around my friends he will say he likes whatever they like and he hates whatever they hate.

    Grow your own opinion and come back later, k?
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)01:01 No.11782199
    Scott Pilgrim: 81% on Rotten. Nearly everyone who's seen it loved/enjoyed it.

    On 4chan? All the neckbeards, jealous of Michael Cera's success, hate the movie they haven't seen.
    >> Lucious, Designated Official Racist !qHAO3AelnI 08/25/10(Wed)01:01 No.11782201

    well, it was financially unsuccessful, at least during its cinema run. i don't know anything about how much it has made now.
    >> Desmond+Faraday Shipper !!OaIejGDHu+Q 08/25/10(Wed)01:01 No.11782205
    that reminds me

    last time i saw my little brother he kept saying "u mad" in real life incessantly and giggling like it was really clever or funny or cool that he referenced internet memes

    but i think "u mad" people are at least trolling by like trying to make you feel embarrassed for them although i may be giving too much credit since that's like almost vaguely sophisticated
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)01:02 No.11782215
    The difference being that Kick Ass was quite cheap (around $30M) and in the end it was profitable. Watchmen was also a flop though and one of the reasons we won't be seeing a lot of high budget R rated movies (too risky)
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)01:02 No.11782222

    I don't agree, I'm just pointing how lacking in iron you have to be to think of that was the dumbest thing you've seen posted on 4chan. You reek of cancerous newfaggotry. GTFO you filthy inbreed.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)01:03 No.11782224
    I like Michael Cera and I liked this movie. It was pretty good and I think I will see it again.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)01:03 No.11782235
    Sounds like a lot of butthurt in here. Shut up assholes.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)01:03 No.11782238
    This. Fucking Exactly.

    If you have not see a movie, shut the fuck up about it.

    I trust Edgar Wright, so I saw it and it was actually pretty good.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)01:04 No.11782240
    really? I thought the beginning was slow, and I liked the ending. It wasn't the greatest movie ever, but it was enjoyable and worth the ticket price.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)01:04 No.11782242
    >Consensus: Its script may not be as dazzling as its eye-popping visuals, but Scott Pilgrim vs. the World is fast, funny, and inventive.

    Sounds like Alice In Wonderland or Avatard

    Average Rating:7.5/10
    Metascore 69/100
    Must not be that great. If it can't get a better score than that.
    >> Lucious, Designated Official Racist !qHAO3AelnI 08/25/10(Wed)01:04 No.11782244
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    why would you be jealous of cera? i mean, he has no chin. his lower lip tapers into his throat. do people want to be like that? much as i'd like to drill ms winstead, i wouldn't give my chin up for that.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)01:05 No.11782265
    I loved Patel. I had many laughs at his expense.
    >> Haruhi !NKCqu160yw 08/25/10(Wed)01:05 No.11782266
    I can't believe Vampires Suck made more money than this.

    People have no fucking taste at all.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)01:06 No.11782274
    you....haven't picked up on the fact that "u mad" is trolling? Good're like a medical miracle. Someone needs to study your brain.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)01:06 No.11782276

    God that stings
    >> Lucious, Designated Official Racist !qHAO3AelnI 08/25/10(Wed)01:07 No.11782285
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    are you new to this planet?
    >> Desmond+Faraday Shipper !!OaIejGDHu+Q 08/25/10(Wed)01:07 No.11782287
    >his lower lip tapers into his throat.

    actually i envy the money he must pull in but certainly am not jealous of the guy

    ill be jealous of whatever asshole dates dakota fanning and probably vehemently attack whoever it is out of blind fury though
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)01:08 No.11782303
    because he has made more money at this point than you ever will, I'm sure gets way more ass, even with his ugly face, and he taught superman how to play the bass.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)01:09 No.11782313

    Dude the vegan was the best part of the movie. And the vegan police that eventually stripped him of his powers. Fuckin lulz.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)01:10 No.11782318
    If he decided he so wanted her, I bet Michael Cera could have Dakota Fanning.
    >> Desmond+Faraday Shipper !!OaIejGDHu+Q 08/25/10(Wed)01:10 No.11782319
    >you....haven't picked up on the fact that "u mad" is trolling?

    you must be bad at reading comprehension to misconstrue my post this severely. let's take another look.

    it reads
    >but i think "u mad" people are at least trolling by like trying to make you feel embarrassed for them

    you read
    >but i think "u mad" people are at least trolling

    how do you take something out of context when it is there in its full context within the single sentence

    but to be fair when im grammar trolling the entire post is the same sentence practically but w/e gf

    oh wait i probably just fell for a troll now dhammit
    >> Lucious, Designated Official Racist !qHAO3AelnI 08/25/10(Wed)01:12 No.11782358
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    >i probably just...

    confirmed =D

    also, your little brother is quite successfully trolling you, which is, of course, their purpose in life.
    >> Desmond+Faraday Shipper !!OaIejGDHu+Q 08/25/10(Wed)01:12 No.11782359
    You know, once again, in this particular scenario, I think I may actually just envy the guy rather than truly be jealous of him; he's so nonthreatening.

    it's kind of like how men abhor sarah jessica parker but women say she's pretty because they're totally unthreatened by ugly women but act like jealous bitches in response to any girls that are actually pretty
    >> Sploke♣ !!bWVW6b/Hx3f 08/25/10(Wed)01:15 No.11782384
    i only watched this for MEW and it because it is filmed and taken place in my hometown
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)01:15 No.11782386

    That's the point. He doesn't look extraordinary, yet he's making zillions of money, probably getting laid by anyone he wants, and you aren't. Thus the hate, the jealousy.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)01:17 No.11782418
    Vanityfair summed it up perfectly, please read this.
    >> Desmond+Faraday Shipper !!OaIejGDHu+Q 08/25/10(Wed)01:17 No.11782419
    Well, I just ignore him entirely. I don't speak directly to him, nor does he make eye contact with me as it is an unspoken rule that he is not to gaze upon the countenance of revered figures. He communicates to me only through our mother, and I just stoically ignore her, too—with the exception of an occasional swift, brusque "eat shit."

    remember it's the job of the older brother to subjugate the younger

    Now, if you want a legitimate case where I get trolled, you should ride along in the back seat whenever I have either of my parents in the passenger's side.

    i don't even want to elaborate on this holy shit
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)01:18 No.11782429
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    Since this movie came out, I keep seen threads regarding it instantly degenerate into a shitfest.

    "Hipster", "Twilight for boys", "Pretentious", "U MAD", etc.

    Do any of you kids ever form your own opinions about anything? Or do you just parrot whatever everyone else is saying? It's the same shit, posted in every fucking thread. And I don't mean the same reviews, that would imply you faggots actually watched it. I mean, the same meme crap. I've yet to see any actual discussions about it, and I probably never will since I hide every Scott Pilgrim thread that gets posted.

    What happened to you /tv/? You used to be cool.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)01:19 No.11782448
    I read the whole comic book and it didn't seem like a good movie so I didn't see it as I didn't enjoy the comic
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)01:19 No.11782455
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)01:21 No.11782472
    U MAD

    >> Desmond+Faraday Shipper !!OaIejGDHu+Q 08/25/10(Wed)01:21 No.11782473
    yeah i know that guy was a moron no need to point out the obvious GAWD
    >> Desmond+Faraday Shipper !!OaIejGDHu+Q 08/25/10(Wed)01:23 No.11782502
    Yes, let's all judge this movie by its own merits, separated from external influences.

    wait that just made things worse for you oops sorry whenever i go to help people i just compound the problem im so dumb! (you're supposed to console me and feel me up now)
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)01:23 No.11782508
    I'm not the person that you were responding to, but he did just make you waste your time writing out that long ass post where you broke down your original statement line by line.

    Id say successful troll is successful

    Also, youre a terrible older brother. Im the one that posted about my own little brother earlier. Hes an annoying fuck who parrots whatever is being said, but I have made it my personal mission to help him grow up to be a tolerable person.

    I am curious about the trolling in the car. Once, when i was young, I was playing my game boy in the back seat (and therefore not looking up) and my parents in the front started screaming at the top of their lungs while my dad swerved the wheel back and forth. After I nearly pissed my pants, they started laughing at me. Trolled fucking hard.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)01:25 No.11782525
    head over to /co/, where I am mostly. They were like this before the movie came out (about the comic). Now, id say its 70/30 in favor, and those who didnt like it have legitimate reasons.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)01:27 No.11782540
    I wish there was somewhere that I could bet money on your age. I would put thousands of dollars on 15. Shit would be so cash.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)01:27 No.11782541
    >starring cera
    >surprised it's doing bad

    Hell, you couldn't pay me to go watch that movie.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)01:32 No.11782590
    Edgar Wright made this movie in a way that everyone should like it.

    Seriously, even people I've taken to see who insisted they'd hate it have walked out going, "Fuck I hate how right you are."

    Yeah, that's right. I've seen it multiple times. I have contributed $50.25 to this movie's revenue. And I intend to buy the Blu-ray as soon as it comes out. That is how much fucking respect I have for everything that is this movie.
    >> Desmond+Faraday Shipper !!OaIejGDHu+Q 08/25/10(Wed)01:33 No.11782605
    >I'm not the person that you were responding to, but he did just make you waste your time writing out that long ass post where you broke down your original statement line by line.

    >Id say successful troll is successful

    yeah man but you're not factoring in the fact that i spend too much time online and type quickly and also just love to talk and shove my opinions or insights in peoples faces in some obnoxious manner especially if the subject is me or about me or something i said also want to make out

    >Also, youre a terrible older brother. Im the one that posted about my own little brother earlier. Hes an annoying fuck who parrots whatever is being said, but I have made it my personal mission to help him grow up to be a tolerable person.

    hey man male role models are supposed to be austere and emotionally distant
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)01:33 No.11782611

    Fuck yeah
    >> Desmond+Faraday Shipper !!OaIejGDHu+Q 08/25/10(Wed)01:34 No.11782617
    >I am curious about the trolling in the car. Once, when i was young, I was playing my game boy in the back seat (and therefore not looking up) and my parents in the front started screaming at the top of their lungs while my dad swerved the wheel back and forth. After I nearly pissed my pants, they started laughing at me. Trolled fucking hard.

    well i just got done talking to this with my friend because i love complaining but thinking about it complaining an amount of times greater than one time sounds an amount more fun that is greater than one how does your head feel reading that shit who's being trolled now extraneous aside what

    yeah with my father it's mostly him trying to jump on me the moment i make a "mistake" in part of his aggregate efforts to slowly erode my confidence over the course of several years so he can undermine me and ameliorate insecurities about his own shortcomings. for example screaming "BRAKE! BRAKE!" in the most insane, panicked way possible when someone's brake lights come on when they're 200ft away and im going 30 miles an hour MAN AM I GLAD HE'S IN PRISON NOW

    with my mother it's her giving convoluted and incoherent directions and if i ask her to clarify she yells belligerently and accuses me of "arguing" with her then wonders why i went straight instead of making a left.

    also both will extemporaneously slap my visor down which completely obscures my vision of the road because im a tall man who drives a sedan and if i try to correct this they go "NO I DON'T WANT IT LIKE THAT" when im the one driving insane control issues holy shit
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)01:34 No.11782623
    actually, I go less for role model and more for taunt him until he learns social etiquette
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)01:35 No.11782629
    I am feeling really really bad for Edgar Wright right now. The man put so much effort into this film. If you take a look at the vlogs he did he looks tired like he hasn't slept in weeks. And the very first weekend it get released it gets annihilated.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)01:36 No.11782634
    LOL and yet it's still tanking with fanboys like you around. Makes me want to see it even less.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)01:37 No.11782643
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    >well i just got done talking to this with my friend because i love complaining but thinking about it complaining an amount of times greater than one time sounds an amount more fun that is greater than one how does your head feel reading that shit who's being trolled now extraneous aside what
    >> Desmond+Faraday Shipper !!OaIejGDHu+Q 08/25/10(Wed)01:37 No.11782648
    that entails deigning to acknowledge his existence fuck that

    and yet im willing to give belabored responses to fatuous remarks on 4chan

    but he's like worse than 4chan people even so ok
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)01:38 No.11782655
    Why do people hate Cera so much? I dont hate or love him, but he did good in this film. Anyone that seriously was like" Cera? ll pass", explain why. Either way, thats a bad reason for missing such a good flick.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)01:39 No.11782658
    I like Edgar Wright.
    I hated the SP comic.
    I won't be seeing the movie no matter how much I may like Edgar.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)01:39 No.11782660
    Where can I send an email he'd actually see? Rarely do I enjoy a movie so much that I'll go back to see it more than once in theaters, and I feel like Edgar Wright should know that SOMEONE appreciated what he did.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)01:40 No.11782668
    Saw this movie today.
    It's now in my top 10 favs of all time.
    >> HIPSTER FAGGOTRY Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)01:41 No.11782676

    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)01:41 No.11782682
    Shaun of the Dead only made 3.3 million US opening weekend. It eventually made 30 mil in theaters, but made a shit ton of money with DVD sales after it became a cult classic.

    I actually think thats what they were going for with Scott Pilgrim. Everyone knows Edgar Wright makes his money in DVD sales.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)01:42 No.11782691
    I fucking hope so.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)01:43 No.11782698
    why didn't you like the comic? I personally enjoyed the movie more than the comic, due to the changes the movie made (especially to the ending)
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)01:43 No.11782700

    Best bet would be to follow him on Twitter or Facebook. Or spam the imdb with your thoughts and feelings. or both for extra profit.
    >> Ganz !uMAsN9xW9c 08/25/10(Wed)01:44 No.11782707
    Casting Micheal cera as Scott was a horrible idea.

    He did a fine job, but he alienated the target audience.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)01:44 No.11782716
    Yeah except Shaun of the Dead was actually good and didn't have Michael Cera in it.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)01:45 No.11782727
    I was interested in seeing this movie until finding out that Cera was the lead. He's done nothing but play the same damn role since Arrested Development. He isn't so much an actor as he is a living stereotype right now. It was funny in AD, but not anymore.
    >> Desmond+Faraday Shipper !!OaIejGDHu+Q 08/25/10(Wed)01:46 No.11782731
    Most cult classics have a gritty, organic feel rather than a meretricious facade with an inflated production budget, don't they? I have exquisite tastes, though, so a callow youth with a less refined palate may find these jejune insights resonate with them.

    time to rewatch the later seasons of heroes and aaron sorkin's sport's nightlol no not really im going to listen to dave matthews band
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)01:46 No.11782737

    Yeah but what was the production budget on Shaun? if it was cheap to make then of course it's going to be profitable. Scott Pilgrim cost 60 million and it has only reached a third of that in its second week.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)01:48 No.11782750
    It was ok. I thought the love story didn't really work, but Wright's direction stole the show. Not really worth all the butthurt. One thing is clear though, a movie designed for fanboys can still be crippled by middle America's hatred for a particular actor. We've seen it happen this summer with Megan Fox and now Cera.
    >> Desmond+Faraday Shipper !!OaIejGDHu+Q 08/25/10(Wed)01:48 No.11782766
    >Scott Pilgrim cost 60 million
    you spelt 90 million incorrectly sir
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)01:49 No.11782768
    I agree. I think Michael Cera did a great job, but I dont get my panties in a twist over actors or shit like that. Also, Ive only ever seen him in arrested development, Clark and Michael, and techinically heard him in the Bernstein Bears cartoon, cause he was the voice of Brother. Maybe thats why he doesnt bother me so much.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)01:49 No.11782778

    Get over it. Cera might not be a versatile actor (at all) but he does fine in this film, and it is a great movie, well worth seeing. Go see it and stop whining, dammit. Focus on Wallace or something.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)01:50 No.11782783

    You are correct, but I spelled 60 million perfectly.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)01:52 No.11782803
    Scott Pilgrim was made on a 60 million dollar budget. Where the hell did you get 90?
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)01:53 No.11782812
    I can now understand why we don't get good movies as often as we should anymore. Can't say I blame studios.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)01:54 No.11782821
    He was pointing out the actual budget including marketing costs if I had to guess.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)01:54 No.11782824

    it was 90 after marketing. 60 is the production budget. That's a shitload on advertising, and I think it did nothing but hurt them due to the way it was presented.
    >> Desmond+Faraday Shipper !!OaIejGDHu+Q 08/25/10(Wed)01:55 No.11782832
    Because Wikipedia is credible and infallible.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)01:55 No.11782835
    I saw the movie, then read the first book.

    I dont like michael Sera, and thought that the movie would have been better with someone else playing scott pilgrim. Someone more boisterous. but ALL the other casting was spot-fucking-on. Maybe except for ramona. could have used someone...bubblier. maybe.

    Regardless, I started to loose my shit the very moment the indian music with Demon Hipster Chicks bit happened, and also loved the Vegan Police. I was willing to sit through the cheesey romance and suchlike. And I have a new hatred for hipsters and people who define their lives with music. But, it's the perspective of someone who reads a lot, and was scarred in middle school by the backstreet boys.

    It's Music! It's SOUNDS! There's no fucking deeper content, it's all super-subjective, it's not that fucking great. read a book, you ignorant hipster douchebag.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)01:56 No.11782841

    You're probably right, but the marketing cost never gets included. Otherwise we would have to re-analyze every single movie's budget that has ever been recorded.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)01:56 No.11782842
    Shaun of the Dead was made on a 4 million pound budget (I was in england in 2005, and the exchange rate was about 1 pound equals 2 dollars) So Shaun was made for about 8 million dollars and made 3 in its opening weekend
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)01:57 No.11782855

    I would go to Box Office Mojo before Wikipedia stupid grasshopper.
    >> Desmond+Faraday Shipper !!OaIejGDHu+Q 08/25/10(Wed)01:57 No.11782860
    Seeing how this inflates the number by 50% in this particular instance, maybe that sentiment has some merit.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)01:58 No.11782861
    marketing is not counted in the reported budget of other movies. Why would you count it in this one?
    >> Desmond+Faraday Shipper !!OaIejGDHu+Q 08/25/10(Wed)01:59 No.11782879
    >but sarcasm is hard to pick up on the internet!
    Yes, judging by the context, I don't possibly see how you were expected to pick up on it.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)02:00 No.11782886
    Envy Adams totally wants you to come.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)02:01 No.11782894

    I love the smell of sweet irony late at night.
    >> Desmond+Faraday Shipper !!OaIejGDHu+Q 08/25/10(Wed)02:01 No.11782898
    so if i made after last season 2 and spent 90 million dollars of my investor's money on "marketing" i could tell them the 9 dollars we raked in netted an 8.50 profit? whoa that'd be like… a 12% profit margin or something. why didn't i figure this out sooner!
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)02:02 No.11782905

    No, it still doesn't. The basic production cost is what they need to get the movie made, if the studio decides to splurge on marketing, that's their problem.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)02:02 No.11782909
    Because its still money paid that isn't likely to be recouped now. I doubt Universal is sitting in it's office thinking oh well at least we didnt lose all that money we spent on marketing
    >> Desmond+Faraday Shipper !!OaIejGDHu+Q 08/25/10(Wed)02:03 No.11782914
    no you see i actually wasn't being sardonic there
    unless box office mojo is actually credible
    then i was
    what's box office mojo i just wanted to make derisive remarks to anons to posture
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)02:03 No.11782921
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    This movie was great.

    >Crash: This song is for the guy who keeps yelling from the balcony and it's called "We Hate You, Please Die."
    >Wallace Wells: Sweet! A song for me!
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)02:04 No.11782929
    you cant pick and choose which movies to inflate the budget of based on which movies you like and dont like. Also, an advertising budget of 30 million dollars is not that much, even for a movie with a 60 milllion dollar budget, especially in the summer. Do you have any idea what percentage movies usually spend on advertising. Its often over 50%. Just because that seems like a big number to you doesnt mean it is.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)02:04 No.11782930

    Fuck you. This was honestly the worst movie I have ever seen in theatres. No, I am not a troll. No, I am not obsessed with hating Michael Cera. The only other movie I saw with him in it was Superbad, which I thought was a pretty decent movie. I went into the movie with pretty high hopes, and I kept telling myself it would get better.

    90% of the jokes in the movie were either supposed to be so bad they were funny (which got old when they did it 10 times in the first five minutes), or they were just references.

    I'm not going to sit here and tell you that you aren't allowed to like this movie. But the fact is that either you are going to find references and ironically shitty humor for the entire length of a film funny, or absolutely unbearable. It is not that surprising that many people are going to absolutely hate it, even though you love it.

    The failure movie is not the reason why we haven't been getting amazing movies. It is the reason why we haven't been getting movies pander to you and a few other people.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)02:04 No.11782932

    Then that applies to every other movie as well. Which, as previously mentioned, would fuck up the record books.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)02:04 No.11782934
    oh yeah

    ohhhhh yeahhhhhhh
    >> Desmond+Faraday Shipper !!OaIejGDHu+Q 08/25/10(Wed)02:06 No.11782939
    >you cant pick and choose which movies to inflate the budget of based on which movies you like and dont like.

    ok so let's just do it with every movie indiscriminately this shit all gets archived anyway doesn't it you can point out our inconsistencies later
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)02:06 No.11782942

    >This was honestly the worst movie I have ever seen in theatres.

    >No, I am not a troll.

    Nice quick insurance save.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)02:06 No.11782948
    The references were only mildly amusing and the humor wasn't ironic in the least.

    The fuck movie were YOU watching?
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)02:07 No.11782958
    fucking loved that scene!

    Is that girl also a boy?
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)02:07 No.11782959

    Liked the music.
    >> Desmond+Faraday Shipper !!OaIejGDHu+Q 08/25/10(Wed)02:07 No.11782964
    i think it worked don't you im going to fax my lawyer posts so he can review them and cover all my bases for me before i post
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)02:09 No.11782976

    You're a planner.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)02:10 No.11782989

    LOL no I loved the two word song they sung before that.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)02:10 No.11782998
    Maybe it should be counted then. Since it's still money spent on the film.This just sounds like a way to make a movie sound like it profited more for the studio then it actually did.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)02:11 No.11783001
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)02:11 No.11783003
    I get the theme stuck in my head all the time now.

    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)02:11 No.11783004
    We are Sex Bob-Omb and we are here to make you think about death and get sad and stuff!
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)02:12 No.11783014

    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)02:13 No.11783024
    I personally enjoyed the bit where Scott tells Wallace about Ramona while Wallace is passed out and immeadetly gets a call from his sister

    Stacey Pilgrim: You should break up with your fake highschool girlfriend!
    Scott Pilgrim: Wait who told you?
    Stacey Pilgrim: Wallace.
    Scott Pilgrim: He's not even conscious!

    and the camera goes back to Wallace and hes still passed out in the same position but theres now a cell phone in his hand
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)02:14 No.11783033

    Odd how long this song is, since the only time I remember hearing it was a small part right after the twins fight.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)02:14 No.11783035
    Anything involving Wallace was spectacular.
    >> Desmond+Faraday Shipper !!OaIejGDHu+Q 08/25/10(Wed)02:14 No.11783039
    They say people with Anti-Social Personality Disorder have little to no foresight. And yet here I am, planning for every contingency.

    That'll show my quack psychiatrist. In-house rehab center my fucking dick.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)02:14 No.11783045

    I loved that part too. Man this movie just reeked of freshness.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)02:14 No.11783052

    Liked the part right before that where Wallace tossed the keys at Scott's head more.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)02:15 No.11783056
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    It was only bad because they took a great line from Kim and gave it to Scott.
    >> The Voice 08/25/10(Wed)02:16 No.11783068
    When Lee starts kicking Scott's ass

    "Scott, *points* evil boyfriend...fight!"
    >> Maltease !35X7R/7pEY 08/25/10(Wed)02:16 No.11783069
    "I guess Wallace..."
    *pelt's Scott in the head with a perfectly aimed drunken key toss*
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)02:16 No.11783074
    I hope this movie develops a cult following after its unfortunate dismal performance at the BO.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)02:17 No.11783078
    the movie would have done a lot better if michael cera wasn't in it. a majority of people probably thought it was another typical michael cera movie which they have already watched about half a dozen times now.

    its the equivalent of seein M. Night Shymalalan attached to a trailer. it just makes you groan and not want to watch the film
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)02:17 No.11783080

    There was alot of that in the movie though. Using other people's lines and even fights for different characters. Like the Roxie fight in the movie was Ramona VS envy in the comic. The "let's both be girls" thing was Envy to Todd. A bunch of other things like that as well.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)02:17 No.11783083
    I luld so hard to Patel.
    >> Desmond+Faraday Shipper !!OaIejGDHu+Q 08/25/10(Wed)02:17 No.11783084
    lmfao XD
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)02:18 No.11783096
    it will.

    it's destined to. it's literally perfect for our generation. gen x's had gay before sunset. gen y's had legitimately awesome eternal sunshine. i'm perfectly fine with scott pilgrim. it's cultishness will know no bounds
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)02:18 No.11783099
    That whole scene was spectacular.

    FUCK, I'm like Abatap about this damn movie. I want to see it AGAIN.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)02:19 No.11783108
    they wanted a sequel ;_;
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)02:20 No.11783113

    Happen to have the page from the comic where Scott gets the 1-up? I remember there was something I liked about it, but don't want to look for it myself.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)02:20 No.11783116

    I think calling the references mildly amusing is a stretch, but that just isn't my kind of humor. As for the irony, I refuse to believe that the jokes were earnestly as bad as they seemed. There were some pretty funny jokes, but most of them were clearly meant to be stupid to the point of being funny, like "bi-furious". I could believe that "I'm in lesbians" was supposed to actually be funny, but I refuse to believe that the part where he "gets a life" was not supposed to be ironically bad.

    The other type of humor that irritated me was when they would set a scene up like a typical movie scene and then everybody would start acting "naturally", like in the scene where the vegan (I admit the vegan police was a pretty funny concept) says that Scott will be dust by Monday and then they act all confused and have a discussion in conversational voices, rather than the intense voices they were using before.

    It's tough to get that idea across, hopefully you understand what I mean.
    >> Anonymous 08/25/10(Wed)02:20 No.11783118
    >> royoftherovers !!lHPmgngLbMg 08/25/10(Wed)02:21 No.11783130
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    if you don't like scott pilgrim

    you can tell it to the cleaning lady on monday.

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